gnet escribió:Buenas:
Como inversor de pcars desde el primer día, tengo que decir, que me encanta el proyecto y la evolución del mismo, pero eso no me impide ver algo que a mi juicio no me parece correcto y me explico.
gnet escribió:Entiendo que es un tema que producirá diversas y contrariadas opiniones, pero yo me siento un poco "engañado" por lo que estoy viendo... siento que los fondos de un proyecto se están reutilzando en otros, y si ésto es así, los socios inversores, están participando indirectamente en ese segundo proyecto, claro está, sin percibir nada a cambio..
Adrian_f1 escribió:porque un estudio no demasiado grande como SMS
HrC1989 escribió:Pienso como tu, incluso cuando he leído lo del nuevo juego y he visto fotos con cosas del pcars he pensado que nos regalarían una copia a los que hicimos de "inversor", y aunque después he visto que sera gratis(f2p creo) y que habrá que pagar por juegos&circuitos&extras he pensando que quizás nos regalen un pequeño pack a los que estamos en pcars como detalle, la verdad es que quedarían muy bien.
Adrian_f1 escribió:La verdad es que se parece un poco a DriveClub.
currololo escribió:Yo no opino como tú, Biscu. No sólo creo que ya hay bastantes coches que son muy buenos en pCARS (para mí, bastante mejores), sino que sigo pensando que el modelo de neumáticos de pCARS está avanzando mejor que el de AC, y es una pena porque creo que tiene buena base.
pCARS está consiguiendo firmeza y fidelidad de FFB en muchos coches, manteniendo un movimiento suave del volante, y con reacciones bastante previsibles (todo esto, claro, sabiendo que hay altibajos con determinados cambios de parámetros de las ruedas, etc., etc., y que unos coches todavía no van lo bien que debieran y otros están bastante avanzados). En cambio, por lo último que he probado de AC, su gran virtud que era el FFB firme me parece que le está lastrando porque la mayoría de los coches se sienten muy parecidos, como con demasiado peso y adherencia al asfalto, y el FFB me resulta demasiado intrusivo, me centra demasiado el volante en muchas situaciones, haciéndome perder sensaciones, aparte de que tengo un poco de clipping (juego con la configuración recomendada por Kunos). A veces me recuerda un poco al antiguo modelo BTM de pCARS.
De todas formas, supongo que con los meses irán puliendo todos los detalles como están haciendo con pCARS. Lo malo es que creo que la comunidad ha acogido con demasiada benevolencia a AC desde el primer momento, a diferencia de pCARS, como si fuera un juego perfecto desde su salida cuando no es así, y eso puede hacer que no se repare en cosas que tienen que mejorar o que directamente faltan. Esperemos que eso no perjudique al final al juego.
Audio Update: Brake Failure sounds submitted. It's the sound of the brakes screaming and scraping for dear life not the driver
Audio Update: Tweaks to the tyre rolling surface sounds. More realistic transitions from low to higher speeds. Less stone sounds at lower speeds. The issue remains with the external skids not playing and the incar marbles and brakes only playing in the right speaker.
Audio Update: The RUF RGT 8 incar and external engine sets, plus an AI version.
Includes other vehicle events such as tranny, gears, backfires, distant roll-offs and trajectory.
ternerito escribió:hands brach(o algo asi) lo pusieron para las fiestas y alegaron que era de un proyecto "abandonado". Speed World, entre los 4 o 5 circuitos esta hands brach. Por mas que sean o no las físicas, el motor grafico es el mismo.
Hello everyone. I wanted to step in here to share our opinion on this subject.
We're not going to put any content behind a paywall and we certainly don't want you to go into a game where you feel like you're at a disadvantage because somebody else has paid. We want our players to be able to play and compete at the highest level of competition in the game without having to spend a penny. And it should be noted that by "highest level" I'm not referring to player / driver levels or anything like that. I mean the highest tier of competition where you racing against the best drivers in the best cars on the most difficult tracks.
Build 660 (11/02/14, Team Member+) - 528.1 MB
* PS4: Fix for start race glitch caused by bad distortion texture. Also fixes time update in global constant buffer.
* XB1: Fix F1 debug menu rendering
* x64 compile fix
* DX11: World matrix caching optimisations
* Disable the rain drop stats from the screen.
* Latest updates to the screen drop effect.
* Avoiding car-related special effects (like exhaust smoke, heat haze particles) ramain on screen when participant leaves the session (when DisableAllRendering for participant is called). KillParticipantEffects method added to classes which did not have this functionality. Otherwise ResetParticipant is used.
