jlanc3 escribió:abe_nano escribió:
A ver, que me quede claro, es que no se exactamente lo que se esta tratando, que son eso de los twikers? Como funcionan? Para que sirven? Y por ultimo y no menos importante, donde los consigo???
Y LOS DE LeDude83
No es que hay que meter los archivos en una carpeta llamada FFB, ubicada en mis documentos/CARS ????
o es la carpeta donde esta instalada el juego??? en archivos de programa?????
denis74 escribió:Joer con las grid girls. Me tienen palote![]()
denis74 escribió:Me he fijado que tenemos nueva carcasa (RRM-G) y compuesto (slick_amber) que son para el Fórmula B.
Aritz [otro] escribió:Ahora mismo el gran problema de organizar carreras es que no tienes una forma de recuperar los resultados. En realidad no tienes control de nada... Seamos realistas; habrá incidentes y si no puedes ni guardar el replay, cómo denuncias?
Tampoco existe la clasificación, aunque esto creo que pronto dejará de ser un problema. Pero nuevamente el no tener resultados, no te ayuda en organizar los servidores, porque no vas a meter 60 coches en Monaco, verdad? Es más lógico hacer dos divisiones y que los rápidos corran en el server 1 y los paquetes corramos en el 2. Pero poner a cada piloto en su server, a mano y mirando los tiempos de las tablas de records, es un coñazo....
En simracers.com ya tenemos todo esto pensado y por eso no estamos ya organizando carreras....
Ayer fue el día de anunciar resultados financieros para muchas empresas del sector, pero no todas pueden presumir de beneficios como los de Apple. Logitech acaba de anunciar sus resultados para el tercer trimestre fiscal, que terminaba en diciembre de 2012, y son más flojos de lo esperado.
El veterano fabricante suizo ha ingresado 614.5 millones de dólares, un 14% menos que el trimestre fiscal anterior y bastante por debajo de los 667.9 previstos para este período que, además, es uno de los más activos por las ventas de Navidad.
El beneficio neto por acción ha experimentado una subida del 10%, muy por debajo del 31% previsto. Aunque no se puede hablar de catástrofe, el CEO de Logitech, Bracken Darrel no ha dudado en calificar de ‘inaceptables’ los resultados. Darrell ha asegurado que ‘se darán los pasos necesarios para dar forma a un Logitech más ágil y rentable’.
En consequencia ha anunciado que dejará de fabricar una serie de productos "no aptos" para su "actual dirección estratégica", que incluyen periféricos para consolas.
También dejarán de producir mandos a distancia y soporte para altavoces. Este ajuste viene como consecuencia de la disminución de un 14% en sus ventas respecto al mismo trimestre de 2011.
Con ello, a partir de finales de año, dejarán de fabricar mandos de control, volantes y auriculares dirigidos a consolas, aunque seguirán produciendo periféricos para PC como ratones, teclados y auriculares.
Sin duda malas noticias es dificil que alguien se inicie en este mundo si ya no puede contar con las opciones baratas y de calidad que ofrecia logitech.
jlanc3 escribió:Un poco offtopic pero importante, no se si os habreis enterado pero logitech a presentado unos resultados al final del año nefastos y como consecuencia va ha dejar de hacer perifericos para juegos o lo que es lo mismo, correr insensatos y agenciaros un volante
currololo escribió:jlanc3 escribió:Un poco offtopic pero importante, no se si os habreis enterado pero logitech a presentado unos resultados al final del año nefastos y como consecuencia va ha dejar de hacer perifericos para juegos o lo que es lo mismo, correr insensatos y agenciaros un volante
Por lo que he leído, se refiere a periféricos para consolas. Para PC no han dicho nada.
javif1 escribió:Bajando build de hoy
Ghalhajad escribió:Una pregunta para los que están mas por los foros de WMD, ¿sabéis si han comentado algo sobre las telemetrias? si serán un estilo Motec o algo así?
Dume escribió:Alguna "review" de la build de hoy?
