Borj0 escribió:@Pispajo
Cual es el nombre exacto de la misión? A mi no me sale ninguna por "mas que un inhumano".
sonytec escribió:hola, acabo de comprar el juego y a ver si me podeis decir con que ajuste visual me recomedais jugar, tengo un i7 de 10 genearcion y la rtx 2080 super, gracias
wistoka escribió:Buenas,
No se si es un bug o qué, pero he completado la campaña, y en la mesa de guerra, me aparece que de la campaña "Reuníos" la tengo al 92%.
No me queda ninguna misión para hacer, y según los logros la campaña está completada. ¿Qué me he perdido?
Un saludo
Lepero90 escribió:wistoka escribió:Buenas,
No se si es un bug o qué, pero he completado la campaña, y en la mesa de guerra, me aparece que de la campaña "Reuníos" la tengo al 92%.
No me queda ninguna misión para hacer, y según los logros la campaña está completada. ¿Qué me he perdido?
Un saludo
Dudo que sea un bug, de ese tema no he leído nadie que haya tenido un bug (que sí los tiene en otros apartados, por otra parte). ¿Has hecho las misiones iconicas? Creo que también pertenecen a "Reunios". Mira en la mesa de guerra y en Objetivos las misiones que te quedan, y arriba del cuadro de la misión te aparece si pertenece a "Reunios" o a "Iniciativa Avengers".
También se puede acceder desde Iniciativa Avengers en el menú general, te aparecen las mismas misiones.
jordanpucela escribió:Hola gente, el cooperativo de este juego es recomendable?? Se puede jugar con cualquiera o lo suyo es con amigos??
Porque ninguno de mis amigos tiene el juego.
Lepero90 escribió:jordanpucela escribió:Hola gente, el cooperativo de este juego es recomendable?? Se puede jugar con cualquiera o lo suyo es con amigos??
Porque ninguno de mis amigos tiene el juego.
Se puede jugar con la IA (con el ordenador) o con gente, ya sea gente que no conoces (matchmaking) o con amigos que tengas agregados.
Es más recomendable aún jugarlo con gente porque es más divertido y, si la gente sabe jugar, te pasas las misiones más rápido. Más aún si lo juegas con amigos que conozcas.
Pero el matchmaking parece que no está funcionando muy bien todavía, al menos en PC (por lo que le cuesta encontrar a gente con la que jugar), quizás condicionado por la bajada de jugadores en PC. Lo bueno es que han dicho que van a añadir crossplay con otras plataformas, por lo que lo podríamos jugar con amigos o gente extraña que lo tenga en ps4/xbox/ps5/xbox series
jordanpucela escribió:Lepero90 escribió:jordanpucela escribió:Hola gente, el cooperativo de este juego es recomendable?? Se puede jugar con cualquiera o lo suyo es con amigos??
Porque ninguno de mis amigos tiene el juego.
Se puede jugar con la IA (con el ordenador) o con gente, ya sea gente que no conoces (matchmaking) o con amigos que tengas agregados.
Es más recomendable aún jugarlo con gente porque es más divertido y, si la gente sabe jugar, te pasas las misiones más rápido. Más aún si lo juegas con amigos que conozcas.
Pero el matchmaking parece que no está funcionando muy bien todavía, al menos en PC (por lo que le cuesta encontrar a gente con la que jugar), quizás condicionado por la bajada de jugadores en PC. Lo bueno es que han dicho que van a añadir crossplay con otras plataformas, por lo que lo podríamos jugar con amigos o gente extraña que lo tenga en ps4/xbox/ps5/xbox series
Pero las misiones en cooperativo son las mismas que las de la campaña jugando solo?
drneo escribió:Buenas yo era para una pregunta.., si merece la pena el juego o es tan malo como dicen...
Xq en gren man gamming con el rollo ese de vip cuando estas registrado hacen otro descuento mas...
Y se queda en 24 euros justos..., por 30 como estaba en todos lados no pero 24 ya lo veo mas cerca de 20 euros y si los daria por el juego....
Que desde q salio siempre he querido darle con los vengadores jejeje
Master_X escribió:drneo escribió:Buenas yo era para una pregunta.., si merece la pena el juego o es tan malo como dicen...
Xq en gren man gamming con el rollo ese de vip cuando estas registrado hacen otro descuento mas...
Y se queda en 24 euros justos..., por 30 como estaba en todos lados no pero 24 ya lo veo mas cerca de 20 euros y si los daria por el juego....
