t_mcpardi escribió:ditifet escribió:t_mcpardi escribió:CM11 instalado, de momento he probado muy poco pero de momento muy bien.
Si alguien quiere saber algo que me lo diga y mirare si puedo ayudar.
Intuyo que pierdes el store de Ouya ,no?
Diferencias generales frente al s.o de fábrica?
Si, se pierde, en teoría dicen que va a salir la store de Ouya para muchos otros dispositivos, supongo que cuando salga se podrá instalar.
La diferencia mas destacada es que CM11 es Android "puro" 4.4.2.
Elnef escribió:t_mcpardi escribió:CM11 instalado, de momento he probado muy poco pero de momento muy bien.
Si alguien quiere saber algo que me lo diga y mirare si puedo ayudar.
¿Qué tutorial has seguido?
No he seguido ningún tutorial en concreto, lo he hecho leyendo mucho en

http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthr ... ?t=2692836 (BOOTLOADER) y
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthr ... ?t=2692843 (ROM)
El tutorial podría ser esto mas o menos:
You need to have a newer CWM recovery installed in order to flash the bootmenu.
READ AND UNDERSTAND what you are doing!
This bootmenu is flashed over your current bootimage - newer cyanogenmod builds will place their bootimage to /system/boot.img automatically. if you are not using a custom rom you will need to relocate your bootimage (read: kernel) to /system/boot.img manually.
You need to have a newer CWM recovery installed in order to flash the bootmenu (otherwise you'll get a build.product mismatch while installing).
1a) If you already have an older custom recovery installed:
Boot into recovery and flash
http://milaq.exnet.me/downloads/ouya...0.4.7-ouya.zip. This will update your recovery to a newer version allowing you to flash the bootmenu regularly.
1b) If you don't have a custom recovery installed:
You can either use the one-click installer from
http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2295645 and continue with step 1a).
Or you can flash a newer recovery via fastboot (if you know what you are doing):
http://milaq.exnet.me/downloads/ouya...0.4.7-ouya.img2.) Flash the bootmenu via (the new) recovery by installing the latest updatezip (download below). Make sure that the installation procedure was successful.
If you get a "MD5 mismatch" your download is probably broken. Just redownload and try again. The installscript checks the md5's mutliple times while installing and reflashes your old bootimage in case something goes wrong.
So if you are not doing something REALLY stupid this is safe to go.
Y luego:
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpos ... stcount=76http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpos ... stcount=84Saludos.