Build 392 (25/1/13, Team Member+)
* Freecam speed controls modified so that the speed varies smoothly from one to another, rather than instantly snapping.
* Freecam modifications for providing "similar rotation around a pivot" to that found in chase cam, and using the same control keys.
* Scripted controller detection: Added dialog handling functionality to script interface. Added some detection dialog related entries to the text database
* ScriptCompiler: Fixed conflicts between class and namespace names when nested classes are defined in script headers
* ScriptCompiler: Fixed database dependency problems caused by nested class handling
* ScriptCompiler: Allowed non-explicit constants (e.g. constant data vars, enums) to be passed as event arguments
* ScriptCompiler: Added 'Constant Expected' error for handling unsuitable event arguments
* ScriptCompiler: Increased database version number to
* ScriptCompiler: Added parsing of const pointer types to header parser (e.g 'void * const')
* ScriptCompiler: Reworded non-fatal database error messages to prevent VS2010 from stopping compilation unnecessarily
* Scribe: Added cMessage.SendTo() to expose sending of messages to specific script instances
* Tire.rg: revised slick tire for the GT cars and LM11
* Azure Circuit: Added more or less all road marking, left to add them along the tunnel. Started to add conc drain along the road. Reworked swimming pool kerb, added conc drain, cut the road mesh below them, remapped. Reworked anthony noghes kerb, cut the road mesh below them, fixed armco, remapped.
Fixed mirabeau hairpin sidewalk and wall, grass, trees,first step it needs some more fixes. Set flags for all new objects. Merged in latest assets from JanP. Updated csm. Updated sel sets
* Heusden: Fixed further uvstretching on another hillside terrain part
* Heusden: Added pitstuff
* Heusden: Added nightskyring
* Heusden: Heusden, added wetroad effects, on roads, trackside tarmacs, kerbs, gravelbeds, added working tracklights back to track, fixed aliasing on skydome and closed minigaps
* Derby: Repostioned the 38 garage spots 1-2meters left for changed garage geometry. Car can exit without hitting right wall now. Also move start grid positions back 1 space to align with all start box graphics
* Milan: Improved outer terrain, mapped slopes, fixed garages collision, added missing wall, adjusted trees and bushes position accordance with terrain changes
* BMW M3 GT: Added 2 works liveries
* BMW M1: fixed livery names
* BMW M1: changed hands pose to more relaxed one
* BMW M1: Changed rims on some liveries
* Caterham R500: fixed typo in rear suspension geometry
* Asano LM11: non-forward drag values from CFD. collision offset hack for curb issues.
* BMW Z4 GT3: Non-forward drag values from CFD. Collision offset hack to reduce curb issues.
* Asano X4, BMW M1, JPLM, Racers: collision offset hack to reduce curb issues
Build 391 (24/1/13, Senior Manager)
* Eifelwald: Fixed found gaps and fixed one hard bump issue in roadCSM
* Moravia: New vertical brake markers added to dynamic bank and placed on track (export files + scene files)
* Azure circuit: New texture map
* Derby: Fixed dark colour issue on problem gravel area
* Northampton: More garage interiors added, garage doors opened, garage collisions updated, ammended collisions added
* Solitude Rennstrecke: Collision bug fixed and new export
* Deleted redundant "skin" materials
Build 390 (23/1/13, Senior Manager)
* Tyre contact patch domain sizing optimization
* Fy twist flex mode
* FB rev on tires
* Derby: Reduced brightness/spec on kerbs
* Moravia: Moved Pitlane assets closer to garages
* Moravia: Added missing assets, ammended collision for pitstuff
* Solitude Rennstrecke: New export
*KNOWN ISSUES:* The new Solitude export has missing collision mesh, meaning you will fall through the ground at all times. It is not testable in this build
