[HO] Yakuza Saga

Pues a mí no puede importarme menos que cambien el modelado y la voz de ese hombre, sinceramente =/ No sé, supongo que si alguno lo conoce y tal, lo mismo le joda, pero si no lo conocéis, ¿que más os da quien sea el que haga de ese personaje? Total, si no nos va a repercutir en lo más mínimo, ni siquiera hay retraso :S
Sega’s Toshihiro Nagoshi: Sequels for Judgment Aren’t Planned

Toshihiro Nagoshi shared comments on Pierre Taki's arrest, Judgment's excellent sales in Japan.

On today’s Sega Nama stream, Toshihiro Nagoshi, the chief creative officer for SEGA and director of Judgment, shared some updates on the future of the new IP and the Pierre Taki case. He mentioned how surprised he was like everyone else when the news broke out, and how they quickly decided to temporarily halt Judgment’s sales.

Everyone involved with Judgment all had different opinions on what to do and thought there was no correct solution to the problem. Some thought that the game itself is unrelated to the case and shouldn’t be affected, while some didn’t. In the end, they decided what to do by vote.

Toshihiro Nagoshi also jokingly said he saw multiple journalists reporting that Judgment 2 and even Judgment 3 were already planned, and how journalists get way too carried away. Everyone is assuming Sega already greenlighted more Judgment games, but they didn’t decide anything. If they do make a sequel, Pierre Taki’s character Kyohei Hamura won’t appear in it. The fact that there’s no sequel planned doesn’t seem to be related to the case though.

Toshihiro Nagoshi also talked about how following the Pierre Taki case, the Judgment development team received messages of support, but also mocking “serves you right guys” messages, saying they should stop using real personalities as actresses and actors in their games. Nagoshi said that he doesn’t think it got anything to do with whether they hire them or not, and that anyone can make such mistakes anyway. If, for example, one of Sega’s developers had similar condemnable conduct, they’d take measures accordingly as well.

Toshihiro Nagoshi also jokingly said he’s angry about people suddenly buying the game following the scandal, and how they should have bought it from the start if they really wanted it, as that would have been better. The high sales do make him happy though, and Judgment sold through 97% of its shipments as of now.

Judgment is a PS4 exclusive and will release in the west on June 25. Sega confirmed that Pierre Taki’s character will be changed, meaning sales should resume soon in Japan once they’re done with the change.

Fuente: DualShockers

Por cierto me ha parecido leer online el dia 30 nos informaran mas de la saga, a parte entiendo de mas info de la MD Mini.
utreraman escribió:Por cierto me ha parecido leer online el dia 30 nos informaran mas de la saga, a parte entiendo de mas info de la MD Mini.

No sé hasta qué punto, el panel es más un encuentro de fans que algo que vayan a presentar, pero igual cae algo
JavierEA escribió:
utreraman escribió:Por cierto me ha parecido leer online el dia 30 nos informaran mas de la saga, a parte entiendo de mas info de la MD Mini.

No sé hasta qué punto, el panel es más un encuentro de fans que algo que vayan a presentar, pero igual cae algo

Aquí tenéis los horarios y lo que más o menos va a pasar:

https://gematsu.com/2019/03/sega-fes-20 ... -announced

No creo que anuncien nada, ellos utilizan más finales de verano/antes del TGS en septiembre para salir a finales de año/primeros del siguiente. No son de crear hype tanto tiempo. Cuando enseñan algo es porque está casi acabado.
Yakuza Kiwami 2 confirmed for PC (rated by ESRB)

* Entrevista a Nagoshi hablando de RGG Online y su adaptación de la historia del primer RGG en móviles:

From March 31, players of Ryu ga Gotoku Online will be able to enjoy the original Ryu ga Gotoku story in The Legend of Kiryu Kazuma. At the same time, SSR Kiryu Kazuma will join the battle!

