jlanc3 escribió:Denis haposicionarse no?? o ZeusII que es el creador del grupo
http://forum.wmdportal.com/showthread.p ... amp-Groups
Here's some very early previz - not much about animations, but mostly choreography and camera tests. Currently we are focusing on 1st person camera mainly - as soon as you would enter pit stop, camera would switch into first person, car would be driven to garage automatically by game and player should make decisions about tyres, amount of fuel, repairs and such things meanwhile ... those decisions will affect how long pit stop will take (more fuel, repairs etc. will take longer).
as the first step for animations, it was necessary to coordinate pitcrew choreography to make sure they can move effectively as in real, without crossing each other paths and also to cover various vehicles with different fuel intake and air jack position. For simplification, we will make air jack for all GT cars (for now), even for those which wouldn't have it in real ... it's a game after all and we want to finish it one day, so we have to use any possible shortcut at this stage . However once it will be all done, we can go into much more depth and get even closer to real ....
EDIT: Picture with fuel intakes contains random cars from our bank of existing vehicles. Representing just group of cars with intakes/airjacks at those positions. It's not certain vehicle model we will have in this game.
currololo escribió:Gracias por los vídeos, Denis.
Sencillamente geniales estas animaciones.
Como sigan con este nivel, a las pit-girls se les moverán las bolas al dar saltitos.![]()
Bueno, son casi las tres y me he pegado tal panzada de conducir que tengo los brazos machacados.
Tengo que decir que las dos builds anteriores me habían parecido peores en cuanto a FFB, con mucho subviraje, aparte de un flickering incomodísimo, pero con esta build me lo he pasado en grande.
El flickering, si queda algo, ni lo he notado. El sonido me ha encantado, con unos efectos que antes no había oído en varios coches, aunque algunos llevaba tiempo sin probarlos.
Y el FFB me ha gustado mucho, he sentido los baches y los pianos como nunca, así tengo los brazos ahora, je, je.
A navi91, yo no he notado nada raro en el Formula B, aunque sólo he dado un par de vueltas con él, que alguien te lo confirme.
Para Jarinawer, asegúrate de haber reiniciado el ordenador después de la instalación, de configurar el profiler de Logitech y de calibrar el volante y los pedales dentro del juego (siguiendo los pasos que todo el mundo sabe), a ver si es por algo de eso que te va mal el FFB, aunque puede ser que simplemente no te guste.
Por cierto, he notado que no veía las animaciones de las suspensiones en coches que sí las tenían (Lotus 49, Formula Rookie,...). ¿Le pasa a alguien más o es cosa mía?
sakatros escribió:Chicos, yo ultimamente no se que me pasa con el pcars, pero ayer cuando instale la nueva build, despues de updatearme y darle a que me ejecute en dx11, se me queda el circulito de w7 dando vueltas y no me arranca el pcars..... despues voy con ctrl+alt+supr para que me salgan los procesos y veo que el pcars 32 lo tengo activo, le doy eliminar y na de na cuando vuelvo a probar.... lo malo es que despues de esto cuando quiero reiniciar se me queda casi como 10 minutos apagando sesion.... esto que es.....ayuda pleasseee....
Dume escribió:currololo escribió:Gracias por los vídeos, Denis.
Sencillamente geniales estas animaciones.
Como sigan con este nivel, a las pit-girls se les moverán las bolas al dar saltitos.![]()
Bueno, son casi las tres y me he pegado tal panzada de conducir que tengo los brazos machacados.
Tengo que decir que las dos builds anteriores me habían parecido peores en cuanto a FFB, con mucho subviraje, aparte de un flickering incomodísimo, pero con esta build me lo he pasado en grande.
El flickering, si queda algo, ni lo he notado. El sonido me ha encantado, con unos efectos que antes no había oído en varios coches, aunque algunos llevaba tiempo sin probarlos.
Y el FFB me ha gustado mucho, he sentido los baches y los pianos como nunca, así tengo los brazos ahora, je, je.
A navi91, yo no he notado nada raro en el Formula B, aunque sólo he dado un par de vueltas con él, que alguien te lo confirme.
Para Jarinawer, asegúrate de haber reiniciado el ordenador después de la instalación, de configurar el profiler de Logitech y de calibrar el volante y los pedales dentro del juego (siguiendo los pasos que todo el mundo sabe), a ver si es por algo de eso que te va mal el FFB, aunque puede ser que simplemente no te guste.
Por cierto, he notado que no veía las animaciones de las suspensiones en coches que sí las tenían (Lotus 49, Formula Rookie,...). ¿Le pasa a alguien más o es cosa mía?
Se agradecen tus opiniones Currololo, yo hasta la noche no la podre "catar".
