› Foros › PlayStation 3 › Scene
darkatum escribió:Si podemos putear a bill gates con el windows y microsoft con todo el poder que tienen.... tambien lo podremos hacer con PS3
Ioannes Carolus escribió:XxSiameSaxX escribió:Suponía, pero sabes que pasa que hay gente igual que tu, que ademas si paga los juegos, como yo y queremos un online para la gente como yo, exclusiva,ya me entiendes tu no puedes pasar a la zona vip donde yo me socializo con gente que ha pagado por esa zona vip.
Vamos que cada uno tenemos nuestro lugar y tenemos que saber donde tenemos los limites.
Osea que esto es un asunto de jerarquías sociales? El online es un VIP para gente con pasta? Que triste...
Un saludo.
darkatum escribió:Ioannes Carolus escribió:XxSiameSaxX escribió:Suponía, pero sabes que pasa que hay gente igual que tu, que ademas si paga los juegos, como yo y queremos un online para la gente como yo, exclusiva,ya me entiendes tu no puedes pasar a la zona vip donde yo me socializo con gente que ha pagado por esa zona vip.
Vamos que cada uno tenemos nuestro lugar y tenemos que saber donde tenemos los limites.
Osea que esto es un asunto de jerarquías sociales? El online es un VIP para gente con pasta? Que triste...
Un saludo.
A lo mejor por estar en el paro no soy digno de poder jugar a la ps3. Siento que este pais vaya como el puto culo y no pueda comprarme un juego. Si tubiera pasta me compraria juegos. Como no la tengo ME LOS BAJO CON 2 COJONES Y CON TODO EL ORGULLO DEL MUNDO. Y al que no le guste.... QUE NO MIRE
darkatum escribió:Si podemos putear a bill gates con el windows y microsoft con todo el poder que tienen.... tambien lo podremos hacer con PS3
Ioannes Carolus escribió:XxSiameSaxX escribió:Suponía, pero sabes que pasa que hay gente igual que tu, que ademas si paga los juegos, como yo y queremos un online para la gente como yo, exclusiva,ya me entiendes tu no puedes pasar a la zona vip donde yo me socializo con gente que ha pagado por esa zona vip.
Vamos que cada uno tenemos nuestro lugar y tenemos que saber donde tenemos los limites.
Osea que esto es un asunto de jerarquías sociales? El online es un VIP para gente con pasta? Que triste...
Un saludo.
carslove54 escribió:XxSiameSaxX escribió:Precisamente por eso empece adiscutir, que te molesta que alguien juegue por una cosa que no ha pagado y tu si? porque sois tan poco solidarios, unas veces lo haran ellos y otras tu, si algun dia te meten un paquete por bajar el phtoshop, y de la que estas pagando la multa viene uno con el photoshop original y te dice, jodete, me alegro que te hayan emplumado, te pareceria bien?
Smacks escribió:darkatum escribió:Si podemos putear a bill gates con el windows y microsoft con todo el poder que tienen.... tambien lo podremos hacer con PS3
xDDDD esto me recuerda la típica frase: El pingüino de Linux matando a Bill Gates jajajaja (metaforicamente hablando eh?)
Ioannes Carolus escribió:
Osea que esto es un asunto de jerarquías sociales? El online es un VIP para gente con pasta? Que triste...
Un saludo.
darkatum escribió:Si podemos putear a bill gates con el windows y microsoft con todo el poder que tienen.... tambien lo podremos hacer con PS3
darkatum escribió:Ioannes Carolus escribió:XxSiameSaxX escribió:Suponía, pero sabes que pasa que hay gente igual que tu, que ademas si paga los juegos, como yo y queremos un online para la gente como yo, exclusiva,ya me entiendes tu no puedes pasar a la zona vip donde yo me socializo con gente que ha pagado por esa zona vip.
Vamos que cada uno tenemos nuestro lugar y tenemos que saber donde tenemos los limites.
Osea que esto es un asunto de jerarquías sociales? El online es un VIP para gente con pasta? Que triste...
Un saludo.
