maxijoe1971 escribió:Hola soy miembro junior y quisiera preguntaros como se desbloquean los coches y los circuitos?, la mayoria me aparecen bloqueados, os pongo un ejemplo, de bmw solo me deja coger el z4 , el resto de bmw's están con candado. y otro ejemplo, quiero correr en Nurburgring y están todos los circuitos con candado.
Muchas gracias
-=NokYA=- escribió:He estado probando a ver si se veian las repeticiones guardadas, y no, no se ven, vamos, si que se ven pero todos los coches estan en los garajes y no sale ninguno, asi que es como si no se vieran xD
Bueno, el caso es que he aprovechado para darme una vuelta con la camara libre y he sacado 3 screenshots. Las 2 primeras las he editado, pero la tercera, aparte del blur en la parte derecha, no tiene retoque alguno:
denis74 escribió:maxijoe1971 escribió:Hola soy miembro junior y quisiera preguntaros como se desbloquean los coches y los circuitos?, la mayoria me aparecen bloqueados, os pongo un ejemplo, de bmw solo me deja coger el z4 , el resto de bmw's están con candado. y otro ejemplo, quiero correr en Nurburgring y están todos los circuitos con candado.
Muchas gracias
La forma o truco de probarlo es hacer algún evento que tenga ese coche o circuito. Haciendo eventos están desbloqueados para todos los miembros.
Muchas gracias.
Ahora probaré lo de los eventos otra vez, porque ya lo intenté y solo me sale un kart y además no me sale nada para correr
Tiempo tormentosoYa me da miedo correr así pero ese aspecto del cielo es para suspender la carrera
maxijoe1971 escribió:
Muchas gracias.
Ahora probaré lo de los eventos otra vez, porque ya lo intenté y solo me sale un kart y además no me sale nada para correr
abe_nano escribió: Tras unos minutos de adaptacion he de decir que he estado un par de horas jugando y no me ha dado un solo fallo cosa que no preocupa en cars porque se que lo arreglaran con la total seguridad, pero en cuanto a fisicas y ffb..... wowww esta años luz por delante del project EN ESTAS FASES DEL DESARROLLO. El tema del ffb tampoco me preocupa demasiadoporque se que lo dejan para el final, aunqie sea impresionante, pero las fisicas con el tiempo que llevan el que queda y que hay algunos coches que en teoria estan bastante avanzados es otra cosa. Sinceramente sigo confiando a 100% en project pero he visto un MUY serio competidor esta tarde. Eso si AC me parece un juego mucho mas "frio" en lo que se refiere a relacion en el online entre jugadores.
fresquitotv escribió:Cambiando de tema, he estado pensando sobre el problema de que en las Prácticas hacemos mucho peor tiempo que en las carreras y he llegado a la conclusión de que puede deberse a que al forzar coche, los setups que tenemos por defecto son los del otro coche. De hecho, a mí me pasó que en la del Lotus 78 iba más lento en Carrera y me costó mucho llegar al tiempo de las Prácticas y creo que es porque en las prácticas la relación de marchas que tenía el otro coche iba mejor (además de que la retoqué un poco).
Propongo que a partir de ahora no forcemos coche, que cada uno lo elija manualmente. Creo que así el bug del setup incorrecto no tiene lugar.
denis74 escribió:Buenas. Con el ánimo de enseñar las nuevas frases del Pit to car radio, recientemente grabadas por Ben Collins, he grabado esta carrera con el Atom Mugen a 5 vueltas en Willow Spring. Es contra la IA. Al final se ha convertido en una carrera entretenida. La he puesto con fecha de verano (Agosto). Así que en la última vuelta los neumáticos han empezado a flojear y se notaba.
He ajustado el Gamepad tocando varios parámetros para un mejor manejo.
El volumen está alto para los mensajes del pit to car y bajos para el motor y efectos especiales. Así los escuchamos mejor:
denis74 escribió:Hombre Dume, cuanto tiempo.Veo que estás con el rádar por aquí,jeje.
Ya que estás aquí, una pregunta ¿aquel juego de género plataforma que estabas haciendo, está terminado? ¿se puede comprar?
fresquitotv escribió:¿Cuál era el coche que tenía lo de la suciedad en el parabrisas?