Que desde q salio siempre he querido darle con los vengadores jejeje
A mi, personalmente, la campaña me gustó. Kamala es un personaje cuyo comic me gusta bastante, y el tratamiento que le dan en el videojuego es impecable. Esto, claro está, hace que juegues el videojuego desde su perspectiva, siendo el reto de vengadores como unos especie de secundarios... Si no conoces a Kamala (lo cual sucede a mucha gente, ya que es un personaje muy reciente), pues es normal que despotriquen contra el videojuego, ya que le dan mucha importancia, y muy poca al resto de vengadores (al menos la historia principal, los DLCs parece que serán diferentes).
Sin embargo, la parte online me parece un desastre. Se vuelve muy monótono y el end-game es aburrido. Yo me subi a Kamala al nivel máximo de combate, completé todas las secundarias y me aburrí de él, y no lo he vuelto a tocar. Desde luego, si te lo pillas, no pagues más de 30. Igual con los DLC nuevos (¡¡serán gratuitos!!) de los dos ojos de halcón se anima un poco la cosa, pero no se yo...
KaienSP escribió:Pues acabo de retomar el juego, q en el lanzamiento lo había abandonando con 1 hora de juego por la de bugs y crasheos que sufría, y me he terminado la campaña del tirón. Ahora voy a completar todas las misiones secundarías y similares, y supongo que le daré un poco al online a ver que tal (aunque miedo me da que no haya gente, o que este lleno de trolls que van por libre).
Por cierto ¿el tema de Kate Bishop como va? ¿Es un DLC de pago, o se compra con las propias "monedas in-game"? Es que me acabo de ver el video de la War table y no se si no lo han dicho, o que yo no me he enterado
r3vl1s escribió:@Lepero90 muchas gracias por la respuesta!
Entiendo que para completar las tarjetas de desafíos hay que hacer los 2 desafíos diarios y semanales que aparecen debajo no? O hay otra manera de completarla más rápido?
drneo escribió:Pues al final me pille el juego y por ahora me parece una pasada vamos..
A mi me encantan todo el rollo de super heroes y es brutal el juego...
Por ahora me quedo con thor y la viuda negra.., espectaculares...
Y la kamala me gusta tambien.., y el rollo de oirlo todo en español hasta mientras luchas es la bomba..
Por ahora lo veo una bomba, a mi mientras pueda dar tunda y rebentar a todo dios me encanta jejej
Y una pregunta hay q hacer algo especial para q funcione el mando??
Tengo el de la one y me funciona con todo pero con este no va...
Lepero90 escribió:drneo escribió:Pues al final me pille el juego y por ahora me parece una pasada vamos..
A mi me encantan todo el rollo de super heroes y es brutal el juego...
Por ahora me quedo con thor y la viuda negra.., espectaculares...
Y la kamala me gusta tambien.., y el rollo de oirlo todo en español hasta mientras luchas es la bomba..
Por ahora lo veo una bomba, a mi mientras pueda dar tunda y rebentar a todo dios me encanta jejej
Y una pregunta hay q hacer algo especial para q funcione el mando??
Tengo el de la one y me funciona con todo pero con este no va...
En Steam hay un hilo fijado en el que explica lo que hay que hacer para que funcione el mando de One, mucha gente ha tenido el mismo problema. Básicamente tiene que ir a las propiedades del juego y activar "Forced off" (lo tengo en inglés)
- Let’s start with some general updates. Phil revealed that he is the reason for Tony’s “Who you going to call?” line in the game. It was a collaborative effort, as they also worked together on characterization with Marvel.
- New Game+ or Campaign Replay, as Phil titles it, is still being worked on, but it is already in the bug testing phase.
- Loot is getting a complete overhaul. It will take time, but it is a big priority for the team. We can expect some major changes with future content.
- The Omega Threat delays are due to some network issues. The missions are very long, so they want to ensure that multiplayer works as intended.
- Their development cycles are getting better, so they are much better at getting timings down. Some of their co-workers have yet to take a break since the entire thing started. A lot of future features are also based on user feedback.
- Kate will be available on the start screen and may have some additional music added to the game.
- They worked on Clint and Kate around the same time, which is a given with their archery focus. Clint’s background as Ronin and Kate’s fencing lessons in the comics was the inspiration for her melee combat. Both characters will use a variety of arrow types.
- Kate stole the quantum technology from AIM. It is the basis for her abilities. There are sadly no unique status effects, but some moves stack additional quantum damage. It is mainly a visual effect and became a part of Kate’s fiction to create unique abilities around.
- Kate is a support-focused character. You can optimize your build to either focus on her arrow abilities or even her blade. Most of her heroics include a special ability that helps your team during battle.
