hola gente sin lugar a dudas todos estamos felices por esta noticia pero paciencia
yo me he bajado un archivo llamado bleemcast.zip ke ocupa 361 kb y al descomprimirlo ocupa 1,74 mbs y en el nfo pone algo asi :
Burn with DiscJuggler, tell DiscJuggler NO when it asks if you want to repair the image.
Yes it plays backups.
No it doesnt work with all games, some games have graphical errors.
Yes its self booting.
Yes this is a beta, bleemcast.
This is the BLUE version.
Just in case you're wondering about the other 4 versions/colors of bleemcast... the person who cracked it found they are all identical.
Props to the folks that made this happen!
weno salu2 y ser pacientes