FBI is an open source CIA (un)installer.
Current Version: 1.3.8
Available as a CIA, 3DS, and 3DSX.
Install, uninstall, and launch applications from both the SD card and NAND.
Delete CIA files from the SD card.
Install or delete all of the CIA files in a directory at once.
Install CIA files over the network using sockfile.
Detailed error output, making it easier to figure out why an (un)installation failed.
sockfile is a command line utility (java -jar sockfile.jar <ip> <file>) that can be used to send CIA files over the network to FBI. Press "Y" to display the 3DS's IP address and listen for network installation requests.
FalconPunch (Python, by mooglazer):
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/block ... onPunch.pySocketPunch (GUI, by Joshtech):
http://gbatemp.net/threads/release-sock ... le.386762/Screenshot(s)

Binaries are typically built from the latest source commit, at the very least being updated after major changes.
https://github.com/Steveice10/FBI/releases Source:
https://github.com/Steveice10/FBI sockfile
https://github.com/Steveice10/sockfile/releases Source:
https://github.com/Steveice10/sockfile FAQ
Q: Can I install any CIA I want via Ninjhax? / I'm getting an "Invalid signature" error!
A: No. Without something that patches signature checks, such as emuNAND or a CFW, you cannot install CIAs that are not properly signed.
Q: I'm getting a "Database does not exist" / "Invalid database" error!
A: You likely haven't installed anything from eShop or other locations before. You will need to go to the "Nintendo 3DS/<id0>/<id1>/dbs/" directory on your SD card and create empty "title.db" and "import.db" files. Then, go to System Settings -> Data Management -> Nintendo 3DS -> Software on your 3DS and let it repair the database files.