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Kitizarpaszuaves escribió:Ahora me ha salido! Parece que cuando estaba co. La Niña no me hacía nada pero he probado por la noche y si le he podido llenar la panza al bicho
Gracias a los dos por ayudarme
Enanon escribió:https://www.pcgamer.com/how-sega-brought-shenmue-back-to-life-on-pc/
Entrevista a los encargados del port.
Comentan el tema del sonido y tiene sentido que tengan problemas ya que no existe forma de emular lo que pasaba en DC. Imagino que de ahí los fallos famosos.
Did you find anything interesting in the source code?
The moon in Shenmue 2 is not a texture. It’s an actual 3D object in the distance correctly lit by the sun direction. This produces accurate phases. We were surprised by this level of detail! The Lucky Hit games adjust the physical behaviour of the ball based on the weather and temperature, calculated by the time of day. For cutscenes, the game switches to high definition heads and hands, which allow for more expression. In Shenmue 1 the game logic is all written in a scripting language. For Shenmue 2 they got rid of it and wrote the logic in C code directly.
Park Chu Young escribió:Lo grandioso de Shenmue es que su primera parte puede tener momentos aburridos, pero es que son aburridos aposta. No son un frenesí de diversión porque no pueden serlo, estás en un pueblucho japonés de finales de los 80 que pretende ser deliberadamente deprimente (miradlo en el google maps e imaginadlo hace 30 años).
En ese contexto, cualquier cosa fuera de lo normal que ocurre es un hecho extraordinario. En los demás juegos matas 100 personas cada hora, en este el único combate masivo de todo el juego es algo legendario que será recordado durante décadas.
Es un juego que no se quiere adaptar al jugador, es el jugador el que se tiene que adaptar. Luego claro que en Shenmue 2 no paras de hacer cosas, todo es enorme y estás liandote a hostias y saltando cada dos por tres. Pero es que Shenmue 2 es tan memorable gracias a Shenmue 1, porque eres un chico de pueblo que acaba en la gran ciudad y en lugar de mostrártelo en una cinemática te permiten vivirlo. Sabes que tienes que echar de menos a Ine-san o a Fuku-san, no porque te lo diga el juego, es porque los conoces en persona. Y sabes que tienes que sentirte perdido en Hong Kong, porque conoces el contraste con Yokosuka.
Kitizarpaszuaves escribió:Entiendo que no es posible adelantar el tiempo cuando uno quiera no? Tienes que esperar si o si a las 20:00 para dormir?
Streamer escribió:Hay que entender la filosofía y forma de jugar que propone Shenmue. Dejo este artículo de eurogamer de una nueva iniciada en la saga que en un principio le pasó lo que comentais de que las esperas se le hacian muy largas pero que luego se metió en el juego y cambió el chip completamente. Ha sabido relatar muy bien la esencia de Shenmue:
McNamara escribió:@Tommy_Vercetti Se puede guardar en cualquier sitio.
Tommy_Vercetti escribió:McNamara escribió:@Tommy_Vercetti Se puede guardar en cualquier sitio.
Ostas tio y como? Que no me acalro, en la habitación pulso options y me sale, pero porahi en la ciudad pulso options y me sale un texto de ayuda, perdón mi retraso
Yo lo disfrutaré porque es lo que me esperaba, un juego de los que nació la saga YAKUZA, está mas claro que el agua, esa tranquilidad, esos paseos, que pase el día..
Nocrala escribió:Tommy_Vercetti escribió:McNamara escribió:@Tommy_Vercetti Se puede guardar en cualquier sitio.
Ostas tio y como? Que no me acalro, en la habitación pulso options y me sale, pero porahi en la ciudad pulso options y me sale un texto de ayuda, perdón mi retraso
Yo lo disfrutaré porque es lo que me esperaba, un juego de los que nació la saga YAKUZA, está mas claro que el agua, esa tranquilidad, esos paseos, que pase el día..
En el menú que aparece pulsando triángulo hay una pestaña para guardar la partida.
Nocrala escribió:Tommy_Vercetti escribió:McNamara escribió:@Tommy_Vercetti Se puede guardar en cualquier sitio.