Lo de las anaimaciones de los pits puede ser la bomba teniendo en cuenta en buen hacer de esta gente.![]()
Pd:Por cierto, que coche es el que sale en esos videos?
navi91 escribió:sakatros escribió:Chicos, yo ultimamente no se que me pasa con el pcars, pero ayer cuando instale la nueva build, despues de updatearme y darle a que me ejecute en dx11, se me queda el circulito de w7 dando vueltas y no me arranca el pcars..... despues voy con ctrl+alt+supr para que me salgan los procesos y veo que el pcars 32 lo tengo activo, le doy eliminar y na de na cuando vuelvo a probar.... lo malo es que despues de esto cuando quiero reiniciar se me queda casi como 10 minutos apagando sesion.... esto que es.....ayuda pleasseee....
Tiene pinta de que tienes el pc petao y que necesita un gran formateo xD Prueba con el ccleaner a limipar todo haber si se resuelve pero esto es como un parche...Cuando se necesita puntos una tirita solo sirve un rato...
Leyenda18 escribió:Descargando build! No me enteré que ayer estaba lista!
PD: Foto colgada por Fernando Alonso en Facebook dedicada a Dume:
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid ... t=1&ref=nf
Creo que te lo vas a pasar pipa este fin de semana! jajaja
erpuche escribió:Para quitar dudas:
DMFG escribió:No se si es que han liberado los circuitos o que pas, pero gracias al boton RANDOMIZE, creo que se escribe asi, podemos correr en circuitos que supuestamente estan betados para este nivel.
No puedes cambiar algunas cosas pero si elegir coche y oponentes.....
sakatros escribió:navi91 escribió:sakatros escribió:Chicos, yo ultimamente no se que me pasa con el pcars, pero ayer cuando instale la nueva build, despues de updatearme y darle a que me ejecute en dx11, se me queda el circulito de w7 dando vueltas y no me arranca el pcars..... despues voy con ctrl+alt+supr para que me salgan los procesos y veo que el pcars 32 lo tengo activo, le doy eliminar y na de na cuando vuelvo a probar.... lo malo es que despues de esto cuando quiero reiniciar se me queda casi como 10 minutos apagando sesion.... esto que es.....ayuda pleasseee....
Tiene pinta de que tienes el pc petao y que necesita un gran formateo xD Prueba con el ccleaner a limipar todo haber si se resuelve pero esto es como un parche...Cuando se necesita puntos una tirita solo sirve un rato...
Pero si el ordenador es nuevo y esta formateado hace 2 meses....
Intentare hacer una limpieza con el ccleaner a ver... pero me parece raro, pues solo utilizo el pc para correr con el rfactor1 y 2, iracing, gsc 2012 y pcars.....
currololo escribió:Supongo que ya lo habréis visto, pero por si acaso, que sepáis que ya está muy adelantado el circuito de Eifelwald (Nordschliefe) GP.
Han estado trabajando en él sin decir nada, como siempre.
Dicen que ya está en un estado suficientemente bueno como para que empecemos a probarlo, así que no creo que tardemos mucho en tenerlo en las builds..
colets escribió:Bueno, bueno, desvelado que era lo de championship tech. Es, sorpresa, campeonatos.
http://forum.wmdportal.com/showthread.p ... son-Design
Aparte del modo carrera ó trayectoria, va a haber un modo "campeonato" o temporada. Habrá varios disponibles y aunque no será obligatorio jugarlos si habrá alguna recompensa por hacerlo (hablando en el juego final).
Lo bueno es que puedes hacer un campeonato personalizado y pasarlo a tus amigos. Por ejemplo: Evos, Focus y M3 con 8 carreras, en los circuitos que elijas, etc...
Van a empezar con 3 campeonatos: Kart 125, Superkart y Nascar 90.
Al ser la primera implementación tendrá numerosos fallos. No se puede grabar, no hay calificatorias, tenéis la lista de cosas que se sabe no van a funcionar en esta implementación en ese post.
Pues mira, otro modo de juego para el menú principal, no está mal.
currololo escribió:Supongo que ya lo habréis visto, pero por si acaso, que sepáis que ya está muy adelantado el circuito de Eifelwald (Nordschliefe) GP.
Han estado trabajando en él sin decir nada, como siempre.
Dicen que ya está en un estado suficientemente bueno como para que empecemos a probarlo, así que no creo que tardemos mucho en tenerlo en las builds.
Tenéis fotos en la sección de progreso de circuitos. ¡Hasta la montaña rusa está puesta ya!
Digiprost escribió:Buenas.
Alguien me puede decir si han arreglado el fallo de las repeticiones, haber si ya de una vez se puede ver y grabar una repeticion sin que se quede colgado.
Digo la repeticion de una carrera en race, en test y clasi no pasa con los 30seg.
Un saludo
currololo escribió:Supongo que ya lo habréis visto, pero por si acaso, que sepáis que ya está muy adelantado el circuito de Eifelwald (Nordschliefe) GP.
Han estado trabajando en él sin decir nada, como siempre.
Dicen que ya está en un estado suficientemente bueno como para que empecemos a probarlo, así que no creo que tardemos mucho en tenerlo en las builds.
Tenéis fotos en la sección de progreso de circuitos. ¡Hasta la montaña rusa está puesta ya!
