[HO] Project CARS

jlanc3 escribió:Que dolor de brazos!!!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... jF__B1xpJY


Estaba pensando, y si al terminar la carrera le entran ganas de mear; :-?
podra hacerlo solo?
pedira ayuda?
se meara en los pantalones?
en fin cada uno que piense lo que quiera.
Más trabajo del progreso del Formula C que nos trae el gran Ralph Hummerich:

Brake discs complete as well as the calipers and brake system.
More work on MISC; chassis is quite done, exhaust and engine next.

formula_c_wheel_diff_00.dds - 512x512 - dxt5 - 100%
formula_c_wheel_diff_01.dds - 256x256 - dxt5 - 100%
formula_c_wheel_spec_00.dds - 256x256 - dxt5 - 100%
formula_c_wheel_spec_01.dds - 256x256 - dxt5 - 100%
formula_c_wheel_norm_00.dds - 512x512 - dxt1 - 100%
formula_c_tire_diff_00.dds - 512x512 - dxt1 - 100%
formula_c_tire_diff_01.dds - 256x256 - dxt1 - 100%
formula_c_tire_norm_00.dds - 512x512 - dxt1 - 100%
formula_c_disc_diff_00.dds - 512x512 - dxt1 - 100%
formula_c_disc_diff_01.dds - 256x256 - dxt1 - 100%
formula_c_disc_spec_00.dds - 256x256 - dxt5 - 100%
formula_c_disc_spec_01.dds - 256x256 - dxt5 - 100%
formula_c_misc_diff.dds - 1024x1024 - dxt1 - 60%
formula_c_misc_spec.dds - 512x512 - dxt5 - 60%
formula_c_misc_norm.dds - 1024x1024 - dxt1 - 60%
time spent today 8 hours, time totally spent 20,5 hours = 60%

Tomorrow it's time for new engine and exhaust.

Os dejo un video que he realizado con el Ariel Atom para ver el tema de suspensiones....

denis74 escribió:Más trabajo del progreso del Formula C que nos trae el gran Ralph Hummerich:

Brake discs complete as well as the calipers and brake system.
More work on MISC; chassis is quite done, exhaust and engine next.

formula_c_wheel_diff_00.dds - 512x512 - dxt5 - 100%
formula_c_wheel_diff_01.dds - 256x256 - dxt5 - 100%
formula_c_wheel_spec_00.dds - 256x256 - dxt5 - 100%
formula_c_wheel_spec_01.dds - 256x256 - dxt5 - 100%
formula_c_wheel_norm_00.dds - 512x512 - dxt1 - 100%
formula_c_tire_diff_00.dds - 512x512 - dxt1 - 100%
formula_c_tire_diff_01.dds - 256x256 - dxt1 - 100%
formula_c_tire_norm_00.dds - 512x512 - dxt1 - 100%
formula_c_disc_diff_00.dds - 512x512 - dxt1 - 100%
formula_c_disc_diff_01.dds - 256x256 - dxt1 - 100%
formula_c_disc_spec_00.dds - 256x256 - dxt5 - 100%
formula_c_disc_spec_01.dds - 256x256 - dxt5 - 100%
formula_c_misc_diff.dds - 1024x1024 - dxt1 - 60%
formula_c_misc_spec.dds - 512x512 - dxt5 - 60%
formula_c_misc_norm.dds - 1024x1024 - dxt1 - 60%
time spent today 8 hours, time totally spent 20,5 hours = 60%

Tomorrow it's time for new engine and exhaust.


Brutal la calidad de los detalles del chasis del Formula C. Cómo se nota que cuando tienen datos reales trabajan que da gusto!
sakatros escribió:Os dejo otro video...esta vez del formula c...


