neox3 escribió:artistas, que tocais vosotros para hacer que los coches giren mas en las curvas?
porque ami con mi volante, driving force pro gt modeado, segun que coches, me cuesta meterlos en las curvas cerradas, me voy por fuera siempre y version por version me sigue pasando lo mismo y es algo que me desespera, ya que no se comporta para nada como un coche real... asi que ya lo achaco a configuracion
es curioso, porque mi volante tiene 2 vueltas y esta calibrado así, 800º, pero en cuanto doy la primera entera, el muñeco deja de seguir girando y me da la sensacion que la segunda vuelta de volante no la utiliza y por mucho que gire el volante, el coche gira = con 1 vuelta que con 2...
descoat escribió:Colets, normalmente muchos juegos no dejan por defecto una buena configuracion el steering lock, un ejemplo claro es el rfactor, gsc, etc que lo bloqueaban a 14 grados y por mucho que girase tu volante, las ruedas no giraban más. El rfactor2 por ejemplo, ya viene configurado correctamente para cada coche y no hay que tocarlo.
Como desconozco como va este juego por defecto, lo aviso.
Los grados de dirección óptimos suelen estar sobre los 540 grados aunque va por gustos. 900 u 800 son excesivos para un coche de competición.
¿Cuantos grados de bloqueo de dirección tiene por defecto el juego? ¿O lo hace por coches de forma individual?
Si el volante no gira de forma visual es problema en este apartado.
descoat escribió:Colets, deberá haber la forma de tocarlo mediante el archivo de configuración. Se lo preguntaré a un compañero del otro foro que tiene la licencia.
De todas formas seguramente cuando termine el desarrollo del juego seguro que lo ponen.
El steering ratio no afecta a los grados de giro de la rueda sino al volante, pero configurarlo por defecto es como decir que todos tienen que tener un setup por defecto.
kak4rot escribió:¿Alguno que tenga el Thrustmaster T500 RS me puede pasar como tiene configurado su profile en el panel de control del volante?
gone-dns escribió:KOMETE_UN_CAGAO escribió:
Jugar dentro de ese coche tiene que ser lo más frustante del mundo. Que nos lo dejen sacar a un circuito!!
kak4rot escribió:kak4rot escribió:¿Alguno que tenga el Thrustmaster T500 RS me puede pasar como tiene configurado su profile en el panel de control del volante?
sakatros escribió:lo que pasa es que yo soy un poco rarito y a mi me gusta que el volante mas bien este duro, no me gusta la sensacion de llevar un volante que parece un molinillo, tampoco creais que hago pesas cuando me pongo a conducir, pero si que me gusta notar que hay resistencia, pues sino apaga y vamonos.
pedro_cam23 escribió:sakatros escribió:lo que pasa es que yo soy un poco rarito y a mi me gusta que el volante mas bien este duro, no me gusta la sensacion de llevar un volante que parece un molinillo, tampoco creais que hago pesas cuando me pongo a conducir, pero si que me gusta notar que hay resistencia, pues sino apaga y vamonos.
Pues entonces ya somos dos raritos![]()
A mi también me gusta llevar la dirección dura, no me gusta nada que gire sin apenas hacer fuerza.
Aunque no sé si es sensación mía o que, pero en algunos juegos si la llevas más dura como que pierde algunas sensaciones en baches y demás, por lo que normalmente busco un equilibrio. Pero intento llevarla lo más dura posible siempre que no pierda demasiadas sensaciones en los baches, pianos y demás.
navi91 escribió:Es logico,ya que el FFB no puede retransmitir tanta fuerza con el volante duro,por eso pierdes sensaciones,a mi me gusta llevarlo tambien durito,no excesivamente pero si lo suficiente para que con una mano conduciendo se me canse el brazo en 3 o 4 curvas...Era un ejemplo para ver cuan duro lo llevo,no es mucho pero no esta mal
abe_nano escribió:neox3 escribió:artistas, que tocais vosotros para hacer que los coches giren mas en las curvas?
porque ami con mi volante, driving force pro gt modeado, segun que coches, me cuesta meterlos en las curvas cerradas, me voy por fuera siempre y version por version me sigue pasando lo mismo y es algo que me desespera, ya que no se comporta para nada como un coche real... asi que ya lo achaco a configuracion
es curioso, porque mi volante tiene 2 vueltas y esta calibrado así, 800º, pero en cuanto doy la primera entera, el muñeco deja de seguir girando y me da la sensacion que la segunda vuelta de volante no la utiliza y por mucho que gire el volante, el coche gira = con 1 vuelta que con 2...