Dume escribió:Lo suyo seria unir Eifelwald largo con el GP.![]()
Respecto a la build de esta semana, solo he dado dos vueltas en suzuka con el BMW m1, pero han sido suficientes para darme cuenta que, como apunto currololo, el coche aun se siente más que en la anterior build, notas más el bacheado, las clavadas de freno y el coche también subvira más al entrar en curva.
Después de cenar seguiré probando.
Link to b249 Torrent file in case of problems and slow launcher download.
Build 316 (5/10/12, Junior Member+)
Online sessions:
* Messages about state changes in the loading sequence contain a serial number. There are a few cases where a client can send two state changes without intervention from the host in between, and these messages can arrive out of order
* Certain getters can be called when leaving the session
* Added sequence numbers to logs of lobby setup messaging
* Single user setup sequence number has been split into two: request sequence, and update sequence. This fixes a problem when a vehicle setup change has been ignored if a vehicle validation on host resulted in a change
* Added a flag to user setup specifying whether or not it's a default setup assigned by host, used until the client requests their own setup
* Requesting an invalid livery when there's no valid livery will not cause an update sequence increase anymore
* Fixed handling of a message requesting preferred user's setup from an admin; this fixes setup sync after host migration and during join in certain scenarios
* Added missing user setup change callbacks on the host in certain situations
* Admin's own USER_SETUP and USER_VARIABLES callback will fire after the GAME_CONNECT callback
* Session callback signature has been changed to take a reference to a structure instead of the generic numeric argument. This will make it much easier to add more information to each callback
* Split the SERVER_CONNECT and GAME_CONNECT callbacks into two each - one for connect and one for disconnect
Add MP-specific racing rules
Fixed chat text content and colours
Disabled reparsing of track waypoints for slower corners
Added support for tool builds, where memory allocations are from the system allocator
Added TrackDetails method to set date for Championships
Improvements to MP connection error handling and reporting
Re-enabled ping indicator for lobby entries
Extended browse list to full size
Changed GameSessionMember to share a common Base class across all platforms, with a platform specific class above this
Chat handling improvements for the lobby
Online UI:
* Fixed format string specifiers for chat lines from %s to %ls, and prevented the string from being passed by value
* Added User Leaving callback, called just before wiping information about the user from the session
* Fixed PS3 string formatting when handling callbacks for user joined/left, admin changed, and track changed
Remote chats now include the remote user's name
Adding chat and system messages to MP Lobby
Fixes MP location update and logo
GUIList functionality improvements, adding colour
Increased Events screen leaderboard page size from 8 entries to 14
Integration of Championships tech along with some test data, with Aries-specific patching where necessary. Not hooked into UI yet
Throttle behaviour (blips etc) and adding chasis effects
Pagani Zonda R: Accurate gear ratios applied. Deduced from video reference
Adding for chassis noise effect
Adding bodyflap sound for high speed car creak/rattle effect
Wisconsin Raceway - add new txt for wood wall
Player name now shows again rather than placeholder vehicle on Lobby screen
Lobby chat now bigger and scrolls the correct way
Season selection images moved to async folder
Season info and settings pages added
Derby - add new textures
Eifelwald - adjusted trees placement, fixed were levitaing
Eifelwald - tweaked terrain/grass textures
Eifelwald - ground cover texture tweaked (color and saturation)
Eifelwald - grass exclusion map updated
Rebalance for updated tech. Switched gear change sounds and tranny
Interior sounds updated with the latest tech. Exterior still being worked on
Updated levels and pitch curve for GT_Race1 tranny
14th row on Event leaderboard now shows correctly
Wisconsin Raceway - update emmisive texture for tent
New Textures for WR media center and L gantry/first revision wip
Updated balance for latest filter, eq and curves tech
Major update - latest filter, eq and load curve tech
Updated compression curves
Caterham SP300R: Ultra detail setup
Vehicles: testing zero shift delay on a few cars with H-pattern gearboxes
Events screen updated with new improved layout
Volumen boost for 'Race' box
Updated with the latest filtering, EQ and dsp load tech; external volume adjusted
Updated with the latest filtering load tech; fresh balance
Switching new engine set on; balancing changes
Tweaks for player labels display
Adding Huayra fdp
Adding Huayra sounds
Adding exhaust res for new Huayra sounds
Wisconsin Raceway - add new txt for GlassMarquee
Derby - improve lightmap for garages floor
Derby - textures update - higher resolution and reworked
Derby - texture addition