The initial release will include Chapters 1 through 3, and after that it will proceed in the same way as Ryu ga Gotoku Online’s story, with a new chapter of The Legend of Kiryu Kazuma appearing each month. Many different characters will be appearing.

And of course, everyone’s looking forward to using that eagerly-awaited SSR Kiryu Kazuma card against their opponents in donpachi team battles, as well as in regular story battles!

With such a huge update on the horizon, we had to take the chance to ask Sega Games’ Nagoshi Toshihiro about it, and about Ryu ga Gotoku Online.


The Legend of Kiryu Kazuma will make it more like Ryu ga Gotoku

—— It’s been almost half a year since Ryu ga Gotoku Online was launched, so what sort of feedback has it received?

Nagoshi: There’d been comments like “Put Ryu ga Gotoku on smartphones” for a long time, but development had always been focused on consoles. I think it was because the games market changed, we started to think that “maybe a Ryu ga Gotoku for smartphones could sell,” and that’s how we decided to develop Ryu ga Gotoku Online. Looking at it now, half a year on from the release, I feel like a lot of players have found a different way of enjoying it from how they enjoyed it on consoles. That’s the kind of message I feel like I’m getting from them.

—— You never released a Ryu ga Gotoku game for phones, even for Japanese feature phones. Is this a very different situation from back then?

Nagoshi: Yes. The challenge at that time was that there was a strong feeling of, “The development of the Ryu ga Gotoku IP really needs the power of consoles, doesn’t it?” When that situation changed, and the game became playable on other devices, I think it took a few years for that realisation to really sink in. Basically, the devices’ abilities were improved, you know.

—— When you released Ryu ga Gotoku Online, was the player response as you’d expected?

Nagoshi: From the beginning, we were nervous about how the people who’ve loved Ryu ga Gotoku for so long would react to it. But it turned out that a lot of them very much enjoyed it. It was a new challenge for us, so I’m really grateful to have so many voices cheering us on.

—— Since you announced that Ryu ga Gotoku Online and the next PS4 Ryu ga Gotoku game will share the Kasuga Ichiban protagonist and part of the story, I think that in itself would capture the interest of the series fans. So your decision to add a way of vicariously experiencing the original Ryu ga Gotoku story to the game was surprising. What’s the reason for it?

Nagoshi: That’s simple. It’s because we kept getting feedback that said, “I want things that make it feel more like Ryu ga Gotoku.”

—— So you’re acting on the fans’ feedback.

Nagoshi: Exactly that. The story of the original Ryu ga Gotoku has already been rereleased as an HD version, and as Ryu ga Gotoku Kiwami, a full remake, and both were well received. We were a bit nervous about it, especially with Kiwami, even though the game was significantly revised, because we wondered how many times we can get people to replay the original Ryu ga Gotoku story. But nevertheless, when it released, it sold way more than we’d been expecting it would. You could see it as a demonstration of the demand for “playing the original Ryu ga Gotoku in different ways”, as it were. And when you think about it like that, it makes sense to put the story of the original Ryu ga Gotoku in Ryu ga Gotoku Online. In a way, it was a natural progression, I think.

—— I think one of the special things about the original Ryu ga Gotoku story is that it has that appeal, of making you “want to play it again”.

Nagoshi: When I hear that it’s enjoyable however many times you play it, that really makes me so happy. I believe that if the addition of The Legend of Kiryu Kazuma satisfies that desire then that will be a great result.

—— By the way, Nagoshi-san, what do you think it is about the original Ryu ga Gotoku that people find so captivating?

Nagoshi: There are so many different situations, it’s really difficult to analyse, you know. At the time when we originally released Ryu ga Gotoku, it had connotations of having a different atmosphere and nuance from other games of the time, it was a very hard-hitting product. However, as the times have changed, so has society. Now there’s a huge number of fantasy products that are hard-hitting, so maybe it wasn’t that after all, I wonder …

—— Certainly I think it’s not just that it’s “hard-hitting”.

