al menos los packs de texturas te los dejan probar gratis -solo te deshabilitan el guardado- por lo que puedes tener tu casa hecha y probarla en diferente sabores
yo por un euro me he comprado el de fantasía...

Por cierto, soy novato en todo esto
he hecho una casa pequeña, al lado de un pueblo, he excavado un tunel en vertical hasta la roca madre... y un sotano espacioso y con techo acristalado

en el tunel al subsuelo, a mitad de camino, por donde oía monstruos, empecé a excavar una batcueva... a base de picar encontré una entrada a un complejo de cuevas inmenso... que estoy iluminando e investigando como buenamente puedo.... tengo algo de oro -para hacer la armadura me ha llegado- mucha hulla, lapislazuli, hierro.... me falta diamante y obsidiana
el caso es que en el la superficie se ha abierto, cerca de mi casa, un tunel a otro complejo de cuevas, y vienen un chorro de enemigos por ahí....
mi pregunta, para los gurús del minecraft, es:
¿cual es el objetivo?
porque construir y tal está muy bien, pero... en las descripciones de objetos como el cofre finalizador hablan de "otras dimensiones", y hay una opción para resetear el inframundo por si no se genera correctamente una fortaleza o algo...
¿hay una misión que hacer, rollo matar a algún jefe final o similar?
¿que es eso de las dimensiones?
¿cuantos enemigos hay? yo he visto: arañas, zombies, esqueletos (con versión jinete de araña) el bicho verde que explota y el negro que se teletransporta (vi uno acarreando arena en un desierto cercano)
no son muchos la verdad....
Con lo del tunel que se abrió cerca pensé que tal vez el juego te somete a oleadas de enemigos según tu experiencia... en cuyo caso ya tardo en fortalecer mi pequeña casa... (aunque como en los icebergs, lo gordo está debajo

y he leido por aquí lo de generadores de enemigos...
bueno, ya me contareis...
Un saludo!!!
Me respondo a mi mismo... hay mucha, pero mucha chicha en este juego, os paso un timeline de lo que es la progresión normal en el modo survival
Survival single player (SSP)[edit]
Survival single player is the original game mode of Minecraft. Until mid-Alpha, SSP was the only available mode besides Classic creative mode. SSP may be played online or offline, as long as the user has initially played it while connected to the Internet (which allows game files to download to their computer).
Aim of the game[edit]
Despite being marketed as a game with no pre-determined goals, Minecraft does have a basic structure, that of a scavenger hunt. Collecting various items and resources adds to the player's capabilities, attacks, and defenses, with many items enabling access to others. The player can reach a "proper ending" in Survival mode by defeating the Ender Dragon, but this does not actually terminate play; it provides a trophy item, a huge amount of experience, and leaves the End dimension open for exploitation. There is also an optional boss, the Wither, which becomes accessible in the mid- to late game.
To summarize the course of a typical game:
The player starts in The Overworld where they must survive various dangers and gather the materials and tools to survive.
The player must search the landscape to collect specific items to survive their first night.
If the player finds an NPC village, dungeon, temple or stronghold early on, steps 3-8 could be skipped, the seed "steve" (Without speech marks) spawns you next to a NPC village, with the usual chest at the blacksmiths which sometimes contains iron ingots, apples, horse saddles, armor, swords & more. A good seed to use if you are unsure about starting "raw"
The player crafts their first tools which, under most (although not all) circumstances, will be a wooden pickaxe. This is then used to acquire stone tools.
The player builds a home featuring a bed, chests full of spare materials, a crafting table, and a furnace.
Over time, they will generally add farms for crops and pens for animals, build more structures for various purposes, and explore large sections of the world in search of new resources.
The player either finds a cave, canyon, etc. or digs their own passage to deep underground, in search of various minerals.
The player finds and smelts iron ore into iron ingots and uses it for tools, and armor.
The player delves deeper to collect other ores, culminating in diamonds.
Using a diamond pickaxe, the player mines some obsidian. With additional diamonds, this also allows construction of an Enchantment Table to enchant weapons and tools.
The player builds a portal to The Nether with the obsidian.
The player enters the Nether dimension; a new world with new resources to collect, and an assortment of new monsters and other threats.
The player finds a Nether Fortress and attacks some Blazes, killing them and collecting their Blaze Rods. This allows potion brewing, and is also part of the key for reaching the endgame.
(The Nether Fortress can possibly be skipped if the player can trade for Eyes of Ender.)
The player returns to The Overworld, to find Endermen and kill them for their Ender Pearls.
The player uses the Ender Pearls and Blaze Powder to make Eyes of Ender, which when thrown will direct the player to the Stronghold they must go and find.
Using more Eyes of Ender, the player locates and repairs the End Portal, which gives access to the the End dimension and the endgame.
Once their most worthy adversary, the legendary Ender Dragon has been beaten, a story will scroll and credits will roll and then, and only then, the player will be teleported to their spawn location. (You can press ESC if you want to skip the story and credits.)
After you kill the Ender Dragon, you can continue to explore and modify all three dimensions to your heart's content and the limits of your imagination.
An optional thing to do is to kill the Wither to make a beacon, which can be used to give the player(s) buffs near where it is placed.
The player can also take up any purposes of their own design; one common one is to fulfill all of the predefined achievements.
Vamos, que hay tres dimensiones, overworld, nether y End.
Y tenemos un jefe final, el Ender Dragon
para llegar hay que ir adquiriendo objetos, en una suerte de progresión tecnológica, que finalmente nos permita llegar a las tres dimensiones, cada una con su juego de enemigos...
A mi me parece, como ya me pareció en su día, una mezcla perfecta entre skyrim y lego, y me gusta que el progreso lo marques tu, a tu ritmo...
Así que esta tarde cojo al enano y nos vamos a dedicar a explorar las cuevas inferiores... me huele que por donde han abierto camino habrá algo de diamante...
el enlace a la wiki, por si os interesa (a ver si en vita nos añaden el modo aventura... que pinta bien...) está en guiri... pero para eso dios inventó el google translate...