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harryhaller escribió:Lo llevo bastante avanzado, y tengo ya el traje teje escudos, pero sobre las pruebas de caza...lo pongo en spoiler por si alguien considera que es información delicadaen el segundo "campamento", la tercera prueba es aturdir a un bichardo con munición eléctrica y cuando se agacha reventarle unos depósitos que tienen detrás...lo hago con flechas de fuego pero sólo consigo quitarle, como mucho, dos, y ya no me da tiempo a quitar otro porque sólo dan un minuto para el oro. ¿Cómo lo habéis hecho?
Flechas destructoras, del arco preciso sombrío.
Con una sola te basta para arrancarle todos los depósitos.
Servasky escribió:Cuándo te pasas la historia principal se puede seguir jugando? Empieza directamente un ng+?
Al terminar la historia regresas al momento anterior al último episodio y puedes realizar todas las secundarias y tareas que tengas pendientes
"todos los aliados se han unido", creo que la mision se llama: roca solar pero no se si es secundaria o de la historia prinicipal.
he completado 2 de 5, y tengo 7 de 15 soles abrasadores.
he completado 20
Ales Hemsky escribió:Ya estoy cerca del final, me falta una mision para el trofeo:"todos los aliados se han unido", creo que la mision se llama: roca solar pero no se si es secundaria o de la historia prinicipal.
En los terrenos de caza:he completado 2 de 5, y tengo 7 de 15 soles abrasadores.
misiones principaleshe completado 20
Desde Guerrilla han anunciado que se añadirán nuevas herramientas al modo foto de Horizon Zero Dawn que incluirán tres nuevos filtros, la posibilidad de mostrar cuadrículas, la opción de añadir “Saludos desde” a la imagen y de seleccionar diferentes poses y expresiones faciales para Aloy que le permitan lucirse ante la cámara.
Estas mejoras llegarán la próxima semana con el parche 1.20, con el que no solo se implementará este modo, sino que también se añadirá una barra deslizante para ajustar la sensibilidad de la cámara y del apuntado, una leyenda que permitirá filtrar los iconos en el mapa, más opciones de personalización del HUD (ocultar estados de los enemigos, marcadores de misión y consejos de tutorial), la posibilidad de esconder el equipo de la cabeza y muchas novedades más que encontraréis detalladas aquí.
LKOLOL escribió:Buenas!
Me ha llegado la edición limitada de Amazon y abro la caja metálica y tiene 2 panfletos de estos del "manual" y publicidad de PS Plus iguales. No debería venir el código de los trajes y demás?
indiohospitalet escribió:@Ales Hemsky
¡que máquina! Yo llevo 46h y un 43% de juego, a ver si le doy caña que hace una semana que no lo juego!
Calvero escribió:LKOLOL escribió:Buenas!
Me ha llegado la edición limitada de Amazon y abro la caja metálica y tiene 2 panfletos de estos del "manual" y publicidad de PS Plus iguales. No debería venir el código de los trajes y demás?
así es, debería tener dos, uno del plus, y otro con el código. a mí me llego ayer.
prueba a ponerte en contacto con ellos que seguramente te manden otro código
indiohospitalet escribió:@Ales Hemsky
Jaja y encima platineado. ¿se te a hecho difícil o pesado el platino?
Tombi88 escribió:Han puesto un avatar de horizon con el trofeo de platino en la store que no esta disponible,¿es eso lo que regalan cuando te lo sacas?
Yo me lo saque hace poco y nada
Silverquick85 escribió:me saque el platino como hace más de un mes y aún no he recibido el código para descargar el temma
Mike5_xbox360 escribió:Me he pillado el juego hoy por 45€ nuevo en alcampo, creo que es buena oferta, a ver que tal va
Big kaiser escribió:Alguien sabe si se puede adelantar/atrasar el ciclo dia/noche, como si se puede hacer en el modo foto o ingame en por ejemplo, TW3 cuando meditas.
Creo que estaría bien que lo implementasen junto al New Game+ en próximas actualizaciones.
Y por cierto, creeis que es posible técnicamente hablando, en esta generación recrear el mundo marino de Horizon, o eso ya lo veremos en siguientes generaciones...??
adrircmc escribió:Acabo de comprarlo. Es mi primer juego en la ps4, me recomendáis jugarlo en normal?O se me hará demasiado fácil después de unas horas?