A lo mejor por estar en el paro no soy digno de poder jugar a la ps3. Siento que este pais vaya como el puto culo y no pueda comprarme un juego. Si tubiera pasta me compraria juegos. Como no la tengo ME LOS BAJO CON 2 COJONES Y CON TODO EL ORGULLO DEL MUNDO. Y al que no le guste.... QUE NO MIRE
XxSiameSaxX escribió:No, es preferentemente para quien lo paguen, el prefiere salir de fiesta que pagar un juego y yo prefiero tenerlo todo, salir de fiesta mejor que el y jugar online porque he pagado el juego.
TheNewKiller escribió:Wenas, es necesariamente formatear, ya que tengo juegos de las cuentas de 150$ y los perdería, con pasar el EraseMe o el Wipe History valdría?
robotamen escribió:TheNewKiller escribió:Wenas, es necesariamente formatear, ya que tengo juegos de las cuentas de 150$ y los perdería, con pasar el EraseMe o el Wipe History valdría?
Por lo que he leído te banean consola, no cuenta, esto significa que la cuenta la podrás seguir utilizando en otra consola que te compres, y los juegos descargados los puedes llegar a tener en 5 consolas distintas, incluída la nueva. Un saludo.
pichuwon escribió:Lo mejor de todo es el autobaneo para que no sepan en que versión estás, pero una duda que tengo y nadie es capaz de solucionarme, si tengo internet pero no cuenta network, estoy trasmitiendo datos a sony.
Alguién me puede solucionar la duda.
nekomajin escribió:Pero si desconecto mi ps3 de internet no hay ningun peligro no?
Juandi escribió:antes de formatearla tendria k ponerle el 3.55 original o despues o paso directamente al 3.56
por fabor que alguien me responda
malaga30 escribió:darkatum escribió:Si podemos putear a bill gates con el windows y microsoft con todo el poder que tienen.... tambien lo podremos hacer con PS3
+10 ps3 nos venden consolas defectuaosas lectores petados luces rojas ahora que la pelen
carslove54 escribió:Juandi escribió:antes de formatearla tendria k ponerle el 3.55 original o despues o paso directamente al 3.56
por fabor que alguien me responda
Si lo vas a hacer hazlo todo, vuelve a 3.55, formatealo todo, y despues sube a 3.56, asi tal vez evites el baneo
korchopan escribió:nekomajin escribió:Pero si desconecto mi ps3 de internet no hay ningun peligro no?
Hombre, el suicida evita que lo maten, no te parece?
Juandi escribió:carslove54 escribió:Juandi escribió:antes de formatearla tendria k ponerle el 3.55 original o despues o paso directamente al 3.56
por fabor que alguien me responda
Si lo vas a hacer hazlo todo, vuelve a 3.55, formatealo todo, y despues sube a 3.56, asi tal vez evites el baneo
seria necesario borrar los historiales con el EraseMe o basta con pasar a 3.55 , formatear y actualizar 3.56?
darkatum escribió:malaga30 escribió:darkatum escribió:Si podemos putear a bill gates con el windows y microsoft con todo el poder que tienen.... tambien lo podremos hacer con PS3
+10 ps3 nos venden consolas defectuaosas lectores petados luces rojas ahora que la pelen
Que yo sepa. Lectores defectuosos, luces amarillas, fallos en los perifericos que son de mala calidad (ejemplo mando DS3 oficial que se queda una marca desgastada en el L3 y se atasca) etc... sony no paga los 180 euros de la reparacion de la luz amarilla, sony no me da otro mando porque es desgaste del uso, y sony no combia el lector porque lo has torrao jugando.
Por eso y mucho mas pierden la razon.
PD: ¿a que no se quejan de la mano de obra barata que usan en los paises mas pobres para fabricar ? todo Made in china,taiwan,korea....
juanekele escribió:mande un correo a sony para preguntar que significa el correo de aviso de baneo y me han contestado esto: Estimado cliente:
El correo electrónico que ha recibido es debido a que su cuenta de PSNetwork está activada en una PS3 que ha instalado un firmware no oficial y no autorizado por PlayStation. Así se le comunica que esa PS3 ha perdido permanentemente su acceso a PSNetwork, perdiendo así también toda garantía y cobertura con este servicio.
Puede encontrar el comunicado oficial en el siguiente link:
Muchas gracias.
