Ahora más que nunca, estoy plenamente satisfecho con mi compra: se ha confirmado que el modo offline ha sido facilitado, de tal manera que aunque el episodio octavo de la cuarta temporada será el último contenido del videojuego, ahora está garantizada la conservación y accesibilidad al juego para siempre, ya que no sólo se podrá acceder al modo campaña original, sino a todos los capítulos que se han ido habilitando posteriormente como nuevo contenido.
Creo que es de agradecer que hayan cumplido con su promesa, ya que lo "fácil" hubiera sido obviar la misma debido a la poca afluencia de jugadores, dejando morir al título, pero han invertido los recursos necesarios para facilitar que en el futuro cualquier jugador pueda disfrutar de esta obra. Excelente noticia sin duda alguna.
We’ve talked before about an Offline mode coming to the game, and we’re pleased to make this option available as part of the Season 4 Episode 7 release on December 10. Offline mode will allow you to experience content released for the game, including the main story campaign and all seasonal story mission content, without an internet connection.
https://xboxera.com/2024/12/10/suicide-squad-kill-the-justice-league-final-season-update-lands-january-2025-offline-mode-deathstroke-out-10th-dec/Offline mode allows players to experience Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League without an internet connection. This includes content previously released for the game, such as the main story campaign, seasonal story mission content, etc. Please note, the game’s online co-op mode (up to four players) still requires an internet connection.
In order to play Offline, players can create a new Offline mode profile. In the main menu, there is an option to 'Switch Profile' to an Offline mode profile. An Offline mode profile can then either be created as a copy of an existing Online mode profile or as a new profile by starting from the beginning of the game. If the game is launched without an internet connection, the Offline mode will be launched automatically. Please note, once an Offline mode profile is created by copying an Online profile, progression for each profile is completely separate and future progression made on either profile will not carry over to the other.
Content released for the game will be available to play offline, including the main story campaign and seasonal story mission content. Please note, in order to play Season 4 Episode 8, players will need to connect via Online mode to download the update when it releases. Multiplayer and social features are not available in Offline mode.
https://dcgamessupport.wbgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/36119520746515-OFFLINE-MODE-FAQEl único "pero", es que sólo con el disco físico no se podrá acceder al modo offline, debiendo descargar la actualización correspondiente que lo habilite. Una pena, porque eso confirma que el disco acaba siendo un bonito posavasos :lol
No, physical version owners will need to download the most recent online game update in order access Offline mode for the first time. After the game has been updated and Offline mode becomes available, online updates will no longer be required to play in Offline mode.