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miquix escribió:Black Ops 2
28/03/12 por Antonio Velázquez
En las últimas horas ha salido a la luz información sobre Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, nombre que supuestamente llevará el próximo videojuego de la conocida franquicia de Activision. Toda la información que os vamos a mostrar a continuación contiene spoilers y, como no podía ser de otra forma, es un simple rumor, pues el juego no ha sido anunciado oficialmente.
La novena entrega de la franquicia llegará el 6 de noviembre y seguirá el hilo argumental de Black Ops, llamándose Black Ops 2. Está siendo desarrollado por Treyarch.
Nuevos modos de juego
Escort: nuevo modo de juego similar a Buscar y Destruir. Se deberá proteger a un jugador "VIP" mientras se desplaza a una de las tres áreas de rescate. Tiene rondas que se acaban cuando muere o se salva el jugador "VIP".
Drop Zone y Kill Confirmed volverán en Black Ops 2.
Team Defender y Infected no volverán.
Seguirán el sistema de Modern Warfare 3.
Se dará importancia a los objetivos.
Plantar una bomba suma 2 puntos
Capturar una bandera neutral suma 1 punto y una enemiga, 2.
Asistir en una bandera suma 1 y capturarla, 2.
El Specialist Pointstreak ha sido modificado. Dos muertes dan una ventaja y cuatro otorgan dos ventajas más. La sexta muerte te hace conseguir tres ventajas más y la octava otras cuatro más.
RCno se verán en Black Ops 2.
Visión térmica será un premio Pointstreak que se conseguirá con puntos.
Item Packages requiere 5 puntos.
15 prestigios
Cada uno tendrá hasta rank 50
Cada dos prestigios el número de rank aumenta en cinco
El último prestigio tiene 90 de rank.
ELITE vendrá totalmente incorporado en Black Ops 2.
La grabación Combat ahora se llama ELITE Stats.
Hay un lobby especial para partidas entre clanes
Torneos de clanes ahora han sido implantados
No hay MOAB o Nuke
No hay "last stand"
No hay death streaks
No hay ataque con flame thrower
Map Design
El map design y el tamaño seguirá la pauta de Black Ops y no de Modern Warfare 3.
Rifles francotirador
Mejorado el uso de rifles francotirador
No hay asistencia de puntería para ningún rifle
En general menos influencia de los rifles de francotirador
No solo con el perk 1 se opta a la customización
La apariencia es una combinación de todos los perks y Pointstreak.
Mucha más importancia al hardcore que en anteriores entregas.
No hay lanzagranadas.
No hay vehículos teledirigidos (lanzacohetes sí).
Tiempo de respawn disminuye en casi todos los modos.
Un disparo en el pie no matará a un jugador. Se requerirá un disparo en la cabeza o pecho.
Los jugadores se desangrarán si son gravemente heridos.
Perk System 2.0
El sistema Perk Pro se ha actualizado.
Ahora hay dos caminos a los que puede optar un perk para mejorarse.
Cada uno de esos caminos requiere diferentes retos para desbloquearse.
Una vez se ha desbloqueado la versión Pro del perk, el jugador podrá seleccionarla como el Perk Pro.
Una vez seleccionado solo se puede cambiar entrando en modo prestigio.
Combat Training
Volverá con muchas mejoras.
La dificultad no se basará en cuanto tardan en disparar los bots.
Los bots cuentan con una IA avanzada.
En general será similar a lo visto en el modo Spec Ops de Modern Warfare 3.
Segun he leido van a quitar los quick scopes.... (si no he entendido mal)
No pinta nada mal
SiKuSS escribió:Mal vamos... Primera partida en Overwatch y se me ha colgado la play...
SiKuSS escribió:Mal vamos... Primera partida en Overwatch y se me ha colgado la play...
pupila1992 escribió:Solo han sacado ese mapa? Ni piazza ni el pack?
