Hello, everyone, I’m Savior, a.k.a. kenshin_sp for those of you who have been around the internet forums and message boards, and for those who don’t know me, I’ve been working for WM for a while now, developing Pier Solar Strategy Guide.
So, from now on – since we’re on the final stages of its development – we will be writing a few articles to make sure you also get involved with our work. I’m proud to inform you that right now we have finished about 80% of the guide, and not too much is missing. Meanwhile, we’re working on including some of the HD content to the personal guide, and I actually had the chance to have some fun with the Beta game. I can assure you, it is nothing less than FANTASTIC.
So, after talking to Tulio – our “Last Boss”, and the evil mind behind Pier Solar remake and its exclusive extra content – I was finally allowed to (after hours of negotiation – okay, after hours of imploration) publish these short articles and some screenshots of the game I made, so here is what I have for you today:
1) Rejas Hoston’s house let´s leave June´s lecture for…

2) Edd – my favorite character – therefore I’m including his cinematic that no one had seen yet!

3) OMG dromedaries crises!!!

4) Even Captain Purjus looks awesome in HD!

So, what do you think? Awesome, isn’t it? Ok, Tulio, enough screenshots for today!
Well, that’s it for now, it’s all I have to share with you. Soon, our Last Boss will publish a new video talking about the last development steps ahead of us for the HD version, so stay tuned!
In my next post I will talk about the Strategy Guide development and how the whole process of making it works, who knows, maybe we even get the inspiration for one more brand new page for the guide, it all depends on your requests!
PS: Remember that the HD version of Pier Solar will count on exclusive extra content, mini-games, extra gameplay hours, trophies, and more WM Special Juice, you bet! If you haven’t yet guaranteed your copy, you can find all versions of the game and the Strategy Guide available for pre-order at our online Shop! Run and get your Dreamcast copy, because your touchy tears won’t help when you realize that they were all gone!