* RUF RGT-8: New in-car and external engine sets, plus an AI version, tweaks to tranny, gears, wobble & backfires, distant roll-offs and trajectory.
* Tweaks to tyre rolling surface sounds. More realistic transitions from low to higher speeds. Less stone sounds at lower speeds.
* Brake Failure sounds.
* Adding UI mechanism for MP voting system.
* Added host name as session name for game browsing as a temporary fix
* MP race to returns to lobby instead of main menu, First pass vote to skip logic implemented
* Ingame lobby fixes: Voting and countdown timers now functioning as expected, hooks created for MP code. (Not Implemented yet)
* Code to allow us to use a Free camera type setup for adjusting/tweaking attached camera positions and orientations.
* Fixing crash bug in the quick menu dialog.
* More text added to InboxSocial TextDB category
* Italic and Small Black fonts added to the pakfile list
* Adding traction control to the main menu car tuning global panel, as it is in-game
* New shortcut menu to quickly access Profile, Garage, Options
* Per-Session timings can now be saved for career participants (only session types using timings are counted). ChampionSessionInfo modifed so sessions can set whether they're timed or scoring. Career progress will be reset to avoid it using potentially invalid data.
* Re-enabled false start, and changed penalty from DQ, to a Pit "stop-go" Penalty.
* Tire setup loading fix/optimization
* Making volumetric torque generic
* Added event to notify app once player vehicle remodding/setup changes are complete
* Formula A: Added some static camber to the suspension animations
* Ford Sierra RS500 Cosworth: Prepared for export with all textures
* Derby Park: Material overhaul, new kerbs, road, grass, gravel, walls, soild, dirt, trackedges and 3D tyrestacks added, fixed CSM issues, fixed that odd artifact thing
* Azure Coast: Fixed alpha channel, fixed some barriers, fixed some more stuff, fixed some more things all around the track, fixed csm, fixed bugs, updated static/inst/crowds/dyn, adding flare locators to lamps, blocked alt route add static conc barriers
* Eifelwald GP (all variants): Updated the adverts to use the new branding texture, updated the adverts to better proportions
* Silverstone: Slightly changed advert texture for LED screen above pits with Daves latest modifications, added fixed advert on hotel at Silverstones modern
* Badenring: New AIW's to adress the narrower front straight. This fixes the AI running out on the grass. Oth tweaks include some corridor funneling, and moving the grid to match the start boxes painted on the road surface at all three tracks.
* Wisconson Raceway: Moved corridors onto all the curbing keeping the AI from freely using them (especially the exit curbs). Some funneling of the corners to help race starts. Disabled roling starts in the TRD as it just wasn't working correctly (cars crashing and off in the grass etc).
Known issues:
- Azure Coast (Full/FullRev/Stage1): CTD happens when reaching the end of the track
- When returning to a lobby you cannot leave it unless if you use the X to close the game
x64 Specific Known issues:
- Cant change tires in any car (using car setup)
- x64 still using BTM
ternerito escribió:3dvision nunca los instalo, igual voy a chequearlo, puede pasar.
en casa solo tengo el lcd, tengo otro pero no llega a los 1080p. lo tengo recién formateado al pc, acabo de leer en el foro y creo que antes de formatear lo tenia, en el panel de control de nvidia, poner un solo monitor, 1 cara por frames, triple bufer y vsync adaptive, que estos dos últimos ya los tenia modificados. Igual voy a controlar con el ctrl +s a ver que me dice, te agradezco
lo de phsyx para la cpu se modifica dentro del panel nvidia ?
EARLY WIP on the stretched light reflections.
Press Ctrl K twice to get to 'Attached Free Cam' mode - the usual free cam controls will be available but the movement will be relative to your car.
cl 358466
[COMMON][CAMERAS] Code to allow us to use a Free camera type setup for adjusting/tweaking attached camera positions and orientations.
(mainly for Ed and the video guys)
to activate ..
press ctrl + k to get to the normal tweak module
press ctrl + k to then get to the new freecam tweak setup.
when in the new freecamera the controls are as follows
(all relative to car etc)
w key or right mouse button moves forward
s key moves back
a key pans left
d key pans right
y or page up key moves up
h or page down key moves down
keypad plus key increases fov
keypad minus key decreases fov
c key adjusts the roll clockwise
z key adjusts the roll anti clockwise
e and q key will speed and slow down the base movement
holding shift key will speed up movement
holding crtl key will slow down movement
mouse left button down and moving with adjust the camera pitch and yaw.
