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KR0N3N escribió:Hombre... segun se puede ver en la pagina web oficial de la LFP, http://www.lfp.es/ no pinta muy bien que digamos por mas que se quiera ver...
victorixi escribió:Hombre yo nose con cuanto tiempo se necesita tener las licencias antes de sacar un juego ala luz,pero creo que si konami aun no se a puesto en contacto para la licencia española....me huele mal.
NeLiuM escribió:yo solo digo una cosa, este pes no hare la tonteria de reservarlo ni comprarlo el dia que salga, en principio no me lo comprare y si veo q es la ostia me lo compro si sencillamente es mejor o es normal paso de gastarme 60€ ya me los gaste el año pasao y no pago ese dinero por un juego mediocre.
Just been reading through an old PES forum I used to visit which was a PES League site (http://www.pelluk.co.uk), and it seems some information has been leaked. There is several pages in the thread so I've gone through it and picked out the information from the source. Note: I'm simply copy and pasting what the source has stated, but putting it in number order to make it easier to read:
1. Man Utd & Liverpool are the licensed teams.
2. Spanish League has not been axed. Same leagues as PES2008.
3. You CAN use Master League teams online!!
4. New Game mode entitled "Become a Legend" more on this later.
5. There is NO Official Licensed Champions league mode. Despite the rumours. More to follow.
6. 19 Stadiums including Wembley. Ps3 version though so could be different.
7. No Bayern Munich.
8. The team replacing Bayern is Zenit St Petersburg, with an improved Arshavin.
Here is an interview the member of the PES League site has done with his source, this shows some extra details:
Originally Posted by Interview
With regards to the gameplay, would you say it resembled PES6 or PES2008, and what aspects differ.
The gameplay is PES2008, the way it should have been. You can no longer run straight through everyone with Etoo or Ronaldinho without any effort but you can beat players by running if you time your moves correctly. It is very realistic and the AI in defence and attack is massively improved.
The refereeing in PES2008 was abysmal, has it got any better? (please elaborate with examples i.e bringing play back etc)
The refereeing is probably the same although the collisions are much better so the decisions are often correct. The diving works better too. Managed to win a pen with an expertly timed dive over a defenders outstretched leg - looked class.
PES2008 definitely favoured the attacking side with scoring being particularly easy. Is this the case in 2009?
Shots don't seem to be as easy as 2008 and the keepers cover their area much better. Obviously if you get up to them and pass across them its easy but that's the same in real life. The defence also like to play cat and mouse with the offside trap so it’s harder to get in to create the easier chances.
Have we finally moved into the "Next Gen" or are we still polishing a turd (graphics wise)
The graphics are similar but the lighting effects (floodlights/sun etc) are spectacular. It really adds to the feel of the game, definitely the best I have seen in a sports game but I haven't seen Fifa 09 yet
PES2008's goalkeepers were total garbage. Please tell me they've improved.
They seemed to have improved but after only a day, I can't be 100% sure. I haven't seen one soft shot being fumbled and tapped in though so that's a good thing.
Who are the officially licensed England League teams?
Liverpool & Man Utd although most sides have nearly every player's real face.
Please list the leagues included.
The same as last time, England, France, Spain, Holland & Italy
Any major non leagued teams removed or added?
Off the top of my head I think the only change is Zenith St Petersburg replacing Bayern Munich
Off the top of ur head, how many stadiums are there, and which famous ones are new? i.e stamford bridge etc
There are 19 stadiums, the only new one I remember is Wembley, although I suspect Old Trafford & Anfield will be there as part of the licensing agreement eith the 2 clubs
You mentioned "become a legend" mode. Can you explain this in more detail? & how it relates to the "new exciting online mode"
You create a player and start off at a team - A made up side (Think it's a youth side). You control just yourself (With the Be a Pro mode camera from FIFA). As you play your player improves in stats and sides become interested and make offers for your services, I had Hull & Everton after me.