Nagoshi: There’s one thing I can think of. The story of Ryu ga Gotoku is a solid contemporary drama, but it’s important to note that there are game-like fantasy components too, you know. As the series continued, we’ve added to the amount of story and play elements, but it’s kept the same basic framework it had in the original Ryu ga Gotoku. It’s easily misunderstood, but while the Ryu ga Gotoku series is not a documentary about real yakuza, it’s not a game with a nonsensical story where you can ignore the plot either. I think Ryu ga Gotoku falls right in the middle of both extremes, and that’s a place that people find pleasing, maybe? That’s what I’m thinking.

—— I see. And does The Legend of Kiryu Kazuma have that same feel too?

Nagoshi: The basic story of the original Ryu ga Gotoku remains unchanged. But since it’s for smartphones, there are some things that had to be changed for the sake of playability. We have this great story, but we also have to make The Legend of Kiryu Kazuma interesting and worth playing, and that’s a different thing. No-one thinks that just getting hold of Kiryu’s story makes it interesting in itself, so we had to really analyse how we could optimise it to make the best of it on a smartphone.

We’re letting you play as Kiryu because his series is over

—— Now you’re adding the Ryu ga Gotoku scenario and SSR Kiryu Kazuma, I think expectations will be even higher.

Nagoshi: There are still people waiting for Kiryu, are there?

—— There are! (laughing) However, when you turn someone with Kiryu’s absolute power into a card, there’s a danger he’ll just overshadow all the other characters, I think. Did you consider that when you approved it, Nagoshi-san?

Nagoshi: Of course, Kiryu is the protagonist, and he’s a character with absolute power, but … Kiryu’s story reached its end in Ryu ga Gotoku 6: Inochi no Uta, so in the end I think it’s fair enough, just let them have it, you know? (laughing)

—— So in a way it’s fan service?

Nagoshi: Yeah. But because we’ve added SSR Kiryu, it’s natural that the passionate fans will start calling for “More Kiryu! Different Kiryu!” When that happens, we’ll politely listen to everyone’s voices and give some consideration to making a different version of Kiryu, that’s how we’ll be approaching it.

—— By the way, you’ve also announced that you’ll be adding SSR Goda Ryuji. That makes me think that you’ll be going on to tell the story of Ryu ga Gotoku 2 as well. Am I right to think that?

Nagoshi: If the process of adding the original Ryu ga Gotoku story goes well, that’s probably something we should think about doing afterwards. Of course, I’m not saying we won’t do it if it doesn’t go well, but we’ll look at it again, and if we’re confident we can make it better, I think there’s enough room for discussion. But given the timing of when Goda Ryuji will be added, we won’t be adding Ryu ga Gotoku 2 at the same time.

—— Given that it’s a smartphone game, does that make it easier to take the players’ feedback and apply it in development?

Nagoshi: It does. Though there are differences in how we would shape it to suit existing Ryu ga Gotoku fans as opposed to players who are enjoying Ryu ga Gotoku for the first time in Ryu ga Gotoku Online. Of course, the ideal is for Ryu ga Gotoku fans to like it and for new players to be able to enjoy it too, I think that’s the main thing we have to aim for.

—— It sounds like it could be very problematic.

Nagoshi: I think it’s being played by a lot of people who were Ryu ga Gotoku fans to start with, but I want to make it so there’s lots of different ways for people to get into it. Actually, I’ve been hearing things like, “I don’t really know the recent Ryu ga Gotoku, but I used to know it well in the past,” as well as things like, “I started playing Ryu ga Gotoku Online because of Judge Eyes: Shinigami no Yuigon.”

—— By the way, I have a naive question about the story. How closely linked will the story of Ryu ga Gotoku Online be to the story of the new PS4 Ryu ga Gotoku game?

Nagoshi: Well … you’ll find that out when the PS4 game comes out. (laughing) Of course, it’s not going to be like, “Well, that story was completely irrelevant!” so please don’t worry about it.