Ya tienes un me gusta, como se lo han currao con el sonido y la verdad que el movimiento de cabeza ya parece otra cosa
Buen video de nuevo sakatros, aunque el movimiento de esa cámara es un poco mareante. :-|

Aquí el dejo el feedback de Ben Collins sobre varios coches, tanto para lo bueno como para lo malo. Son comentarios del día 20:

CASEY sent me this message earlier: “This week, there are some significant refinements done to the Racer V8 (Radical SR8), Ariel Atom 300 and some interesting tire developments for the Formula C”

You can say that again! Some exciting progress

Here’s my latest thoughts on this week’s build, starting with the good news and my new favourite machine on Project CARS:

Formula C

The FC is absolutely superb. If you want to know what it feels like to drive a Formula Vauxhall Lotus (which no longer exists) crossed with a Formula Renault 2000, then take this baby out for a spin.


Braking: plenty of feedback, very driveable – it could possibly benefit from a fraction more initial braking ‘bite’ but it’s great. I set my brake bias to 55% which turned out to be important on other tyres.

Trail braking: this tyre supports any effort to trail brake and steer into the corner – bravo. Love it.

Turn / In: its good, but I would love even more turning POWER, so that you could potentially make the car oversteer if you turn too quickly or at too high a speed (*see notes on the Ariel / FA / and WHITE Tyre below). The car does twitch slightly on turn/in when close to the limit which is a major bonus

Power: this is the sexy part. As you squeeze the throttle, this transitions beautifully from u/steer to oversteer and balances – you can feel the limit and there are no nasty ‘kill you quick’ spins like in the FA.

Sound: this is important. The engine sounds right and crucially you can HEAR wheelspin, and tyre squeal when you break rear traction. The Kart and the FA don’t do this and it’s their loss – to the gain of the FC – LOVE IT!

F3 Slick / Flash. Yikes. For some reason my car got the shakes and the whole body was shaking down the straights so I parked it but noticed that I had to dial the brake bias to 70% to prevent the rears locking. This tyre has no rear grip or stability.

F3 Slick / Match – major front ploughing and understeer. I couldn’t note a redeeming feature so I parked it before my mouse became embedded in the monitor.

F3 Slick / White – yeee haaw. Another great tyre. Feels like less grip than the default but it still works great.

Braking: I reverted to 55% brake bias because the fronts were slippery at 70%.

Power: the progressive sliding on this tyre is really excellent. You can balance the platform using the throttle and flick the car out of corners. As with the default it might just benefit from feeling a bit stiffer, with slightly more aggressive twitches (not ones that make you spin, they just make you work the wheel a little faster and harder)

Braking: again excellent with great feedback

Trail Braking: point of difference with this tyre is that it has slightly less rear stability when braking and steering into a corner, and I loved that.

Bearing in mind that we detest the phenomenon when the car auto-rotates if you combine braking and steering – but the White tyre causes the rear to float progressively and is the first tyre model I’ve driven on PCARS to pull it off. Great job.

Set-up: I tweaked 2 notches more rear wing on to see if I could tone down the oversteer as I braked into a tight, fast cambered right at Imola and it worked precisely as it should. I lost a little turn in elsewhere but was very pleased to see a set up change working.


Formula A

By contrast to the FC the FA has some quite frustrating issues at the moment

1. If you touch an apex kerb under load with power you spin – end of. It shouldn’t make the rears spin like this
2. As you gradually squeeze the throttle on the FA there’s no way of telling the limit and you just spin – there’s no engine note, bounce from the tyre or tyre noise to guide you that you are exceeding the limit either

Caterham R500

Handling: The car has massive entry understeer from turn/in to mid corner which is unrealistic as the RL model has excellent sharp bite and rotates around the engine mounted in the front. I feel we have gone backwards with the Caterham.

Braking: The car will spin if you combine braking & steering and linked to this is some of the lift off oversteer in slower corners. There’s not nearly enough stopping power from the brakes and there needs to by a dynamic shift in handling. *see below on the Ariel

Ariel Atom 300

Delighted to report that we have a delight in the making here! This car highlights the true potential of the Sim because like the FC it breaks new ground on certain handling features.

