Email enviado al NEOTEAM:
Hello, members of the Neo Team!. I want to propose us a project: (Probably your 10th or 11th)
(I'm sorry if my english isn't very good

It is named SD2DS.
It's a Flash Linker for Nintendo DS, the only FlashLinker with the size of a generic DS gamecard. It would works alone, without being accompanied of a flash card nor any another device.
It's really a SecureDigital (SD) card integrated inside a DS gamecard.
The result would have 24 contacts (17 of the DS and 7 more of the SD).
This way, SD contacts would be used to write the homebrews applications or the backups of DSgames into the SD memory, and the DS contacts for normal playing.(Image 1)
To write the memory, would be necessary to use a specific writer, in that to put the card turned 90º. This way, the SD card contacts contacts with the writer contacts, and the DS contacts would be aislated. (Image 3)
The writer would be a generic SD cards writer, previously modified and reinserted in another housing.It have a MiniUSB port to be conected with a PC. (Image 2)
To understand it better, watch the images:
What do you think about the project? It is attainable?
Please, asnwer me soon!
hi Gecko ,thanks for your great idea,i think it's possible in theory,but in fact the size is main problem...
do u have start this project? or just one plan?
Hi Neo Team,
Thank you very much by to have responded to me.
Following your advice, I have changed a bit the size of the device.
Now, it leaves a litlle part outside the slot1 of the NintendoDS, and I've decided to get fat some milimeters the part that leaves by outside.
So, I've redesigned the writer, now it is wider less deep, and the writer has now the same shape that the card.
Answering your question, I have not begun the project and it is actually a plan, but I am very interested in carrying out it. I hope that this can be reality soon working about you.
Thanks again and Greetings,
These are the edited designs of the device:
hehe thanks,so please let me know when you have a good progress sm-19