—— So, finally, do you have any message for people who are playing Ryu ga Gotoku Online, or for people thinking they might start playing because of The Legend of Kiryu Kazuma?

Nagoshi: Whether you’ve played the original Ryu ga Gotoku or not, I’ll be thrilled for you to experience the exploits of Kiryu Kazuma on your smartphone. I think the smartphone game Ryu ga Gotoku Online is fun in itself, so I really recommend you taking this chance to check it out.

Fuente: Dojima's Dragon Girl


* Sobre el nuevo RGG:

Yakuza series general director on Ichiban Kasuga game: “I’d like to change the game drastically”

Toshihiro Nagoshi comments on upcoming PlayStation 4 title.

At the beginning of the “Yakuza Fan Meeting” stage event at Sega Fes 2019, Sega chief creative officer and Yakuza series general director Toshihiro Nagoshi commented on the new Yakuza game starring Ichiban Kasuga for PlayStation 4.

Here is Nagoshi’s comment:

Given that the game is in the action adventure genre, I’d like to change the game drastically. We’ve tried changing things in past titles, though our audiences often claimed it to be “minor changes.” This time, we want our change to feel like an online game would become from version 1.0 to 2.0, not just another big patch. This process takes time.

We released Judgment a little while ago, and that too was part of the experimentation for this change. The energy we’re pouring into this is on par with how hard we tried to make the first Yakuza. We’re looking forward to the day you can be surprised by that change.

Switching the main character from Kiryu Kazuma to Kasuga Ichiban also was a good idea for this change. If the personality differs, the objective changes, if the objective changes, the game itself changes. They speak differently, and they think and act differently.

Changing the main character would open up new paths and help change the notion of “it’s a Yakuza game right? You just walk around a city right?”,that many have.

We want to use this change of main characters in the best way possible. When it comes to the story, before we had many scene that we’re teary or made you and the main character infuriated at something. This time, we’re thinking about putting in more comedic and goofy scenes that connect into the end, which has an impact of the player’s emotions.

Fuente: Gematsu

* Promocionando RGG Online por Japón:

https://twitter.com/SEGA_OFFICIAL/statu ... 4531309568
Siguen insistiendo en que cambian el personaje para cambiar la saga, pero para mí el cambio llegó a partir de Y4 y su protagonismo coral. Y encima con personajes muy distintos (incluso jugablemente): un poli, una idol, un pringao...

No es que me parezca mal, pero no era necesario retirar a Kiryu para hacer cambios.

Ah, y esto da un poco de miedo:

"This time, we’re thinking about putting in more comedic and goofy scenes that connect into the end, which has an impact of the player’s emotions."
Sergirt82 escribió:Ryu ga Fantasy is coming:


Joder, lo malo de este tipo de bromas es que luego me quedo con las ganas de que lo hagan de verdad [+risas]
mimeh escribió:
Sergirt82 escribió:Ryu ga Fantasy is coming:


Joder, lo malo de este tipo de bromas es que luego me quedo con las ganas de que lo hagan de verdad [+risas]

Yo estoy bastante convencido de que en realidad es un minijuego real dentro del nuevo Yakuza. Quiero estarlo.
Seguramente sea un minijuego, pero me gustaria ver un juego de la saga así xDD
Esta mierda está demasiada bien creada como para que no se lo curren al rollo como el Clan Creator o similares [babas] :


Me gusta mucho más el nuevo que el otro,así que perfecto el cambio.

kazama escribió:

Me gusta mucho más el nuevo que el otro,así que perfecto el cambio.


Si no se sabe quien es el nuevo.... no? [+risas]
mimeh escribió:
kazama escribió:

Me gusta mucho más el nuevo que el otro,así que perfecto el cambio.