Turn In: this is the first car on the Sim with REAL turn in power. You can spin it if you turn the wheel too quickly. The beauty is that you feel totally connected to the steering, it is responsive and you can gauge how much and at what speed to enter a corner with the steering. (*see below re tyre pressures)

Power: climbing onto the power is fantastic with this car and like RL the car is pretty prone to sliding on the gas – but it’s controllable and you can feel the limit. A bit like the FC, I would love to see faster / catchable twitches to make you work harder but not at the expense of driveability – which the 300 has in abundance.

Braking: it falls down slightly on the lack of braking grip but once I dialled into the fact that I couldn’t brake so late it wasn’t a problem.

Trail braking: it struggles with this sadly. In fact any deceleration on entry to the corner really upsets the rear and it wants to spin. It would be great to have the positives of this car and remove the instability of braking and steering.

Graphics: superb and feels like you’re driving the real thing. Especially with the building whine from the engine which is unique to Atom – where do you guys find the time to replicate this stuff..?!

V8 Racer RS

This car closely resembles the CN / Speed Series car I’ve been testing for TIGA this season so it’s great to see this finding its feet on the Sim.

Default tyre

General: steering felt vague and made the car feel too lazy and soft. Too much entry u/steer – really this car should drive more like the FC but with more power and a little more downforce.

On Flash tyre the o/steer was bad. It ploughed on Match (like the FC) and wasn’t improved on White.

Audi DTM

Still loving the excellent cockpit and the tight engine tones in this car. Here’s why I still really rate this car on PCARS

Turn In: the steering response is excellent with really good turning power on entry to the corner, you can put it where you want. In my case that means all over the kerbs

Kerbs: the DTM nails the kerbs smartly and feels /sounds very realistic. Perhaps we could even build in a little more snappy bounce over some of the bigger kerbs.

Power: there’s good recoverability on the throttle with the DTM, it’s forgiving.

Braking: I had to adjust the brake bias forward and then the car had this superb float from the rear under braking whilst steering. This stopped me spinning on corner entry & I’m glad to see that simple set up changes like this react realistically. The FC shares this feel but it’s different.

Ford Focus RS

A quick drive in this one because I’ve just been hammering the Focus RS in Poland. Buy the new Fiesta RS instead BTW, it’s cheaper and far better.

In the sim the Focus has a few flaws

1. You can’t brake & steer or else it spins
2. Handling felt sluggish. The body roll was ok but the handling also felt slower than reality which is more crisp
3. Very low overall front grip, all the time. In reality the Focus has great front grip until you accelerate and then you get a surge of power understeer as the torque of the engine goes beserk mid corner
4. Per #3 – it needs more power mid range
5. Liked the movement and bounce in the suspension

Kart 250E

Couldn’t resist taking this baby for a spin! This was also my first trip around Donington which has been really well replicated. If I spend some more time there on the Sim I can fire across some additional on the bumps – but only if you let me hit more kerbs without being penalised! C’mon Casey help me out !!

Sound: superb engine note

Graphics / body roll: it all seems to roll too slowly. The real thing is super sharp, tight and darty.

Handling: I struggled to dial into the high speed oversteer or to predict when and why it was happening. The 250 has considerable downforce for its size and I wouldn’t expect it to lose traction the way it does without a reason – and there’s no sound of wheelspin when it breaks away suddenly. It’s too loose

Turn In: In general the Kart felt too unstable but at the same time if you rock up at a corner and swing the wheel like a chimpanzee throwing poo at a German tourist, it won’t oversteer. The Kart could take a leaf out of the Ariel Atom 300’s book on this point

Braking: when you lock the tyres the engine note should cut and the dead sounds can then help indicate the limit. The lock ups should be more aggressive IE short sharp locks that grab a wheel and release it just as fast. Currently it locks and release slowly like a big car.


BRAKE MAPPING – what is it and what does it do? I played with it on various machines and could not notice any difference so I’m confused. Nothing new there.