No me digáis lo que cuesta.. Ya lo veré yo luego
Edito: esperando actualizacion del juego para jugar al nuevo mapa porque eso de que se quede pillada la consola siempre en ese mapa no mola
mark knopfler escribió:SiKuSS escribió:Mal vamos... Primera partida en Overwatch y se me ha colgado la play...
mas d lo mismo !! 2 partidas 2 veces pillada la ps3
SiKuSS escribió:mark knopfler escribió:SiKuSS escribió:Mal vamos... Primera partida en Overwatch y se me ha colgado la play...
mas d lo mismo !! 2 partidas 2 veces pillada la ps3
Mejor lo dejamos por hoy, parece que hay algo que deberían de arreglar...
5 partidas en Overwatch, 3 colgadas de play y 2 partidas "Agotado tiempo de espera con el servidor". Tocate la chorra y baila...
santako escribió:Yo he jugado 5 partidas ya en Overwatch y no se me ha colgado ninguna vez probad a desinstalar el mapa y volver a instalarlo alomejor funciona
SaSaRe escribió:Hola a todos!!
Soy nuevo por aquí y tengo una dudilla, a ver si me la podeis resolver!
Con la actualización de hoy y el mapa nuevo, alguien sabe si se puede jugar mezclando los mapas de inicio del juego con los descargados o si para jugar a los nuevos hay que seguir en las partidas de elite??
muchas gracias!!
Areypo escribió:Lo que no entiendo de los que hacen trampas para la MOAB..
Vamos, si no dan ni desafíos, ni títulos ni emblemas, además sólo da +100 de experiencia al tirarla... vamos un IEM o un AC130 dá más experiencia y mata más....
juanuolo escribió:Areypo escribió:Lo que no entiendo de los que hacen trampas para la MOAB..
Vamos, si no dan ni desafíos, ni títulos ni emblemas, además sólo da +100 de experiencia al tirarla... vamos un IEM o un AC130 dá más experiencia y mata más....
Yo creo que la gente que hace trampas en infectado es para subir rapido de nivel .De hecho conozco gente que hace eso para subir rapido de prestigio .A mi me parece una chorrada pk es engañarse a si mismo, y diversion cero.
SiKuSS escribió:Voy un poco desorientado en Overwatch, me sale gente de todas partes... Aún así bastante chulo, os dejo un par de bajas en dicho mapa
PD: Acabo de descubrir que desde el Cine ya se puede grabar a youtube en 720! (se ve un poco guarrillo pero aún así es mucho mejor que lo que había antes...)
Graffucker escribió:No es tan dificil... Un mapa cada mes
A movement is beginning to gain some small momentum in the Call of Duty community. That is MW3 Blackout (#MW3BlackOut and @MW3BlackOut on Twitter), a movement to darken theMW3BlackOut april 20, 2012 servers of Modern Warfare 3 by refusing to play the game on April 20th, 2012.
Some community members feel that it is the only way to get Activision and Infinity Ward to sit up and take notice of their grievances with what they perceive as an incomplete game and a non-caring developer and publisher.
Will it work? It’s hard to say, but if there is a large single day drop in online play, it could be enough for someone to notice. But it could take far more than that for action to be taken on the part of the companies.
Here’s a video created by the organizers.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAozpepj ... r_embedded
The video states that it is a call to action for the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 community to not play April 20th, 2012.
The crux of the problem is that some players see the lack of post-release fixes for some major issues as Infinity Ward and Activision simply not caring about the gamers.
Fixes that the organizers want to see implemented include:
Lag Compensation
Matchmaking options which include the ability to enable, disable local search and base search off the party leader when playing with friends.
Changes to the broken [sic] spawn system
Full-featured theater mode including volume controls in options
Tac insert removed from kill confirmed
More hardcore game modes
Better Elite playlist options
Objective stats on in-game scoreboards
Akimbo machine pistol nerf
Removal of any assault killstreaks from the support package
Removal of deathstreaks
Fix LAN settings for competitive events
It’s a pretty long list of fixes to say the least. Others in the community agree that the list is long, and yet believe that lag compensation would be a good place to start.
Others completely disagree that not playing the game for a single day will have an impact. they state that the best way to show displeasure is to not buy the game.