CL 394459 [Common][SupportPhysics]
Core support systems for multi-threaded physics
CL 394470 [Common][Physics]
Multi-threaded physics usage:
- Added mutli-threaded functions for Seta, tyre model, driver AI & PhysX
- Initialise worker thread system
- Optimised wheel pointer in metrics
- Optimised metrics generation during mid-phase
- Added critical for GetPoly
- Added critical for random functions
- Added command line override to physics thread use
- Removed fiber & small job functions
CL 394473 [Common][RaceAppCore]
Added average micro-second physics tick output to Ctrl-S debug details
With this change we now run Seta and tyre modelling as well as driver AI over multiple threads. PC defaults to 4 threads so Seta runs concurrently for all 4 tyres, and we can process up to 4 AI together as well. With this change I'm seeing the physics taking approx 40% less time than single threaded which means more time spent at 600hz even on lower spec PCs.
We also have a command line override using -pthreads 1 to run physics over 1 thread, -pthreads 2 to run physics over 2 threads, etc (max 4).
Pressing Ctrl-S reveals the normal numbers overlay with a new number at the end which is the amount of time in microseconds that the physics task takes.
Build 722 (12/05/14, Team Member+) - 1.1 GB
* Crowds placement: Brand Hatch GP and Indy added marshalls
* Crowds: Brands Hatch sitting billboards reduced to 1/3
* Crowds: Added new crowds profressions and updated current crowds with colour feature: Marshalls, Race Officials, Mechanics, Press, Photographer, Cameraman
* Anhalt National: Latest track work-new gantry, material tweaks and emmisive setups
* Anhalt GP: Latest track work-new gantry, material tweaks and emmisive setups
* Azure Coast: Added startlights
* Connecticut Hill: Tarmac, terrain, kerbs, trackedges overhaul. New 3D tyrestacks, 3D armco, updated CSM. Fixed microgaps
* California Highway: Added latest stuff/added startligths
* Adapted the Career AI generation so that it can switch eligibility criteria per-participant if required. Setting up access so that teams can pass in specific AI cars and drivers (falling back to race defaults for now)
* Fix for extra damage processing during instant replay
* DX11 MT fixes for env-map rendering
* Fix participants lockup when spawning particles whilst paused
* Fixes to directional shadow clipping volume (car shadow partly disapears) + fix to spot shadow bias value overflowing (fixes garage spot lights)
* Thread parameter passing fixes for envmap/blur to accompany renderer API changes
* (All Platforms) RenderTarget fixes for multithreaded per face(or buffer) rendering
* Changing key bind identifier text from Boost to KERS
* Adding DRS key to the control assignments menu. Currently being connected to game systems
* Mercedes 300SEL AMG: Wiper/Rain Setup done. Minor update on wipers meshes. Corrected wipers position
* Renault Megane RS: Fixed damage and tire skinning
* Mercedes SLS GT3: Texture minor polishing, Material update. Triangulation/bad normals fix on right door
* Pagani Zonda Cinque: Interior DDS texture. Small tweak to the door card
* Audi R8 LMS Ultra: Uv issues, Cpit mesh caps, wheels fixed
* Ford Focus RS: finished engine wear, shift tolerances, set fuel consumption
* Adding support to allow us to scale the driving line colour
* Additional pit calss: motivational and positional added
* Adding extra outside top ten positional calls
* Adding more advice and motivational related pit calls for testing
* Disable Pit Engineer text if no audio found
* Balancing edits
* Experimental check in to allow balancing of pit to car radio. This results in lots of positonal calls. Will be rolled back to sensible levels onced balance has been achieved
* Volume and compression setting level changes
* Various balancing changes to test with pit to car speech
* Balancinbg changes; rumblestrips boosted
* Minor improvements on wall avoidance and stuck behavior
Next Gen:
* Added export of the current Xbox One track list rich presence enumeration and the Python script used to generate it. This can be used in the future to update the Xbox One Service Config Workbook when we modify the track list in the game.
CL 394411
[Aries] Added new speech events to the Pit Engineer
- Player split time including position
- Race Winner
- Fastest Lap
- Warning cut track
- Final lap
- Final Lap Not Leading
- Green Flag
CL394296 [Common/RaceAppCore] Oculus Rift support!
CL394297 [Aries/Orion] App changes for Oculus Rift Support!
-finished kerb rework including last new texture set
-cleaned inner terrain part of satmap broad texture from cars/shadows/structures etc; tweaked grass broad/detail colors&brightness
-tweaked autograss texture to match
-dirt strip texture brightness tweak
-fixed UVs & material assignment of road2kerbs overlay edges, reconformed to ground
-udated kerb texture edges for better blending into damaged ground&tarmac
-new kerb2grass edges lofted,mapped, new blend texture,conformed to ground; - these are meant to blend into dead grass strip mostly, I'll tweak UVs elsewhere to blend better into standart grass
-skyring shader/mesh update & texture replaced with better one, will be updated depending on the skyring visibility after tree placement
-water shader update
-=NokYA=- escribió:Illos, ¡que se hunde el hilo en el foro! xD
Acabo de terminar de subir la carrera con el Caterham Superlight en Montmelo casi de noche, estuvo bastante entretenida, y si, me subia por todos los pianos y por las morcillas de los pianos xDD ... IHn8Cxnp_Q
We also have a command line override using -pthreads 1 to run physics over 1 thread, -pthreads 2 to run physics over 2 threads, etc (max 4).
currololo escribió:Tremendo trabajo el que estás haciendo, Denis, muchas gracias.