New Belgian Forest export
New Derby exports
New Eifelwald export
New Wisconsin Raceway export
Build 315 (4/10/12, Senior manager)
Fix for postprocessing filter not being enabled
Various MP fixes
Build 314 (3/10/12, Senior Manager)
Additional debug trace info and explicit BList Init added to debug entries list - reduces memory fragmentation due to lazy init
Additional trace implementation for lightweight mesh and textures - applies content names to allow easier debugging of leaks
Removed excess renderer TTY from SPUs - left in but disabled so that it can be toggled for those who need it
Sisabled live edit components for PS3
Fix speech block HRDF fingerprint name typo
HRDF fingerprint and new features changes
Downcast for camera collisions starts a bit higher than before, to prevent the camera from sinking under the ground on tracks with high slopes
Adjusted offset of geometry-clipping-prevention downcast of attached camera, so the camera below thin horizontal obstacle (e.g. bridge) is not moved above it
Modified edge case handling of bridge to ensure that invalid data will never be used, by changing the minimum valid time for testing to be later than the invalid time marker of -1.0 - this should prevent first frame oddities such as incorrect car being treated as player on multi-player games
Online: Online log is now enabled in all configs on PC
Fixed incorrect assert in ghost save game support
Only set pit flag from a snapshot once
Trigger vehicles to drive out of pit lane on pit entry
Set in pit flag for AI when spawning from a snapshot which does not define the spawn location
Spindle/integrator changes: Clamp forces and torques for rigid bodies in vehicle during large impacts; Fix broken spindle on large crashes
Restricted rolling start speed to +/- 20% difference and set default to 40ms from 200
Re-ordered CCD generation to override when offtrack
Speed limiter penalty gets applied in all modes in MP
Removed accidental duplicate envmap creation, fixes memory leak
During MP sessions, disable ability to pause game when ALT TABing or moving the context window - prevents clients going out of sync in MP session
Changed MP screens to enable for managers
Tile background now normalized to a 1024 square for memory
Aliasing fixed on Dialog popup
Kerning and aliasing fixed on dialog popup and login screen
Top text on load screen re-aligned after font change (moved up 6px)
Updated HRDF data/scripts
Bug fixes for MP screens
* Refresh button in the game list doesn't work.
* Empty slots in the lobby say "AI Opponent" (should be blank)
* Liveries are not set correctly yet
* If game list contains just one disabled (in-progress) game, it doesn't show
* Scrolling in game list doesn't work
* Start button can be clicked twice (when this happens things break badly)
* Selected track doesn't display on client machines - needs game attributes transmitted
Loading screen updated to match new font improvement and FE layout
Background_Glow, Linen, and Title Background added to pakfile loading textures
InGameMenu updated for font update
Wisconsin Raceway - add new textures for DinnerShop
Changed file type to non-exclusive
New distance font and graphical polish for FrontEnd
Temporary new background for tiles in the UI
New font (although this is the old bitmap version not used any more)
Missing SMS logo for splash page
Bathurst - Viewer objects added in theXML
Wisconsin Raceway - add new text for CafeShed and Warehouses
New Bathurst export
Build 313 (2/10/12, Manager+)
Pause audio when minimising app in MP mode.
Pause app when minimised and only getting WM_ACTIVATEAPP message.
Online session:
* Fixed assert in server auto-disconnect when a session is left during join.
* Reworked the auto-disconnect logic so that the server manager rememebrs what reasons prevent the auto-disconnect from working, instead of just a lock count.
* Fixed assert in host migration happening after the host has finished loading data needed for the race.
* Switching to lobby and race state will triggrer debug output, displaying the full session information.
* Documentation clarifiaction for SetVehicle().
* Maximum supported online players is now 64 (8 on consoles). The constant has been moved to Multiplayer namespace too.
* Browse dialog shows number of players in the session correctly.
* Added getters to game information retrieved by browsing, to access track and game mode
* Debug output from session enumeration now prints track and game mode for each session
Modified mip offset debug trace tags for better consistency and easier analysis within memory reports
Added debug trace descriptions to specs for lightweight meshes to allow easier debugging of leaks
Additional debug trace info added to lightweight mesh spec, so that it is possible to record the origins of them, rather than just have them called "lightweight mesh" all the time in debug traces
Added checks for valid floats stored to cActor state transform, and stored to/obtained from render bridge by physics render cNode.
Identify player when adjusting AI routing .Constifying new AI systems
Added toggle to disable the reflection system.
