Tracking down the SSB Dynarec Bug - Part 2
On Monday I talked about the fragment simulator and how this could be used to help track down bugs in the dynarec implementation. In this post I'm going to talk a bit about a tool I use mostly for regression testing, but also to help determine the exact point at which the fragment simulator and the interpretative core go out of sync. It's a bit of a long post, so apologies in advance

Daedalus can be compiled with a flag which enables a special 'synchronisation' mode. This build configuration creates an instance of a synchronisation class which can be initialised in one of two modes - either as a producer or as a consumer. At various points during program execution I pass information about the internal state of the emulator to the synchroniser for processing. In the case of the producer, it simply writes this data out to a file on disk. The consumer is a bit more interesting; it reads data of the required size from disk, and compares this 'baseline' value against the value provided by the emulator. If these two values are found to be different, the synchroniser knows that things have drifted out of sync and it can trigger a breakpoint and drop out into the debugger.
This technique relies on the fact that the emulator is deterministic, i.e. running the emulator twice in a row with the same inputs generates exactly the same results. By 'inputs' this means not just the same rom image, but external inputs such as data from the controller must match exactly too. Obviously pressing buttons on the controller in exactly the same order with the same timings would be impossible to duplicate, so the other function the synchroniser performs is to record input from the pad in the case of the producer, or play input back in the case of the consumer. Other external input, such as calls to timer functions (e.g. time(), QueryPerformanceCounter() or rdtsc) can be synchronised in the same way.
The synchroniser works with as few or as many sync points as you provide. For debugging very simple problems, you can get away with just checking the value of the program counter as each instruction is executed. For more tricky problems you can end up adding many more sync points - for instance you can synchronise the entire register set after every instruction to ensure that the synchroniser catches any instruction which generates a different result from the baseline.
I add sync points to Daedalus using a set of macros. When synchronisation is enabled, the macros expand out to calls to a virtual method on a global instance of the synchroniser class. An example sync point in the code might look like this:
u32 pc = gCPUState.CurrentPC;
OpCode op;
if( CPU_FetchInstruction( pc, &op ) )
CPU_Execute( pc, op );
The interesting line here is the SYNC_POINT macro, which synchronises on the current program counter value. For producers, this just writes the value of 'pc' to disk. For consumers, it checks that the value we have for 'pc' matches the one read from disk.
The DAED_SYNC_REG_PC argument is simply a flag to describe what is being synchronised. Another global constant allows easy control of what is synchronised:
enum ESynchFlags
DAED_SYNC_NONE = 0x00000000,
DAED_SYNC_REG_GPR = 0x00000001,
DAED_SYNC_REG_CPU0 = 0x00000002,
DAED_SYNC_REG_CCR0 = 0x00000004,
DAED_SYNC_REG_CPU1 = 0x00000008,
DAED_SYNC_REG_CCR1 = 0x00000010,
DAED_SYNC_REG_PC = 0x00000020,
static const u32 DAED_SYNC_MASK(DAED_SYNC_REG_PC);
#define SYNCH_POINT( flags, x, msg ) \
if ( DAED_SYNC_MASK & (flags) ) \
CSynchroniser::SynchPoint( x, msg )
If I want to enable more thorough debugging, I can change DAED_SYNC_MASK and OR in more values:
Changing the mask value requires the emulator to be rebuilt from scratch and the baseline synch file to be recreated. This is a bit time consuming but doing it in this way means that the compiler can optimise out any synch points which we aren't interested in, keeping things running as quickly as possible.
One problem with this technique is that the synchroniser can quickly generate a massive amount of data, so much that most of the execution time is spent shifting this data to or from disk, slowing debugging to a crawl. In the example I gave on Monday, it can sometimes take over 500 million instructions before things go out of sync. Even when just synchronising on the program counter, that's over 2GiB of data that needs to be read/written to disk. When you throw in more sync points such as register sets (the GPR registers on their own are around 256 bytes) this can very quickly become impractical. To get around these limitations in Daedalus I gzip the stream of data on the fly which compresses the data significantly. Another trick I use is to hash each register set to a 32bit value and synchronise on this value instead. When using both these techniques the sync files typically end up around 100-200MiB, which is much more manageable.
One of the main uses of this synchronisation code is for regression testing optimisations I've made. I can take a 'known good' build of the emulator and initialise the synchronisation class as a producer to generate a baseline sync file. I can then take a modified version of Daedalus with the optimisations that I want to test, and initialise the synchroniser as a consumer. If the synchroniser detects that things have gone out of sync, then I know that my changes are buggy, and I can investigate why they're not working as planned. It's worth noting that even if everything stays in sync, this isn't a guarantee that my changes are bug-free, but it's a pretty good indication that they're ok.
I also use the synchronisation code to debug tricky dynarec issues. When debugging these types of problems I typically start off by disabling the dynarec engine and setting up the synchroniser to produce a baseline for testing. I'll then re-enable dynarec, but using the fragment simulator with precise interrupt handling (see the end of Monday's post for more on this) and run Daedalus with the synchroniser in consumer mode. Theoretically, as soon as the dynarec code gets out of sync with the interpretative core, the breakpoint triggers and I can investigate things more closely in the debugger.