However, there are other options, for example, a class-action lawsuit citing breach of contract in that the game is not in a totally playable state and does not live up to what the pre-release advertising stated it would be. That would be a drastic step, and an extremely long road. Boycotting any further content releases for the game as well as future games in the series is definitely another option and with amazing free to play games and indie game available it would be easy enough to find something else to play.
Simply put, players bought into the Activision hype knowing full well that the game would probably have issues, as the previous titles have. Many of the previous Call of Duty titles have been met with similar frustration and yet, millions of gamers, almost zombie-like, shelled out their hard-earned cash for yet another iteration of the game, and it’s broken, and now they’re angry about it. To really show Activision that displeasure from the previous games, they should have not purchased in the first place.
However, there does seem to be a good deal of merit for the displeasure with Infinity Ward. In the official Modern Warfare 3 forums there is a question that was posted on December 2nd, 2011 that has yet to receive an answer:
When can we expect the patch for the lag compensation? I shouldn’t be penalized for having a fast Internet connection.
There’s another from even earlier that is still not answered completely, however, one of the Call of Duty Elite, the online service and DLC subscription did reply with:
Lag Compensation: This is something that is being adjusted by the developers in increments. It’s definitely something they are looking into and working on. However, these adjustments take time to make and implement.
Lag compensation attempts to slow down the game for those who have a faster connection speed and better data throughput so that they are on the same footing as those with a lower data connection. Many players complain that they pay for higher speed broadband specifically to be able to play Modern Warfare 3 better. It does seem that being able to pay more for a faster connection does create an uneven playing field in the game. However the Lag compensation system seems to not be an ideal solution because many seem to think that it is negatively impacting their game performance and enjoyment level. Effectively, the game is penalizing those with faster speed connections.
Perhaps what Infinity Ward should have done was made matchmaking more based on ping times and broadband speeds than anything else. They could do a quick speed test to determine the bandwidth available to the player each time they connect to the servers and then group players for auto-matchmaking that be using ranges of upload/download speeds and ping times to servers.
They could also allow players to make the decision by giving them a set of options allowing them to choose min/max values for players they want to be matched up against as wellas being able to turn the settings on and off at will. The current lag compensation system does not sound like it is functioning exactly as they had hoped and by giving the gamers the ability to choose a range, within a certain distance from their speeds (for example +/- 1Mbps or 5Mbps centered on their download speed) they might overcome a lot of community pushback. The ability to turn if off as well as connection speeds could easily be shown in the lobby so that players on slower connections would be able to see those things and choose to play or not. It could even implement an auto-warning when entering a lobby stating that X number of players in the lobby are/are not using lag compensation or that they are outside the player chosen range of speeds, etc.
Instead of simply assuming they know what the gamers want this would give gamers the ability to pick and choose their games and get into games without lag compensation but with players that are not too far above or below in terms of speed. If the dozens of forum posts on the official forums is any indication, and it should be, there are plenty of players who are extremely displeased with what Infinity Ward has done and failed to undo. Considering that some posts date back to November and people still believe lag compensation to be broken, it seems only prudent to remove it altogether until they can implement a system that would function correctly and return the power to the players. After all, the players are the ones that pay to keep the lights on and if you anger enough of them, they might simply not buy your next game. At a million players boycotting the next game, it’s a loss of $60 million in sales, which trickles down to probably just $3-5 million for the publisher, Activision, and $1 Million for the developer, Infinity Ward. According to VGChartz, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 sold some 13.72 million units. a 20% drop would require about 2.75 million players to forgo purchasing the next iteration of the franchise.
Perhaps the MW3BlackOut will work, perhaps not. Perhaps it will require a week of blackout, or a month. Maybe it will take a concerted effort and campaign to keep people from buying the next game in the Call of Duty franchise. Either way, it’s going to be a lot of work getting the companies to stop and listen. If the drive continues and does result in a 20% loss of unit sales when the next Call of Duty is released (later this year allegedly Black Ops 2) that might finally be enough to get them to come to the table and talk about how to fix things.