The usual other tweak inputs apply
numpad 5 resets the tweak values
f11 saves,
shift + f11 from the first slot , alt + f11 from the final slot
colets escribió:Me alegro ternerito![]()
Lo que me sigo preguntando qué es eso de una cara por frame, bueno y lo de triple buffer si solo tienes una pantalla....
Qué bien suena eso del Photomode, denis no tendrás por ahí el enlace a donde lo han dicho, que no lo encuentro.
Por lo que he visto ahora vuelves al lobby después de echar una partida online y que han metido para votar. Bien! Funciona ya?
Build 662 (13/02/14, Team Member+) - 281.9 MB
* PS4: Fix for common buffers using incorrect thread in scene for shared global vectors.
* PS4: Fix for lights in rear view mirror.
* XB1: Enable Forward rendered threading / threadsetup perf tweaks
* XB1: Reset Shadow Setting Quality on TrackLoad (discrepancy with -skipmenu)
* Addition of PS4 login flow preprocessor for auto sign-in
* Minor OneSock changes for PS4 multiplayer
* PS4: Fixes shadow best cascade.
* Xbox One multiplayer implementation first pass.This enables basic multiplayer functionality on Xbox One. For the time being all users need to be in a party before creating a match. Matchmaking support is not yet implemented.
* XB1: Fix some shadow rendering issues (now correctly aligned with PC)
* Added better fps reporting on PS4
* Moved reflection code again to a better position. Enabled threading for it on PS4
* XB1 DebugMenu fix some debug only D3D11 asserts
* Fix for multi-threading reflections, this stops the glitching on PS4/XB1/DX11MT when running in wet weather.
* DX11 / XB1 optimisations: LightWeight Primitives use our self-managed double buffered dynamic vertex buffer ( instead of being driver managed ). Placement buffers with 'streaming' for Constant buffer setting on XB1
* DX11 - fix for instance vertex buffer over-runs.
* Select correct main game (not FE!) shadow settings index on race load.
AI & Pit-Stop:
* Updates to AI pit strategy debug logging
* AI fuel strategy debug logging
* AI damage strategy updates for practice/qualify
* Extra AI tyre choices based on track temperatures
* Increased range of pit stop choices for AI
* Tidying up driver code
* Tweaks to suspension forces for AI including unloaded tyres, ground detection and tyre compression
* Added a career helper to convert position number into a display string (1 to "1st" etc.), and updated career news to use it for the standings text
* Info is now stored in the profile for the last 5 Career sessions played, and all career news slots are now being populated from this session history (as it builds up).
* Scoring news now displays names of drivers finishing 1st/2nd/3rd in a session, and the winner's rank in the overall standings.
* Scoretable generation extended so it can get scoring for a single session, as well as totals
* Career news ticker now displaying short versions of the news messages. Added applink for it and made headlines type-specific
* Finishing position now passed down from Timings to the per-session info, and moved all per-session info into a new profile struct to make them simpler to process. Got news displaying driver names, positions and lap times, and the appropriate image for the timed session types. Historical standings from when the news was generated are now used rather than the current standings (so news doesn't change).
* Fixed a bug with resetting when switching series. (NOTE: Career progress has been reset to avoid invalid session information producing bug reports)
* Standings screen fix: Instead of having 10 racers in first place when no points are scored on the standings screen, we have 10 races in "-" place as ranking does not apply until points are on the board.
* Traction control slip fix
* RUF RGT8: Tweak to engine behavior when bump starting the car.
* Adding UI support for the new Traction Control Slip tuning options. Car CDFs are still being updated to handle this value although the setting does work on the Ariel Atom Mugen.
* Start of My Profile update
* Bug fixes for the quick menu. Added a delay on the menu appearing to get around click event duplication issues. Will look for a permanent solution to this after the milestone. Also fixed the options applink on the quick menu screen.
* Endorsement tab added, My Garage screen updated to latest style
* Loire: Added missing texture for a1_pitbuilding and garage interiors, added textures for extend garages
* Silverstone: Aspect ratio adjusted for the panasonic banners
* Wisconsin Raceway: Barroed corridors at the "kink" also slowed the AI 10% at the apex. Keeps them from running wide there.
* Oulton Park GP: Tracklist update, AIW Updates, viewer objects
* Sakkitto GP: Fixed pit spots not displaying and working. Had to reset the special waypoints in the AIW file to fix.