Oso69 escribió:adrircmc escribió:Acabo de comprarlo. Es mi primer juego en la ps4, me recomendáis jugarlo en normal?O se me hará demasiado fácil después de unas horas?
Yo me lo he pasado en normal y es más o menos un paseo. Si puedes ponlo en difícil.
Lo que no se es si puedes cambiar la dificultad una vez empezado.
andaqueno1977 escribió:Oso69 escribió:adrircmc escribió:Acabo de comprarlo. Es mi primer juego en la ps4, me recomendáis jugarlo en normal?O se me hará demasiado fácil después de unas horas?
Yo me lo he pasado en normal y es más o menos un paseo. Si puedes ponlo en difícil.
Lo que no se es si puedes cambiar la dificultad una vez empezado.
Se puede cambiar la dificultad cuando quieras, así que tranquilo. Eso sí ponlo en difícil o será un paseo como comenta el compañero.
Horizon: Zero Dawn 1.20 patch notes
Feature Improvements
Added the option to hide Aloy inside settlements while in photo mode.
Added a sell stack option at merchants when double tapping the square icon.
Added filters and a legend to the in game map and the quest map.
Added several new custom HUD options.
Added an additional blue health bar on top of the player’s health bar whenever the Shield Weaver Armor is equipped to indicate the amount of extra health points the armor is providing.
Added difficulty setting components to the Shield Weaver Armor’s damage protection. On hard mode the armor received a 40% armor reduction, on very hard the armor received a 66.6% reduction.
Added the option to hide headgear for Aloy.
Added the option to categorize and sort your inventory.
Added the feature in the Sell menu at merchants, you can now press triangle to mark one or more items to sell items quicker.
Added gameplay time to the statistics menu.
Changed the timing of some tutorials that were repeatedly displayed, they are now less frequent.
Added the option to control the x and y axis sensitivity of the camera.
Added Spanish language support for North American copies of the game. Spanish subtitles can now be enabled. Spanish audio supported via a Spanish VO pack.
Improved photo mode with new features:
Added poses for Aloy
Added facial expressions for Aloy
Added three new filters
Added a “look at the camera” mode for Aloy
Added “greetings from” cards
Improved the camera controls
Added categories in the crafting menu
Green check mark for categories that are finished
White icon for categories that have recipes that can be crafted
Grey icon for categories that have no recipes that can be crafted
Progression Fixes
Fixed an issue in “The Point of the Spear” where some players could safely drop into areas of the map during the Brave trials before speaking with Rost.
Fixed an issue in “A Seeker at the Gates” where the certain users could trigger a save point in Mother’s Watch after becoming stuck behind the gate.
Fixed an issue in “The Womb of the Mountain” where completing a weapon tutorial during the corruptor fight and reloading would block further progression for some users.
Fixed an Issue in “The Field of the Fallen” where some players found Erend to get stuck in the floor after killing two ravagers at the ambush site.
Fixed an issue in “The Sun Shall Fall” where some players could avoid the trigger before entering the Throne Room. Resulting in the ear bleeder not spawning until the player reloads to an earlier save.
Fixed an issue in “The Sun Shall Fall” where certain players got stuck on the objective ‘Investigate the Area’ or ‘Go to the Solarium’ if the player avoids certain triggers.
Fixed an issue in “Deep Secrets of the Earth” where some players were unable to progress the quest after the former patch.
Fixed an issue in “A Daughter’s Vengeance” where a large plant filled area lacked collision resulting in some playersgetting stuck in the environment.
Fixed an issue in “Collateral” where some players had machines intrude the conversation with
Fixed an issue in Cauldron Xi, where some players were not able to progress due to missing a progression marker.
General Fixes
Fixed an issue where certain players would not be able to perform a Strike from Above while jumping.
Fixed an issue with Aloy’s body momentarily disappearing for some players when performing a Strike from Below on cultists.
Fixed an issue where Aloy appeared to be out of focus for some players when the camera is brought close to her.
Fixed an issue in “The Point of the Spear” where for some players Aloy still has two spears in her inventory after the recent patch.
Fixed an issue in “Mother’s Heart” where some players meant to confront Olin about his Focus during the speech, but were able to escape from the area resulting in the inability to return.
Fixed an issue in “The City of the Sun” where for certain players the tutorial message would still appear after completing the quest.
Fixed an issue in “The Grave Hoard” where some players were able to leave the map and get stuck outside of the playable area.