Si no se sabe quien es el nuevo.... no? [+risas]

¿Ah no?,yo pensaba que sería el que sale en la imagen,no estoy mirando nada del juego y lo he mirado con prudencia y al ver esa imagen pensé que ese sería el nuevo,¿no lo es entonces? [+risas] [+risas]


Vale edito,uffff,fíjate lo poco que había visto del juego y los personajes que pensé que ese era el nuevo y es al que han retirado...creía que se referían al que parece el protagonista que tampoco sé si lo será... [+risas]

Pues vaya bluf,porque se veía bien...

Gracias por traerme a la realidad [carcajad]

ihavenonick está baneado por "clon troll"
Harán el 3-4-5 en formato remake como el 1 y 2??

Se espera que si no?
ihavenonick está baneado por "clon troll"
Dene escribió:@ihavenonick No, tan solo remasterizados.

Trabajas en Sega para afirmarlo entiendo.
ihavenonick escribió:
Dene escribió:@ihavenonick No, tan solo remasterizados.

Trabajas en Sega para afirmarlo entiendo.

No, solo que en Japón han sacado el 3 y el 4 remasterizados y el siguiente es el 5. No hace falta trabajar en Sega, solo hay que informarse un poco.
ihavenonick escribió:
Dene escribió:@ihavenonick No, tan solo remasterizados.

Trabajas en Sega para afirmarlo entiendo.

Eres un maleducado. Me he tomado la molestia de responderte para resolver tu duda, y me respondes vacilando? Vaya perla...
* Pensaba que ya estaba puesta, una entrevista al equipo (Toshihiro Nagoshi, Kazuki Hosokawa y Daisuke Sato):

https://www.ign.com/articles/2019/04/05 ... aid-to-ask

* Comparación del cambio de personaje en Judgment:

Nexus_VII está baneado por "clon de usuario baneado"
Si alguien quiere estas bonitas chaquetas ya sabe, la chaqueta de Hotline Miami que compre en esa tienda esta muy bien, yo por mi parte esperare a alguna oferta como hice con la de Hotline Miami ahora pagar casi 100€ la veo cara, todo lo que venden tiene licencia

https://www.insertcoinclothing.com/jack ... ojima.html

https://www.insertcoinclothing.com/jack ... ajima.html
Nexus_VII escribió:Si alguien quiere estas bonitas chaquetas ya sabe, la chaqueta de Hotline Miami que compre en esa tienda esta muy bien, yo por mi parte esperare a alguna oferta como hice con la de Hotline Miami ahora pagar casi 100€ la veo cara, todo lo que venden tiene licencia

https://www.insertcoinclothing.com/jack ... ojima.html

https://www.insertcoinclothing.com/jack ... ajima.html

El emblema a cada lado del pecho para mi gusto las estropea bastante, en un solo lado habría estado mejor. O incluso nada delante y el emblema en la espalda como opción más discreta en vez de los tatuajes [+risas]
Nexus_VII está baneado por "clon de usuario baneado"
mimeh escribió:
Nexus_VII escribió:Si alguien quiere estas bonitas chaquetas ya sabe, la chaqueta de Hotline Miami que compre en esa tienda esta muy bien, yo por mi parte esperare a alguna oferta como hice con la de Hotline Miami ahora pagar casi 100€ la veo cara, todo lo que venden tiene licencia

https://www.insertcoinclothing.com/jack ... ojima.html

https://www.insertcoinclothing.com/jack ... ajima.html

El emblema a cada lado del pecho para mi gusto las estropea bastante, en un solo lado habría estado mejor. O incluso nada delante y el emblema en la espalda como opción más discreta en vez de los tatuajes [+risas]

La verdad es que si pero si con el tiempo me sale como la del hotline Miami a 51€ con gastos de envío la pillo.
Aviso que este gif puede herir sensibilidades [toctoc] :

Cada vez que veo el hilo arriba entro pensando si será porque han confirmado los remasters en Europa. [+risas]
Terminé ayer la historia de Yakuza Kiwami y me ha gustado quizá algo menos que el Zero pero tiene una historia principal a la altura. Se nota que arrastra ser de Ps2 y bueno, aunque teniendo mucho menos contenido es un juego de 40 horas sin despeinarse, lo que habla genial de él.

