parche hdloader

Alguien me puede decir como se parchea el hd loader,y que
parche habria que ponerle para que funcione God of War??????
Pues no, no se puede decir como se hace, pero ni falat hace, es muy facil.

Consiguete el programa HDLPatch 0.7c.

"HDLPatch 0.7c - Patches unpacked HDLoader/HDAdvance.

/N - No disc seek while loading (stops freezing at splash screen on V9).
/C? - Compatibility options update (press SELECT to access).
/V - V12 PSTwo support (still doesn't work with ps2link).
/S - Stop cdvd-drive motor after loading (use ONLY with disc based booting
/B - Bigger game list (fit more titles on screen).
/F - Force into NTSC-display on PAL machines (fullscreen image).
/L - LBA 48bit patch (allows full use of HDDs up to 2 terabytes).
/P - Position screen (/P xx,yy in hex 00-FF).
/Tx - Translation forced to: 1 - French, 2 - Spanish, 3 - German
4 - Italian, 5 - English, 6 - Portuguese
/IS - Patch splash image (512x448 24bit BMP, 32bit TGA & interleaved RAW).
/IM - Patch main image (512x448 24bit BMP, 32bit TGA & interleaved RAW).
/IB - Patch button image (128x64 24bit BMP, 32bit TGA & interleaved RAW).
/IF - Patch font (/IF font.bmp, more help with /? or in the readme).
/IC - Patch colors (/IC colors.txt, see readme).
/IT - Patch texts (/IT texts.txt, see readme).
/X - Extract splash/main.bmp, button.tga, font.bmp/dat & colors/texts.txt."

O el HDL/HDA All-in-One -AiO- 2.5.4. que es una interfaz grafica para el HDLPatch y el Packer.

PD: Esto va en la Scene.
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