Fixed an issue in “Deep Secrets of the Earth” where if some players surpass the trigger for the movie sequence, the main story quest will not progress upon entering the bunker.
Fixed an Issue in “Deep Secrets of the Earth” where enemies would not respawn for some players after Aloy dies during the “Kill the Eclipse” objective.
Fixed an issue in “To Old Acquaintance” where for some players Aloy would become stuck in a pose after interacting with the basket.
Fixed an issue where for some players an NPC would sit on a chair or bench while in combat resulting in their bow floating in midair next to them.
Fixed an issue where certain players would get stuck underground while fast travelling away from a Tallneck.
Fixed an issue where weapons would be disabled when some players fast-traveled whilst throwing a rock.
Fixed various animation errors that occurred when some players mounted damaged machines.
Fixed an issue where some player would not get the appropriate health notifications after playing for 3 hours and 30 minutes.
Fixed an issue in “Cauldron Sigma” where for some players items dropped on the platform would not elevate up during the animation.
Fixed an issue where certain players who ride a mount from the Spire would be able to bypass the “mount can’t enter this location” message in Meridian Village.
Fixed an issue where for some players the Stormbird would become dysfunctional after its state was repeatedly changed between burning and stunned.
Fixed an issue where certain players who tried to enter Sunfall with a mount without the appropriate disguise would get kicked from the mount while the camera kept its focus on the mount.
Fixed several issues where for some players in certain occasions dropping a Treasure Box would leave the Treasure Boxes floating the air.
Fixed an issue where certain players were told to quit the main menu incorrectly when attempting to change text or speech language on first boot.
Fixed an Issue were for some players several blue lines would be visible in the lower part of the screen during a Conversation.
Fixed an issue where certain players’ corruption hit responses will continuously repeat if the player sprints while getting into an injured state.
Fixed an issue where some players could be suddenly thrown off a Tallneck and instantly killed if it makes a sharp turn.
Fixed an issue for certain players where any second or third rare/very rare handling mods attached to a weapon did not apply the expected stat increases.
Fixed an issue for some players where two or more similar uncommon or rare mods applied to both weapons and outfits consistently don’t apply their indicated improvements.
Fixed an issue where some players are still able to enter the World Map and Fast Travel right after an interaction has been triggered with triangle and when specific HUD messages are active.
Fixed an issue where certain players selects graphics mode “4k resolution” while on a 1080p TV, it would give a flicker in the shadows of the distance indicators.
Fixed an issue for some players where the interior map text overlapping the menu categories on the local map screen.
Fixed an issue for some players where the fan would speed up when opening the map on a PS4 Pro.
Fixed an issue for some players where the language would reset in the language selection menu.
Fixed an issue for certain players with the subtitle select in the launch menu
Fixed an issue where for certain players if they would reload their save for a second time after agreeing to bring Olin to the Farmstead they will spawn at the last saved campfire.
Fixed several collision issues for some players.
Fixed several sound issues for certain players.
Minor text fixes.
Crash Fixes: Fixed various miscellaneous crashes.
Again, the 1.20 update for Horizon: Zero Dawn is scheduled for the week of May 8.
ionesteraX escribió:No se si lo habeis puesto ya pero las notas del parche 1.20 pintan de pm, mas modos de foto, gestos, customizar el hud, pack de idioma español para los juegos importados, etc...Horizon: Zero Dawn 1.20 patch notes
Feature Improvements
Added the option to hide Aloy inside settlements while in photo mode.
Added a sell stack option at merchants when double tapping the square icon.
Added filters and a legend to the in game map and the quest map.
Added several new custom HUD options.
Added an additional blue health bar on top of the player’s health bar whenever the Shield Weaver Armor is equipped to indicate the amount of extra health points the armor is providing.
Added difficulty setting components to the Shield Weaver Armor’s damage protection. On hard mode the armor received a 40% armor reduction, on very hard the armor received a 66.6% reduction.
Added the option to hide headgear for Aloy.
Added the option to categorize and sort your inventory.
Added the feature in the Sell menu at merchants, you can now press triangle to mark one or more items to sell items quicker.
Added gameplay time to the statistics menu.
Changed the timing of some tutorials that were repeatedly displayed, they are now less frequent.
Added the option to control the x and y axis sensitivity of the camera.
Added Spanish language support for North American copies of the game. Spanish subtitles can now be enabled. Spanish audio supported via a Spanish VO pack.