Yo estoy con la opinion de que vas un poco pasado, no obstante si el muñeco gira el volante del mismo modo y a la vez que tu el tuyo, solo que al final no gira mas, siempre puedes tocar la opcion de steering ratio aunque eso no te da mas radio de giro sino que necesitas mas vuelta de volante para llegar al maximo.
Yo personalmente eso no suelo tocarlo y nunca suelo girar el volante mas de 180° hacia algun lado (media vuelta hacia cada lado) es el rango maximo que uso. De todas maneras ayudaria saber con que coches te pasa para ayidarte con el set pero prueba primero a frenar un poco antes xDD
descoat escribió:A ver, colets
En primer lugar voy a explicar de forma muy sencilla todo.
El bloqueo de dirección sí se puede cambiar en Pcars en el setup del coche según acaban de decirme esta tarde, por lo tanto olvida lo de configurarlo de otro modo.
Si al compañero no le gira las ruedas por mucho que él gire el volante es porque tiene un valor del bloqueo de dirección bajo. Con subirlo, se soluciona el problema.
A partir de ahí, ya que cada uno configure los grados de dirección que más le guste, pero ya no tiene un bloqueo en el giro de la rueda.
Respecto a lo que no entendiste: en la carpeta userdata de cada juego, hay un archivo con tu nombre con todo lo que desde el juego puedes cambiar incluidas cosas que no puedes ver desde el menú. Ese archivo .PRL se puede editar. Con sólo irte a la línea que quieras cambiar, la guardas y listo. Cosas como el autoblip, o autolift que no suele aparecer en los menús de opciones, los configuras a tu gusto desde ahí.
Y así con todo.
sakatros escribió:Grados de volante en la pestaña probar el volante
En la pestaña ajustar fuerzas
ajuste general 90
Fuerzas constantes 100
Fuerzas periodicas 100
Fuerzas de resorte 90
fuerzas de amortiguador 90
neox3 escribió: edito: donde estan ahora esos perfiles a borrar desde que reinstalamos el juego desde steam? no los encuentro
Aritz [otro] escribió:Por fin podremos comparar este vídeo (no dejéis de verlo los que no lo hayáis hecho) y el Capri del juego:
EDIT: Lo digo porque ahora estará abierta esa opción de trazado
currololo escribió:¿Habéis visto este vídeo?
Hablando de otra cosa, hoy no he probado la build pero ayer estuve un rato conduciendo después de doce días y he visto que se ha corregido algo que me pasaba en las dos últimas semanas más o menos, y es que notaba el volante como si tuviera arenilla en los engranajes, con muchos "picos" de "clipping" que hacían bastante incómoda la conducción, aunque las sensaciones de los coches fueran buenas. No sé si alguno de vosotros había notado algo parecido, por lo menos con el G25. Puede ser lo que ponía en la build de ayer de los "spikes". El caso es que vuelve a ir suave y sin problemas, menos mal.
Dume escribió:Drak64 escribió:Vaya con la ultima actualización....
Alguien le pasa estas cosas?....
La visualización se sale de pantalla. Mi resolución es 1920x1080 y no consigo verlo todo, nunca me había pasado algo igual.
Y otra cosilla por si lo queréis reportar en caso de que no este.
Salen una especie de nubecillas como de humo pero parecen como lentes que se refleja el ambiente de al rededor.
Una imagen creo que mejor:
Prueba a borrar el archivo de configuracion grafica en la carpeta de documentos/pcars y configura de nuevo las opciones de graficos a ver si se te soluciona.
denis74 escribió:neox3 escribió: edito: donde estan ahora esos perfiles a borrar desde que reinstalamos el juego desde steam? no los encuentro
Cada vez que se actualiza SIEMPRE hay que borrar ese perfil. El archivo en cuestión es el default.sav. Es muy importante borrarlo.
denis74 escribió:Ahora las variantes que han hecho en Nurburgring se pueden jugar de Senior para abajo.
Testear el Fórmula C con los Match tires.
Quizás la semana que viene nos den información con fechas específicas de los circuitos y coches planeados por meter en el juego. Más circuitos?
Naer escribió:El video que ha puesto Currololo ha pasado totalmente desapercibido, pero es brutal como se secan los charcos![]()
The other tires, including the default, are still there this week for reference.
This is mainly a "status update" in the form of a CPFT week. I have been working on the FC using IRL F3 data, but I am not really done with the whole first pass yet. So there are still issues that I still intend to fix.
