Hola buenas, llevo 3 dias recibiendo este supuesto correo de Blizzard:
An investigation of your World of Warcraft account has found strong evidence that the account in question is being sold or traded. As you may not be aware of, this conflicts with Blizzard's EULA under section 4 Paragraph B which can be found here:
WoW -> Legal -> End User License Agreement
and Section 8 of the Terms of Use found here:
WoW -> Legal -> Terms of Use
The investigation will be continued by Blizzard administration to determine the action to be taken against your account. If your account is found violating the EULA and Terms of Use, your account can, and will be suspended/closed/or terminated.
In order to keep this from occurring, you should immediately verify that you are the original owner of the account.
To verify your identity please visit the following webpage:
http://www.battle.net/account/support/login-support.xmlOnly Account Administration will be able to assist with account retrieval issues. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter, and your continued interest in World of Warcraft.
Account Administration
Blizzard Entertainment
Por lo poco de ingles que entiendo quiere decir que estan investigando mi cuenta porque es comprada o algo asi, pero es mia desde hace 4 años eso es imposible, lo curioso es que el enlace que pone para loguearme en realidad marca otra direccion, vamos que tiene pinta de ser correo de suplantacion de identidad de esos que hacen para robar las cuentas o algo asi no?
Una ayudita porfavor.