Ostas tio y como? Que no me acalro, en la habitación pulso options y me sale, pero porahi en la ciudad pulso options y me sale un texto de ayuda, perdón mi retraso
Yo lo disfrutaré porque es lo que me esperaba, un juego de los que nació la saga YAKUZA, está mas claro que el agua, esa tranquilidad, esos paseos, que pase el día..
En el menú que aparece pulsando triángulo hay una pestaña para guardar la partida.
OscarKun escribió:Es que la gracia de Shenmue, por lo menos del primero, es eso, el tiempo. Tener que esperar a una hora en concreto para poder encontrarte con cierta persona, tener que volver al día siguiente porque ya es tarde y tal tienda o comercio ha cerrado, porque se te hace tarde y tienes que volver a casa como buen chico que eres, o tener que madrugar para ir a currar... es que son esos detalles lo que lo hacían entonces tan especial, diferente y rompedor, si le quitas eso, te cargas la esencia de Shenmue.
Yo con el 2 jamás llegué a usar la opción de adelantar el tiempo, menuda aberración por favor...Será por cosas que hacer... si hasta tienes un salón recreativo para matar el tiempo, con arcades mitiquísimos!
Enanon escribió:Os acordáis lo mal que estaba eso en la DC que ocupaba los 120 bloques de la memory card? Aún recuerdo borrando el juego de los bichos del Sonic Adventure pq no me entraba sino jajaja.
Menos mal que lo arreglaron en el 2
kaironman escribió:Las repeticiones del Virtua Striker 2 ocupaban unos 25-30 bloques también, una salvajada.
kaironman escribió:Enanon escribió:Os acordáis lo mal que estaba eso en la DC que ocupaba los 120 bloques de la memory card? Aún recuerdo borrando el juego de los bichos del Sonic Adventure pq no me entraba sino jajaja.
Menos mal que lo arreglaron en el 2
Eran 80 de 200, pero bueno, sí, una sobrada.
Las repeticiones del Virtua Striker 2 ocupaban unos 25-30 bloques también, una salvajada.
ryo hazuki escribió:Peor eran los casos de los nba 2k que ocupaban de 150 bloques para arriba![]()
ryo hazuki escribió:Soy un paquete, ayer me tire una hora buscando el espejo del fenix que ni me acordaba donde estaba
Luisinhozgz escribió:paciencia, ya queda mano para el parche.
Yo me estoy esperando a que lo parchen para empezar a jugarlo. Es la lacra de todos los juegos actuales y lo que hago con todos, mass effect, dragón age, etc...
darknd escribió:Luisinhozgz escribió:paciencia, ya queda mano para el parche.
Yo me estoy esperando a que lo parchen para empezar a jugarlo. Es la lacra de todos los juegos actuales y lo que hago con todos, mass effect, dragón age, etc...
yo lo empecé y estoy como tú, esperando el parche que regule al menos el sonido, jugar con cascos es un infierno.
Luisinhozgz escribió:lo del sonido va a estar difícil, si leísteis la entrevista que colgaron hace poco, comentaban que el sonido de la dreamcast lo hacían mediante un hardware y no disponían de software para poder emularlo y han hecho lo que han podido, si a eso le sumamos la compresion del sonido para que cupiera en los gdroms de dreamcast....y que ya nos hemos acostumbrado a escuchar buen sonido y que con los cascos se puede distinguir mejor el buen sonido del malo.... pues nos va a tocar acostumbrarnos.