Kerbs Generally

Still too many lost laps when you use the track and take in some grass. Would love to see this feature paired back or removed.

Set up changes

I made some extreme changes to the FA including zero tyre pressure with softest possible suspension settings. The result was interesting in that it gave me more feeling from the steering, it felt more connected to the car and went where I wanted it to go. Other than that it was hopeless!

Great work on the Formula C and I look forward to seeing where this might take us with the big dogs like the FA and the 98T! Have a great weekend everyone and remember: drive fast.

PS Ryan Caines please post your 98T setup!!

Se lee "damage" en el build de hoy, se sabe algo?

Perdón por no copiar el texto pero con el móvil es tremendamente difícil
Hola a todos y decir este proyecto marcha en muy buena dirección.... le están metiendo mucha mano a las físicas... aun así todavía le queda, se ve que esta todo muy calmado ¿Sera la calma que precede la tempestad?, la verdad que se lo están currando muchísimo y eso se esta notando.

Os dejo mas abajo unas skin que he estado haciendo basadas en Monster energy del formula Gulf este coche junto con el M1 y el Capri me encanta como están quedando
GhalhajadTe quedan bien [oki] ¿Podrías hacer un skin del Monster para el Ford Focus?

Aritz [otro] escribió:Hmmmmm

Se lee "damage" en el build de hoy, se sabe algo?

Perdón por no copiar el texto pero con el móvil es tremendamente difícil

Eso es para el BMW Z4 GT3
Damage modifiers added, and cockpit animations too.

New export is going up now.


Build 571 (26/9/13, Team Member+)
* WiiU - various command buffer call state fixes + redundant sampler setting caching
* WiiU warning fix (CarPreviewObject)
* Rain lighting corrected - ambient-and-shadow buffer alias created for particles shadowing
* Career Inbox GUIHandler
* Ovlivegreen_Street flash tread for the Caterham Classic - upped the temperature build slightly
* Azure Coast: Added spotlights along the track, added new fx maps, added cars, vendors, anim heli and plane, added 2d+3d palmtrees, added 3d+bb crowds, added rain blockers and leaves areas, added BBQ smoke
* Volusia Speedway: New Complete AIW's for the loft changes. Also added 37 pits spots and a working pit lane path for both layouts
* BMW Z4 GT3: Cockpit animations added, added AO, damage
* Racer L4 & V8: Small aero tweaks. Fuel efficiency set
* Formula C: Exteriors mapping/textures WIP01

Abrir el spoiler para ver ya la version DTM del Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.5-16 Evolution 2 DTM del año 1991 [plas] [plas]

Spent some time improving the window curvature as pointed out correctly by one of our members which took half of the day. Then made new collision meshes and further ingame testing and fixed a lot of triangulation issues. Further improved the dash as i was still having a bit of zbuffering issues, now its fixed and looking better plus also improved triangulation in the interior fixing a lot of bad normals. Tomorrow I should be able to call it finished and move onto lods for the exterior.
denis74 escribió:GhalhajadTe quedan bien [oki] ¿Podrías hacer un skin del Monster para el Ford Focus?

Gracias Denis, lo de el focus podría intentarlo, de alguno de Ken Block, a ver que tal queda
Muy buen skin el de Monster! Gran trabajo :)

Sí Denis, ya había leído lo del Z4, pero me había emocionado pensando que por fin habían añadido daños reales :-|
Muy buenos esos skins, si la verdad que no iria mal algun skin guapo para el focus y el megane... a la espera de que toquen estos coches, al menos los veremos bien vestidos, jejejeje...

Al hilo de los daños....sabeis si pronto estara el desgaste de neumatico visual?? no es por nada, solo por curiosidad.
Ghalhajad escribió:
denis74 escribió:GhalhajadTe quedan bien [oki] ¿Podrías hacer un skin del Monster para el Ford Focus?

Gracias Denis, lo de el focus podría intentarlo, de alguno de Ken Block, a ver que tal queda

Ok ken Block también quedará genial.