Servicio de Atención al Cliente Sony PlayStation en España
Operador 210
Tfno. 902 102 102
xdddd eso no se lo creen ni ellos.Estimado cliente
juanekele escribió:mande un correo a sony para preguntar que significa el correo de aviso de baneo y me han contestado esto: Estimado cliente:
El correo electrónico que ha recibido es debido a que su cuenta de PSNetwork está activada en una PS3 que ha instalado un firmware no oficial y no autorizado por PlayStation. Así se le comunica que esa PS3 ha perdido permanentemente su acceso a PSNetwork, perdiendo así también toda garantía y cobertura con este servicio.
Puede encontrar el comunicado oficial en el siguiente link:
Muchas gracias.
Servicio de Atención al Cliente Sony PlayStation en España
Operador 210
Tfno. 902 102 102
juanekele escribió:mande un correo a sony para preguntar que significa el correo de aviso de baneo y me han contestado esto: Estimado cliente:
El correo electrónico que ha recibido es debido a que su cuenta de PSNetwork está activada en una PS3 que ha instalado un firmware no oficial y no autorizado por PlayStation. Así se le comunica que esa PS3 ha perdido permanentemente su acceso a PSNetwork, perdiendo así también toda garantía y cobertura con este servicio.
Puede encontrar el comunicado oficial en el siguiente link:
Muchas gracias.
Servicio de Atención al Cliente Sony PlayStation en España
Operador 210
Tfno. 902 102 102
Verbal/Text Abuse
Offender was verbally abusive in some way, often including use of profanity, verbal threats or insults, or otherwise offensive or inappropriate language. This can be either via verbal or text comments.
Doing or utilizing anything that gives the player a greater advantage than is intended for normal game play.
Hate speech
Offender used hateful language that attacks or disparages a person or group, based on characteristics of a certain group, including (but not limited to) race/ethnicity, gender, religion or sexual orientation.
Contains personal information (phone numbers)
Offender revealed personal contact information about themselves in a public area, such as email addresses, phone numbers, or physical addresses.
Contains another person’s personal information
Offender revealed personal information about someone else in a public area, such as email addresses, phone numbers, or physical addresses.
Abuse of grief reporting function
Offender misused the grief reporting system by filing false reports against another user, or filing an excessive number of unverifiable or redundant reports in a brief amount of time.
Impersonating another user
Offender created an account with close similarity to an existing user, with perceived intentions to impersonate the other user without their consent.
Verbal/Text Abuse
Offender was verbally abusive in some way, often including use of profanity, verbal threats or insults, or otherwise offensive or inappropriate language. This can be either via verbal or text comments.
Hate speech
Offender used hateful language that attacks or disparages a person or group, based on characteristics of a certain group, including (but not limited to) race/ethnicity, gender, religion or sexual orientation.
Contains personal information (phone numbers)
Offender revealed personal contact information about themselves in a public area, such as email addresses, phone numbers, or physical addresses.
Contains another person’s personal information
Offender revealed personal information about someone else in a public area, such as email addresses, phone numbers, or physical addresses.
Abuse of grief reporting function
Offender misused the grief reporting system by filing false reports against another user, or filing an excessive number of unverifiable or redundant reports in a brief amount of time.
Impersonating another user
Offender created an account with close similarity to an existing user, with perceived intentions to impersonate the other user without their consent.
Offender excessively posted the same word or phrase, or gibberish to the annoyance of others.
Offender encouraged other users to commit inappropriate or illegal acts in game or the real world.
Sexual harassment
Offender made sexually implied or explicit comments or performed actions that had definite sexual overtones, whether welcomed or not.
Account scamming
Offender tried to persuade another user to share account information, including but not limited to logins, passwords, bank accounts, credit card information, etc. by any means possible.
Impersonating a SCEA representative
Offender made comments or created an account ID that could cause other users to believe that they were a SCEA representative or have similar authority.
Child Protection
Offender made comments, sent PMs (Private Messages), or created an ID relating to inappropriate behavior toward children, including physical or sexual abuse and pornography.
Inappropriate Online ID
Offender created an ID that was deemed inappropriate in some way, including but not limited to containing profanity, sexual references, or hate speech language.
Offensive Images or Audio
Offender posted images or broadcasted audio that contained obscenities, profanity, or was otherwise in violation of the PSN Terms of Service.