This is exactly the process I used to track down the Super Smash Bros. bug. When I ran the emulator with the synchroniser in consumer mode, it detected that the program counter was different from the expected baseline value after exactly 387,939,387 instructions had been executed. I'd like to think that an error rate of 2.57e-7% wasn't all that bad, but apparently it is

Now that I knew the point at which the emulator was going out of synch, I set a few breakpoints in the emulator to see what exactly was happening. My usual trick is to disassemble the executed instructions just before and after things diverge, and see what's different. Here are snippets from the 'good' and 'bad' logs as things go out of sync:
Count 171f7c35: PC: 80132500: LW ra <- 0x0014(sp)
Count 171f7c36: PC: 80132504: ADDIU sp = sp + 0x0018
Count 171f7c37: PC: 80132508: JR ra
Count 171f7c38: PC: 8013250c: NOP
Count 171f7c39: PC: 80132ae8: JAL 0x80131fb0 ?
Count 171f7c3a: PC: 80132aec: NOP
Count 171f7c3b: PC: 80131fb0: ADDIU sp = sp + 0xffd8
Count 171f7c3c: PC: 80131fb4: SW ra -> 0x0024(sp)
Count 171f7c3d: PC: 80131fb8: SW s0 -> 0x0020(sp)
Count 171f7c3e: PC: 80131fbc: CLEAR a0 = 0
Count 171f7c3f: PC: 80131fc0: CLEAR a1 = 0
Count 171f7c35: PC: 80132500: LW ra <- 0x0014(sp)
Count 171f7c36: PC: 80132504: ADDIU sp = sp + 0x0018
Count 171f7c37: PC: 80132508: JR ra
Count 171f7c38: PC: 8013250c: NOP
Count 171f7c39: PC: 80132ae8: MTC1 at -> FP06
Count 171f7c3a: PC: 80132aec: NOP
Count 171f7c3b: PC: 80132af0: SWC1 FP06 -> 0x0018(a0)
Count 171f7c3c: PC: 80132af4: LBU v0 <- 0x4ad1(v0)
Count 171f7c3d: PC: 80132af8: ADDIU at = r0 + 0x0008
Count 171f7c3e: PC: 80132afc: BEQ v0 == at --> 0x80132b24
Count 171f7c3f: PC: 80132b00: ADDIU at = r0 + 0x0009
I've highlighted the instruction at which the synchroniser detected the PCs were out of sync. In the good trace (top) the PC is 0x80131fb0, but in the bad trace it's 0x80132af0. If you have particularly sharp eyes, you'll notice something else - two instructions before the code goes out of sync, the good trace executes a jump instruction to 0x80131fb0, but the bad trace is performing a MTC1 op (Move To Coprocessor 1)
This provides a particularly good example of one of the main weaknesses with the synchroniser - it's only as good as the synch points you set up. Because I was just synching on the program counter, it didn't detect the fact that the emulator executed an entirely different opcode two instructions previously. In this particular case I was fortunate in that the real source of the problem was very close to the location identified by the synchroniser, but sometimes the cause and effect can be separated by many thousands of instructions.
Fortunately it's easy enough to add new synch points in the code to detect issues like this, but adding too many synch points causes the emulator to slow to a crawl and makes debugging impractical. I've found the best approach is to start off with as few synch points defined as possible (ideally just the program counter) and slowly introduce more synchpoints as required. This is all very easy to do using the DAED_SYNC_MASK flag discussed above.
Getting back to SSB, it looked like I had found the root cause of the problem - somehow the rom was replacing the instructions in memory, essentially a form of self-modifying code (it's more likely it was just loading a new section of code into RAM from ROM, but it's still essentially self-modifying). The dynarec system was oblivious to these changes and so it ended up trying to execute stale instructions that it had cached when creating the fragment, potentially many thousands of cycles ago.
Dealing with self modifying code in dynamic code generators is generally very tricky. In Daedalus I've been relying on the fact that most roms are well-behaved and flush the instruction cache when they modify memory containing executable code. When I detect a instruction cache invalidate (through the MIPS CACHE opcode) I simply dump the entire contents of the fragment cache and start from scratch. This might sound a little heavy handed, but the way that I link fragments together makes it very hard to unlink small sections of code that has been invalided. Flushing the cache is very quick, safe and has a few advantages such as purging cold traces that are no longer being executed any more.
Ironically, the reason the dynarec was failing to cope with SSB wasn't due to a bug in Daedalus - it was due to a bug in SSB that just never happened to be a problem on a real N64. After updating memory with the new instructions SSB should have been invalidating the instruction cache to ensure that it didn't contain stale code, but for whatever reason it failed to do this. The only reason the rom runs correctly on a real N64 is that by the time it comes to execute the modified instructions, the instruction cache has been refilled a number of times and so the stale instructions are no longer cached.
Even though this isn't Daedalus's bug, it still needs to work around the problem. I'll leave this discussion for a future post though - this one is long enough as it is