Aritz supongo que te refieres a daños mecánicos, no? No me ha parecido ver nada en el foro oficial.

Sakatros pues no aparece nada en aquellas fechas de objetivos por implementar que publicaron hace poco. Quizás lo añadan más adelante del 31 de Marzo.

Otra cosa ¿Qué es el buckling?

Es de las notas del build de ayer. Deber estar añadido al neumático B del Fórmula C
* Tires: added buckling induced resistance, new FC "B" tire with buckling and other adjustments, canned FFB disable tweakers
Según leo en Google, el Buckling es cuando una columna (por ejemplo) cede ante el peso y se dobla (y desmorona).

Mi deducción es que AJ está hablando de la resistencia que ofrece la goma al doblarse (ceder) debido a la fricción.
ok,,,,pues los de volante ya lo probareis para ver que tal ese efecto. Merci Aritz [oki]

Creo que vale la pena ver el lago que hay en el tramo de carretera llamado Azure Coast
-added backside to all terrain mesh,
-reworked the lake, added lakebed and fixed water shader setting-textures
-cut the ocean mesh all along the shore
-updated sel sets

started to work on another track


Sigue el progreso del Formula C. Casi acabado:
MISC complete; engine and all stuff done. I also made some changes, updates to the textures/mapping.
BADGES started.

Next steps are finishing BADGES, adding some overly polys, then it's all complete.

No se trata de un efecto Denis, o eso es al menos lo que yo entiendo. Debería ser un parámetro más en la física del neumático. Esa resistencia es real y frena el coche, en teoría tendremos un poco menos de velocidad punta y algo más de drag al acelerar. Quizá se note en el FFB, pero creo que lo importante es el tema físico.

O eso, o no he entendido bien XD

No tardaran en ponerse a ello

Una pregunta:
¿Qué parámetro hay que tocar para que el embrague tenga incidencia en el juego?

No me aclaro
jlanc3 escribió:uooooooo:

No tardaran en ponerse a ello


Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? ¿Confirmado? :O [babas]
Naer escribió:
jlanc3 escribió:uooooooo:

No tardaran en ponerse a ello


Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? ¿Confirmado? :O [babas]

Si, ya lo estaba. Lo que ahora se pondran ya a ello con los modelos 3d que les ha enviado MERCEDES

Joder, pues no tenia ni idea. Tienen que conseguir el audi y el bmw como sea [angelito] [angelito]
Perdonad que insista pero en principio solo me dejan la cuenta hasta el Lunes, he probado un monton de coches y no me aclaro con el embrague, la pregunta es ¿esta operativo?, ¿funciona?, ¿hay alguna pestaña que deba activar para que tenga incidencia en el juego?

Para activar o desactivar el embrague automatico:
Help&Options -> Controls -> Configure -> Automatic Clutch [on][off]
La función básica la hace, no se si faltan por implementar parámetros pero supongo que si.

Respecto a los coches del CPFT week 11, si la semana anterior me gusto el Racer V8 aun siendo perezoso de dirección al entrar en curva,
el Caterham SP/300.R con los neumáticos F3 A y B es una auténtica delicia [flipa]

Creia que había algún otro parámetro que se me escapaba, con Help&Options -> Controls -> Configure -> Automatic Clutch [on][off] cambio igual independientemente de si esta on o off
jlanc3 escribió:uooooooo:

No tardaran en ponerse a ello


Gracias jlanc. Este es el Mercedes-AMG C-Class Coupé DTM del 2012. Y esto es lo que comentaba el desarrollador de físicas:
CAD converted and uploaded (uploading - 20 minutes remaining) for reference. Did two versions. One converted through STL format with a 2.4 million triangle polygonal mesh and another that preserves the original IGS NURBS shapes. The latter has better detail but is much slower to work with. Reference model is exterior only, so not as great as the SLS GT3, but still very good and more than enough to work from combined with photos.