Added in code to allow us to be able to specify the pixel format of our emaps
Fix for dx assert caused because we are trying to render reflection maps before the renderer is enabled
Fix for detailed grass being missing
First pass of the reflection rendertasks
Add ValidateOpponentsMenuOption functionality to limit AIs in TT
AI debug rendering enabled via Ctrl-A
Car flicker correction - PhysicsUpdateCallback - ensuring there is 50ms interval in bridged stream 5 samples
Car flicker correction - Shift time -35ms in bridge interpolation, m_safeUpdateTime set to current frame instead of last frame time. Passing gExecTimer value to PhysicsCallback call
Made track and vehicle name lower case for driving line tweakers to ensure PS3 picks up driving line overrides
Apply aero damage only when driving mode full damage enabled
Reduce front and rear downforce when front and rear wing flapping / detached
Fixed row setting for formation driving when in single file
Add gear event when AI takes control in pit lane to notify app of gear change
Changes to pit speed limiter logic
Auto reset cars pointing in wrong direction when driving into pit lane
Push AI vehicle location to HD vehicle at race start
Gearbox damage from an event should not rely on players gameplay flags
If fuel levels come from a snapshot, do not override fuel levels on restart
Bathurst - New AO texture
Bathurst - New textures
First pass of the reflection rendertasks
Pagani Zonda R cockpit textures. Minor rollcage metal color update
Northampton. Merged several textures into one, removed duplicated. Updated AO maps
Wisconsin Raceway - add new text for LargeWhiteHut
New Pagani Zonda R export
Build 312 (1/10/12, Senior Manager)
Pass Audio Handle to the online libs for use by the VoIP system
Added basic VoIP support (Consoles only)
Wet Vehicle additions - sets global parameter for controlling water droplets on cars in rain
Fixed part of the GUI cleanup code to prevent accessing of the end of an array
Remove asserts used for testing
Disabled adjustment of vehicle PhysX actor during switch of vehicle control to AI
Added possibility to read state of vehicle detachable components identified by name on startup
Fix for assert on scrolling text
Improvements to GUIListData building
Animation and some other memory changes (pool selection, memtraces etc)
New AI systems WIP:
* Spline based pathing for AI
* Spline based pathing prediction for player
* AI inputs generation system
* Avoidance / overtaking logic
* Braking / aligning speeds logic
* Debug rendering of spline and passing data
* Internal driver AI tick rate of 50hz
* Track overview system removed
* Tweened data from AIW systems
* Support systems
* Lots of logging and WIP code
AnimationName changes
Add more control over memory usage and change to use hash strings for names
Fixes for scrolling and selection in GUILists
Change to max shader so we can mark road items that can reflect
Disabled 'quick random' button for user tier < SM
New Pause and Round Results screen
Move files from the boot persistent pakfile that doesn't need to be there to free up memory
Music track added: Quies atne tempestatem from the Halcyon Trailer.
Runtime bodywork shader with raindrop system added - first pass version, plus improvement for Max shader with better linearity for droplet density map and removing test params from material export
Additional global parameter added to shaders to allow shared control values for rain droplet behaviour on multiple bodywork shaders
Derby - add new textures for garages floor
Derby - Textures new addition
Added VoIP logging level to DevModeConfig
Moved the weather data out of boot persistent into the WeatherTextures pak
New Derby exports
New Eifelwald export
New Northampton export
denis74 escribió:Primeras animaciones del pitstop![]()
Here's some very early previz - not much about animations, but mostly choreography and camera tests. Currently we are focusing on 1st person camera mainly - as soon as you would enter pit stop, camera would switch into first person, car would be driven to garage automatically by game and player should make decisions about tyres, amount of fuel, repairs and such things meanwhile ... those decisions will affect how long pit stop will take (more fuel, repairs etc. will take longer).
http://youtu.be/bLhNcs1QJykas the first step for animations, it was necessary to coordinate pitcrew choreography to make sure they can move effectively as in real, without crossing each other paths and also to cover various vehicles with different fuel intake and air jack position. For simplification, we will make air jack for all GT cars (for now), even for those which wouldn't have it in real ... it's a game after all and we want to finish it one day, so we have to use any possible shortcut at this stage . However once it will be all done, we can go into much more depth and get even closer to real ....
EDIT: Picture with fuel intakes contains random cars from our bank of existing vehicles. Representing just group of cars with intakes/airjacks at those positions. It's not certain vehicle model we will have in this game.
Imágenes pit/stop
edifumi escribió:Una dudilla.... Soy Junior y tengo descargada la última build pero hay vehículos que los tengo bloqueados. Tengo especial interés en probar los BMW, pero no puedo..... Alguién sabe si están bloqueados a los junior??
brunelesky32 escribió:Que tal, soy nuevo en el foro, pero lo he leido mas o menos todo, soy full menber desde hace unos 3 meses y he podido probar varias builts, hace 3 semanas podia funcionar con mi pantalla ASUS VG278H de 3D, y se veia mas o menos bien, mucho mejor en rfactor2, por cierto, pero desde la actualizacion 311, ya no funciona en 3d, se me oscurece un solo cristal de las gafas y no puedo jugar, con el resto de juegos funciona bien...es una pena.
Por otro lado, tampoco funciona el trackiR, que por cierto en rfactor2 si funciona, sabeis si lo van a implementar mas adelante?
Ademas en la built 316 de esta semana, de pronto los coches IA se han vuelto locos, y van todos dandose ostias por todos lados y es imposible correr, no se, parece que el juego va para atras, en lugar de avanzar, se ve mejor, pero pierde otras caracteristicas en el camino. Rfactor2, tambien es una beta, y graficamente es incomparable con pcars, pero ciertas cosas, las estan cuidando mas, y ya se echa de menos algun coche nuevo, de paso jejeje, en fin, muy interesante, haber si alguien que use 3d con este juego me puede decir que puede ocurrir de pronto con el 3d y pcars?
brunelesky32 escribió:Que tal, soy nuevo en el foro, pero lo he leido mas o menos todo, soy full menber desde hace unos 3 meses y he podido probar varias builts, hace 3 semanas podia funcionar con mi pantalla ASUS VG278H de 3D, y se veia mas o menos bien, mucho mejor en rfactor2, por cierto, pero desde la actualizacion 311, ya no funciona en 3d, se me oscurece un solo cristal de las gafas y no puedo jugar, con el resto de juegos funciona bien...es una pena.