Build 389 (22/1/13, Manager+)
Bug Fixes:
* Fix for replay mode getting stuck when viewing from a Season. Season post-race screen had changed to use the standard one, so replay was trying to return to the wrong screen
* Added missing brace to bodywork2_skinned.fx
* Fix for multi-face billboard shader problems with self shadowing intersecting the billboard and causing highly visible straight lines where they cut through
* Fixed character normal map not working at all when using basic_billboard shader
* Fixed merge error in shader code
* Derby: Added wet track materials and shadow fences
* Derby: New textures
* Milan: Improved green concretes, added normal maps on road wet surfaces, added ground cover files
* Milan: Added ground cover files
* Bodywork2.fx - droplets sampler settings changed - texture will use mipmaps now (avoiding noise on distant cars), Added scale factor (selfReflection)to prevent raindrop reflections going through bodywork, thereby reducing the over-bright droplets on shadowed side of the car
* Rain droplets texture - mipmaps generated - avoiding noisy rain drops on distant cars
* Racer V8: non-forward drag values from Falcon CFD
Build 388 (21/1/13, Senior Manager)
* Added null pointer protection within debug line functions to prevent crash
* Groundwork for scripted controller detection/calibration
* Moravia: Added pit and tracklights, missing start gantry, missing start Hut, missing overtrack gantries, pitlane stuff and interiors for the rooms above garages
* Moravia: New export to add textures second try
* Sakitto: Tweaked static environment map co-ordinates
* Belgian Forest Circuit: Tweaked static environment map co-ordinates for
* Northampton: Tweaked static environment map co-ordinates
* Wisconsyn Raceway: Tweaked static environment map co-ordinates
* Lakeville Raceway: Tweaked static environment map co-ordinates
* Eifelwald: Tweaked static environment map co-ordinates
* Milan Modern & Historic: Tweaked static environment map co-ordinates
* Monterey: Tweaked static environment map co-ordinates
* Derby: Tweaked static environment map co-ordinates
* California Highway: Adding static emap co-ordinates
* Badenring modern & historic: Tweaked static environment map co-ordinates for
* Solitude Rennstrecke: New export
* BMW M1: Added liveries 1/2 names
* BMW M1: new Procar livery
currololo escribió:Supongo que poco a poco irán mejorando el multijugador con muchos más añadidos.
Tengo ganas de que lo mejoren porque ahora mismo está muy bien para ir practicando pero es un poco frustrante cómo algunos no se lo toman en serio. Anoche mismo, por ejemplo, cuando me puse a correr en multi había pocas partidas y con poca gente porque era ya tarde, y aun así, con lo pocos que éramos, se formó alguna masacre nada más salir y no paraba ni dios, los culpables se iban de rositas.
Y otra cosa que me molesta bastante es lo rápido que algunos se retiran de las carreras. Joder, parece que si no van primeros ya no les interesa y se piran. No puede ser, como he visto varias veces, que estés en una carrera a ocho vueltas, por ejemplo, y te retires porque te sales en la primera curva y te adelantan todos. ¡Coño, sigue adelante, que queda mucha carrera, a ver si les coges! Pues nada, adiós muy buenas. Es que me pongo negro...
Si yo me retirara cuando me adelantan no acabaría ni una carrera, con lo paquete que soy.
Digiprost escribió:Dume escribió:Alguna "review" de la build de hoy?
Aqui la tienes Dume.Build 392 (25/1/13, Team Member+)
* Freecam speed controls modified so that the speed varies smoothly from one to another, rather than instantly snapping.
* Freecam modifications for providing "similar rotation around a pivot" to that found in chase cam, and using the same control keys.