When you save your player stats, you can then take him online to team up with other "legends". This adds a whole new side to the game as you can actually play in a side day in day out and have leagues set up etc. I haven't really got far into it but it is a great addition in my opinion.
does this imply that u can play online with other ppl playing inthe same team as u???
yeah. I am not sure how many you can have but I have heard its 7 vs 7, don’t quote me though as this is 2nd hand info (tough I’m quoting you anyway!)
Any word on online lag yet?
I don't work on the online section of the game but I am assured that the lag is 100% a thing of the past and this years will be the smoothest yet.
Of the big names, who has been greatly improved stat-wise, and have any of the silly super slags been downgraded?
Most of the stats are the same as last year (not completely finished yet) but Arshavin is better but not amazing. The slags dont need to be downgraded as the collisions are calculated better so its just a matter of defending them right. In my opinion your league wouldn't need to remove any players as Messi can be handled by a competent defender as long as you time your challenges.
If you had to be disappointed with one thing, what would it be?
There are a couple for me (But I could be over critical). Crossing seems to be a bit floaty (from corners) and the shooting has completely changed again so it needs a good practise again. Shooting like PES 2008 will result in you scoring 0. This isn't so much a bad thing but a nuisance.
Also on the be a legend mode the user is unable to create a goalkeeper or defender to play with which is a shame
I am disappointed that Bayern have gone and the master league hasn't changed - even the menus are the same.
Overall its the best footy game out there by a country mile up to now. Roll on October for the release
jjoseca escribió:bueno.. lo pongo aui tambien q parece q el otro hilo no lo mira nadie xDJust been reading through an old PES forum I used to visit which was a PES League site (http://www.pelluk.co.uk), and it seems some information has been leaked. There is several pages in the thread so I've gone through it and picked out the information from the source. Note: I'm simply copy and pasting what the source has stated, but putting it in number order to make it easier to read:
1. Man Utd & Liverpool are the licensed teams.
2. Spanish League has not been axed. Same leagues as PES2008.
3. You CAN use Master League teams online!!
4. New Game mode entitled "Become a Legend" more on this later.
5. There is NO Official Licensed Champions league mode. Despite the rumours. More to follow.
6. 19 Stadiums including Wembley. Ps3 version though so could be different.
7. No Bayern Munich.
8. The team replacing Bayern is Zenit St Petersburg, with an improved Arshavin.
Here is an interview the member of the PES League site has done with his source, this shows some extra details:
Originally Posted by Interview
With regards to the gameplay, would you say it resembled PES6 or PES2008, and what aspects differ.
The gameplay is PES2008, the way it should have been. You can no longer run straight through everyone with Etoo or Ronaldinho without any effort but you can beat players by running if you time your moves correctly. It is very realistic and the AI in defence and attack is massively improved.
The refereeing in PES2008 was abysmal, has it got any better? (please elaborate with examples i.e bringing play back etc)
The refereeing is probably the same although the collisions are much better so the decisions are often correct. The diving works better too. Managed to win a pen with an expertly timed dive over a defenders outstretched leg - looked class.
PES2008 definitely favoured the attacking side with scoring being particularly easy. Is this the case in 2009?
Shots don't seem to be as easy as 2008 and the keepers cover their area much better. Obviously if you get up to them and pass across them its easy but that's the same in real life. The defence also like to play cat and mouse with the offside trap so it’s harder to get in to create the easier chances.
Have we finally moved into the "Next Gen" or are we still polishing a turd (graphics wise)
The graphics are similar but the lighting effects (floodlights/sun etc) are spectacular. It really adds to the feel of the game, definitely the best I have seen in a sports game but I haven't seen Fifa 09 yet
PES2008's goalkeepers were total garbage. Please tell me they've improved.
They seemed to have improved but after only a day, I can't be 100% sure. I haven't seen one soft shot being fumbled and tapped in though so that's a good thing.
Who are the officially licensed England League teams?
Liverpool & Man Utd although most sides have nearly every player's real face.
Please list the leagues included.
The same as last time, England, France, Spain, Holland & Italy
Any major non leagued teams removed or added?