Por otro lado, tampoco funciona el trackiR, que por cierto en rfactor2 si funciona, sabeis si lo van a implementar mas adelante?
Ademas en la built 316 de esta semana, de pronto los coches IA se han vuelto locos, y van todos dandose ostias por todos lados y es imposible correr, no se, parece que el juego va para atras, en lugar de avanzar, se ve mejor, pero pierde otras caracteristicas en el camino. Rfactor2, tambien es una beta, y graficamente es incomparable con pcars, pero ciertas cosas, las estan cuidando mas, y ya se echa de menos algun coche nuevo, de paso jejeje, en fin, muy interesante, haber si alguien que use 3d con este juego me puede decir que puede ocurrir de pronto con el 3d y pcars?
denis74 escribió:Adrián pilla el Huayra y escucha los nuevos sonidos reales que le han puesto![]()
Esta semana debe ser la que tiene más cambios en los builds. Echad una ojeada a las notas porque hay cosas interesantes en algún coche.Link to b249 Torrent file in case of problems and slow launcher download.
Build 316 (5/10/12, Junior Member+)
Online sessions:
* Messages about state changes in the loading sequence contain a serial number. There are a few cases where a client can send two state changes without intervention from the host in between, and these messages can arrive out of order
* Certain getters can be called when leaving the session
* Added sequence numbers to logs of lobby setup messaging
* Single user setup sequence number has been split into two: request sequence, and update sequence. This fixes a problem when a vehicle setup change has been ignored if a vehicle validation on host resulted in a change
* Added a flag to user setup specifying whether or not it's a default setup assigned by host, used until the client requests their own setup
* Requesting an invalid livery when there's no valid livery will not cause an update sequence increase anymore
* Fixed handling of a message requesting preferred user's setup from an admin; this fixes setup sync after host migration and during join in certain scenarios
* Added missing user setup change callbacks on the host in certain situations
* Admin's own USER_SETUP and USER_VARIABLES callback will fire after the GAME_CONNECT callback
* Session callback signature has been changed to take a reference to a structure instead of the generic numeric argument. This will make it much easier to add more information to each callback
* Split the SERVER_CONNECT and GAME_CONNECT callbacks into two each - one for connect and one for disconnect
Add MP-specific racing rules
Fixed chat text content and colours
Disabled reparsing of track waypoints for slower corners
Added support for tool builds, where memory allocations are from the system allocator
Added TrackDetails method to set date for Championships
Improvements to MP connection error handling and reporting
Re-enabled ping indicator for lobby entries
Extended browse list to full size
Changed GameSessionMember to share a common Base class across all platforms, with a platform specific class above this
Chat handling improvements for the lobby
Online UI:
* Fixed format string specifiers for chat lines from %s to %ls, and prevented the string from being passed by value
* Added User Leaving callback, called just before wiping information about the user from the session
* Fixed PS3 string formatting when handling callbacks for user joined/left, admin changed, and track changed
Remote chats now include the remote user's name
Adding chat and system messages to MP Lobby
Fixes MP location update and logo
GUIList functionality improvements, adding colour
Increased Events screen leaderboard page size from 8 entries to 14
Integration of Championships tech along with some test data, with Aries-specific patching where necessary. Not hooked into UI yet
Throttle behaviour (blips etc) and adding chasis effects
Pagani Zonda R: Accurate gear ratios applied. Deduced from video reference
Adding for chassis noise effect
Adding bodyflap sound for high speed car creak/rattle effect
Wisconsin Raceway - add new txt for wood wall
Player name now shows again rather than placeholder vehicle on Lobby screen
Lobby chat now bigger and scrolls the correct way
Season selection images moved to async folder
Season info and settings pages added
Derby - add new textures
Eifelwald - adjusted trees placement, fixed were levitaing
Eifelwald - tweaked terrain/grass textures
Eifelwald - ground cover texture tweaked (color and saturation)
Eifelwald - grass exclusion map updated
Rebalance for updated tech. Switched gear change sounds and tranny
Interior sounds updated with the latest tech. Exterior still being worked on
Updated levels and pitch curve for GT_Race1 tranny
14th row on Event leaderboard now shows correctly
Wisconsin Raceway - update emmisive texture for tent
New Textures for WR media center and L gantry/first revision wip
Updated balance for latest filter, eq and curves tech
Major update - latest filter, eq and load curve tech
Updated compression curves
Caterham SP300R: Ultra detail setup
Vehicles: testing zero shift delay on a few cars with H-pattern gearboxes
Events screen updated with new improved layout
Volumen boost for 'Race' box
Updated with the latest filtering, EQ and dsp load tech; external volume adjusted
Updated with the latest filtering load tech; fresh balance
Switching new engine set on; balancing changes
Tweaks for player labels display