The data itself is somewhat truncated and noisy, but does include some very interesting qualitative differences from what we've had up until now. The FC "Match" tire does now actually hit those differences, so there is interesting stuff to dig into for a CPFT week. Before you ask, those differences are a little bit subtle in the data (which we cannot publish), such as in the form of how things (optimum slip angle, Mz, etc) change with load.
The FC is also not necessarily an F3 clone car. Once we get the value of data matching settled, we can tune away from that if we want. And I think we might want. The F3 tire has a rather high optimum slip angle (technically, "off the charts", for the data we have, which went to 7 degrees, but projects peak angle to the 10+ ballpark). That makes it feel maybe less precise and less "open wheely" than we might want. I would like anyone with F3 experience to chime in on this aspect though...are F3s really that high slip angle and even a bit drifty? The car as-is, data matched, sure is. Well, the driftiness might reduce as heating gets put in, which introduces more falloff, but the slip angles will still be high unless we purposely go away from a data match to reduce them. On the other hand, I can see the FC Match tire making for some really good racing. Oversteer moments are easy to catch, but the thing still has decent turn-in (although needing enough steering input to get through that high slip angle). IOW, tidy is still fastest, but mistakes don't spin you or put you off so easy. IOOW, it seems to be an "easy" car that still rewards technique with pace.
The default FFB for FC is a simple dev FFB, not a final one. It is mostly linear Mz, which is what I prefer to dev tires on.
For this week, one of the points of focus is to decide if we should stick with behavior matching what data we have on F3 tires, or if we should tighten up the tires, making them snappier. Because we are now close to that fork in the road on going further with these tires.
One thing to mix into that evaluation is two new FFB parameters: TightenCenterRange and TightenCenterFalloff. This is in response to Jussi's deadzone observation. TightenCenterRange is from 0 to 1, so setting that to 0.1 would be a good match to fix the case Jussi posted plots to. The falloff just softens it a bit. 0.01 is good for that one.
Caterham R500 and Classic - fixed track bar being above the axle centerline (and hence rear roll center). This fixes most of the up on 2 wheels experienced. re-adjusted setup accordingly (this added understeer). Raised default tire pressures and adjusted the optimum pressure shapes. Some drop in flash tire temp on the R500.
BMW Z4 GT3: Tweaks to the setup. Default is back to a more general balance which will work for most tracks instead of the Wisconsin-specific set. Trying an experiment with an old sound parameter that offsets when the tire scrub sounds start. Might work as a nice stopgap until the audio team does a new model to hook into STM metrics.
GT3 Slick: Small changes based on CPFT feedback. Some are slightly counter-intuitive so I'm not going to tell you exactly what they are here to preserve blind-ish testing.
Group A Slick: Moved back some of the last changes which weren't well received.
Racer V8: Accurate gearbox options, New dampers modeled after the Koni 2812 on 140 valving, applied suspension data from Jussi's research into the Radical technical manual, Tweaked aero a bit and put in two settings for front aero (mimicking dive planes), Adjusted bump stops.
Diverged from Jussi's research on the motion ratios a little bit. I'm assuming the technical manual's ride frequency calculations are done without driver weight, so about 650kg. That mass with a 64% rear bias works out well by my math, and when the driver mass is added in position the final weight distribution is close to 60% rear. Based on how well it drives, I think this is very close to accurate for our model. There is nary a thing left with the chassis/engine/gearbox/suspension combination I would change at this point. Just feels right on the money to me and will only get better as the F3 tire model develops.
Drive it with the F3 Match tires but remember that the current version will overheat after about 7 minutes of vigorous driving.
Just a quick update on progress here.
I have been working on the individual Vehicle/Character Schedules and Milestone Lists and these are undergoing a few tweaks. The Track schedule will also be underway soon. The initial pass of these will be posted within the next few days and incorporated into the previous Milestone list for a complete view of the upcoming 4 Milestones.
synox escribió:hola chicos, soy un seguidor de hace tiempo de este juego , aunke normalmente entro en el foro de 360 ke es lo ke tengo. mi pregunta es cuando vosotros pensais ke sacaran el juego y ke porcentaje del juego ya esta terminado y cual keda, es ke hay veces ke me da la sensacion de ke nunca va ha salir y menos para mi 360.gracias
Aritz [otro] escribió:Lo dudo mucho... No creo que vaya a haber esta posibilidad. Éste no será un juego abierto como el rFactor.
Hey guys,
I hope everyone is well!
This post is going to be based on Build 561 and will cover the Caterham Superlight R500 and the Formula C.