* Scripted controller detection: Added dialog handling functionality to script interface. Added some detection dialog related entries to the text database
* ScriptCompiler: Fixed conflicts between class and namespace names when nested classes are defined in script headers
* ScriptCompiler: Fixed database dependency problems caused by nested class handling
* ScriptCompiler: Allowed non-explicit constants (e.g. constant data vars, enums) to be passed as event arguments
* ScriptCompiler: Added 'Constant Expected' error for handling unsuitable event arguments
* ScriptCompiler: Increased database version number to
* ScriptCompiler: Added parsing of const pointer types to header parser (e.g 'void * const')
* ScriptCompiler: Reworded non-fatal database error messages to prevent VS2010 from stopping compilation unnecessarily
* Scribe: Added cMessage.SendTo() to expose sending of messages to specific script instances
* Tire.rg: revised slick tire for the GT cars and LM11
* Azure Circuit: Added more or less all road marking, left to add them along the tunnel. Started to add conc drain along the road. Reworked swimming pool kerb, added conc drain, cut the road mesh below them, remapped. Reworked anthony noghes kerb, cut the road mesh below them, fixed armco, remapped.
Fixed mirabeau hairpin sidewalk and wall, grass, trees,first step it needs some more fixes. Set flags for all new objects. Merged in latest assets from JanP. Updated csm. Updated sel sets
* Heusden: Fixed further uvstretching on another hillside terrain part
* Heusden: Added pitstuff
* Heusden: Added nightskyring
* Heusden: Heusden, added wetroad effects, on roads, trackside tarmacs, kerbs, gravelbeds, added working tracklights back to track, fixed aliasing on skydome and closed minigaps
* Derby: Repostioned the 38 garage spots 1-2meters left for changed garage geometry. Car can exit without hitting right wall now. Also move start grid positions back 1 space to align with all start box graphics
* Milan: Improved outer terrain, mapped slopes, fixed garages collision, added missing wall, adjusted trees and bushes position accordance with terrain changes
* BMW M3 GT: Added 2 works liveries
* BMW M1: fixed livery names
* BMW M1: changed hands pose to more relaxed one
* BMW M1: Changed rims on some liveries
* Caterham R500: fixed typo in rear suspension geometry
* Asano LM11: non-forward drag values from CFD. collision offset hack for curb issues.
* BMW Z4 GT3: Non-forward drag values from CFD. Collision offset hack to reduce curb issues.
* Asano X4, BMW M1, JPLM, Racers: collision offset hack to reduce curb issues
Build 391 (24/1/13, Senior Manager)
* Eifelwald: Fixed found gaps and fixed one hard bump issue in roadCSM
* Moravia: New vertical brake markers added to dynamic bank and placed on track (export files + scene files)
* Azure circuit: New texture map
* Derby: Fixed dark colour issue on problem gravel area
* Northampton: More garage interiors added, garage doors opened, garage collisions updated, ammended collisions added
* Solitude Rennstrecke: Collision bug fixed and new export
* Deleted redundant "skin" materials
Build 390 (23/1/13, Senior Manager)
* Tyre contact patch domain sizing optimization
* Fy twist flex mode
* FB rev on tires
* Derby: Reduced brightness/spec on kerbs
* Moravia: Moved Pitlane assets closer to garages
* Moravia: Added missing assets, ammended collision for pitstuff
* Solitude Rennstrecke: New export
*KNOWN ISSUES:* The new Solitude export has missing collision mesh, meaning you will fall through the ground at all times. It is not testable in this build
Build 389 (22/1/13, Manager+)
Bug Fixes:
* Fix for replay mode getting stuck when viewing from a Season. Season post-race screen had changed to use the standard one, so replay was trying to return to the wrong screen
* Added missing brace to bodywork2_skinned.fx
* Fix for multi-face billboard shader problems with self shadowing intersecting the billboard and causing highly visible straight lines where they cut through
* Fixed character normal map not working at all when using basic_billboard shader
* Fixed merge error in shader code