Después de resolver los problemas con el ordenador, espero tener todo instalado a tiempo para la contrarreloj del jueves y la carrera del viernes.
¡Buf, qué ganas!
Added average micro-second physics tick
Pressing Ctrl-S reveals the normal numbers overlay with a new number at the end which is the amount of time in microseconds that the physics task takes.
fresquitotv escribió:Este viernes caerá Nords, así que hay que ir dándole :-D
fresquitotv escribió:Por cierto, recordad que estrenamos Mumble en vez de TS.
* Profile storage (WIP): Added interface to upload and download files to/from online storage, with no-op/failure default implementation. Updated Steam ghost storage code to match consoles more closely / general cleanup to simplify future addition of generic file storage code.
Build 723 (13/05/14, Team Member+) - 300.4 MB
* Add PS4 input set.
* Cockpit set to false in bumper cam as it's not needed and change was requested by render team. Also tweaks to screendrop wip
* Glass: New method for windscreen reflections
* Screen drops: wip for screen drop textures
* New postprocessing filters CUTSCENE_FADE and FECAMERABLUR
* First pass at overlay-emmissive shader for use on gantry signs
* Fix for motec glass display not updating on certain external views
* Added in blur effect to screen drops.
* Fix unintended cloud rendering removal from envmaps
* Oculus Rift support!
* Profile storage (WIP): Added interface to upload and download files to/from online storage, with no-op/failure default implementation. Updated Steam ghost storage code to match consoles more closely / general cleanup to simplify future addition of generic file storage code.
* Adding button mapping for DRS
* WTC edits for new windscreen reflection method
* Added new speech events to the Pit Engineer: Player split time including position, Race Winner, Fastest Lap, Warning cut track, Final lap, FinalLapNotLeading, Green Flag, No affecting RelayFrequency if audio fails to play (ie. frequency now takes into account the fact that some pit engineer speeches don't play audio, and doesn't count them), Debugged the 3 seconds to hold overtake threshold (ended up increasing it to 4 seconds to give more time to level out)
* Added gradual lateral safe distance between car lats relative to forward distance to avoid hard steering when registering a new obstacle car and smoothing avoidance behavior
* Improvements on passing as well as cornering speed
* Career Invitationals - RTC Euro Championship, first release.
* Career Invitationals - RTC1 UK Cup, first release.
* Career Invitationals - RTC2 Lakeville Focus Challenge, first release.
* Career Invitationals - RTC1 A45 Hockenheim Club Trophy, first release.
* Career Invitationals - RTC1 Lancer Club Sakitto Showdown, first release.
* Career Invitationals - RTC1 BMW 1M Eifelwald Club day, first release.
* Career Invitationals - TourClub US Cup updated with new round layout and locations.
* Career Invitationals - Madness25H Green Hell, tweaked start time of practice, set opponents to 29.
* Career Invitationals - Madness25H Panorama, tweaked start time of practice, set opponents to 29.
* Added teamName property to saved SeriesParticipants
* Relevant text messages updated to indicate the actual series name in the newstickers, invitationals, etc, and not just the broad motorsports name.
* Accolade popup and stats, news and invitation emails now use EVENTNAME tagging (with new string substitution) with MOTORSPORT just used in Contract text. Fixed bug with some accolade stats not displaying properly if career hasn't been set up. Some text will display "invalid" temporarily until the relevant textIDs have been updated
* Fixing duplicate championships from being displayed in the calendar tiles.
* Support for the calendar to display motorsport diciplines and not session type in the calendar days.
* Fixing the calendar so the icons for the motorport discipline show up in the calendar day and not the session type.
