Today HanSooloo has updated his PS3 HDD Contents analysis and also shared Scan v0.3 with other PS3 DEVs (along with anyone else who wishes to check it out of course). Changes:
2007-04-11 0.3
> Added command line processing.
-h 3 letter block device name to scan e.g.; sda
-b Number of bytes to reserve for large hdd reas e.g.; 256000000
-s Byte signature to scan in comma searated form e.g.; 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
The author also states "My attention is now changing towards figuring out the sector encryption (that I believe exists). savage and I have been exchanging messages about what algorythms may be in use; and he seems to have some good ideas. At this point, we are trying different theories and trying to understand the suitability. Hopefully there will be some more news as the days go by."
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