De una entrevista de 45 minutos solo hablan de 2 cosas en la noticia. El resto que os lo habeis dejado para ir haciendo mininoticias cada 2 dias? ... -interview- Install Times: talks about having the team testing installing 3rd party games this summer on PS4 compared to XB1 and why it takes so long. Phil says

K is helping the publishers improve how the game installs
- Screenshots: Phil said about 2 weeks ago the team found something that would make sense for screenshots but the are going to slow down on the updates for holidays because they don't want to break anything.
- Universal Profile Settings- It's coming
- Halo:MCC Special Edition Console: Talked about there was discussions about White Xbox One with Halo MCC. Talks about the difference between SE consoles and Bundles and says Bundles are easy to do. The decision to give White Console to Sunset Overdrive was because it's a new IP so it could stand out. Also to show Insomniac that they were behind them and believed in them.
- Halo: MCC Special Edition Game: The reason why they didn't do a bigger package because he didn't want to milk the fans to buy an expensive set. They are pushing the value and how much care they took into making the collection
- Phil also talked about MS cranking up Crackdown 2 too quickly. He said that the fans noticed that and he doesn't want that happen again. Taking a long term view on things instead of a quick cash in.
- Halo:MCC Sales Projections- Codename for the collection was Ace. Phil says he thinks it will beat their internal sales projections.
- Talks about the job: Phil loves the job. The team is his motivation. Said last year at E3 (2013) took a big toll on some of the internal team. Says after E3 2014 the team feels rejuvenated.
- Phil talks about him being the one in charge of Fable and BC and how MS first party could never ship a game in time. He said the first party team are on the cusp on some announcements.
- Talks about him being part of the team when designing the original vision of Xbox One. Says he doesn't want to make it seem that he is washing his hands of those decisions because he was there. He said he would lose credibility if he tried to deny that. He said the misstep was that they tried to push entertainment before the games and that was wrong. He said he believes in the entertainment but games should come first.
- Ryan asks about console specs and if Phil would of pushed more for a stronger box. Phil said it would be easy to say yes but he really doesn't know because he doesn't know what was the trade off the hardware team.
- Seems like there might be more 1TB skus next year.
- Talks about Inside. Phil says it's up to their developer if they want to show something.
- Talks about the next Gears. Apologizes for that RT last week says it was an accident The code name for the first Gears was named Warfare. Wants to see a darker game like the first Gears.
- First Party (Internal and External) are working on new IPs. Ryan talks about how the 360 at the end had a cycle with Gears, Halo and Forza. Also says Phil says he doesn't need another space military shooter or racing game.
- Talks about Rare. Phil is going to see them in a couple of weeks to take a pitch on their new game. Says doesn't want Rare to be seen as the Kinect Sports team and even mentions other studios could make Kinect Sports. Says he wants Rare to do a new IP.
- Mojang was a Xbox team deal. Talks about trying to unify the different versions of Minecraft (PC, Mobile and Console).