Adding Huayra fdp
Adding Huayra sounds
Adding exhaust res for new Huayra sounds
Wisconsin Raceway - add new txt for GlassMarquee
Derby - improve lightmap for garages floor
Derby - textures update - higher resolution and reworked
Derby - texture addition
New Belgian Forest export
New Derby exports
New Eifelwald export
New Wisconsin Raceway export
Build 315 (4/10/12, Senior manager)
Fix for postprocessing filter not being enabled
Various MP fixes
Build 314 (3/10/12, Senior Manager)
Additional debug trace info and explicit BList Init added to debug entries list - reduces memory fragmentation due to lazy init
Additional trace implementation for lightweight mesh and textures - applies content names to allow easier debugging of leaks
Removed excess renderer TTY from SPUs - left in but disabled so that it can be toggled for those who need it
Sisabled live edit components for PS3
Fix speech block HRDF fingerprint name typo
HRDF fingerprint and new features changes
Downcast for camera collisions starts a bit higher than before, to prevent the camera from sinking under the ground on tracks with high slopes
Adjusted offset of geometry-clipping-prevention downcast of attached camera, so the camera below thin horizontal obstacle (e.g. bridge) is not moved above it
Modified edge case handling of bridge to ensure that invalid data will never be used, by changing the minimum valid time for testing to be later than the invalid time marker of -1.0 - this should prevent first frame oddities such as incorrect car being treated as player on multi-player games
Online: Online log is now enabled in all configs on PC
Fixed incorrect assert in ghost save game support
Only set pit flag from a snapshot once
Trigger vehicles to drive out of pit lane on pit entry
Set in pit flag for AI when spawning from a snapshot which does not define the spawn location
Spindle/integrator changes: Clamp forces and torques for rigid bodies in vehicle during large impacts; Fix broken spindle on large crashes
Restricted rolling start speed to +/- 20% difference and set default to 40ms from 200
Re-ordered CCD generation to override when offtrack
Speed limiter penalty gets applied in all modes in MP
Removed accidental duplicate envmap creation, fixes memory leak
During MP sessions, disable ability to pause game when ALT TABing or moving the context window - prevents clients going out of sync in MP session
Changed MP screens to enable for managers
Tile background now normalized to a 1024 square for memory
Aliasing fixed on Dialog popup
Kerning and aliasing fixed on dialog popup and login screen
Top text on load screen re-aligned after font change (moved up 6px)
Updated HRDF data/scripts
Bug fixes for MP screens
* Refresh button in the game list doesn't work.
* Empty slots in the lobby say "AI Opponent" (should be blank)
* Liveries are not set correctly yet
* If game list contains just one disabled (in-progress) game, it doesn't show
* Scrolling in game list doesn't work
* Start button can be clicked twice (when this happens things break badly)
* Selected track doesn't display on client machines - needs game attributes transmitted
Loading screen updated to match new font improvement and FE layout
Background_Glow, Linen, and Title Background added to pakfile loading textures
InGameMenu updated for font update
Wisconsin Raceway - add new textures for DinnerShop
Changed file type to non-exclusive
New distance font and graphical polish for FrontEnd
Temporary new background for tiles in the UI
New font (although this is the old bitmap version not used any more)
Missing SMS logo for splash page
Bathurst - Viewer objects added in theXML
Wisconsin Raceway - add new text for CafeShed and Warehouses
New Bathurst export
Build 313 (2/10/12, Manager+)
Pause audio when minimising app in MP mode.
Pause app when minimised and only getting WM_ACTIVATEAPP message.
Online session:
* Fixed assert in server auto-disconnect when a session is left during join.
* Reworked the auto-disconnect logic so that the server manager rememebrs what reasons prevent the auto-disconnect from working, instead of just a lock count.
* Fixed assert in host migration happening after the host has finished loading data needed for the race.
* Switching to lobby and race state will triggrer debug output, displaying the full session information.
* Documentation clarifiaction for SetVehicle().
* Maximum supported online players is now 64 (8 on consoles). The constant has been moved to Multiplayer namespace too.
* Browse dialog shows number of players in the session correctly.
* Added getters to game information retrieved by browsing, to access track and game mode
* Debug output from session enumeration now prints track and game mode for each session
Modified mip offset debug trace tags for better consistency and easier analysis within memory reports
Added debug trace descriptions to specs for lightweight meshes to allow easier debugging of leaks
Additional debug trace info added to lightweight mesh spec, so that it is possible to record the origins of them, rather than just have them called "lightweight mesh" all the time in debug traces
Added checks for valid floats stored to cActor state transform, and stored to/obtained from render bridge by physics render cNode.
Identify player when adjusting AI routing .Constifying new AI systems
Added toggle to disable the reflection system.