Firstly I am sure you guys will notice that as the cars improve like they are doing now, I will have less to say in terms of handling improvements, which is what I want, because the less number of improvements I think there is or should be, the better the game is becoming. I am hoping that the game becomes so perfect in the future, that all my blog post consists of is……….’I dove XX car and it was AWESOME!’
My last blog post pretty much said everything I felt about the general behaviour of the tyres and what I felt needed improving and since I have been back, it looks like the issues I was talking about have been looked into and have really improved. I personally think that the changes to the tyres over the past week have transformed each car I have driven and so from now, I do not feel that there is need for massive improvement in terms of how the tyres behave or react, but instead, fine tuning and tweaking is what I will be looking to do! Our base foundation is fantastic now and so tweaking each car bit by bit will make them perfect.
So out of the 2 cars I have been testing, they both have improved massively. The characteristic they have in common is that they are now becoming controllable and believable in terms of the grip the car produces on entry, mid corner and exit. A big part of this improvement I feel is due to the tyres, they are move forgiving and are starting to produce a very realistic level of grip, both on initial turning and when the tyre is under load through a corner. Mid-corner is now becoming a lot more controllable with the window of mistake being wider as the grip fall off point has been increased, all of these fine adjustments and improvements have made the general balance and feeling of the car much more realistic, which increases the whole experience of the game.
Before I go onto the cars that I tested, I just want to say that the most impressive part of this game so far, is the attention to detail in every car. From my experience, no other game to date has as much detail in the physics of their cars as Pcars does. Most games e.g. Gran Turismo 5, have the same basic feeling throughout all of their cars, as they just use the same model and then make some tiny adjustments to make each car feel different. With Pcars, each car feels completely different due to the physics of the car matching real life references and is a credit to everyone involved. We are now starting to raise the bar in the simulation/gaming industry and it will be very hard to top us when we are finished.
Anyway…..back to business!
Caterham Superlight R500
This car is very enjoyable to drive; it feels nimble and is really well balanced. So before the changes were made in Build 561, the general feeling of the car was great, the rear felt very ‘floaty’ but controllable, which is how it should be. To start with, I was struggling with mid corner understeer and lack of traction. As the nature of the car is quite loose, I wanted to set it up so that it had better initial turn in with good grip mid corner and a decent amount of traction. After spending quite a bit of time playing around with the setup, I got to a level where the car was very stable both on entry and mid-corner, but I felt that more traction was needed.
Once Build 561 was released, I felt that the car was even better with increased levels of grip mid corner and traction on exit. Although the car felt like it had more grip, it would still move about under braking, which was causing a slight hint of oversteer on entry, which is what you want as if you took the oversteer away, there would be too much understeer, so it is all about getting the right balance. I felt the biggest improvement in general, was with the tyres and how they allowed a progressive slide, which never use to be the case. I am seeing this in a lot of cars now and it is great. I feel that the general behaviour of the tyre in terms of the grip they produce is great, with a controllable progressive slide and the fact that you are now starting to feel the limit of the tyre through a slide, which is awesome, as before, there was a progressive slide but then a sudden snap with no warning and no feeling of being at the limit of the tyre.
In terms of tweaking, a problem I am having is that, yes the car is a lot more controllable with progressive slides etc. but sometimes there is a massive ‘pendulum’ affect, where you catch a slide where you are starting to wind down the opposite lock, but the car would swing the other way with no way of controlling it or getting it back. Obviously the ‘pendulum’ affect can be created by the driver ‘over-correcting’, where they use too much opposite lock which then, once the car grips back up again, throws them off in the opposite direction, but in this case, I feel that there is a very fine line which only takes the slightest of movements from the car and the slightest correction from the driver, causing the ‘pendulum’ affect with no chance of controlling it. I would say that this affect needs to be ‘slowed’ down, where the car is more lazy in changing direction from opposite lock affects, at the moment it snaps violently, but if it was a more progressive affect like the changes with the tyres have created, then this would make it a lot more controllable and realistic.
I am not sure whether this issue is caused by my Steering Wheel, as I have had problems with my wheel for a long time, but I feel that the FFB has a mind of its own, causing the wheel to turn and work against you, which does not help with the ‘pendulum’ affect issue. I am getting a new wheel soon and so I will be able to see whether it is the FFB in the game/car, or my wheel. Does anyone else have this issue? I feel that the strength of the FFB changes depending on the amount or steering lock/ angle you have, in this case, I feel that most of the FFB strength is when the wheel is in the centre and when you turn and go past the central position, the wheel goes lighter. This causes an issue when you try and correct a slide and use opposite lock, you have to pass the central position and then go to the opposite angle, so as the wheel is light from one angle and then you turn to the opposite angle, (opposite lock) the strength in the centre of the wheel either pulls and turns the wheel quicker, which gives you no control, or fights against you to where you cannot turn quick enough. (It is really hard to explain without showing you guys, but I hope you can sort of understand.) This issue makes the ‘pendulum’ affect worse.
