OS apetece cambiar la imagen de fondo del EvolutionX dashboard? ya lo podeis hacer...

Yas está por la red unas herramientas para hacerlo!!

Aqui pondré las instrucciones:

Usage: evoxhack <1/2>

1 = Background image
2 = Loading image
The .xpr image must be 640*480, D3DFMT_LIN_A8R8G8B8.
The .xbe file must be the Evolution X RemoteX dashboard v1.8.458

This program replaces the background image in the Evo-X RemoteX with an image
you supply.

You can create .xpr images with Bundler tool from XDK. Create image.rdf :
Texture EvoxTex
Source d:\path_to_your\background.tga
Format D3DFMT_LIN_A8R8G8B8
Width 640
Height 480
Levels 1
and then run : bundler.exe image.rdf

You mess up with this -- your problem!

mola eh? [jaja]
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