ArriDJ escribió:Nueva revisión r116 :
* Since some forwarders could not load the loader. Some fixes are done.
* Now the titles.txt and config.txt should sit under the root of SD card (SD:/config.txt and SD:/titles.txt)
* Now the loader could load bg_options.png from the theme folder
* Added theme.txt option to turn the game id on and off
* Added theme.txt option to adjust game id coordinate
* Added disc slot light when install is completed
* Optimized some of the code
* The cover location can be changed in theme.txt now config option: covers_coords = x, y
* coverdownload has been disabled due problems with the init
* little fixes
* un/lock only with the same password
* fixed some little bugs
* added WBFS_RenameGame for renaming games directly on the HDD
* added a constructor to optionbrowser in order to make options_bg to be customizable
* added Power Button Code Dump Fix
* made the game selection list customizable: in the theme folder (look at rev106), create a theme.txt and put the following config option to move the game selection list: gamelist_coords = x, y, w, h
* added custom background options: Inside config.txt (which sits in your boot.dol directory), put the line theme_path = yourpath or wtheme_path = yourpath (if you are using widescreen) (for example, theme_path = SD:/mytheme/) then put background.png inside yourpath (the folder)
* added cover downloading starting the GUI needs a bit longer
* added parental control (same as from ultimate loader)
* added Title Renaming Feature (put titles.txt with boot.dol in the same directory)
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