Improved photo mode with new features:
Added poses for Aloy
Added facial expressions for Aloy
Added three new filters
Added a “look at the camera” mode for Aloy
Added “greetings from” cards
Improved the camera controls
Added categories in the crafting menu
Green check mark for categories that are finished
White icon for categories that have recipes that can be crafted
Grey icon for categories that have no recipes that can be crafted
Progression Fixes
Fixed an issue in “The Point of the Spear” where some players could safely drop into areas of the map during the Brave trials before speaking with Rost.
Fixed an issue in “A Seeker at the Gates” where the certain users could trigger a save point in Mother’s Watch after becoming stuck behind the gate.
Fixed an issue in “The Womb of the Mountain” where completing a weapon tutorial during the corruptor fight and reloading would block further progression for some users.
Fixed an Issue in “The Field of the Fallen” where some players found Erend to get stuck in the floor after killing two ravagers at the ambush site.
Fixed an issue in “The Sun Shall Fall” where some players could avoid the trigger before entering the Throne Room. Resulting in the ear bleeder not spawning until the player reloads to an earlier save.
Fixed an issue in “The Sun Shall Fall” where certain players got stuck on the objective ‘Investigate the Area’ or ‘Go to the Solarium’ if the player avoids certain triggers.
Fixed an issue in “Deep Secrets of the Earth” where some players were unable to progress the quest after the former patch.
Fixed an issue in “A Daughter’s Vengeance” where a large plant filled area lacked collision resulting in some playersgetting stuck in the environment.
Fixed an issue in “Collateral” where some players had machines intrude the conversation with
Fixed an issue in Cauldron Xi, where some players were not able to progress due to missing a progression marker.
General Fixes
Fixed an issue where certain players would not be able to perform a Strike from Above while jumping.
Fixed an issue with Aloy’s body momentarily disappearing for some players when performing a Strike from Below on cultists.
Fixed an issue where Aloy appeared to be out of focus for some players when the camera is brought close to her.
Fixed an issue in “The Point of the Spear” where for some players Aloy still has two spears in her inventory after the recent patch.
Fixed an issue in “Mother’s Heart” where some players meant to confront Olin about his Focus during the speech, but were able to escape from the area resulting in the inability to return.
Fixed an issue in “The City of the Sun” where for certain players the tutorial message would still appear after completing the quest.
Fixed an issue in “The Grave Hoard” where some players were able to leave the map and get stuck outside of the playable area.
Fixed an issue in “Deep Secrets of the Earth” where if some players surpass the trigger for the movie sequence, the main story quest will not progress upon entering the bunker.
Fixed an Issue in “Deep Secrets of the Earth” where enemies would not respawn for some players after Aloy dies during the “Kill the Eclipse” objective.
Fixed an issue in “To Old Acquaintance” where for some players Aloy would become stuck in a pose after interacting with the basket.
Fixed an issue where for some players an NPC would sit on a chair or bench while in combat resulting in their bow floating in midair next to them.
Fixed an issue where certain players would get stuck underground while fast travelling away from a Tallneck.
Fixed an issue where weapons would be disabled when some players fast-traveled whilst throwing a rock.
Fixed various animation errors that occurred when some players mounted damaged machines.
Fixed an issue where some player would not get the appropriate health notifications after playing for 3 hours and 30 minutes.
Fixed an issue in “Cauldron Sigma” where for some players items dropped on the platform would not elevate up during the animation.
Fixed an issue where certain players who ride a mount from the Spire would be able to bypass the “mount can’t enter this location” message in Meridian Village.
Fixed an issue where for some players the Stormbird would become dysfunctional after its state was repeatedly changed between burning and stunned.
Fixed an issue where certain players who tried to enter Sunfall with a mount without the appropriate disguise would get kicked from the mount while the camera kept its focus on the mount.
Fixed several issues where for some players in certain occasions dropping a Treasure Box would leave the Treasure Boxes floating the air.
Fixed an issue where certain players were told to quit the main menu incorrectly when attempting to change text or speech language on first boot.
Fixed an Issue were for some players several blue lines would be visible in the lower part of the screen during a Conversation.
Fixed an issue where certain players’ corruption hit responses will continuously repeat if the player sprints while getting into an injured state.
Fixed an issue where some players could be suddenly thrown off a Tallneck and instantly killed if it makes a sharp turn.
Fixed an issue for certain players where any second or third rare/very rare handling mods attached to a weapon did not apply the expected stat increases.
