Primera beta del nuevo (?) winamp 2.9


Y novedades here they are:

What's new:
* added integrated full featured video support (NSV and DirectShow (AVI,ASf,MPEG,etc))
* added library (complete with media database, shoutcast listing, playlist editing,
CD listing, mass tag editting, plugin API for portable devices, and more!)
* updated Winamp's window docking code to be more robust/extensible
- made AVS dock use this new API
* updated PCM equalizer with code from 4Front Technologies/George Yohng. Quality is a lot better.
* updated equalizer default skin to show the true +12db/-12db range (the 20db was a veeery old typo)
* a ton of new WM_WA_IPC API calls.
- general purpose plugin window support
- extended metadata system for getting more than just title/length of items.
- lots of exposed features via IPC
* updated to PP's latest input and output plugins
* focus/Z order change on window close related bugfixes
* added track numbers and song lengths in HTML generated playlists
* removed all ATL code, shoved EXE size by 20kb
* added digital audio extraction in in_cdda.dll
(needs WNASPI32.DLL under Windows 9x/ME)
* added Alt+M shortcut for minimizing Winamp
* added Ctrl+(Keypad +)/Ctrl+(Keypad -) shortcuts in playlist editor for changing font size
* fixed stop after current menu item trash related bug
* added ultravox support for in_mp3
* made in_mp3 not display 'unknown X' for empty id3 tags
* fixed & error in tooltips in winamp and winampa's systray icons
* and more!
* new SDKs will be posted soon.

Known issues:
* the minibrowser page says "upgrade". =)
* running a fullscreen visualization plugin when playing video (or vice versa) can be bad
(i.e. cause Winamp to quit). This appears to be a directdraw issue, we'll figure out why.
* new extended skin format may change for 2.90, so don't distribute new skins too widely.
* some AVI/MPEG/ASF/etc videos may be flipped, due to directshow weirdness. We will work to correct this as much as possible.
* Some MPEG2 video decompressors (latest PowerDVD one apparently) may have issues with playback.
* Many more configuration options and fixes should be added in the 2.90 to 2.9x land. Enjoy.

You know, no hacer el juaker mezclando winamps etc etc... nadie se hace responsable etc etc....
hasta q no te la full no me lo bajo... q luego siempre pillan fallos de seguridad y paranoyas de esas.. [666]
Aunque yo no pienso utilizar el winamp como reproductor de video, hay que reconocer que el plugin de Dshow que le han puesto funciona bastante bien. Y teniendo en cuenta que en tema plugins ha mejorado bastante, sigue siendo una bala, y ahora lleva el Winamp Library, cada vez veo menos necesidad de usar el winamp 3, cuyo único atractivo son los skins, que francamente, no estoy todo el día viéndolos, el winamp se minimiza y punto. Para mí, insuperable, winamp3 sobra del todo al menos hasta que no sea tan rápido, tan estable y tan configurable -especialmente en tema plugins- como el 2. Mientras eso llega...

Winamp2 will never die!

Segunda beta

Diferencias con respecto a la beta 1:

(small fixes since 2.9 beta, but useful nonetheless)
* fixed ml_ plugin support
* changed video popup menu to remove Ctrl+ on 1 2 ` stuff
* fixed multi monitor support for video
* fixed some ml vfs bugs, made writeout nearly atomic, optimized.
* fixed ml import current playlist bug (needed a savequerytree())
* made in_nmp3 not use builtin EQ if used in DLL mode
* fixed end of file skipping bug on CD tracks
* made CD digital extraction off by default
* made video window sizes to remain when switching video modes
* fixed some video OSD stuff
* added mms:// and mmst:// and mmsu:// url style support to in_dshow
* added nsv prefs, streaming buffer size
* in_nsv includes nsvtag as well as media library setting ability.
* made winampmenu in embedwnd initialize submenus =)
* fixed crash in internet radio/tv on dblclick when refreshing
* updated in_vorbis to v1.31
* made in_vorbis support extended metadata setting/getting
* updated in_mod to v2.2.10 beta 29

Problemas que surgen/pueden surgir y están localizados para resolución:
* The Vorbis tag updating through the media library may be buggy, please test.
* the minibrowser page says "upgrade". =)
* running a fullscreen visualization plugin when playing video (or vice versa) can be bad
(i.e. cause Winamp to quit). This appears to be a directdraw issue, we'll figure out why.
* new extended skin format may change for 2.90, so don't distribute new skins too widely.
* some AVI/MPEG/ASF/etc videos may be flipped, due to directshow weirdness. We will work to correct this as
much as possible.
* Some MPEG2 video decompressors (latest PowerDVD one apparently) may have issues with playback.
* Many more configuration options and fixes should be added in the 2.90 to 2.9x land. Enjoy.

Misma uRL.
Parece q se están planteando sacar Winamp 5 q será la suma de las dos versiones.
Bueno, ya veremos mas adelante. Yo sigo con la 2.81 que es una maravilla. Ademas, para que uso yo el winamp?, pues pongo la musica que quiero escuchar, tanto si es mp3, ogg, o un audio CD, lo minimizo y me olvido de el. Osea, que mas necesito?, apenas consume recursos, es estable como una roca, y reproduce de miedo. Y para reproducir video un gran descubrimiento ha sido el Crystal Player, para mi gusto mejor que el BSplayer.

Para mi esto significa que por fin se han dado cuenta del tremendo error que supuso la aparición de la versión 3 y vuelven a seguir mejorando la 2 que es la que les hizo grandes. Magnífica noticia siempre que no reduzca la velocidad o aumente el consumo de recursos. Yo de momento mietras sean sólo versiones beta no voy a probarlas, pero desde luego promete.
alguien la ha provado esta beta? como va el tema de recursos en este winamp, y lo que tarda en cargar...
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