Team Killing
Offender killed his own team off in a multi-player network game.
Exploiting a Game Glitch
Exploiting any issue/environment, not intended to be accessible, to give oneself an unfair advantage in online play.
Cheat codes
Offender used a secret code to gain an advantage in game play.
Distributing Cheats
Offender shared or made public codes that give an advantage in game play.
Voice Communication Blocking
Offender purposely uses sound to disrupt voice chat for others.
Uploading Pornographic or Obscene Image
Offender either uploaded or created an offensive image either as part of a game or attached to a PM (Private Message).
Community Standards Abuse
An act that breaks the various agreements required to be accepted to access and use anything on the PlayStation®Network that is not defined by other offenses.
False Registration Information
Offender created an account with false information (email address, date of birth, name, address, etc.).
Reversal of charges
A console or account may be banned due to having a credit card charge reversed or “charge back” resulting in debt. A charge back can include credit card theft, identity theft, or non-approved use.
Share / Hijack Account
Sharing personal PSN account information in order to obtain access to another persons PSN account. Changing another persons email address, and/or password without their permission in order to gain and control access to an account. Offender attempted to use or take content they did not pay for.
A console and/or account may be banned if it is associated with fraudulent purchases. (Credit card theft, identity theft or non-approved use by family or friends).
Disrupting a Game
Offender was caught doing something that disrupts another user playing a mini-game.
Tuksoner escribió:juanekele escribió:mande un correo a sony para preguntar que significa el correo de aviso de baneo y me han contestado esto: Estimado cliente:
El correo electrónico que ha recibido es debido a que su cuenta de PSNetwork está activada en una PS3 que ha instalado un firmware no oficial y no autorizado por PlayStation. Así se le comunica que esa PS3 ha perdido permanentemente su acceso a PSNetwork, perdiendo así también toda garantía y cobertura con este servicio.
Puede encontrar el comunicado oficial en el siguiente link:
Muchas gracias.
Servicio de Atención al Cliente Sony PlayStation en España
Operador 210
Tfno. 902 102 102
Ahora preguntales porque a unos les han avisado y a otros baneado directamente, porque no te estan trantanto justamente entonces.
PD:xdddd eso no se lo creen ni ellos.Estimado cliente
Ioannes Carolus escribió:juanekele escribió:mande un correo a sony para preguntar que significa el correo de aviso de baneo y me han contestado esto: Estimado cliente:
El correo electrónico que ha recibido es debido a que su cuenta de PSNetwork está activada en una PS3 que ha instalado un firmware no oficial y no autorizado por PlayStation. Así se le comunica que esa PS3 ha perdido permanentemente su acceso a PSNetwork, perdiendo así también toda garantía y cobertura con este servicio.
Puede encontrar el comunicado oficial en el siguiente link:
Muchas gracias.
Servicio de Atención al Cliente Sony PlayStation en España
Operador 210
Tfno. 902 102 102
Y estás banneado? Parece que el error 8002A227 del que se quejan los supuestos banneados, no tiene nada que ver con la táctica de la gestapo de Sony. Aqui la descripción del error (In English of course).
Verbal/Text Abuse
Offender was verbally abusive in some way, often including use of profanity, verbal threats or insults, or otherwise offensive or inappropriate language. This can be either via verbal or text comments.
Doing or utilizing anything that gives the player a greater advantage than is intended for normal game play.
Hate speech
Offender used hateful language that attacks or disparages a person or group, based on characteristics of a certain group, including (but not limited to) race/ethnicity, gender, religion or sexual orientation.
Contains personal information (phone numbers)
Offender revealed personal contact information about themselves in a public area, such as email addresses, phone numbers, or physical addresses.
Contains another person’s personal information
Offender revealed personal information about someone else in a public area, such as email addresses, phone numbers, or physical addresses.
Abuse of grief reporting function
Offender misused the grief reporting system by filing false reports against another user, or filing an excessive number of unverifiable or redundant reports in a brief amount of time.
Impersonating another user
Offender created an account with close similarity to an existing user, with perceived intentions to impersonate the other user without their consent.
Verbal/Text Abuse
Offender was verbally abusive in some way, often including use of profanity, verbal threats or insults, or otherwise offensive or inappropriate language. This can be either via verbal or text comments.