- One can see their experience with the Tomb Raider franchise in Kate’s pull of the bowstring. You can quickfire or pull it in for critical damage, which looks to be quite satisfying.
- Her support heroic Decoy allows her to spawn a clone who can damage enemies. It acts as a turret, which zones enemies. You can also add an ability to turn it into a quantum bomb to take out multiple enemies. They will be focused on the decoy, so you can support it mid-battle for additional damage.
- Quantum Overdrive is a similar ability to Captain America’s Brooklyn Brawler. It gives her infinite intrinsic ability, so you can teleport around the map freely as long as it is active.
- Warp Arrow allows you to shoot an arrow for a long distance, which instantly teleports you to that location. They are quite useful for boss fights to avoid larger attacks. There are, however, some limitations to where you can place portals, and enemies can’t enter them. You can activate the warp arrow at any time with a button press, so you are not dependent on hitting an actual surface to activate it.
- You can switch your loadout just like Iron Man and Black Widow. Disruptor arrows are great to stack up combos. You can time the bow to get a perfect draw that deals with critical damage. Demolition arrows can attach to targets, which can be activated remotely or with a perfect shot.
- The Scattershot can damage multiple enemies from a distance, but you can stack damage if you shoot from close-range.
- Kate can hack doors like Iron Man and Black Widow.
- Kate was going to become an Avengers before A-Day happened. She sees the Avengers as her family, so she will add a great new dynamic.
- They teased her interactions with Tony.
- When she was young, she decided she wanted to be like Hawkeye and eventually became his protége.
- Nicole, one of the game’s writers, teased that she is fun, sarcastic, and confident. Like an older sister to her mentor, as she has it all together. They took a lot of inspiration from Matt Fraction‘s My Life as a Weapon story and her time with the West Coast Avengers.
- They teased that a lot of references to Fraction‘s stories are scattered throughout the story and with the skins.
drneo escribió:pues yo llevo unas 15 horas ya y el juego me parece brutal, cuando aparece romanof buffff, la mejor de todos sin duda.., es una pasada.., juego todas las misiones con ella jejejeje
y ya cuando entra thor en escena tremenda pasada esa mision...., dando leña pero de la buena
y ironman no me gusta pero nada.., jugue cuando es obligatorio y ahi esta vamos.., yo con la viuda negra a todos lados...
Marvel’s Avengers V1.4.0.15 Patch Notes
Patch introduces Kate Bishop as a new playable hero!
- New Hero: Kate Bishop (No additional cost) – Please see our “Everything You Need To Know About Kate Bishop” blog for more information on how to unlock Kate along with an explanation on her abilities.
- New Operation: Marvel’s Avengers Operation: Kate Bishop – Taking Aim (No additional cost).
- Please Note: Hero Operations introduced with Kate Bishop: Taking Aim do not support random matchmaking. However, players can still invite their friends to play the Operation in co-op mode by doing so in an outpost or the Quinjet.
- New Cosmetics: Kate Bishop Challenge Card.
- Ability to enable and disable Takedowns.
- Fixed a rare issue where the cinematic would freeze during the transition from Hulk to Captain America on The Light that Failed.
- Fixed an issue where some missions would sometimes point to multiple regions on the War Table.
- Fixed an issue where Alisande Morales would be missing from Substation Zero.
- Fixed an issue where Kamala Khan would fall during the Hulk chase sequence in The Road Back.
- Fixed an issue where during the game finale, companions would not attempt to revive a fallen Captain America.
- Fixed an issue where companions were left behind after players loaded into the match against Taskmaster.
- Fixed an issue that would cause companions to get locked behind doors.
- The second wave of drones now properly enters the room in House Call.
- Fixed an issue where Captain America would not speak in end cinematic of Global Presence.
- Mistaken Identity - Morales now plays correct VO when returning to outpost.
- Fixed a rare issue on Finding Olympia where Hulk jumps up and stands above Abomination, preventing him from fighting Abomination, and blocking progress.
- Fixed an issue where switching Profile from the Main Menu to an account without a save prevents a new Campaign from progressing through A-Day.
- Fixed an issue where the user could crash upon repeatedly selecting faction missions.
- Fixed a rare issue where some users could not interact with their War Table.
- Fixed an issue where Hulk as a companion would sometimes be missing when in a Warzone.
- Fixed multiple instances of characters becoming stuck in the terrain.
- Fixed multiple instances of players, companions and NPCs going out of world.
- Addressed various crash and black screen issues.
- Fixed an issue where in Tachyon Rift: Along Came a Spider, the mission failed for remaining players if the host would change after completing the first objective.
- Fixed an issue where the Tachyon Rift timer sometimes reappeared in the Quinjet.
