<LoveMHz> $400 + Shipping. Xenon dev kit. Never RRoD and used daily. Latest Recovery.
<adcurtin> LoveMHz you're selling it?
<LoveMHz> yes
<adcurtin> what are you gettin instead?
<adcurtin> jasper
<dialtone> now ice to answer your question more seriously, im with blaze who helps love out with hosting which isnt doing so well atm, hope blaze comes on and gives me the heads up on the issue while i got a connection
<dialtone> are u gonna replace the dev kit?
<LoveMHz> not right now. it'll be awhile before I have the money to
<adcurtin> ouch
<dialtone> why u sellin this one? thought it helped you get things done faster?
* SolidBoss (~SolidBoss@173-86-24-189.dr01.wlbr.pa.frontiernet.net) ha entrado en #XeLove
<LoveMHz> really need the money
<dialtone> didnt donations buy it?
<dialtone> lets raise some money hehe
<SolidBoss> heyyoo
<LoveMHz> I honestly don't have time for donations and I haven't got any in awhile anyways
<dialtone> wish i wasnt going through my own issues or I woulda bought it off ya to help ya out and basically hold it if ya ever needed to buy it back when things got better
* SolidBoss donates my pubic hair to LoveMHz.com

<dialtone> thats nice
<SolidBoss> yessir
* adcurtin se ha marchado (adcurtin)
<SolidBoss> best thing ive given out in the longest time
<LoveMHz> dialtone: it's cool bro. I know once my legal trouble is over then I'll have the money to buy a new kit
* mamuschka (~not@dslb-188-101-196-057.pools.arcor-ip.net) ha entrado en #XeLove
<dialtone> legal trouble!!
<SolidBoss> now LoveMHz can take those pubes and make a beard on somebodys face like jackass #2
<dialtone> hope its nothing serious
<SolidBoss> my legal troubles are child support
<LoveMHz> 20 years in prison is serious to me
<SolidBoss> 20 years in prison sounds like backowed taxes
<LoveMHz> lol no
<SolidBoss> if im about to go to prison
<SolidBoss> im gonna find some underground cult
<SolidBoss> good luck trying to find me then
<XbOx360Ba> wtf
<skynets> 20 years in prison?
<skynets> damn
<skynets> did the cops find weed on u?
<skynets> come to canada
<LoveMHz> weed doesn't equal 20 years lol
<|Omega|> Just come to .nl.
<|Omega|> Also, the slap hurt ):
<skynets> LoveMHz, here in Canada killers can get 15-20 years

<skynets> anyways man, i'm ready to donate very soon
<skynets> ill make sure to tell my friends to do the same
* ore83 (ore83@78-25-36.ip.zebry.lt) ha entrado en #XeLove
<LoveMHz> thanks bro
<skynets> no, thank you

<dialtone> now love has me all curious on wtf he did, 20 years man sheet
* mamuschka se ha marchado ()
<Karlos007> helloo
<LoveMHz> yo
<Karlos007> when we will see the emulator released


<Karlos007> 1-2 month?
<LoveMHz> no idea
<Karlos007> oks..

* SolidBoss se ha marchado ()
* ore83 (ore83@78-25-36.ip.zebry.lt) ha abandonado #XeLove
<Karlos007> you have a dev kit??
<LoveMHz> yes for now atleast
<Karlos007> whats mean atleast?
<LoveMHz> it's for sell
<Karlos007> aaah
<Karlos007> ookey
<Karlos007> how much it cost?
<Icekiller> 400
<LoveMHz> $400 shipped
<Karlos007> woow
<Karlos007> xd
<Icekiller> cheap huh?
<Karlos007> yes
<Karlos007> jajaja
* black13 se ha marchado (...schwatter@xdk@streetfigters germany...)
<LoveMHz> anyone wanna buy some books?