Hate speech
Offender used hateful language that attacks or disparages a person or group, based on characteristics of a certain group, including (but not limited to) race/ethnicity, gender, religion or sexual orientation.
Contains personal information (phone numbers)
Offender revealed personal contact information about themselves in a public area, such as email addresses, phone numbers, or physical addresses.
Contains another person’s personal information
Offender revealed personal information about someone else in a public area, such as email addresses, phone numbers, or physical addresses.
Abuse of grief reporting function
Offender misused the grief reporting system by filing false reports against another user, or filing an excessive number of unverifiable or redundant reports in a brief amount of time.
Impersonating another user
Offender created an account with close similarity to an existing user, with perceived intentions to impersonate the other user without their consent.
Offender excessively posted the same word or phrase, or gibberish to the annoyance of others.
Offender encouraged other users to commit inappropriate or illegal acts in game or the real world.
Sexual harassment
Offender made sexually implied or explicit comments or performed actions that had definite sexual overtones, whether welcomed or not.
Account scamming
Offender tried to persuade another user to share account information, including but not limited to logins, passwords, bank accounts, credit card information, etc. by any means possible.
Impersonating a SCEA representative
Offender made comments or created an account ID that could cause other users to believe that they were a SCEA representative or have similar authority.
Child Protection
Offender made comments, sent PMs (Private Messages), or created an ID relating to inappropriate behavior toward children, including physical or sexual abuse and pornography.
Inappropriate Online ID
Offender created an ID that was deemed inappropriate in some way, including but not limited to containing profanity, sexual references, or hate speech language.
Offensive Images or Audio
Offender posted images or broadcasted audio that contained obscenities, profanity, or was otherwise in violation of the PSN Terms of Service.
Team Killing
Offender killed his own team off in a multi-player network game.
Exploiting a Game Glitch
Exploiting any issue/environment, not intended to be accessible, to give oneself an unfair advantage in online play.
Cheat codes
Offender used a secret code to gain an advantage in game play.
Distributing Cheats
Offender shared or made public codes that give an advantage in game play.
Voice Communication Blocking
Offender purposely uses sound to disrupt voice chat for others.
Uploading Pornographic or Obscene Image
Offender either uploaded or created an offensive image either as part of a game or attached to a PM (Private Message).
Community Standards Abuse
An act that breaks the various agreements required to be accepted to access and use anything on the PlayStation®Network that is not defined by other offenses.
False Registration Information
Offender created an account with false information (email address, date of birth, name, address, etc.).
Reversal of charges
A console or account may be banned due to having a credit card charge reversed or “charge back” resulting in debt. A charge back can include credit card theft, identity theft, or non-approved use.
Share / Hijack Account
Sharing personal PSN account information in order to obtain access to another persons PSN account. Changing another persons email address, and/or password without their permission in order to gain and control access to an account. Offender attempted to use or take content they did not pay for.
A console and/or account may be banned if it is associated with fraudulent purchases. (Credit card theft, identity theft or non-approved use by family or friends).
Disrupting a Game
Offender was caught doing something that disrupts another user playing a mini-game.
Me huele hasta este momento a FAROL del tamaño de la torre Eifel.
Ioannes Carolus escribió:juanekele escribió:mande un correo a sony para preguntar que significa el correo de aviso de baneo y me han contestado esto: Estimado cliente:
El correo electrónico que ha recibido es debido a que su cuenta de PSNetwork está activada en una PS3 que ha instalado un firmware no oficial y no autorizado por PlayStation. Así se le comunica que esa PS3 ha perdido permanentemente su acceso a PSNetwork, perdiendo así también toda garantía y cobertura con este servicio.
Puede encontrar el comunicado oficial en el siguiente link:
Muchas gracias.
Servicio de Atención al Cliente Sony PlayStation en España
Operador 210
Tfno. 902 102 102
Y estás banneado? Parece que el error 8002A227 del que se quejan los supuestos banneados, no tiene nada que ver con la táctica de la gestapo de Sony. Aqui la descripción del error (In English of course).
Verbal/Text Abuse
Offender was verbally abusive in some way, often including use of profanity, verbal threats or insults, or otherwise offensive or inappropriate language. This can be either via verbal or text comments.