- Fixed an issue in Rocket's Red Glare where Kamala’s hits on yellow targets before entering the elevator didn’t always register.
- Fixed an issue where the Tachyon: Breakout mission showed more than one region pinpointed on the War Table.
- Fixed an issue where issues would arise with AI companions in elevators when the host would change.
- Fixed a rare issue that would result in a prolonged black screen following a mission's completion.
- Fixed an issue where players are sometimes facing the wrong direction upon checkpoint reload.
- Fixed a rare multiplayer issue where after reloading a checkpoint, previously opened/smashed doors would appear closed.
- Fixed an issue where a former host is unable to matchmake again with a Strike Team they just left if the Strike Team was formed via invites/joining.
- Player matchmaking no longer breaks for group members when the host player closes the game after failing a mission.
- Multiplayer stability improvements.
- MODOK codex entry now properly unlocks when players defeat him.
- Codex "Manhattan Evacuation Zone" can now be acquired when completing Mayhem Over Manhattan.
- Fixed an issue where icons to smash walls/doors would sometimes not show up.
- Removed the ability to ping while in flight to avoid erroneous marker placements.
- Marketplace items in the locked section let you purchase them from that screen without having to go to the marketplace.
- Updated the visual messaging of the act of upgrading and dismantling an item to help reduce mistakes and broadcast what action is happening.
- Stronger visual messaging about the Operation mission icons on the war table and in UI elements (its pulses).
- Various text and subtitle fixes.
- Fixed various language and localization text/issues.
- Thor no longer stands idle in some instances after combat concludes.
- Companions no longer suddenly run in-place during combat.
- Shockmuts with no longer display with an invisible shield.
- Abomination no longer A-poses in combat.
- Dreadbots no longer enter an idle state after receiving large amounts of damage.
- Parrying Cryo Adaptoids’ yellow indicator swing attack now staggers them as intended and places the Perfect Parry debuff.
- Fixed an issue where companions would not revive a fallen player.
- Fixed an issue where the spread shot from Prime Adept Synthoid would hit users regardless of dodge timing.
- Captain America's Intrinsic Rejuvenation now works as intended.
- Dreadbots now receive status effects from player attacks properly.
- Fixed an issue where Kamala's Takedown specialization would not trigger when initiating a takedown from Embiggened state.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when swapping gear at the War Table.
- Fixed issue where loot rewards were inconsistent with required Power Level required for the mission.
- Threat Sector loot tables have better rewards at higher Power Level.
- Hives give more focused rewards and can include named sets of Epic Gear.
- Minor adjustments to existing challenge completion amounts.
- Potential crash during Quinjet loading on Xbox One and Xbox One S consoles after playing repeated missions as Kate Bishop.
- Attempting to purchase Kate's Challenge Card without the necessary Credits brings up an error message. Players will need to click on the
- Credit icon to purchase the Credits they need.
- Choosing to directly do Kate’s Operation rather than starting it from Avengers Initiative puts players in a state where they cannot interact with vendors aboard the helicarrier. This can be fixed by launching Avengers Initiative after completing Kate’s HARM Training.
- High Contrast mode will be added in a later patch for Steam.
KaienSP escribió:Me acaba de saltar la actualización en Steam, 23,6 GB![]()
Notas del parche:Marvel’s Avengers V1.4.0.15 Patch Notes
Patch introduces Kate Bishop as a new playable hero!
- New Hero: Kate Bishop (No additional cost) – Please see our “Everything You Need To Know About Kate Bishop” blog for more information on how to unlock Kate along with an explanation on her abilities.
- New Operation: Marvel’s Avengers Operation: Kate Bishop – Taking Aim (No additional cost).
- Please Note: Hero Operations introduced with Kate Bishop: Taking Aim do not support random matchmaking. However, players can still invite their friends to play the Operation in co-op mode by doing so in an outpost or the Quinjet.
- New Cosmetics: Kate Bishop Challenge Card.
- Ability to enable and disable Takedowns.
- Fixed a rare issue where the cinematic would freeze during the transition from Hulk to Captain America on The Light that Failed.
- Fixed an issue where some missions would sometimes point to multiple regions on the War Table.
- Fixed an issue where Alisande Morales would be missing from Substation Zero.
- Fixed an issue where Kamala Khan would fall during the Hulk chase sequence in The Road Back.
- Fixed an issue where during the game finale, companions would not attempt to revive a fallen Captain America.
- Fixed an issue where companions were left behind after players loaded into the match against Taskmaster.
- Fixed an issue that would cause companions to get locked behind doors.
- The second wave of drones now properly enters the room in House Call.