The aerodynamic detail on this car is phenomenal. The underbody is much more aggressive than I thought and the 'flow-through' bodywork is fascinating. There is some very interesting, and very clean design going on with that monocoque below the wheel centers.

Y aquí no acaba la cosa. También van a empezar con el Mercedes-Benz A45 AMG del 2013:
More CAD reference importing. Like the SLS GT3, it's a polygonal mesh of very high density. Exterior and interior only. Wheels and brakes are included, but no other suspension or engine detail. Uploading now, but it'll take a while. This one saves to a 650Mb mesh and that's with compression!


Andrew Weber sobre la simulación y los jugadores "casuals":
There are several ways that a true simulation can be accessible to "casual" players.

First, easy cars in real life should be easy. So casual players could play the easier cars. Just like in real life, since we are simulating real life. A Mini or Miata class should be easy to have fun racing in for just about anyone. A hardcore player will still beat the casual player in most cases, but the casual player will still be having fun on the island. A Lotus 49 on the other hand should not be "dumbed down", and we should not expect casual drivers to really control such a car bare.

Second, aids.

Sobre el buckling un miembro comenta esto. Bueno, le pregunta si esto que describe es buckling y Andrew le contesta que sí
Ok trying both tyres with 0.7 bar is... uhm, interesting. =)

A works brilliantly, as i said lots of grip everywhere although the tyre temps stay pretty low in the middle of the tyre compared to the outer sides.
Doing the same with B:

Once in 5th gear the car just doesn't want to accelerate anymore. I literally can't reach 6th gear on the straight.
Is that the buckling ?
The problem is not there with 1.7 Bar so it must have to do with that.
I guess it's one setup exploit less from now on.

This also answers my own post above since i tested both tyres with 1 bar with which i could reach 6th with the B tyre but lost lots of time reaching the higher speeds.

Respuesta de Andrew:
Yes, that is the buckling. And yes, there is hopefully one less setup exploit now.

Aquí comenta los neumáticos que tienen carga de CPU, que son los que utilizan el FlexiCarcass. Los del FC Ones son los más evolucionados en su comportamiento, cosa que se está notando:
Did this just happen (Build 570), or did "A" always do this for you?

We have had tires with the CPU load of "A" deployed for a while now, with the kart being the first. So, yes, "A" is a higher CPU load tire. However, we have had no real CPU usage problem reports until this one. Unless I missed them.

Currently, these tires are the higher CPU load tires: FB "B", FB "C", FC "A", FC "B", kart. Basically, the "Flexi" tires. The FB versions use a barely roughed out and different approach (and are actually more CPU intensive than the FC ones). The FC ones are the most evolved behaviorally right now.

edit: The good news is that all of these flexi tires are using a little bit of overkill in carcass discretization, on purpose, to see how close we are to the limit for what machines. The FC "A" is using about twice what it needs to to hit its behavior target.

Veamos el BAC Mono en el túnel del tiempo de SMS utilizando el programa Project Falcon:

On a related note, I'm running this car through Project Falcon right now to get an idea of side aero forces. Some very interesting trends are showing up w.r.t downforce created in sideways motion. The unique shape of this thing has some results which are very different from most other cars.

Fun picture from the current test. They've really improved the calculations of this program in recent versions. Still not something to trust for absolute accuracy, but few CFD programs are and having a data point or two to calibrate against makes it super useful. I hope they put it up for sale at a reasonable price with the free development versions expire.


Están trabajando en el nuevo cockpit del Ford MkIV, que es el Ford GT
Thursday: 10h
Total: 24,5h

# Cockpit diff, spec, norm and glow textures made
# Added floating polys for alpha stickers
# Alpha texture for stickers @ switches made
# A few more mesh tweaks, fixes and additions as usual....

Steering wheel next....