Added in code to allow us to be able to specify the pixel format of our emaps
Fix for dx assert caused because we are trying to render reflection maps before the renderer is enabled
Fix for detailed grass being missing
First pass of the reflection rendertasks
Add ValidateOpponentsMenuOption functionality to limit AIs in TT
AI debug rendering enabled via Ctrl-A
Car flicker correction - PhysicsUpdateCallback - ensuring there is 50ms interval in bridged stream 5 samples
Car flicker correction - Shift time -35ms in bridge interpolation, m_safeUpdateTime set to current frame instead of last frame time. Passing gExecTimer value to PhysicsCallback call
Made track and vehicle name lower case for driving line tweakers to ensure PS3 picks up driving line overrides
Apply aero damage only when driving mode full damage enabled
Reduce front and rear downforce when front and rear wing flapping / detached
Fixed row setting for formation driving when in single file
Add gear event when AI takes control in pit lane to notify app of gear change
Changes to pit speed limiter logic
Auto reset cars pointing in wrong direction when driving into pit lane
Push AI vehicle location to HD vehicle at race start
Gearbox damage from an event should not rely on players gameplay flags
If fuel levels come from a snapshot, do not override fuel levels on restart
Bathurst - New AO texture
Bathurst - New textures
First pass of the reflection rendertasks
Pagani Zonda R cockpit textures. Minor rollcage metal color update
Northampton. Merged several textures into one, removed duplicated. Updated AO maps
Wisconsin Raceway - add new text for LargeWhiteHut
New Pagani Zonda R export
Build 312 (1/10/12, Senior Manager)
Pass Audio Handle to the online libs for use by the VoIP system
Added basic VoIP support (Consoles only)
Wet Vehicle additions - sets global parameter for controlling water droplets on cars in rain
Fixed part of the GUI cleanup code to prevent accessing of the end of an array
Remove asserts used for testing
Disabled adjustment of vehicle PhysX actor during switch of vehicle control to AI
Added possibility to read state of vehicle detachable components identified by name on startup
Fix for assert on scrolling text
Improvements to GUIListData building
Animation and some other memory changes (pool selection, memtraces etc)
New AI systems WIP:
* Spline based pathing for AI
* Spline based pathing prediction for player
* AI inputs generation system
* Avoidance / overtaking logic
* Braking / aligning speeds logic
* Debug rendering of spline and passing data
* Internal driver AI tick rate of 50hz
* Track overview system removed
* Tweened data from AIW systems
* Support systems
* Lots of logging and WIP code
AnimationName changes
Add more control over memory usage and change to use hash strings for names
Fixes for scrolling and selection in GUILists
Change to max shader so we can mark road items that can reflect
Disabled 'quick random' button for user tier < SM
New Pause and Round Results screen
Move files from the boot persistent pakfile that doesn't need to be there to free up memory
Music track added: Quies atne tempestatem from the Halcyon Trailer.
Runtime bodywork shader with raindrop system added - first pass version, plus improvement for Max shader with better linearity for droplet density map and removing test params from material export
Additional global parameter added to shaders to allow shared control values for rain droplet behaviour on multiple bodywork shaders
Derby - add new textures for garages floor
Derby - Textures new addition
Added VoIP logging level to DevModeConfig
Moved the weather data out of boot persistent into the WeatherTextures pak
New Derby exports
New Eifelwald export
New Northampton export
KiMika escribió:Nurburgring GP, casi nada, me encanta, menuda coleccion de circuitos que estan sacando.
Te acuerdas denis hace tiempo que sacaste unas fotos desde las alturas que se veia a lo lejos algunas cosas de Nurb. GP? Tipo casetas etc... Ni ibas muy desencaminado jeje, al final ha caido.
They are separate tracks and will remain so for now, for development reasons. Both Eifelwald and the GP circuit are very large and complex scenes to deal with individually, so if/when we do look at combining them, that would come much later (When the tracks are mostly complete). We still have plenty to do on both tracks and it makes sense that extra variations and trying to combine tracks now would multiply the burden of work to maintain and keep them all regularly exported and up to date. It's also going to be a big job trying to get 2 huge tracks running well within decent performance levels. So it's one of those things we would like to do and we won't rule it out...but we won't likely be getting it in the short term.
Originally Posted by georgesavvas
Will the physics be getting some of your attention soon? I feel that this is more important than anything else at the moment, because this game looks great but does'nt feel as good as it looks.
All areas are always getting attention.
However as you can imagine, the scope for getting artists or graphics programmers to work on the physics is somewhat limited, and so we leave the physics updates to the physics team.
As a result, you will frequently see changes in other areas, because there are more people working in those areas. That doesn't mean the physics is not getting updates, just that it's less obvious because there are only a few of them.
Putting effort in to other areas does not slow physics development down, because they have their own dedicated group of programmers.
er_lego escribió:Anoche me hice mi segunda cuenta, esta vez en Team Member (por ahora).
Tengo unas ganas de que salgan las nuevas físicas para cerrar las bocas de los de las bolas de cristal.