* Crowds bindings: Fixed billboard paths with new bank animations and skeleton paths. Fixed issue were billboards didnt appear
* Additional 3D tree cluster instance added
* LODB for 3D treecluster added
* Animated assets: Extended poles for vertical flags
* Added a small fraction of static and dynamic friction to vehicle body material
* FC r15 tire, FC default setup tweaks, terrain tweaks
* Core support systems for multi-threaded physics
* Multi-threaded physics usage: Added multi-threaded functions for Seta, tyre model, driver AI & PhysX, Initialise worker thread system, Optimised wheel pointer in metrics, Optimised metrics generation during mid-phase, Added critical for GetPoly, Added critical for random functions, Added command line override to physics thread use, Removed fiber & small job functions
* Added average micro-second physics tick output to Ctrl-S debug details
* Ford Escort Mk1: Chassis fully textured, added LODX export, tweaked cpit exposure, added ULTRA support
* Sauber C9: Ultra file tweaks, added data to enable LODX in GUI, added full LOD chain, optimized cockpit, fixed bugs
* Ginetta G40: Added new black wheel textures
* Ford Sierra Cosworth RS500: Fixed Windshield Glassblack. Minor update on wipers meshes. Wiper animation done.
* Renault Megane RS: Updated AO because of the new facelifting changes, flipped windscreen normals
* Mercedes SLS GT3: Windscreen mesh and texture configured for new reflection method in glass
* Connecticut Hill: 3D tyrestacks placement
* Brands Hatch: Updated the sizes of a few textures , updated existing road and pit marks, polish pass almost completed, kerbs left to do - added new armco , new embankments , tarmac polish , new painted road surfaces , new plastic blocks, updated rock cages, new overlays, updates to Brands Hatch Indy Dressing, more tweaks on statics scene for Brandshatch Indy and additional instance cluster added
* California Highway: New AIW's for the changes to the start area of Full and stage one, then the finsh area of stage1 and start of stage 2. New main paths, racing lines, corner markers etc.
* Oschersleben: Latest track work-new gantry, material tweaks and emmisive setups
* Cadwell: Dynamics objects change, viewer objects change
* Loire: New texture map, 1st commit, removed intersecting trees, added ao txt for a113 building
Known issues:
- Replays in MP: Working but you can't watch saved replays
- P2P Tracks: Don't press return to pitbox
- JIP: Stop&Go Penalty might be given during the JIP sessions
- Player loses control of the car after accessing the Setup and Strategy.
- Garage scene will go black and not display cars
- Shake effects and Speed Sensitivity enabled in all profiles
denis74 escribió:Suculentas esas ofertas.... no se si me pillaré alguna. Merci jlanc3![]()
Y ya que es el primer día con soporte a Oculus Rift, que menos que un video:
fresquitotv escribió:Pues "Jailo", coincido contigo. Me puse el SLS GT3 y no notéque se ensuciase nada de roña en el parabrisas.
Lo que sí he notado es que con la nueva técnica de reflejo que han metido cuesta un poco ver la carretera. Me parece que está demasiado exagerado.
jlanc3 escribió:OFERTON PARA STEAM LOS 7 POR 2,59 EUROS :
Clasicos de SIMBIN
- RACE: The WTCC Game
- GTR FIA GT Racing
- GTR 2: FIA GT Racing Game
- Race On
- Race Injection
- GTR Evolution
- GT Legends
CL 395517 [Common][Physics]
Physics tick optimisations:
Alter frequency of metrics generation
Additional profile tags
Enable tick safe mode once tick is fully running
Early out of safe mode for large ticks
Physics callback for metrics harvesting runs at 100hz
Minimum physics tick raised to 400hz
CL 395176
[Aries] Added more pit engineer implementations & fixes
Motivational - plays on final lap, once.
Motivational In 2nd Position - plays once when player is on final lap and running in 2nd place
Running Outside Top Ten - played sparingly when the player is in 11th or 12th place
Motivational Good Pace - plays once if player has lapped without going off (clean lap) and within 5 secs of previous best lap
CoolBrakes - played when brakes are getting hot > ~800C
SLS GT3 is the test car. Eifelwald, light cloud, 9am is a good scenario to see the effect.
Still need to:
- Add high speed drop shake
- Add to all cams on open top cars
- Increase drop amount when behind other cars or at rumble points
- Add UI hook so we can make on/offable for different cams (trackside, external, internal)
- Possibly add a size curve to exaggerate the initial impact
- Drops hitting sound?
hey guys,
in the wtc files there is several dozen variables for the screen drops.
a selection of these values are
how often we allow various drops to hit the screen,
blur amount ,
fade amount,
degradation based on how much the drop has moved.
movement threshold
growth scaler (ie how much a drop should grow when they collide )
movement mass
movement speed/gravity
radail speed and offset (i.e move from center point )
screen distortion move rat
diffuse light strength , spec factor and spec power
base animation rate
move animation rate ( how much to animate as the drop moves)
all these values are setup for then the camera is at 0 ms and 50 ms.. ( and we interpolate between them )
so basically there is alot of variables for the screen drops and we can do alot of things.
please have a play.