Os atreveis a escribir en inglés?

Bueno abro este hilo con la intencion de que para conversar unos con otros haya que hacerlo en inglés, tambien se podria proponer cada semana un tema y hacer un debate sobre el claro esta en inglés.

A ver si os animais.
Maybe, you can show us the way to do it. [oki]

PD: Anyway, I prefer in Spanish. "Viva los toreadores y olé"
I think that is a good idea, because tomorrow I have an english exam. For me , is a perfect mode to training

(ahi keda eso XD , ke konste ke apruebo ingles a base de cincos )

Bye bye
It seems to me perfect.

What seems to you like subject to initiate the conversation "the wonderful world on the clonación of snails?

cortesia de babelfish.altavista.com XD este ingles no vale, no? XD
ies , ai an grait in inglich tu

Theme of the week:

Black holes. xD
yanosoyyo escribió:Theme of the week:

Black holes. xD

Ok, lets go... [+risas]

I'm hoping to do the "Advanced Certificate" next year, is it hard?
oskuro está baneado por "Utilizar clones para soltar spoilers salvajes en el hilo del horizon: Zero Dawn"
Hi folks [666]

Well, a strange post but ok.... ill try to write in english too as u all gonna do it.

I am writting every day in forums, because i bet in football,nba..., and english forums offer me better info about european matches that spanish ones.

Whatever, i hope this post will be a good way to learn from reading and writting each day, so we can improve our english [toctoc]

Well, gotta go, cya tomorrow [360º]
Deathlife escribió:
Ok, lets go... [+risas]

I'm hoping to do the "Advanced Certificate" next year, is it hard?

It dependends the size you insert it. ;)
Advanced Certificated?? I dont really think it will be hard for you , I mean you´ve got years of training.. :-P :-P

Well guys ,gotta go , lets see how the other forums are ^^

C ya!

Se cambridge! [666]
me too, me tooooooooo, I need to practise my english because I 'll try to pass my first certificate exam in june (just one f*ckin month left!!!!!)
Neogaka, ¿do you remember "thread to write in verse? You like this type of threads, of course. ;)
Hello everyone, nice idea this thread! im here in Eol with my new little cat, he is so cute. Maybe i can post a image another day.

Good night people, see you again everyone!
Hi colleagues! How are you?

My english isn't well but I think I can improve it reading your posts everyday. I don't study english since COU and now I'm studying a master course (similar) about furniture world and also have a subject called "Business english" Now we are learning how to introduce (myself, other to me, other to other), some spelling, present simple and continuous (elemental) I'm happy because now I can have conversations with my partners and practice my english pronunciation
_MoeB_ está baneado por "Troll brutal"
Hi mates,

Please, would you mind to write in English not in American English!!!

My eyes hurt when I read 'gotta' 'gonna' and similar crap.

Well, I hope this threat is carries on for a while, so we all will learn a lot of the 'fanstastic' Shakespeare mother tongue.

Lucky me, I have been living in The UK for the last three years, so I will be checking this threat, and give you some advise (if you don't mind of course)

Ok mates, I will see you soon!!
My taylor is rich.

There is a fly in my soup.

Roses are red,
violets are blue,
Jazz and me are black,
what *** are you ?

See you!!

P.D.: Great idea!
yanosoyyo escribió:Theme of the week:
Black holes. xD

Ok then...
Take care! ^^
Nice, this thread comes just in time. Tomorrow I'm doing a little presentation in front of the class in the Language School. The subject is "the importance of computers in every day life", and I'm supposed to talk about anything related with it for about 10 minutes. After that, I have to ask some questions to the rest of the students and have a little debate XD I should be studying now, but I feel if I keep on trying to memorize full sentences, tomorrow everything's going to sound far too unnatural. So I guess I'll just hope for a little luck and I'll try to keep the text at hand in case the unexpected happens [looco]

Oh and by the way, I also write every day in another forum in english (actually I've recently became an administrator of the board there XD), and it's helping me a lot, writing compositions used to be pretty hard for me, right now is much easier, once you're accustomed to write. All the lazyness is gone, behold! XD You see, now I've started and I can't stop! Ok time to go to bed, wish me good luck, mates [360º]
If you want to talk in english you can just go to an english-speaking forum :P
What the fuck are you doing in here?
If you want to talk in english you can just go to an english-speaking forum

Touché!! (shit, that's French) [poraki]

The best way to train english, is playing EQ. after 4 years' eeeeveryday talking in english, you become a master on the lenguage :-O (plus some extras, like WTF newb stfu b4 i train u lol u git pwnd. L33t sp33k!)
I like the english very much, but I don't write/speak good enough to keep a conversation with another people, I've to learn more english if I want to be a bilingüal person. [ginyo]

Besides that, I never had problems with english in the school, in fact, I had good califications.