PS4 Bug List
PS001 Little to no footstep sound (Not Fixed)
PS002 Blank air screen during kitchen flashback scene & during waking up of the 2nd day (Not Fixed)
PS003 Graphics clipping in Hazuki Residence (Not Fixed)
PS004 Drawer opening sound effects sometimes did not play (Not Fixed)
PS005 Ryo falling from sky down to earth after Pit Blow cutscene (Not Fixed)
PS006 Up not working on Excite QTE (Not Fixed)
PS007 Kelly and Pochi thumbnails are swapped in the collection menu (Not Fixed)
PS008 Glitches in both Iwao and Ryo's hands during the flashback seen about eating carrots (Not Fixed)
PS009 Pressing X on people names on the front of their house does nothing / Can't read Iwao's letter (Not Fixed)
PS010 Mysterious key not triggering unlock sequence (Not Fixed)
PS011 1st person bug (Not Fixed)) (DUPLICATE)
PS013 Cutscenes in Hazuki Dojo lock to box with sword inside (Not Fixed) (Duplicate)
PS014 Ryo randomly attempts to quit playing Slots (Not Fixed)
PS015 Corrupted save on bed (Not Fixed)
PS016 QTE prompts don’t flash/blink & are now static (Not Fixed)
PS017 Swapped X and O buttons (Not Fixed)
PS018 Shenmue soft-locks on clear file save menu if the controller was auto-turned off (Not Fixed)
PS019 Ryo can't run (Not Fixed)
PS020 Sword in wall trigger event not firing (Not Fixed)
PS021 Video glitch helping old lady found house (Not Fixed)
PS023 Fangmei's final goodbye scene and having done her birthday quest is not triggered (Not Fixed)
PS024 The "Nomad" Trophy doesn't pop if you have done the Fangmei's birthday quest (Not Fixed)
PS025 Hang-On Tape (Not Fixed) (DUPLICATE)
PS027 No audio in Stage 4 of Space Harrier (Not Fixed)
PS028 Fork Lift Race Prizes (Not Fixed)
PS030 Arm Wrestling Music (Not Fixed)
PS031 Game crashes after first Heartbeats QTE (Not Fixed)
PS032 Game crashes after playing Space Harrier and leaving the arcade (Not Fixed)
PS033 Compass moves during cutscenes (Not Fixed)
PS034 Prophecy at end of Shenmue 1. No Voice over (Not Fixed)
PS035 Icon for X button stuck showing watch icon ((Not Fixed)
PS036 Extra 'B' button prompt appears next to the real prompts on Excite QTE 2 game (RELATED TO PS006) (Not Fixed)
PS037 Moves advanced whilst training (Not Fixed)
PS038 Shenmue 2 Darts Broken (Not Fixed)
PS039 Hang-On screen size (Not Fixed)
PS040 Music bug before Heartbeats entrance QTE (Not Fixed)
PS042 Shenmue 1 Cannot Exit Space Harrier in Arcade when Playing past Curfew (Not Fixed)
PS043 Fuku -San's confession cutscene not playing (Not Fixed)
PS044 Shenmue II crashes after cutscene in Dancing Dragon Bldg when you're chased by Dou Niu (Not Fixed) (Duplicated)
PS045 No button prompt for feeding kitty after selecting food (Not Fixed)
PS046 Weird sound after work (Not Fixed)
PS047 On Guizang's Swallow Dive tutorial, kick has no sound (Not Fixed)
PS049 When saving the game, no preview is generated (Always says "Creating new Game Save") (Not Fixed)
PS050 Shenmue 2 Chasing Wong QTE X/O Flashing back and forth /Shenmue 1 QTE arcade games X/O Flashing (Not Fixed)
PS051Bloom is automatically activated when the notebook is opened (Not Fixed)
PS052 Chai Cutscene - Warehouse #8 - Camera is fixed behind the wall next to Chai (Not Fixed)
PS053 Inconsistent subtitles about Yuan (He/She, Him/Her) (Not Fixed)
PS054 cutscenes viewpoint looking into ground (Not Fixed)
PS055 Inverted Camera Settings are Applied Inconsistently (Not Fixed)
PS056 Pixelated Textures in the Basement (Not Fixed)
PS057 Capsule toy 3D models are missing (Not Fixed)
PS059 Save screen freezes upon completing Shenmue 1 and the credits ending (Not Fixed)
PS060 Cannot kick enemies while applying hammerlock during free battle (Shenmue I only) (Not Fixed)
PS061 Practicing of moves in the parking lot is way too hard to trigger/Often does not work (Not Fixed)
PS062 Often can't talk to people in the streets twice in a row (Not Fixed)
PS063 Music selection menu very unstable and fragile to fast selection movements (Not Fixed)
