Para el del lunes pone esto:
Available on Monday, 3/14 at 1am PT (9am GMT) will be a patch that should address many of the outstanding concerns that some of the community experienced on PS3 and Xbox 360. We have worked diligently to stabilize the network and address log-in issues. Friends lists will now be populated, invites will work correctly and Clubs will be brought back online. The Casino has been optimized and the bug causing players to lose money has been resolved. We have also addressed many of the exploits in the game and will be monitoring cheating in all its forms.
Sí,,los clubs estarán el lunes online,,,la lista de amigos será popularizada y las invitaciones funcionarán correctamente. El Casino ha sido optimizado y el bug causando que los jugadores perdieran dinero ha sido resuelto. También han corregido otros muchos fallos. Todo esto para el lunes.
Hoy sale el parche solo para partida corrupta
El lunes se arregla el resto de incidencias (que es el párrafo que veis aquí encima).