My reply is: Yes, I can write english but in a basic level. Good night to all eolians. [tomaaa]

P.D: Internet deserves me the oportunity to improve my english skills.
Enanon escribió: :-O (plus some extras, like WTF newb stfu b4 i train u lol u git pwnd. L33t sp33k!)

eing? Is that English or Chinese? ;)
yanosoyyo escribió:
eing? Is that English or Chinese? ;)

He said himself: L33t 5p34k! p0wn3d!
Hey dudes!!!

I think it's a great idea, it can be fun...

I've passed the 3rd course of the EOI last year (Elemental Certificate), and I'd like to obtain the Superior Certificate in two years... And maybe I'll try to pass the First Certificate too (I don't know what level is needed to pass it)...

Now, we need a subject to talk about...

mmmm write in english is difficult to me because my vocabulary isn't very ample, but I usually read many webs and forums in english, and I basically understand it... as the same as webs in german, french or the language spoken in Poland ( XD ), I can understand it basically because you can imagine about what it's talking and some words are similar XDXD.

But, by a strange reason, I can understand more your posts in english than the posts in others forums which offial language is english. XD
Holly shit!! This is gonna be interesting. This is my first post wrote in English!! After being in USA for like 8 months I think I'm ready to have a pure Eolian conversation, you know, sort of who's a nazi and who isn't, who's this and who's the other; and then our personal Pope can come and close'em. But anyways, what are we talking in this forum about?? Just to prove each other language abilities or what? The cool thing is after so many time speaking English, try to speak Valenciano or somethin' lol it's kind of mest up.

Ok, guys lets talk 'bout somethin'. Byez
Hi folks,I only write this to say that all of users of this thread are being classified. If someone dares to complain about another game without translating, in this or another forum ,will be eliminated.

[sati] [sati] [sati] [sati] [sati] [sati] [sati] [sati] [sati] [sati] [sati] .

keo01 escribió:But, by a strange reason, I can understand more your posts in english than the posts in others forums which offial language is english. XD
That's because most of us speak in silver [+risas]
speak in silver

Lol!!! the writer of that book was my "lengua" teacher on the highschool [qmparto]

I got my own book signed by himself... and a paper with a "suspenso" writed on the top... ¬_¬
Deathlife escribió:
Ok, lets go... [+risas]

I'm hoping to do the "Advanced Certificate" next year, is it hard?

Well don't suffer. I haven't done it, but surely that it's easier than Proficiency... Fucking Cambridge...

ArkLive escribió:HI....

I am Maxi [poraki]


Well I hate speaking in english when I could perfectly be speaking Valencian or Spanish... so piss off.
yanosoyyo escribió:
It dependends the size you insert it. ;)


Link escribió:Advanced Certificated?? I dont really think it will be hard for you , I mean you´ve got years of training.. :-P :-P

Well guys ,gotta go , lets see how the other forums are ^^

C ya!

Se cambridge! [666]

Don't be so sure, remember what I got in First Language English? [poraki] Though I managed to get a B on Literature... Next year is going to be tough with the selectivo on top of the A Levels, I don't want to think how it will be with Advanced or Proficiency lessons above all that.

Jata escribió:
Well don't suffer. I haven't done it, but surely that it's easier than Proficiency... Fucking Cambridge...


Well I hate speaking in english when I could perfectly be speaking Valencian or Spanish... so piss off.

Have you done proficiency? Some colleagues are looking forward to do Proficiency next year, but you need to talk really fluidly and have an inmense vocabulary (and that's not one of my strengths..) Plus, it costs a fortune (around 250€ if i remember correctly), imagine failing that (it's also mor pressure). Anyway, growing up in an english school helps one to have relatively good english.

Anyone here is a visitor of Gamingforce Forums?
As Say Toon As = Olives?
Hi! I'm from Spain, It's my first post here... Thank you for all...

PD: Sorry for my bad english!I'm from Spain...

esto es lo q suelo poner en los foros ingleses xd
jjajaj, ruben rubeeeeenn!! come here "a la de" right now. we´re going to have fun "muchacho"!!