PS064 Shenmue 2 is way too dark (Not Fixed)
PS065 Freezeframe/combo QTEs not showing correct button inputs (Not Fixed)
PS066 Watch icon stays on X button for entire play session (Not Fixed)
PS067 In the cutscene, where Ryo leaves Dobuita, the music is way too quiet (Not Fixed)
PS068 Prophecy narrating voice missing in final cutscene on boat (Not Fixed)
PS069 No button on the screen indicating, when to actively continue a conversation (Not Fixed)
PS070 Flags at Yamanose Shrine broken (Not Fixed)
PS071 Ryos mouth opening is not lined up with his mouth texture (Not Fixed)
PS072 Sounds not playing correctly when buying stuff (Not Fixed)
PS073 Action Button showing on non interactable objects (Not Fixed)
PS075 Polygons on Ryos arm glitch out on sparring cutscene with fuku san (Not Fixed)
PS076 Logo on the title screen not rotating after watching intro (Not Fixed)
PS077 QTEs do not make any sounds (Not Fixed)
PS078 Shenmue II English battle voices (Not Fixed)
PS079 Shenmue II English gambling voices (Not Fixed)
PS080 No actual modern nor classic control setup (Not Fixed)
PS082 After Burner has no music and can only be controlled with the right analog stick (Not Fixed)
PS083 During Lucky Hit part-time job right analog stick is used for looking around (Not Fixed)
PS084 Bar Yokosuka Music sounds off (Not Fixed)
PS085 Ryo interrupts Yamagishi-San's speach in Phoenix Mirror cut scene (Not Fixed)
PS086 Shenmue 2 Airing out the Books Music sounds off (Not Fixed)
PS087 During catching leaves camera is moved by right analog stick ((Not Fixed)
PS088 Training progression bars (Not Fixed)
Kitizarpaszuaves escribió:Alguno ha conseguido llevar todas las cajas del trabajo??
Park Chu Young escribió:Lo del sonido hay comparativas y el problema es que se escucha notablemente peor que en Dreamcast.
Alguien ha tenido problemas con los QTE's? En shenmuedojo hay gente que los tiene bugeados y literalmente no pueden continuar jugando por ello.
PD:La lista de bugs hasta ahora, ps4 sale la peor parada de largo (88 de momento);
https://www.shenmuedojo.com/forum/index ... post-14082PS4 Bug List
PS001 Little to no footstep sound (Not Fixed)
PS002 Blank air screen during kitchen flashback scene & during waking up of the 2nd day (Not Fixed)
PS003 Graphics clipping in Hazuki Residence (Not Fixed)
PS004 Drawer opening sound effects sometimes did not play (Not Fixed)
PS005 Ryo falling from sky down to earth after Pit Blow cutscene (Not Fixed)
PS006 Up not working on Excite QTE (Not Fixed)
PS007 Kelly and Pochi thumbnails are swapped in the collection menu (Not Fixed)
PS008 Glitches in both Iwao and Ryo's hands during the flashback seen about eating carrots (Not Fixed)
PS009 Pressing X on people names on the front of their house does nothing / Can't read Iwao's letter (Not Fixed)
PS010 Mysterious key not triggering unlock sequence (Not Fixed)
PS011 1st person bug (Not Fixed)) (DUPLICATE)
PS013 Cutscenes in Hazuki Dojo lock to box with sword inside (Not Fixed) (Duplicate)
PS014 Ryo randomly attempts to quit playing Slots (Not Fixed)
PS015 Corrupted save on bed (Not Fixed)
PS016 QTE prompts don’t flash/blink & are now static (Not Fixed)
PS017 Swapped X and O buttons (Not Fixed)
PS018 Shenmue soft-locks on clear file save menu if the controller was auto-turned off (Not Fixed)
PS019 Ryo can't run (Not Fixed)
PS020 Sword in wall trigger event not firing (Not Fixed)
PS021 Video glitch helping old lady found house (Not Fixed)
PS023 Fangmei's final goodbye scene and having done her birthday quest is not triggered (Not Fixed)
PS024 The "Nomad" Trophy doesn't pop if you have done the Fangmei's birthday quest (Not Fixed)
PS025 Hang-On Tape (Not Fixed) (DUPLICATE)
PS027 No audio in Stage 4 of Space Harrier (Not Fixed)
PS028 Fork Lift Race Prizes (Not Fixed)
PS030 Arm Wrestling Music (Not Fixed)
PS031 Game crashes after first Heartbeats QTE (Not Fixed)
