mas que nada porque uando veo que hay post nuevos en este hilo, ya ni tengo curiosidad por abrirlo porque se casi de antemano que no se trata de ninguna novedad sobre el isoloader, y como supuestamente este hilo trata de eso, y esta tratando de todo menos de eso, pues que lo xapen.
Por cierto han publicado algo de no se que firmwares en ps3news, haber si alguien puede traducirlo:
This is where we can discuss the cool news... and a Tutorial is now posted below as well! Props to both 'anonymous' and CJPC for their efforts on this! Here it is:
PS3 Firmware Version Check Bypassed (Windows) Tutorial by Jurai.
PS3 Firmware Version Check Bypassed (Windows) Tutorial by kswift510.
This is very simple to do (under Linux), with Windows- hopefully someone can get the Ettercap port working properly (I can't!) We are assuming that your PC had your run of the mill development tools installed, if not, check with your distro.
Note: No, you can not run this under PS3 Linux (unless of course, you have two PS3's). We are also assuming that you have a small network set up, with at least one PC, and the PS3 on it, connected into some type of modem.
How It Works:
The PS3 requests a page from $ony servers, that has the latest Firmware version, a download link, region info, etc..
We are hijacking that DNS request, and redirecting the request to our Web server. The Web server has the same files as the $ony servers, modified however to report a 0.00 Firmware version.
The PS3 then will check the file it received (the above mentioned file). It removes data (such as Firmware version), and checks it against its own. If the PS3 has a lower FW version than the $ony server, it needs to update. BUT, if the $ony server has a lower version number (or the same), it does not need to update.
1) Open a terminal window.
2) cd to an empty directory of your choice.
3) Type: wget
4) Type: tar xf ettercap-NG-0.7.3.tar.gz
5) Type: cd ettercap-NG-0.7.3
6) Type: ./configure --enable-plugins
7) A bunch of configuration checks and options should scroll by, once completed, at the bottom, should look like this:
Debug mode ............. no
Plugin support ......... yes
Passive DNS ............ yes
Perl regex in filters .. no
Iconv UTF-8 support .... yes
7a) If it fails at any time, due to a dependancy issue, install it (a simple yum/apt-get install XYZ usually does it).
7b) If Plugin support is no, re-install libtool.
8) Type: make
10) Type: make install
This copies all the files to where they need to be.
Note: One could also use a text editor to edit the etter.dns file, or any method you choose!
11) Type: cd /usr/local/share/ettercap/
Note: If the cd command fails, try cd /usr/share/ettercap/
12) Type: rm etter.dns
12a) Type: wget
13) Time to play! Turn your PS3 on, connect an ethernet cable, get it booted, network configured etc (to the Internet!)
Note: if your ethernet adapter is not at eth0, change it to eth1, etc!
14) Type: ettercap -T -Q -M arp -i eth0 // // -P dns_spoof
Now leave it alone, it will output a lot of stuff, wait 30 seconds, and go to the PS3, try the store, etc!
Output on PC should look like: dns_spoof: [] spoofed to []
The Web server is conviently hosted by us, and any updates are removed, Firmware version is spoofed at 0.00, so unless you’re running a pre 0.00 Firmware, (which you are not) it will work perfectly!
Hopefully a Windows version will be along soon (although Linux works perfectly, the world somehow still uses Windows).
For the future: When the big $ shuts it down w/ a Firmware upgrade (dont use DNS to resolve, go straight IP?), there is still hope! We may be able to spoof the entire store, and use PKG files (aka games/videos etc) on our own Web servers, and install them to the PS3 in a roundabout way.
Also, there is a large potential (with the proper modifications to the PUP) for downgrading!
'anonymous' & CJPC/
creo entender que es una historia para saltarse las comprobaciones de firmware que hace sony sobre nuestras ps3, y asi no podernos obligar a actulizar, es eso? que alguien me corrija