"pero" "a whatta whatta"!! jajaj. ainss las noches despues de fiessta que malas son.

we´re going to see my littles padawans, what you are about to see, is the diference between a "rilly rilly" fast car, and Mclaren F1.

what are you talking about?, i dont care, im going to start a new topic.

what the f*** its happening with the weather?

today has been a hot day, no no, warm. i dont wanna think how is going to be this summer!

o yeees, i can i can do it. everything is going to be "mini" UhU XD [looco] . skirts, t-shirts, tops, shorts, jajaj, OMG!

ale, if someone is able to know WTF ive put there, congratulations, cause, i dont know it!

saludosssss [oki]
adris you are a very very cracy poof man ( usease locaza [poraki] ) jajajaja
sorry lol

because the laugh have to be in english no???

i give my best wishes to aaaaaaaaaall the people [fies]
Well I think it's a great idea, so we can practice our english.

But I feel a bit stupid writing this...what can we talk about ? Maybe a lucky guy could tell us about sexual experiences with english or american girls...XD XD It would be great.

Regards (¿qué significa esto?)

come on its getting boring this "hilo"....good idea bla bla bla [poraki] [poraki]

should we start talking about more interesting things?.....

[idea] [idea]

Black Holes

... a star that was sufficiently massive and compact would have such a strong gravitational field that light could not escape: any light emitted from the surface of the star would be dragged back by the star's gravitational attraction before it could get very far... Such objects are what we now call black holes... 86

As the star contracts, the gravitational field at its surface gets stronger and the light cones get bent inward more. This makes it more difficult for light from the star to escape, and the light appears dimmer and redder to an observer at a distance. Eventually, when the star has shrunk to a certain critical radius, the gravitational field at the surface becomes so strong that the light cones are bent inward so much that light can no longer escape. According to the theory of relativity, nothing can travel faster than light. Thus if light cannot escape, neither can anything else... 90

The event horizon , the boundary of the region of space-time from which it is not possible to escape, acts rather like a one-way membrane around the black hole... One could well say of the event horizon what the poet Dante said of the entrance to Hell: "All hope abandon, ye who enter here." Anything or anyone who falls through the event horizon will soon reach the region of infinite density and the end of time. 94

... the movement of the earth in its orbit round the sun produces gravitational waves. The effect of the energy loss will be to change the orbit of the earth so that gradually it gets nearer and nearer to the sun, eventually collides with it, and settles down to a stationary state. The rate of energy loss in the case of the earth and the sun is very low - about enough to run a small electric heater. This means it will take about a thousand million million million million years for the earth to run into the sun... 94

We also now have evidence for several other black holes in systems like Cygnus X-1 in our galaxy and in two neighbouring galaxies called the Magellanic Clouds. The number of black holes, however, is almost certainly very much higher; in the long history of the universe, many stars must have burned all their nuclear fuel and have had to collapse. The number of black holes may well be greater even than the number of visible stars, which totals about a hundred thousand million in our galaxy alone. 100

Black Holes Ain't So Black

... the lower the mass of the black hole, the higher its temperature. So as the black hole loses mass, its temperature and rate of emission increase, so it loses mass more quickly. What happens when the mass of the black hole eventually becomes extremely small is not quite clear, but the most reasonable guess is that it would disappear completely in a tremendous final burst of emission, equivalent to the explosion of millions of H-bombs. 114

A black hole with a mass of a few times that of the sun would have a temperature of only one ten millionth of a degree above absolute zero... If the universe is destined to go on expanding forever, the temperature of the microwave radiation will eventually decrease to less than that of such a black hole, which will then begin to lose mass. But, even then, its temperature would be so low that it would take about a million million million million million million million million million million million years to evaporate completely. 114

... One such black hole could run ten large power stations, if only we could harness its power. This would be rather difficult, however: the black hole would have the mass of a mountain compressed into less than a million millionth of an inch, the size of the nucleus of an atom! If you had one of these black holes on the surface of the earth, there would be no way to stop it from falling through the floor to the center of the earth... So the only place to put such a black hole, in which one might use the energy it emitted, would be in orbit around the Earth - and the only way that one could get it to orbit the earth would be to attract it there by towing a large mass in front of it... 115

One can therefore say that the observations of the gamma ray background do not provide any positive evidence for primordial black holes, but they do tell us that on average there cannot be more than 300 in every cubic light-year in the universe. This limit means that primordial black holes could make up at most one millionth of the matter in the universe. 116
Deathlife escribió:Black Holes

... a star that was sufficiently massive and compact would have such a strong gravitational field that light could not escape: any light emitted from the surface of the star would be dragged back by the star's gravitational attraction before it could get very far... Such objects are what we now call black holes... 86