In a perfect world, a single day of black out would bring Infinity Ward into the forums and begin an open and earnest discussion about lag compensation and some other possibilities. But it’s far from a perfect world.
miquix escribió:Creo que se quiere hacer una protesta a nivel mundial para que arreglen el MW3. Aqui dejo la información en inglés, por si alguien se entera un poco más én ingles.
Aqui la web: http://www.gamersdailynews.com/articlen ... age-1.html
Lo pongo en spoiler, porque es bastante largoA movement is beginning to gain some small momentum in the Call of Duty community. That is MW3 Blackout (#MW3BlackOut and @MW3BlackOut on Twitter), a movement to darken theMW3BlackOut april 20, 2012 servers of Modern Warfare 3 by refusing to play the game on April 20th, 2012.
Some community members feel that it is the only way to get Activision and Infinity Ward to sit up and take notice of their grievances with what they perceive as an incomplete game and a non-caring developer and publisher.
Will it work? It’s hard to say, but if there is a large single day drop in online play, it could be enough for someone to notice. But it could take far more than that for action to be taken on the part of the companies.
Here’s a video created by the organizers.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAozpepj ... r_embedded
The video states that it is a call to action for the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 community to not play April 20th, 2012.
The crux of the problem is that some players see the lack of post-release fixes for some major issues as Infinity Ward and Activision simply not caring about the gamers.
Fixes that the organizers want to see implemented include:
Lag Compensation
Matchmaking options which include the ability to enable, disable local search and base search off the party leader when playing with friends.
Changes to the broken [sic] spawn system
Full-featured theater mode including volume controls in options
Tac insert removed from kill confirmed
More hardcore game modes
Better Elite playlist options
Objective stats on in-game scoreboards
Akimbo machine pistol nerf
Removal of any assault killstreaks from the support package
Removal of deathstreaks
Fix LAN settings for competitive events
It’s a pretty long list of fixes to say the least. Others in the community agree that the list is long, and yet believe that lag compensation would be a good place to start.
Others completely disagree that not playing the game for a single day will have an impact. they state that the best way to show displeasure is to not buy the game.
However, there are other options, for example, a class-action lawsuit citing breach of contract in that the game is not in a totally playable state and does not live up to what the pre-release advertising stated it would be. That would be a drastic step, and an extremely long road. Boycotting any further content releases for the game as well as future games in the series is definitely another option and with amazing free to play games and indie game available it would be easy enough to find something else to play.
Simply put, players bought into the Activision hype knowing full well that the game would probably have issues, as the previous titles have. Many of the previous Call of Duty titles have been met with similar frustration and yet, millions of gamers, almost zombie-like, shelled out their hard-earned cash for yet another iteration of the game, and it’s broken, and now they’re angry about it. To really show Activision that displeasure from the previous games, they should have not purchased in the first place.
However, there does seem to be a good deal of merit for the displeasure with Infinity Ward. In the official Modern Warfare 3 forums there is a question that was posted on December 2nd, 2011 that has yet to receive an answer:
When can we expect the patch for the lag compensation? I shouldn’t be penalized for having a fast Internet connection.
There’s another from even earlier that is still not answered completely, however, one of the Call of Duty Elite, the online service and DLC subscription did reply with:
Lag Compensation: This is something that is being adjusted by the developers in increments. It’s definitely something they are looking into and working on. However, these adjustments take time to make and implement.
Lag compensation attempts to slow down the game for those who have a faster connection speed and better data throughput so that they are on the same footing as those with a lower data connection. Many players complain that they pay for higher speed broadband specifically to be able to play Modern Warfare 3 better. It does seem that being able to pay more for a faster connection does create an uneven playing field in the game. However the Lag compensation system seems to not be an ideal solution because many seem to think that it is negatively impacting their game performance and enjoyment level. Effectively, the game is penalizing those with faster speed connections.
Perhaps what Infinity Ward should have done was made matchmaking more based on ping times and broadband speeds than anything else. They could do a quick speed test to determine the bandwidth available to the player each time they connect to the servers and then group players for auto-matchmaking that be using ranges of upload/download speeds and ping times to servers.