PS032 Game crashes after playing Space Harrier and leaving the arcade (Not Fixed)
PS033 Compass moves during cutscenes (Not Fixed)
PS034 Prophecy at end of Shenmue 1. No Voice over (Not Fixed)
PS035 Icon for X button stuck showing watch icon ((Not Fixed)
PS036 Extra 'B' button prompt appears next to the real prompts on Excite QTE 2 game (RELATED TO PS006) (Not Fixed)
PS037 Moves advanced whilst training (Not Fixed)
PS038 Shenmue 2 Darts Broken (Not Fixed)
PS039 Hang-On screen size (Not Fixed)
PS040 Music bug before Heartbeats entrance QTE (Not Fixed)
PS042 Shenmue 1 Cannot Exit Space Harrier in Arcade when Playing past Curfew (Not Fixed)
PS043 Fuku -San's confession cutscene not playing (Not Fixed)
PS044 Shenmue II crashes after cutscene in Dancing Dragon Bldg when you're chased by Dou Niu (Not Fixed) (Duplicated)
PS045 No button prompt for feeding kitty after selecting food (Not Fixed)
PS046 Weird sound after work (Not Fixed)
PS047 On Guizang's Swallow Dive tutorial, kick has no sound (Not Fixed)
PS049 When saving the game, no preview is generated (Always says "Creating new Game Save") (Not Fixed)
PS050 Shenmue 2 Chasing Wong QTE X/O Flashing back and forth /Shenmue 1 QTE arcade games X/O Flashing (Not Fixed)
PS051Bloom is automatically activated when the notebook is opened (Not Fixed)
PS052 Chai Cutscene - Warehouse #8 - Camera is fixed behind the wall next to Chai (Not Fixed)
PS053 Inconsistent subtitles about Yuan (He/She, Him/Her) (Not Fixed)
PS054 cutscenes viewpoint looking into ground (Not Fixed)
PS055 Inverted Camera Settings are Applied Inconsistently (Not Fixed)
PS056 Pixelated Textures in the Basement (Not Fixed)
PS057 Capsule toy 3D models are missing (Not Fixed)
PS059 Save screen freezes upon completing Shenmue 1 and the credits ending (Not Fixed)
PS060 Cannot kick enemies while applying hammerlock during free battle (Shenmue I only) (Not Fixed)
PS061 Practicing of moves in the parking lot is way too hard to trigger/Often does not work (Not Fixed)
PS062 Often can't talk to people in the streets twice in a row (Not Fixed)
PS063 Music selection menu very unstable and fragile to fast selection movements (Not Fixed)
PS064 Shenmue 2 is way too dark (Not Fixed)
PS065 Freezeframe/combo QTEs not showing correct button inputs (Not Fixed)
PS066 Watch icon stays on X button for entire play session (Not Fixed)
PS067 In the cutscene, where Ryo leaves Dobuita, the music is way too quiet (Not Fixed)
PS068 Prophecy narrating voice missing in final cutscene on boat (Not Fixed)
PS069 No button on the screen indicating, when to actively continue a conversation (Not Fixed)
PS070 Flags at Yamanose Shrine broken (Not Fixed)
PS071 Ryos mouth opening is not lined up with his mouth texture (Not Fixed)
PS072 Sounds not playing correctly when buying stuff (Not Fixed)
PS073 Action Button showing on non interactable objects (Not Fixed)
PS075 Polygons on Ryos arm glitch out on sparring cutscene with fuku san (Not Fixed)
PS076 Logo on the title screen not rotating after watching intro (Not Fixed)
PS077 QTEs do not make any sounds (Not Fixed)
PS078 Shenmue II English battle voices (Not Fixed)
PS079 Shenmue II English gambling voices (Not Fixed)
PS080 No actual modern nor classic control setup (Not Fixed)
PS082 After Burner has no music and can only be controlled with the right analog stick (Not Fixed)
PS083 During Lucky Hit part-time job right analog stick is used for looking around (Not Fixed)
PS084 Bar Yokosuka Music sounds off (Not Fixed)
PS085 Ryo interrupts Yamagishi-San's speach in Phoenix Mirror cut scene (Not Fixed)
PS086 Shenmue 2 Airing out the Books Music sounds off (Not Fixed)
PS087 During catching leaves camera is moved by right analog stick ((Not Fixed)
PS088 Training progression bars (Not Fixed)
Luisinhozgz escribió:Park Chu Young escribió:Lo del sonido hay comparativas y el problema es que se escucha notablemente peor que en Dreamcast.