Fixed an issue for some players where two or more similar uncommon or rare mods applied to both weapons and outfits consistently don’t apply their indicated improvements.
Fixed an issue where some players are still able to enter the World Map and Fast Travel right after an interaction has been triggered with triangle and when specific HUD messages are active.
Fixed an issue where certain players selects graphics mode “4k resolution” while on a 1080p TV, it would give a flicker in the shadows of the distance indicators.
Fixed an issue for some players where the interior map text overlapping the menu categories on the local map screen.
Fixed an issue for some players where the fan would speed up when opening the map on a PS4 Pro.
Fixed an issue for some players where the language would reset in the language selection menu.
Fixed an issue for certain players with the subtitle select in the launch menu
Fixed an issue where for certain players if they would reload their save for a second time after agreeing to bring Olin to the Farmstead they will spawn at the last saved campfire.
Fixed several collision issues for some players.
Fixed several sound issues for certain players.
Minor text fixes.
Crash Fixes: Fixed various miscellaneous crashes.
Again, the 1.20 update for Horizon: Zero Dawn is scheduled for the week of May 8.
ionesteraX escribió:No se si lo habeis puesto ya pero las notas del parche 1.20 pintan de pm, mas modos de foto, gestos, customizar el hud, pack de idioma español para los juegos importados, etc...Horizon: Zero Dawn 1.20 patch notes
Feature Improvements
Added the option to hide Aloy inside settlements while in photo mode.
Added a sell stack option at merchants when double tapping the square icon.
Added filters and a legend to the in game map and the quest map.
Added several new custom HUD options.
Added an additional blue health bar on top of the player’s health bar whenever the Shield Weaver Armor is equipped to indicate the amount of extra health points the armor is providing.
Added difficulty setting components to the Shield Weaver Armor’s damage protection. On hard mode the armor received a 40% armor reduction, on very hard the armor received a 66.6% reduction.
Added the option to hide headgear for Aloy.
Added the option to categorize and sort your inventory.
Added the feature in the Sell menu at merchants, you can now press triangle to mark one or more items to sell items quicker.
Added gameplay time to the statistics menu.
Changed the timing of some tutorials that were repeatedly displayed, they are now less frequent.
Added the option to control the x and y axis sensitivity of the camera.
Added Spanish language support for North American copies of the game. Spanish subtitles can now be enabled. Spanish audio supported via a Spanish VO pack.
Improved photo mode with new features:
Added poses for Aloy
Added facial expressions for Aloy
Added three new filters
Added a “look at the camera” mode for Aloy
Added “greetings from” cards
Improved the camera controls
Added categories in the crafting menu
Green check mark for categories that are finished
White icon for categories that have recipes that can be crafted
Grey icon for categories that have no recipes that can be crafted
Progression Fixes
Fixed an issue in “The Point of the Spear” where some players could safely drop into areas of the map during the Brave trials before speaking with Rost.
Fixed an issue in “A Seeker at the Gates” where the certain users could trigger a save point in Mother’s Watch after becoming stuck behind the gate.
Fixed an issue in “The Womb of the Mountain” where completing a weapon tutorial during the corruptor fight and reloading would block further progression for some users.
Fixed an Issue in “The Field of the Fallen” where some players found Erend to get stuck in the floor after killing two ravagers at the ambush site.
Fixed an issue in “The Sun Shall Fall” where some players could avoid the trigger before entering the Throne Room. Resulting in the ear bleeder not spawning until the player reloads to an earlier save.
Fixed an issue in “The Sun Shall Fall” where certain players got stuck on the objective ‘Investigate the Area’ or ‘Go to the Solarium’ if the player avoids certain triggers.
Fixed an issue in “Deep Secrets of the Earth” where some players were unable to progress the quest after the former patch.
Fixed an issue in “A Daughter’s Vengeance” where a large plant filled area lacked collision resulting in some playersgetting stuck in the environment.
Fixed an issue in “Collateral” where some players had machines intrude the conversation with
Fixed an issue in Cauldron Xi, where some players were not able to progress due to missing a progression marker.
General Fixes
Fixed an issue where certain players would not be able to perform a Strike from Above while jumping.
Fixed an issue with Aloy’s body momentarily disappearing for some players when performing a Strike from Below on cultists.
Fixed an issue where Aloy appeared to be out of focus for some players when the camera is brought close to her.
Fixed an issue in “The Point of the Spear” where for some players Aloy still has two spears in her inventory after the recent patch.
