Wickd y Malunoo suben cuentas a lvl 30 y empiezan a hacer duo en ranked juntos. Con apenas personajes ni runas. Balance de 30-2 y ya por encima de 2000 de elo.
El que vale vale y el que no, no llega a 2000 y punto.
PD: Por el camino jugué una con ellos y me ganaron la partida, free elo FTW

(No, no tengo 2000 elo, he dicho por el camino)
A todo esto, un correo que me acaba de llegar.
"Great news! A player you reported for bad behavior in a game of League of Legends was disciplined by your peers in the Tribunal. While we won't get into specifics, we did want to let you know that by using the report system and the Tribunal, you helped make the League of Legends community a better place to play.
You can keep up the great work by continuing to report unsportsmanlike behavior, and can have an even greater impact by hopping into the Tribunal and voting on cases often. It makes the community and your experience better.
Begin voting in the Tribunal here.
The Tribunal gives League of Legends players the power to make their experience better. If someone is reported often enough for unsportsmanlike behavior, records of games in which they're reported enter The Tribunal, a system where summoners decide together whether a person should be punished or pardoned for their actions.
Thanks again for your contribution to your community, Summoner! "
Y yo no participo en el tribunal