Bread Box - Frodo 3DS
Ported from FrodoDS

Version 0.1b
Loading from .d64 or .prg
Joystick port swapping
Keyboard (mostly)
Drive LED (look closely it's tiny)
To Do
Sound - Need help with that.
Save/Load State
Random other stuff
Currently will only load .d64 if true 1541 is enabled (button underlined). I don't know why this is.
As a result, loading is S-L-O-W. When possible try to use .prg files.
No sound - someone needs to help with that. I don't know how Frodo OR 3DS does sound.
Unzip contends to you SD card. Make sure it looks like this -
Warning, I just now noticed that it's crashing right away on my 3DS. I don't know it this is happening for everyone. I'll have a look at it in a couple of hours, when I get back home. ... febc7af73e Current build, true 1541 emu is off by default, you need to hit the button before trying to load a .d64 game.
If anyone can help with the sound, please don't hesitate to PM me.