Fixed an issue in “Mother’s Heart” where some players meant to confront Olin about his Focus during the speech, but were able to escape from the area resulting in the inability to return.
Fixed an issue in “The City of the Sun” where for certain players the tutorial message would still appear after completing the quest.
Fixed an issue in “The Grave Hoard” where some players were able to leave the map and get stuck outside of the playable area.
Fixed an issue in “Deep Secrets of the Earth” where if some players surpass the trigger for the movie sequence, the main story quest will not progress upon entering the bunker.
Fixed an Issue in “Deep Secrets of the Earth” where enemies would not respawn for some players after Aloy dies during the “Kill the Eclipse” objective.
Fixed an issue in “To Old Acquaintance” where for some players Aloy would become stuck in a pose after interacting with the basket.
Fixed an issue where for some players an NPC would sit on a chair or bench while in combat resulting in their bow floating in midair next to them.
Fixed an issue where certain players would get stuck underground while fast travelling away from a Tallneck.
Fixed an issue where weapons would be disabled when some players fast-traveled whilst throwing a rock.
Fixed various animation errors that occurred when some players mounted damaged machines.
Fixed an issue where some player would not get the appropriate health notifications after playing for 3 hours and 30 minutes.
Fixed an issue in “Cauldron Sigma” where for some players items dropped on the platform would not elevate up during the animation.
Fixed an issue where certain players who ride a mount from the Spire would be able to bypass the “mount can’t enter this location” message in Meridian Village.
Fixed an issue where for some players the Stormbird would become dysfunctional after its state was repeatedly changed between burning and stunned.
Fixed an issue where certain players who tried to enter Sunfall with a mount without the appropriate disguise would get kicked from the mount while the camera kept its focus on the mount.
Fixed several issues where for some players in certain occasions dropping a Treasure Box would leave the Treasure Boxes floating the air.
Fixed an issue where certain players were told to quit the main menu incorrectly when attempting to change text or speech language on first boot.
Fixed an Issue were for some players several blue lines would be visible in the lower part of the screen during a Conversation.
Fixed an issue where certain players’ corruption hit responses will continuously repeat if the player sprints while getting into an injured state.
Fixed an issue where some players could be suddenly thrown off a Tallneck and instantly killed if it makes a sharp turn.
Fixed an issue for certain players where any second or third rare/very rare handling mods attached to a weapon did not apply the expected stat increases.
Fixed an issue for some players where two or more similar uncommon or rare mods applied to both weapons and outfits consistently don’t apply their indicated improvements.
Fixed an issue where some players are still able to enter the World Map and Fast Travel right after an interaction has been triggered with triangle and when specific HUD messages are active.
Fixed an issue where certain players selects graphics mode “4k resolution” while on a 1080p TV, it would give a flicker in the shadows of the distance indicators.
Fixed an issue for some players where the interior map text overlapping the menu categories on the local map screen.
Fixed an issue for some players where the fan would speed up when opening the map on a PS4 Pro.
Fixed an issue for some players where the language would reset in the language selection menu.
Fixed an issue for certain players with the subtitle select in the launch menu
Fixed an issue where for certain players if they would reload their save for a second time after agreeing to bring Olin to the Farmstead they will spawn at the last saved campfire.
Fixed several collision issues for some players.
Fixed several sound issues for certain players.
Minor text fixes.
Crash Fixes: Fixed various miscellaneous crashes.
Again, the 1.20 update for Horizon: Zero Dawn is scheduled for the week of May 8.
Oso69 escribió:Yo me lo he pasado en normal y es más o menos un paseo. Si puedes ponlo en difícil.
Lo que no se es si puedes cambiar la dificultad una vez empezado.
KnightSolaire escribió:Solo falta que se curren un NG+ con mejores armas y armaduras y quizás algun objeto exclusivo
The Prophet escribió:@LuiFer
El doblaje esta estupendo, pero con bastantes errores en la sincronizacion labial. Síguelo jugando en inglés que al menos no te comes ese fallo.
Lo que sí me gustaría es que las armas más potentes se consiguieran después de avanzar mucho en el juego. Ahora mismo es posible hacerse con el mejor armamento antes de ir por la mitad de la historia y con eso ya tiras hasta el final.
Si quieres te puedes pasar el juego sin problemas con el primer traje de paria Nora.
Servasky escribió:Vuelvo a preguntar, las armas y atuendos se pueden conseguir por drop o solo crafteo y comprando?