Dejaré el Kiwami 2 en barbecho hasta que nos traigan los remasters para cogerlo con todo el hype posible. [poraki]
Tras tomar un reposo con la saga llega el momento de mirar al estante con cólera y lanzar el disco de yakuza 0 a la consola, a por el quinto platino en la saga que voy [+furioso]

Sergirt82 escribió:Aviso que este gif puede herir sensibilidades [toctoc] :


Si hay pelito no hay delito [jaja] [pos eso] [tomaaa]
Sergirt82 escribió:Aviso que este gif puede herir sensibilidades [toctoc] :


Sergirt82 escribió:Aviso que este gif puede herir sensibilidades [toctoc] :


Esa parte es del yakuza kiwami 2,lo tengo fresco que lo retomé y acabé hace una semana.
En la escena real del beso,no es con haruka(no diré con quién por si alguien no lo ha jugado),eso tiene que ser fake. XD

Ahora estoy con el 5, y ganazas de ver que pasa para continuar con el 6. [looco]

@kazama ¿No te satura jugarlos tan seguidos?

Adoro la saga, pero entre una entrega y otra necesito un respiro.
La verdad si,me saturan un poco,pero más porque con los yakuza me gusta ser bastante completista y dar miles de vueltas observando todo.

Con los yakuza,empiezo los juegos y hago todo lo secundario,extra,subir de nivel que pueda al máximo y cuando ya no hay más,continúo avanzando en la historia.
(En el yakuza kiwami 2,acabé el capítulo 2 con casi 20.000.000 de yen xD)

Así que si,me canso y los dejo a ratos,pero por cansarme yo mismo de completar y farmear nivel xD,lo dejo unos días y luego lo retomo.

Tengo ganas de ver el final en el 6,pero me da pena que sea el ultimo de kazuma,pero poco a poco...a disfrutarlo.

Yo hace nada me pasé los siete Yakuza seguidos (rejugados todos) y la verdad es que voy teniendo ganas ya de otro maratón... pero esta vez sólo las historias principales no vaya a ser que yo también me sature, que podría ser XD

Lo que no sé es si incluir Dead Souls, que no parece muy canónico... pero joder, es que mola el trasfondo que le da a Goda.
A mí el dead souls me gustó bastante, ya solo por lo que maltrata Majima al pobre chairman [+risas] lo úuuunico que no me gustaba era el tema de los quicktimes, en dificultad alta o hacias el truco de pausar, o tenias que tener el ultrainstinto del son goku...

Pero en general no hay yakuza malo [buenazo]
Yo solo entro para ver si dan fecha en occidente para el yakuza traducido al español. judgament se llama no.

Ojala la polemica no afecta su lanzamiento por aca.
Oystein Aarseth escribió:Yo solo entro para ver si dan fecha en occidente para el yakuza traducido al español. judgament se llama no.

Ojala la polemica no afecta su lanzamiento por aca.

Sale en un mes y no es un Yakuza ;)
Fortres escribió:
Oystein Aarseth escribió:Yo solo entro para ver si dan fecha en occidente para el yakuza traducido al español. judgament se llama no.

Ojala la polemica no afecta su lanzamiento por aca.

Sale en un mes y no es un Yakuza ;)

Ok gracias, bueno spin off.
Oystein Aarseth escribió:
Fortres escribió:
Oystein Aarseth escribió:Yo solo entro para ver si dan fecha en occidente para el yakuza traducido al español. judgament se llama no.

Ojala la polemica no afecta su lanzamiento por aca.

Sale en un mes y no es un Yakuza ;)

Ok gracias, bueno spin off.