Gracias denis74 por todas estas informaciones.
Denis, TUNEL DEL TIEMPO?? estas seguro? [qmparto]

Muy importante lo de los usuarios casuales, deja clarito cual es su objetivo en cuanto a nivel simulacion. [oki]


PD: añado este video de Adrian, se ve bastante bien si comparamos el comportamiento en ambos volantes. creo que es de las comparativas mas similares en este sentido

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... KZcF2xaL-8
Ostias es verdad? Túnel del tiempo, madre mía, jajajaja!! Del viento del viento
Jajaja, yo también andaba descolocado al leerlo XD

Impresionante el vídeo, clava el movimiento del volante y en mi opinión, aparte de los tiempos por vuelta, es la mejor demostración de una buena simulación. Gran trabajo, como siempre, Adrián!
Viendo ese video de Adrian falta que en el juego la cabeza se mueva más en las rectas, que se la ve demasiado estática. Si además le hubiese puesto más World Movement y activado el Shake effect se hubiese clavado más al real. Aun así es un gran video de Adrian. [oki]

¿Un millón de vistas este hilo? Pues si que vamos rápidos a falta de mucho tiempo para su salida. :)
Bueno allí he escrito que un hilo del juego en España ha rebasado el millón de vistas. No he puesto el hilo en cuestión (o sea, éste) pues no hace falta. Pero sí les he dicho que está siendo visto no solo por gente España sino también desde paises sudaméricanos. Un dato a tener en cuenta pues informar en lengua no inglesa también es importante para el conocimiento de más gente sobre este juego (bueno esto último no lo he puesto). Aparte que siendo miembros que menos que informar a gente que está a la espera de entrar. He leido por ahí que en Noviembre se sabrá el tema de la next-gen.
Denis ilustrame, como quito el efecto "borroso" que hay desde la vista del casco :-?
dormilon ZZZZ escribió:Denis ilustrame, como quito el efecto "borroso" que hay desde la vista del casco :-?

Tienes que ir a Help&Options y luego al menú Camera:

Y ahí tienes la opción. Te la he marcado con un círculo:
Sabes que te quiero ¿no? [sonrisa]
dormilon ZZZZ escribió:Sabes que te quiero ¿no? [sonrisa]

[amor] [amor] [angelito]

De paso pon el valor de World Movement a 10. Pruébalo. [oki]

Vamos con unas pocas capturas:

Solo añadiria estas dos a tu seleccion denis:


Espectaculares sin duda, a ver si siguen afinando el FFB para ponerlo a la altura de RFactor2
Hay todavia alguna forma de entrar en la alpha, me refiero si todavia se puede comprar.
Me encantan los juegos de conducción y este se ve increible, y esas capturas son impresionantes. :O
deivor escribió:Hay todavia alguna forma de entrar en la alpha, me refiero si todavia se puede comprar.
Me encantan los juegos de conducción y este se ve increible, y esas capturas son impresionantes. :O

Cuando SMS lo decida se podrá entrar. No se a que esperan pero poder se podrá entrar, la cuestión es cuando.

Gameplay del tramo de carretera abierta Azure Coast (19km) con el Pagani Huayra. Tarde-noche. Han añadido esta semana pasada las luces emisivas de farolas y edificios y urbanizaciones. También de los varios faros que hay en los que la luz está en movimiento giratorio.

(mensaje borrado)
Hace unas semanas que no lo pruebo y me estaba gustando mucho por donde estaba evolucionando el proyecto ultimamente, pero ayer lo probe y lo veo muy distinto ahora, los coches que he probado se van muchisimo es mucho mas dificil controlarlos ahora, ya me esta recordando al rfactor2, supongo que esto es lo que quieren muchos y entienden como simulacion.

desgraciadamente para mi, no es el camino que me gustaria. Por ahora me ha bajado un poco la ilusion, aun queda mucho veremos como sigue avanzando.