* Azure Coast: Reworked first small roundabout, removed wall, and made it drivable, fixed csm + grass csm, totally reworked the area in front of the marina, reworked the terrain, added base for all buildings, added 2 new buildings, created path for all of them+ added hedges/walls to sep properties, added small kerbs around all base+path, remapped, created 2 new gantries/ reworked from Kate, reworked csm wall + grass csm around these new stuff, fixed all VT static/inst/crowds/dyn/lights
* Ford Sierra RS500 Cosworth: Complete UV mapping, finished wheels/brakes, added custom livery support, lots of fixes
* Lotus 72D: LODX cockpit polished, mapped and textured. LODA interior and steering wheel modelled, mapped and textured.
* Ariel Atoms: Added static camber to the animations
* BAC Mono: Baked in camber to suspension animations
* BMW Z4 GT3: Added ADL livery
* Ginetta G40 JR: Initial checkin, added placeholder liveries (NOT YET IN-GAME)
Known issues:
- Azure Coast (Full/FullRev/Stage1): CTD happens when reaching the end of the track
- Oulton Park - Not yet available, it will be unlocked tomorrow after some last minute fixes are made.
- Oulton Park - The track will crash in practice mode, and if you enable qualifying. Only working so far in race and TT.
- Multiplayer - DO NOT PRESS THE LOBBY OPTION when pressing ESC during a online race.
x64 Known issues:
- x64 currently disabled
k0t3 escribió:Dan algun logro por llegar a meta vivo jugando contra 42 coches de la IA??? Se puede retocar algun parametro para que al menos no la lien en todas las partidas? Ayer me dio por jugar contra 42 coches saliendo el ultimo y no veas que liadas hace la IA...
denis74 escribió:Todo listo para tener el Ginetta Junior
Build 663 (14/02/14, Team Member+) - 348.4 MB
* XB1: Fix for slow debug config (was caused by PIX instrumentation being super super slow in combination with the d3d debug mode)
* Fix typo in last check-in
* DX11: Debug spam fix + XB1 Dynamic VB size init fix
* DX11: Added extra reporting for mismatched vertex declarations to aid debugging
* Missing source sprites for container
* Fixing bumper main menu selection bug. Corrects bumper selection in Profile, Race Weekend and Dashboard.
* Updated My Profile Accolades screen
* Replay Cameras: New real-world-style set for Besos National - Take 1
* Replay Cameras: New real-world-style set for Badenring short - Take 1
* Dashboard screen polishing. Localised the session info names, and simplified some array handling in dashboard screen.
* Added the remaining text variations (with tokens) for each news story type and made news pick one randomly, along with matched (placeholder) image
* Career Championships: Added a Formula Rookie and Formula B Series to extend testing and use as a basis to implement support for series unlocking via contract offers.
* Career Championships: Formula B Euro FB - pre-alpha
* Career Championships: FormulaR EuroFR Challenge - pre-alpha
* Set the number of pit progress structures to eMaxParticipants - prevents running out of structures when more than 24 players in a race.
* Fixed adhering to penalty bug- which meant you would get DQ'd even if you went in for the penalty.
* Azure Coast/Milan/Belgian Forest/Dubai/: Added missing textures
* Azure Coast: Fixed pop-up on Azure Coast assets
* Eifelwald: Various CSM, terrain fixes, fixed floating, intersecting and flickering objects
* Silverstone: Fixed micro gaps and holes all over the track.
* Oulton Park GP: Raceline added
* Ginetta G55 GT3: Liveries part4
* Ginetta G40 Junior: Added runtime files + collision export, first export
* Ford Sierra RS500 Cosworth: Added LODX, livery alpha material changes
* RUF RGT-8: Side mirrors and Bonnet done. Working on Interior. Today Removed 20 K tris
currololo escribió:¡Acojonante Oulton Park!![]()
Acabo de dejar el récord con el Lotus 49, aunque no tardarán en quitármelo.
Parece una carretera comarcal, y los peraltes y lo ondulada que está la pista se notan perfectamente. Divertidísimo con coches pequeños tipo Caterham, Ariel, Mono, o con el Lotus 49, por ejemplo.
Estaría genial hacer un campeonato con los circuitos británicos cuando estén todos en el juego.
Jackone escribió:currololo escribió:¡Acojonante Oulton Park!![]()
Acabo de dejar el récord con el Lotus 49, aunque no tardarán en quitármelo.
Parece una carretera comarcal, y los peraltes y lo ondulada que está la pista se notan perfectamente. Divertidísimo con coches pequeños tipo Caterham, Ariel, Mono, o con el Lotus 49, por ejemplo.
Estaría genial hacer un campeonato con los circuitos británicos cuando estén todos en el juego.
Coincido, es divertido de la ostia !! y la combinación con el lotus flipante .
por cierto curro 1:43.260
You don't have a G40 in todays build. You have a Caterham Classic in G40 clothing.