Doing or utilizing anything that gives the player a greater advantage than is intended for normal game play.
Hate speech
Offender used hateful language that attacks or disparages a person or group, based on characteristics of a certain group, including (but not limited to) race/ethnicity, gender, religion or sexual orientation.
Contains personal information (phone numbers)
Offender revealed personal contact information about themselves in a public area, such as email addresses, phone numbers, or physical addresses.
Contains another person’s personal information
Offender revealed personal information about someone else in a public area, such as email addresses, phone numbers, or physical addresses.
Abuse of grief reporting function
Offender misused the grief reporting system by filing false reports against another user, or filing an excessive number of unverifiable or redundant reports in a brief amount of time.
Impersonating another user
Offender created an account with close similarity to an existing user, with perceived intentions to impersonate the other user without their consent.
Verbal/Text Abuse
Offender was verbally abusive in some way, often including use of profanity, verbal threats or insults, or otherwise offensive or inappropriate language. This can be either via verbal or text comments.
Hate speech
Offender used hateful language that attacks or disparages a person or group, based on characteristics of a certain group, including (but not limited to) race/ethnicity, gender, religion or sexual orientation.
Contains personal information (phone numbers)
Offender revealed personal contact information about themselves in a public area, such as email addresses, phone numbers, or physical addresses.
Contains another person’s personal information
Offender revealed personal information about someone else in a public area, such as email addresses, phone numbers, or physical addresses.
Abuse of grief reporting function
Offender misused the grief reporting system by filing false reports against another user, or filing an excessive number of unverifiable or redundant reports in a brief amount of time.
Impersonating another user
Offender created an account with close similarity to an existing user, with perceived intentions to impersonate the other user without their consent.
Offender excessively posted the same word or phrase, or gibberish to the annoyance of others.
Offender encouraged other users to commit inappropriate or illegal acts in game or the real world.
Sexual harassment
Offender made sexually implied or explicit comments or performed actions that had definite sexual overtones, whether welcomed or not.
Account scamming
Offender tried to persuade another user to share account information, including but not limited to logins, passwords, bank accounts, credit card information, etc. by any means possible.
Impersonating a SCEA representative
Offender made comments or created an account ID that could cause other users to believe that they were a SCEA representative or have similar authority.
Child Protection
Offender made comments, sent PMs (Private Messages), or created an ID relating to inappropriate behavior toward children, including physical or sexual abuse and pornography.
Inappropriate Online ID
Offender created an ID that was deemed inappropriate in some way, including but not limited to containing profanity, sexual references, or hate speech language.
Offensive Images or Audio
Offender posted images or broadcasted audio that contained obscenities, profanity, or was otherwise in violation of the PSN Terms of Service.
Team Killing
Offender killed his own team off in a multi-player network game.
Exploiting a Game Glitch
Exploiting any issue/environment, not intended to be accessible, to give oneself an unfair advantage in online play.
Cheat codes
Offender used a secret code to gain an advantage in game play.
Distributing Cheats
Offender shared or made public codes that give an advantage in game play.
Voice Communication Blocking
Offender purposely uses sound to disrupt voice chat for others.
Uploading Pornographic or Obscene Image
Offender either uploaded or created an offensive image either as part of a game or attached to a PM (Private Message).
Community Standards Abuse
An act that breaks the various agreements required to be accepted to access and use anything on the PlayStation®Network that is not defined by other offenses.
False Registration Information
Offender created an account with false information (email address, date of birth, name, address, etc.).
Reversal of charges
A console or account may be banned due to having a credit card charge reversed or “charge back” resulting in debt. A charge back can include credit card theft, identity theft, or non-approved use.
Share / Hijack Account
Sharing personal PSN account information in order to obtain access to another persons PSN account. Changing another persons email address, and/or password without their permission in order to gain and control access to an account. Offender attempted to use or take content they did not pay for.
A console and/or account may be banned if it is associated with fraudulent purchases. (Credit card theft, identity theft or non-approved use by family or friends).
Disrupting a Game
Offender was caught doing something that disrupts another user playing a mini-game.
Me huele hasta este momento a FAROL del tamaño de la torre Eifel.
Ioannes Carolus escribió:
Me huele hasta este momento a FAROL del tamaño de la torre Eifel.