Tambien tengo que decir que ahora me pega unos tirones terribles en las frenadas y eso tambien me dificulta aun mas su manejo.
Recopilacion de algunos rugidos actuales:


sabríais idenificar alguno??

djgizbo escribió:Hace unas semanas que no lo pruebo y me estaba gustando mucho por donde estaba evolucionando el proyecto ultimamente, pero ayer lo probe y lo veo muy distinto ahora, los coches que he probado se van muchisimo es mucho mas dificil controlarlos ahora, ya me esta recordando al rfactor2, supongo que esto es lo que quieren muchos y entienden como simulacion.

desgraciadamente para mi, no es el camino que me gustaria. Por ahora me ha bajado un poco la ilusion, aun queda mucho veremos como sigue avanzando.

Tambien tengo que decir que ahora me pega unos tirones terribles en las frenadas y eso tambien me dificulta aun mas su manejo.

Estás borrando el perfil antes de jugar? Es un coñazo total, pero es que si no lo haces, los coches se comportan fatal... Los setups que tuviste, son inservibles con los avances y por eso puedes estar sufriendo.
Juer los dientes largos con tanto video jajaja. Para los que quitamos ahora el volante del armario no hay forma de conseguirlo verdad? [buuuaaaa] [buuuaaaa]
Se sabe si el juego tendrá algun "pack" (por llamarlo de alguna manera) de coches de los 80/90? en plan iconicos. Se echan en falta varios japoneses de los 90, sería la ruina de mi vida [+risas]
jefe_rojo escribió:Se sabe si el juego tendrá algun "pack" (por llamarlo de alguna manera) de coches de los 80/90? en plan iconicos. Se echan en falta varios japoneses de los 90, sería la ruina de mi vida [+risas]

Si, se ha dicho que habra dlc's pero todavia no se ha decidido ni con que coches ni circuitos ni precio ni nada de eso, es mas aun no sabemos que va a llevar el juego final :cool:
gone-dns escribió:Espectaculares sin duda, a ver si siguen afinando el FFB para ponerlo a la altura de RFactor2

Ojalá que así sea, pero el ffb de rfactor2 es espectacular
Si se ha puesto anteriormente este video lo siento, pero es musica para los oidos.

2012 Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupé DTM:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... xvcKhY7rls
Maaaaadre mía como suenan, yo eh tenido la oportunidad de ver el mundial en vivo en Cheste, y realmente son como fórmulas carrozados, increibles
Al parecer con los daños activados hay un bug el cual produce excesiva pérdida de rendimiento del motor. Así que mantenerlos desactivados.

También Andrew Weber contesta la pregunta de un miembro acerca de las carcasas:
Quote Originally Posted by Tom Servo View Post
So how do the different models work anyway? Can the newer ones be used as drop-in to older models, because the newer model has a superset of parameters, or does the parametrization differ completely requiring work from scratch? Say if you drop parameters of a ModalCarcass on the FlexiCarcass, will you get similar physics?

Respuesta de Andrew
Parameters on component types are generally different. We can mix and match tread types and carcass types, but we cannot generally cut&paste parameters across treads of different types or carcasses of different types.

Since almost all treads are FlashTread now, we can usually swap parameters across treads. But we have 3 different carcass types deployed (RigidCarcass, ModalCarcass, and FlexiCarcass).

What is theoretically possible is to make a tool to help find a best matching set of parameters for one carcass to another. Of course they would not feel exactly the same, but they would at least match certain curves as close as they could. But that is not a trivial project in its own right, so until we know for sure that some consoles cannot do Flexi, I am not going to invest in that tool. We could even parameterize BTM to match an STM tire as well as possible...but it would still feel like BTM, just a BTM with a similar performance envelope to a given STM tire. I bring that up because that might an option for AI tires.

Actualizados dos coches:
Caterham SP/300.R: New side aero forces and calibrated brake wear. You're not really going to notice the brake wear unless running a very very long endurance race. And those should be possible now as a bug in the engine lifetime is fixed so it won't pop after 10 minutes on track.

Formula Rookie: New side aero forces. Set fuel efficiency. Adjusted the range of some tuning sliders and revised the default setup. Boosted torque curve a bit from 6500-7500rpm. Looked over all elements and listed status in the physics discussion thread for it.
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