* Derby: Added wet track materials and shadow fences
* Derby: New textures
* Milan: Improved green concretes, added normal maps on road wet surfaces, added ground cover files
* Milan: Added ground cover files
* Bodywork2.fx - droplets sampler settings changed - texture will use mipmaps now (avoiding noise on distant cars), Added scale factor (selfReflection)to prevent raindrop reflections going through bodywork, thereby reducing the over-bright droplets on shadowed side of the car
* Rain droplets texture - mipmaps generated - avoiding noisy rain drops on distant cars
* Racer V8: non-forward drag values from Falcon CFD
Build 388 (21/1/13, Senior Manager)
* Added null pointer protection within debug line functions to prevent crash
* Groundwork for scripted controller detection/calibration
* Moravia: Added pit and tracklights, missing start gantry, missing start Hut, missing overtrack gantries, pitlane stuff and interiors for the rooms above garages
* Moravia: New export to add textures second try
* Sakitto: Tweaked static environment map co-ordinates
* Belgian Forest Circuit: Tweaked static environment map co-ordinates for
* Northampton: Tweaked static environment map co-ordinates
* Wisconsyn Raceway: Tweaked static environment map co-ordinates
* Lakeville Raceway: Tweaked static environment map co-ordinates
* Eifelwald: Tweaked static environment map co-ordinates
* Milan Modern & Historic: Tweaked static environment map co-ordinates
* Monterey: Tweaked static environment map co-ordinates
* Derby: Tweaked static environment map co-ordinates
* California Highway: Adding static emap co-ordinates
* Badenring modern & historic: Tweaked static environment map co-ordinates for
* Solitude Rennstrecke: New export
* BMW M1: Added liveries 1/2 names
* BMW M1: new Procar livery
un saludo
Pretty damn good. Still a good chunk of work left to get it driving well though.
Quick update to say we're getting much closer on the new street tire. R500 is feeling very lively and Atoms are more stable at the back end, and it's now really easy to hold and recover from big slides without getting the 'snap back' oversteer when the front tires hook up. Current feeling is that they are still a little too loose and it is too easy to initiate slides, but it definitely feels like we're moving in the right direction.
Should be good to add for next week. Fingers crossed we may have something completely new to test it on as well.
luisdacos escribió:hola me podeis recomendar un antialising injector para mejorar la calidad?
KOMETE_UN_CAGAO escribió:luisdacos escribió:hola me podeis recomendar un antialising injector para mejorar la calidad?
https://mega.co.nz/#!mYkVBSRD!R3FEDVwXV ... 9qkvlOlyV4
luisdacos escribió:KOMETE_UN_CAGAO escribió:luisdacos escribió:hola me podeis recomendar un antialising injector para mejorar la calidad?
https://mega.co.nz/#!mYkVBSRD!R3FEDVwXV ... 9qkvlOlyV4
gracias compi,ademas es el primer archivo que bajo de mega
KOMETE_UN_CAGAO escribió:luisdacos escribió:hola me podeis recomendar un antialising injector para mejorar la calidad?
https://mega.co.nz/#!mYkVBSRD!R3FEDVwXV ... 9qkvlOlyV4
juanote34 escribió:KOMETE_UN_CAGAO escribió:luisdacos escribió:hola me podeis recomendar un antialising injector para mejorar la calidad?
https://mega.co.nz/#!mYkVBSRD!R3FEDVwXV ... 9qkvlOlyV4
Esto se pone en la raiz del juego?
juanote34 escribió:KOMETE_UN_CAGAO escribió:luisdacos escribió:hola me podeis recomendar un antialising injector para mejorar la calidad?
https://mega.co.nz/#!mYkVBSRD!R3FEDVwXV ... 9qkvlOlyV4
Esto se pone en la raiz del juego?
luisdacos escribió:KOMETE_UN_CAGAO escribió:luisdacos escribió:hola me podeis recomendar un antialising injector para mejorar la calidad?
https://mega.co.nz/#!mYkVBSRD!R3FEDVwXV ... 9qkvlOlyV4
gracias compi,ademas es el primer archivo que bajo de mega
denis74 escribió:Señores en el Facebook dicen que la fecha de salida es el Thanksgiving Day o lo que es lo mismo, el Día de Acción de Gracias, que es a finales de Noviembre.
Fecha de lanzamiento para PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox360, Xbox720 y WiiU