Pues no, no se puede decir como se hace, pero ni falat hace, es muy facil.
Consiguete el programa HDLPatch 0.7c.
"HDLPatch 0.7c - Patches unpacked HDLoader/HDAdvance.
/N - No disc seek while loading (stops freezing at splash screen on V9).
/C? - Compatibility options update (press SELECT to access).
/V - V12 PSTwo support (still doesn't work with ps2link).
/S - Stop cdvd-drive motor after loading (use ONLY with disc based booting
/B - Bigger game list (fit more titles on screen).
/F - Force into NTSC-display on PAL machines (fullscreen image).
/L - LBA 48bit patch (allows full use of HDDs up to 2 terabytes).
/P - Position screen (/P xx,yy in hex 00-FF).
/Tx - Translation forced to: 1 - French, 2 - Spanish, 3 - German
4 - Italian, 5 - English, 6 - Portuguese
/IS - Patch splash image (512x448 24bit BMP, 32bit TGA & interleaved RAW).
/IM - Patch main image (512x448 24bit BMP, 32bit TGA & interleaved RAW).
/IB - Patch button image (128x64 24bit BMP, 32bit TGA & interleaved RAW).
/IF - Patch font (/IF font.bmp, more help with /? or in the readme).
/IC - Patch colors (/IC colors.txt, see readme).
/IT - Patch texts (/IT texts.txt, see readme).
/X - Extract splash/main.bmp, button.tga, font.bmp/dat & colors/texts.txt."
O el HDL/HDA All-in-One -AiO- 2.5.4. que es una interfaz grafica para el HDLPatch y el Packer.
PD: Esto va en la Scene.