Es un juego independiente. Lo que entiendo por spinoff sería algo como el Dead Souls.
Pasa en el mismo universo, en el mismo barrio de Tokyo y sale el Tojo Clan. No me parece descabellado que haya gente que lo considere un spin off.
De hecho el prota creo que se sigue liando a hostias también por kamurocho, no? esa es una de las señas de identidad de la saga.
Eso está claro, y es por lo que todos los que seguimos la saga Yakuza estamos pendientes del juego, y se habla por aquí y no pasa nada.

De todas formas, mantengo que me parece un juego independiente a pesar de las cosas que comparte con Yakuza.

¿El Hokuto que es? :p
Si son juegos que comparten muchas características entre ellos, son todos de la misma serie!

Los numerados que siguen una historia son los principales y los no numerados con historias independientes son spin-offs. Están "los Yakuza" y luego los "otros Yakuza", como el "Yakuza zombies", "Yakuza de la estrella del norte" o "Yakuza abogado" [carcajad]
tengo comprado los yakuzas de steam y con muchas ganas de tener tiempo para disfrutarlos
Yakuza series general director on Ichiban Kasuga game: ‘The story is finished and in recording’; PS5 comments

Nagoshi wonders which aspect of development to pour PS5's power into.

Yakuza series general director Toshihiro Nagoshi shared more tidbits on the new Yakuza game starring Ichiban Kasuga for PlayStation 4 during the latest Sega-Nama broadcast, as well as a few additional comments on PlayStation 5.

Here are the details:

* Regarding the New Yakuza Game Starring Ichiban Kasuga

- The story is finally done.
- We’re now in the recording stages, and most of the main parts are recorded.
- This time is going to be amazing as well. There are some unexpected people cast that are sure to surprise people.
- I was surprised with how much these casts fit in their roles.
- The new protagonist, Ichiban Kasuga, talks way more than Kiryu, and has different motivations for his actions. Therefore the overall feeling of the story is different, as well as the gameplay. It feels fresh in many ways. I really want to share more soon. Its tough but development has been smooth.

* PlayStation 5

- Even after PlayStation 5 is released, I think PlayStation 4 is going to be the main focus for a while longer.
- The processing power of PlayStation 5 is incredible, so when we try to think of new gameplay that will utilize its full potential, I’m not really sure which aspects of existing mechanics we should translate.
- First there was a time when graphics improved, then there was network features, and now I guess you can say its a return to the “programmable” era? I think artificial intelligence and machine learning will continue to evolve.
- If you would pour its power into graphics it’ll be the best that we’ve yet to see, and I think everyone is thinking about in what way we should use that power. I as well. There’s artificial intelligence and many other things I want to think about.

Fuente: Gematsu

Le estoy dando caña al yakuza 6 estos dias y me parece notable el avance técnico y artístico que pegaron. Aunque el sistema de lucha es mas fluido, no me acaba de convencer :o pero sigue siendo una chulada. Supongo que este será el primer platino de un yakuza de ps4 que pille, esta siendo bastante fácil en ese sentido. El resto de yakuzas me miran desde el estante con ansias [looco]
Ekir escribió:Le estoy dando caña al yakuza 6 estos dias y me parece notable el avance técnico y artístico que pegaron. Aunque el sistema de lucha es mas fluido, no me acaba de convencer :o pero sigue siendo una chulada. Supongo que este será el primer platino de un yakuza de ps4 que pille, esta siendo bastante fácil en ese sentido. El resto de yakuzas me miran desde el estante con ansias [looco]

Estas jugando primero al 6 sin jugar antes el resto?
@Fortres me he pasado las campañas de los previos, pero he dejado sus secundarias, minijuegos y tal para mas adelante
Ekir escribió:@Fortres me he pasado las campañas de los previos, pero he dejado sus secundarias, minijuegos y tal para mas adelante

Ya decia yo! Yo tengo el 6 en la estantería esperando que algun dia saquen el 3 4 y 5 en ps4...
8402 respuestas