Alguien ha tenido problemas con los QTE's? En shenmuedojo hay gente que los tiene bugeados y literalmente no pueden continuar jugando por ello.
PD:La lista de bugs hasta ahora, ps4 sale la peor parada de largo (88 de momento);
https://www.shenmuedojo.com/forum/index ... post-14082PS4 Bug List
PS001 Little to no footstep sound (Not Fixed)
PS002 Blank air screen during kitchen flashback scene & during waking up of the 2nd day (Not Fixed)
PS003 Graphics clipping in Hazuki Residence (Not Fixed)
PS004 Drawer opening sound effects sometimes did not play (Not Fixed)
PS005 Ryo falling from sky down to earth after Pit Blow cutscene (Not Fixed)
PS006 Up not working on Excite QTE (Not Fixed)
PS007 Kelly and Pochi thumbnails are swapped in the collection menu (Not Fixed)
PS008 Glitches in both Iwao and Ryo's hands during the flashback seen about eating carrots (Not Fixed)
PS009 Pressing X on people names on the front of their house does nothing / Can't read Iwao's letter (Not Fixed)
PS010 Mysterious key not triggering unlock sequence (Not Fixed)
PS011 1st person bug (Not Fixed)) (DUPLICATE)
PS013 Cutscenes in Hazuki Dojo lock to box with sword inside (Not Fixed) (Duplicate)
PS014 Ryo randomly attempts to quit playing Slots (Not Fixed)
PS015 Corrupted save on bed (Not Fixed)
PS016 QTE prompts don’t flash/blink & are now static (Not Fixed)
PS017 Swapped X and O buttons (Not Fixed)
PS018 Shenmue soft-locks on clear file save menu if the controller was auto-turned off (Not Fixed)
PS019 Ryo can't run (Not Fixed)
PS020 Sword in wall trigger event not firing (Not Fixed)
PS021 Video glitch helping old lady found house (Not Fixed)
PS023 Fangmei's final goodbye scene and having done her birthday quest is not triggered (Not Fixed)
PS024 The "Nomad" Trophy doesn't pop if you have done the Fangmei's birthday quest (Not Fixed)
PS025 Hang-On Tape (Not Fixed) (DUPLICATE)
PS027 No audio in Stage 4 of Space Harrier (Not Fixed)
PS028 Fork Lift Race Prizes (Not Fixed)
PS030 Arm Wrestling Music (Not Fixed)
PS031 Game crashes after first Heartbeats QTE (Not Fixed)
PS032 Game crashes after playing Space Harrier and leaving the arcade (Not Fixed)
PS033 Compass moves during cutscenes (Not Fixed)
PS034 Prophecy at end of Shenmue 1. No Voice over (Not Fixed)
PS035 Icon for X button stuck showing watch icon ((Not Fixed)
PS036 Extra 'B' button prompt appears next to the real prompts on Excite QTE 2 game (RELATED TO PS006) (Not Fixed)
PS037 Moves advanced whilst training (Not Fixed)
PS038 Shenmue 2 Darts Broken (Not Fixed)
PS039 Hang-On screen size (Not Fixed)
PS040 Music bug before Heartbeats entrance QTE (Not Fixed)
PS042 Shenmue 1 Cannot Exit Space Harrier in Arcade when Playing past Curfew (Not Fixed)
PS043 Fuku -San's confession cutscene not playing (Not Fixed)
PS044 Shenmue II crashes after cutscene in Dancing Dragon Bldg when you're chased by Dou Niu (Not Fixed) (Duplicated)
PS045 No button prompt for feeding kitty after selecting food (Not Fixed)
PS046 Weird sound after work (Not Fixed)
PS047 On Guizang's Swallow Dive tutorial, kick has no sound (Not Fixed)
PS049 When saving the game, no preview is generated (Always says "Creating new Game Save") (Not Fixed)
PS050 Shenmue 2 Chasing Wong QTE X/O Flashing back and forth /Shenmue 1 QTE arcade games X/O Flashing (Not Fixed)