- Fixed an issue where Captain America would not speak in end cinematic of Global Presence.
- Mistaken Identity - Morales now plays correct VO when returning to outpost.
- Fixed a rare issue on Finding Olympia where Hulk jumps up and stands above Abomination, preventing him from fighting Abomination, and blocking progress.
- Fixed an issue where switching Profile from the Main Menu to an account without a save prevents a new Campaign from progressing through A-Day.
- Fixed an issue where the user could crash upon repeatedly selecting faction missions.
- Fixed a rare issue where some users could not interact with their War Table.
- Fixed an issue where Hulk as a companion would sometimes be missing when in a Warzone.
- Fixed multiple instances of characters becoming stuck in the terrain.
- Fixed multiple instances of players, companions and NPCs going out of world.
- Addressed various crash and black screen issues.
- Fixed an issue where in Tachyon Rift: Along Came a Spider, the mission failed for remaining players if the host would change after completing the first objective.
- Fixed an issue where the Tachyon Rift timer sometimes reappeared in the Quinjet.
- Fixed an issue in Rocket's Red Glare where Kamala’s hits on yellow targets before entering the elevator didn’t always register.
- Fixed an issue where the Tachyon: Breakout mission showed more than one region pinpointed on the War Table.
- Fixed an issue where issues would arise with AI companions in elevators when the host would change.
- Fixed a rare issue that would result in a prolonged black screen following a mission's completion.
- Fixed an issue where players are sometimes facing the wrong direction upon checkpoint reload.
- Fixed a rare multiplayer issue where after reloading a checkpoint, previously opened/smashed doors would appear closed.
- Fixed an issue where a former host is unable to matchmake again with a Strike Team they just left if the Strike Team was formed via invites/joining.
- Player matchmaking no longer breaks for group members when the host player closes the game after failing a mission.
- Multiplayer stability improvements.
- MODOK codex entry now properly unlocks when players defeat him.
- Codex "Manhattan Evacuation Zone" can now be acquired when completing Mayhem Over Manhattan.
- Fixed an issue where icons to smash walls/doors would sometimes not show up.
- Removed the ability to ping while in flight to avoid erroneous marker placements.
- Marketplace items in the locked section let you purchase them from that screen without having to go to the marketplace.
- Updated the visual messaging of the act of upgrading and dismantling an item to help reduce mistakes and broadcast what action is happening.
- Stronger visual messaging about the Operation mission icons on the war table and in UI elements (its pulses).
- Various text and subtitle fixes.
- Fixed various language and localization text/issues.
- Thor no longer stands idle in some instances after combat concludes.
- Companions no longer suddenly run in-place during combat.
- Shockmuts with no longer display with an invisible shield.
- Abomination no longer A-poses in combat.
- Dreadbots no longer enter an idle state after receiving large amounts of damage.
- Parrying Cryo Adaptoids’ yellow indicator swing attack now staggers them as intended and places the Perfect Parry debuff.
- Fixed an issue where companions would not revive a fallen player.
- Fixed an issue where the spread shot from Prime Adept Synthoid would hit users regardless of dodge timing.
- Captain America's Intrinsic Rejuvenation now works as intended.
- Dreadbots now receive status effects from player attacks properly.
- Fixed an issue where Kamala's Takedown specialization would not trigger when initiating a takedown from Embiggened state.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when swapping gear at the War Table.
- Fixed issue where loot rewards were inconsistent with required Power Level required for the mission.
- Threat Sector loot tables have better rewards at higher Power Level.
- Hives give more focused rewards and can include named sets of Epic Gear.
- Minor adjustments to existing challenge completion amounts.
- Potential crash during Quinjet loading on Xbox One and Xbox One S consoles after playing repeated missions as Kate Bishop.
- Attempting to purchase Kate's Challenge Card without the necessary Credits brings up an error message. Players will need to click on the
- Credit icon to purchase the Credits they need.
- Choosing to directly do Kate’s Operation rather than starting it from Avengers Initiative puts players in a state where they cannot interact with vendors aboard the helicarrier. This can be fixed by launching Avengers Initiative after completing Kate’s HARM Training.
- High Contrast mode will be added in a later patch for Steam.
the_gooseman escribió:Me ha saltado la actualización, el juego se ha actualizado correctamente, pero ahora no veo la opción de continuar la camapaña, que solo llevaba un 10%.
Os ha pasado a alguno?
Lepero90 escribió:Nvidia va a sacar el parche 460.97, 3 meses después de haber salido el juego, donde arregla los problemas de stuttering de MA. Lo que no sé si eso incluye el supuesto memory leak, las caidas de fps, etc