They could also allow players to make the decision by giving them a set of options allowing them to choose min/max values for players they want to be matched up against as wellas being able to turn the settings on and off at will. The current lag compensation system does not sound like it is functioning exactly as they had hoped and by giving the gamers the ability to choose a range, within a certain distance from their speeds (for example +/- 1Mbps or 5Mbps centered on their download speed) they might overcome a lot of community pushback. The ability to turn if off as well as connection speeds could easily be shown in the lobby so that players on slower connections would be able to see those things and choose to play or not. It could even implement an auto-warning when entering a lobby stating that X number of players in the lobby are/are not using lag compensation or that they are outside the player chosen range of speeds, etc.
Instead of simply assuming they know what the gamers want this would give gamers the ability to pick and choose their games and get into games without lag compensation but with players that are not too far above or below in terms of speed. If the dozens of forum posts on the official forums is any indication, and it should be, there are plenty of players who are extremely displeased with what Infinity Ward has done and failed to undo. Considering that some posts date back to November and people still believe lag compensation to be broken, it seems only prudent to remove it altogether until they can implement a system that would function correctly and return the power to the players. After all, the players are the ones that pay to keep the lights on and if you anger enough of them, they might simply not buy your next game. At a million players boycotting the next game, it’s a loss of $60 million in sales, which trickles down to probably just $3-5 million for the publisher, Activision, and $1 Million for the developer, Infinity Ward. According to VGChartz, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 sold some 13.72 million units. a 20% drop would require about 2.75 million players to forgo purchasing the next iteration of the franchise.
Perhaps the MW3BlackOut will work, perhaps not. Perhaps it will require a week of blackout, or a month. Maybe it will take a concerted effort and campaign to keep people from buying the next game in the Call of Duty franchise. Either way, it’s going to be a lot of work getting the companies to stop and listen. If the drive continues and does result in a 20% loss of unit sales when the next Call of Duty is released (later this year allegedly Black Ops 2) that might finally be enough to get them to come to the table and talk about how to fix things.
In a perfect world, a single day of black out would bring Infinity Ward into the forums and begin an open and earnest discussion about lag compensation and some other possibilities. But it’s far from a perfect world.
javi_Sdr escribió:La entrega de hoy para los elites solo tiene Overwatch? No tiene ni operaciones especiales ni nada más? Solo un mapa online?
ZebasR escribió:Hola a todos por favor respondanme!!! tengo una duda emepeze el primer prestigio voy en rango 12 de call of duty world at war pero miro que estoy subiendo rapido porque?? recuerdo que antes no subia tan rapido la rayita o desde que rango empieza a ponerse mas lento para subir?? ayudenmeee tengo esa dudaaaa y lo pongo aqui porque el hilo oficial de world at war esta muerto hehe
miquix escribió:ZebasR escribió:Hola a todos por favor respondanme!!! tengo una duda emepeze el primer prestigio voy en rango 12 de call of duty world at war pero miro que estoy subiendo rapido porque?? recuerdo que antes no subia tan rapido la rayita o desde que rango empieza a ponerse mas lento para subir?? ayudenmeee tengo esa dudaaaa y lo pongo aqui porque el hilo oficial de world at war esta muerto hehe
Todos los COD funcionan igual, los primeros niveles se sube rapidisimo, en 3-4 partidas te plantas en el nivel 20. A partir del nivel 50 es cuando las cosas van muy lentas.
Además, al prestigiar subes mucho mas rapido porque ya te sabes los mapas y sabes como moverte, en cambio al principio de tener el juego, seguro que pillabas muchisimo por no saber como moverte por el mapa, y por tanto no tenias muchos puntos.
EDIT: Los que jugais con escopeta, me podeis decir la clase que llevais???
Que os parece esta?
Arma principal : Striker o modelo
Secundaria: Stinger (lo llevo siempre) o mp9
Ventaja1: Prestidigitación
Ventaja 2: apuntado rapido
Ventaja 3: Punteria estable.