Se me cae la baba con los cambios que le están metiendo al Guerrero.
* Overpower now has a 1 sec cooldown. Down from 5 sec.
* Thunder Clap damage has been increased by ~25%
* Strikes of Opportunity *New* - Grants a 16% chance for your melee attacks to instantly trigger an additional melee attack for 50% normal damage. Chance increased further by mastery rating.
* Colossus Smash *New* Battle / Berserker Stance - Smashes a target for weapon damage plus 120 and weakens their defenses, allowing your Mortal Strike, Heroic Strike, Bloodthirst and Overpower
to bypass their armor for 6 sec sec. / 30 Rage, 5 yd range, Instant, 20 sec cooldown
* Second Wind now is a Tier 2 talent. Down from Tier 6.
* Blood Frenzy now is a Tier 4 talent. Down from Tier 5.
* Sudden Death is now a Tier 5 talent (Down from Tier 4), 2 points (Down from 3 Points) and now is - Your melee hits have a 5/10% chance of resetting the cooldown on your Colossus Smash, and you keep 5/10 rage after using Execute.
* Improved Slam now also increases Slam's damage by 10/20%.
* Taste for Blood now also increases your Overpower critical strike chance by 20/40/60%.
* Improved Overpower is gone.
* Drums of War (Tier 2) *New* - Reduces the rage cost of your Hamstring, Shield Bash, Pummel, and any shouts which cost rage by 25/50%.
* Blitz is now a Tier 1 talent. Down from Tier 2.
* Impale is now a Tier 3 talent. Up from Tier 2.
* Improved Hamstring is back as a Tier 3 talent - Your Hamstring ability immobilizes the target for 5 sec. This effect cannot occur more than once every 30/60 sec.
* Tactical Mastery is back as a Tier 2 Talent - You retain up to an additional 25/50 rage when you change stances.
* Bloodthirst now has a 3 sec cooldown. Down from 4 sec.
* Victory Rush no longer has a stance requirement. (Be careful with that one, tooltip bugs happened with warrior stances)
* Unshackled Fury *New* - Increases the benefit of abilities that cause you to be enraged or consume an enrage effect by 80%.
* Flurry is now a Tier 3 talent. Down from Tier 5.
* Heroic Fury is now a Tier 5 talent. Down from Tier 4.
* Raging Blow now has a 6 sec cooldown. Up from 3 sec.
* Booming Voice now is a Tier 5 talent. Up from Tier 4.
* Fury in the Blood is gone.
* Die by the Sword (Tier 5) *New* - Increases your parry chance by 100% for 4/8 sec whenver you are brought to 20% health or less. This effect cannot occur more often than once every 2 min.
* Enrage is now a Tier 2 talent. Down from Tier 3. Changed to - Your melee hits have a 3/6/9% chance to Enrage you, giving you a 3/7/10% damage bonus for 12 sec.
* Blood Craze is now a Tier 1 talent. Down from Tier 2.
* Improved Execute is now a Tier 3 talent. Up from Tier 2.
* Armored to the Teeth is gone.
* Rude Interruption (Tier 2) *New* - Successfully interrupting a spell with Shield Bash or Pummel increases your damage by 5% for 30 sec/1 min.
* Shield Block now has a 1 min cooldown. Up from 30 sec.
* Critical Block *New* - Increases your chance to block by 10% and your chance to critically block by 10%. Chances increased further by mastery rating.
* Shockwave now deals [ 75% of AP ] damage. (Up from 38% of AP)
* Warbringer now is a Tier 5 talent. Down from Tier 6.
* Devastate additional damage has been increased by 66%.
* Damage Shield now deals 10/20% of your attack power. (Old - 20/40% of your Strength)
* Improved Revenge is now a Tier 2 talent. Down from Tier 3.
* Incite no longer affects Thunder Clap or Cleave. Additional effect - your Heroic Strike critical strikes have a 33/66/100% chance to make you next Heroic Strike also a critical strike. This effect cannot occur more than once every 6 seconds.
![Babeando [babas]](/images/smilies/babas.gif)
PD: Jojojo, me ponen la forma del Pollo de este estilo, medio elfo medio pollo, y vamos lo hago mi main xDD