As the star contracts, the gravitational field at its surface gets stronger and the light cones get bent inward more. This makes it more difficult for light from the star to escape, and the light appears dimmer and redder to an observer at a distance. Eventually, when the star has shrunk to a certain critical radius, the gravitational field at the surface becomes so strong that the light cones are bent inward so much that light can no longer escape. According to the theory of relativity, nothing can travel faster than light. Thus if light cannot escape, neither can anything else... 90

The event horizon , the boundary of the region of space-time from which it is not possible to escape, acts rather like a one-way membrane around the black hole... One could well say of the event horizon what the poet Dante said of the entrance to Hell: "All hope abandon, ye who enter here." Anything or anyone who falls through the event horizon will soon reach the region of infinite density and the end of time. 94

... the movement of the earth in its orbit round the sun produces gravitational waves. The effect of the energy loss will be to change the orbit of the earth so that gradually it gets nearer and nearer to the sun, eventually collides with it, and settles down to a stationary state. The rate of energy loss in the case of the earth and the sun is very low - about enough to run a small electric heater. This means it will take about a thousand million million million million years for the earth to run into the sun... 94

We also now have evidence for several other black holes in systems like Cygnus X-1 in our galaxy and in two neighbouring galaxies called the Magellanic Clouds. The number of black holes, however, is almost certainly very much higher; in the long history of the universe, many stars must have burned all their nuclear fuel and have had to collapse. The number of black holes may well be greater even than the number of visible stars, which totals about a hundred thousand million in our galaxy alone. 100

Black Holes Ain't So Black

... the lower the mass of the black hole, the higher its temperature. So as the black hole loses mass, its temperature and rate of emission increase, so it loses mass more quickly. What happens when the mass of the black hole eventually becomes extremely small is not quite clear, but the most reasonable guess is that it would disappear completely in a tremendous final burst of emission, equivalent to the explosion of millions of H-bombs. 114

A black hole with a mass of a few times that of the sun would have a temperature of only one ten millionth of a degree above absolute zero... If the universe is destined to go on expanding forever, the temperature of the microwave radiation will eventually decrease to less than that of such a black hole, which will then begin to lose mass. But, even then, its temperature would be so low that it would take about a million million million million million million million million million million million years to evaporate completely. 114

... One such black hole could run ten large power stations, if only we could harness its power. This would be rather difficult, however: the black hole would have the mass of a mountain compressed into less than a million millionth of an inch, the size of the nucleus of an atom! If you had one of these black holes on the surface of the earth, there would be no way to stop it from falling through the floor to the center of the earth... So the only place to put such a black hole, in which one might use the energy it emitted, would be in orbit around the Earth - and the only way that one could get it to orbit the earth would be to attract it there by towing a large mass in front of it... 115

One can therefore say that the observations of the gamma ray background do not provide any positive evidence for primordial black holes, but they do tell us that on average there cannot be more than 300 in every cubic light-year in the universe. This limit means that primordial black holes could make up at most one millionth of the matter in the universe. 116

Oh My Good!!! This is too much english for me to read. I prefer something like... ummm, hello my name is pak0.
vitukillo escribió: "hilo"

It's Thread, for example, this thread is a stupid stuff.

Stupid is as stupid does XD
This ``HILO´´ is perfect, you can remember and learn about english, what is the ``debate´´ of this week?

An idea, if you don´t understand any word you can post here and any good person says.

The next year, I will present to First Certificate.


Que hilo mas cojonuo diosss! Es lo ideal.Perdon por mi ortografía, understand no se si se escribia asi.
i think that is a good idea to write here in english because is an oportunity to practise for the ¿selectivity? test (loooooooool)

we can talk about something that happened in the week or whatever you want, someone have to propose a ¿Tema? to talk about

well for today its is enuff

i'll write more tomorrow

MORPHEUX escribió:It's Thread, for example, this thread is a stupid stuff.

This one was quite fun [+risas]

MORPHEUX escribió:Stupid is as stupid does

I could't understand that... were you referring to the well-known Forrest Gump's sentence maybe? X-D

If so, I have never though how it would be said in english [oki] (if you have written it right, of course XD )
MORPHEUX escribió:It's Thread, for example, this thread is a stupid stuff.

This one was quite fun [+risas]

MORPHEUX escribió:Stupid is as stupid does

I could't understand that... were you referring to the well-known Forrest Gump's sentence maybe? X-D

If so, I have never though how it would be said in english [oki] (if it's written right, of course XD )
The topic for this weekend is ``Your favourit party´´. You have to talk about your favourit party, the country, the ambient, the friend and somethig about the topic. I talk tomorrow, because I need sleep.

GOD MORNING EOLENGLISHIANOS , jajaja, this is a very good word, jajjajaja, SALU2
91 respuestas
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