PS051Bloom is automatically activated when the notebook is opened (Not Fixed)
PS052 Chai Cutscene - Warehouse #8 - Camera is fixed behind the wall next to Chai (Not Fixed)
PS053 Inconsistent subtitles about Yuan (He/She, Him/Her) (Not Fixed)
PS054 cutscenes viewpoint looking into ground (Not Fixed)
PS055 Inverted Camera Settings are Applied Inconsistently (Not Fixed)
PS056 Pixelated Textures in the Basement (Not Fixed)
PS057 Capsule toy 3D models are missing (Not Fixed)
PS059 Save screen freezes upon completing Shenmue 1 and the credits ending (Not Fixed)
PS060 Cannot kick enemies while applying hammerlock during free battle (Shenmue I only) (Not Fixed)
PS061 Practicing of moves in the parking lot is way too hard to trigger/Often does not work (Not Fixed)
PS062 Often can't talk to people in the streets twice in a row (Not Fixed)
PS063 Music selection menu very unstable and fragile to fast selection movements (Not Fixed)
PS064 Shenmue 2 is way too dark (Not Fixed)
PS065 Freezeframe/combo QTEs not showing correct button inputs (Not Fixed)
PS066 Watch icon stays on X button for entire play session (Not Fixed)
PS067 In the cutscene, where Ryo leaves Dobuita, the music is way too quiet (Not Fixed)
PS068 Prophecy narrating voice missing in final cutscene on boat (Not Fixed)
PS069 No button on the screen indicating, when to actively continue a conversation (Not Fixed)
PS070 Flags at Yamanose Shrine broken (Not Fixed)
PS071 Ryos mouth opening is not lined up with his mouth texture (Not Fixed)
PS072 Sounds not playing correctly when buying stuff (Not Fixed)
PS073 Action Button showing on non interactable objects (Not Fixed)
PS075 Polygons on Ryos arm glitch out on sparring cutscene with fuku san (Not Fixed)
PS076 Logo on the title screen not rotating after watching intro (Not Fixed)
PS077 QTEs do not make any sounds (Not Fixed)
PS078 Shenmue II English battle voices (Not Fixed)
PS079 Shenmue II English gambling voices (Not Fixed)
PS080 No actual modern nor classic control setup (Not Fixed)
PS082 After Burner has no music and can only be controlled with the right analog stick (Not Fixed)
PS083 During Lucky Hit part-time job right analog stick is used for looking around (Not Fixed)
PS084 Bar Yokosuka Music sounds off (Not Fixed)
PS085 Ryo interrupts Yamagishi-San's speach in Phoenix Mirror cut scene (Not Fixed)
PS086 Shenmue 2 Airing out the Books Music sounds off (Not Fixed)
PS087 During catching leaves camera is moved by right analog stick ((Not Fixed)
PS088 Training progression bars (Not Fixed)
El motivo de que el sonido sea peor que en Dreamcast lo cuentan en una entrevista en pcgamer, os pego el parrafo:
El audio en el Dreamcast es impulsado principalmente por un chip completamente diferente a la CPU principal. Este chip está cargado con diferentes programas definidos por el desarrollador original, especificando cosas como puntos de bucle, reverberación, volúmenes, sobres, etc. No teníamos la fuente de datos para esto, lo que significaba una gran cantidad de ingeniería inversa para hacerlo sonar bueno.
al073364 escribió:Estoy pensando en pillarlo de 2a pata, ¿vale la pena?, ¿o me espero a ver si sacan alguna actualizacion? No me gustaría jugarlo a desgana.