All in all, the general feeling of this car is fantastic and is great fun, as I said earlier, it is now all about finer tweaks, features such as tyre temps etc. I will go into detail some other time, but I think that should come after the physics of the tyre is perfected, as tyre temps etc. are finer/ smaller details.
Formula C
Ok so I like driving this car, I think it is great for a generic chassis and will be really nice once the development of the car is complete. On the first round of the CPFT testing, I found the car still very fun and nice to drive, it was nimble and was controllable with no unrealistic actions. With the first round of testing, the car was very ‘bouncy’ and unstable over bumps and kerbs, which was the most unrealistic feature about the car, but I knew it was early stages of development so I did not worry about that too much.
Personally I think that with the first round of testing, to the changes made to the car now, we are still lacking initial bite and all round grip from the tyres. In round one, the car felt very lively, but stable but had quite a bit of mid-corner understeer, which you do not want from a car like this. The only way I felt I could get the car to turn-in at mid-corner how I wanted, was to lock the deceleration diff to help me to the apex, together with decreasing the brake mapping to help the car rotate more.
What I am trying to say is that, from the first round of testing to now, I do not think we have the full behaviour of a slick tyre as at the moment, there is not enough bite and grip mid corner as the front tyres are sliding across the road more causing the need to use a lot of steering lock, whereas with a slick tyre in real life, the grip available at optimum temperature is very good, making the car very stable, predictable and consistent when on the limit. Of course you can cause understeer and instability by over-driving and putting unnecessary load on the tyre, but this is down to driver error.
In Build 561, under braking and initial turn-in, the car is good, but as I said, as soon as you get to mid corner, the tyre just starts to slide. Traction has also decreased with the new changes, which to me does not replicate a car with downforce, as the downforce should be pushing the rear down minimising loss of traction and increasing stability. As the rear is stable through high-speed corners, I feel that the downforce is working correctly and outlines that the overall grip that the new tyres are producing is not enough. Obviously we do not want to increase the grip level to how things use to be back in the BTM days, but I think a slight increase to help with mid-corner understeer and lack of traction is needed. That all being said, the changes have improved stability over bumps and kerbs, making the car a lot more realistic when on the limit.
With the new changes, instantly, I felt strength increase in FFB, which I feel is good, but the laziness of the tyre and the amount of understeer it produces, causes the FFB to work against you, making it even harder to place the car where you want. Another issue I have found with the FFB, is that I have a violent shaking period on the pit straight, which was present in the previous builds, but this time it is a little worse. The shaking feels like you are standing on a ‘power plate’ and if I let go of the wheel, the wheel will move from side to side quite aggressively. Yet again, I am not sure if this is my wheel or not, but it only happens with this car at the moment.
All in all, I think this car has a great base foundation and balance but needs more grip all round, especially the front the tyres as this will help to replicate the full grip levels of a single-seater with aero.
Keep going guys, the improvements are coming thick and fast
I am going to post additional feedback on the BMW Z4 GT3 soon.
denis74 escribió:Aritz [otro] escribió:Lo dudo mucho... No creo que vaya a haber esta posibilidad. Éste no será un juego abierto como el rFactor.
Aritz, gracias por tu punto de vista, ya que estas metido en ello, sobre el desarrollo de coches y circuitos.
Tú que conoces el tema: con la gran cantidad de circuitos y sus variantes que hay ahora, más los planeados. ¿Cuanta gente crees que tienen trabajando en diseñar estos circuitos? Aparte que los de carretera abierta tienen que llevar un gran tiempo de diseño.
denis74 escribió:Aritz [otro] escribió:Lo dudo mucho... No creo que vaya a haber esta posibilidad. Éste no será un juego abierto como el rFactor.
De hecho hace meses ya dijeron que tienen un trato o acuerdo con los de ISI de no soportar mods. Quizás esa parte se la dejen a simuladores que ya lo permiten. No querrán solapar esa característica. O quizás se trata de ofrecer algo nuevo no de copiarse unos a otros, así hay variedad donde elegir y cada simulador ofrece lo suyo, con lo que se amplía el catálogo de simuladores sin ser calcos unos a otros.