Off the top of my head I think the only change is Zenith St Petersburg replacing Bayern Munich
Off the top of ur head, how many stadiums are there, and which famous ones are new? i.e stamford bridge etc
There are 19 stadiums, the only new one I remember is Wembley, although I suspect Old Trafford & Anfield will be there as part of the licensing agreement eith the 2 clubs
You mentioned "become a legend" mode. Can you explain this in more detail? & how it relates to the "new exciting online mode"
You create a player and start off at a team - A made up side (Think it's a youth side). You control just yourself (With the Be a Pro mode camera from FIFA). As you play your player improves in stats and sides become interested and make offers for your services, I had Hull & Everton after me.
When you save your player stats, you can then take him online to team up with other "legends". This adds a whole new side to the game as you can actually play in a side day in day out and have leagues set up etc. I haven't really got far into it but it is a great addition in my opinion.
does this imply that u can play online with other ppl playing inthe same team as u???
yeah. I am not sure how many you can have but I have heard its 7 vs 7, don’t quote me though as this is 2nd hand info (tough I’m quoting you anyway!)
Any word on online lag yet?
I don't work on the online section of the game but I am assured that the lag is 100% a thing of the past and this years will be the smoothest yet.
Of the big names, who has been greatly improved stat-wise, and have any of the silly super slags been downgraded?
Most of the stats are the same as last year (not completely finished yet) but Arshavin is better but not amazing. The slags dont need to be downgraded as the collisions are calculated better so its just a matter of defending them right. In my opinion your league wouldn't need to remove any players as Messi can be handled by a competent defender as long as you time your challenges.
If you had to be disappointed with one thing, what would it be?
There are a couple for me (But I could be over critical). Crossing seems to be a bit floaty (from corners) and the shooting has completely changed again so it needs a good practise again. Shooting like PES 2008 will result in you scoring 0. This isn't so much a bad thing but a nuisance.
Also on the be a legend mode the user is unable to create a goalkeeper or defender to play with which is a shame
I am disappointed that Bayern have gone and the master league hasn't changed - even the menus are the same.
Overall its the best footy game out there by a country mile up to now. Roll on October for the release
Gelocatil escribió:odio eternoa los copia y pega en ingles modernos sin traduccion
Van-Pi escribió:no esq no lo lea nadie, lo q pasa q habra mucha gente como yo q no puede opinar porq entiende poco del texto....
abarth escribió:Gelocatil escribió:odio eternoa los copia y pega en ingles modernos sin traduccion
Bueno, para los que no sepais inglés os dejo aquí una traducción que hago ahora en 10 minutos (siento cualquier falta de ortografía que pueda haber.)
En un poco edito con el texto traducido. ^^
Estaba leyendo un viejo foro sobre PES que solía visitar, el cual era una página de PES Liga y parece que ha habido un poco de información filtrada. Hay bastantes páginas en el hilo, así que saco lo más importante. Nota: Sólo estoy copiando y pegando lo que he leído en ese hilo, en orden de posteo.
1. Manchester United y Liverpool tendrán licencias.
2. La liga española no ha sido suprimida. Serán las mismas ligas que en PES 2008.
3. PUEDES usar equipos de Liga Máster online.
4. Nuevo modo de juego llamado "conviértete en leyenda". Hablaré de él más tarde.
5. NO habrá Champions League licenciada.
6. 19 estadios incluyendo Wembley. Aún así en la versión de PS3 podría ser un poco diferente (Nota del Traductor: creo que se refiere a que podrían haber más o menos estadios)
7. No estará el Bayern de Munich.
8. El equipo que substituirá al Bayern será el Zenit de San Petersburgo, con un mejorado Arshavin.
Aquí teneis una entrevista que los miembros de esta página de PES Liga le han hecho a esta fuente, donde se muestran más detalles.
(Nota del Traductor: Voy a poner las preguntas en negrita y las respuestas normal, ya que en la fuente original están todas del mismo color)
Respecto a la jugabilidad, ¿crees que se parece más a PES6 o PES2008? ¿En qué se diferenciará?
La jugabilidad será la que debería haber sido en PES2008. Ya no podrás coger a Eto'o o Ronaldinho y pasarte todo el campo corriendo y regateando a todos los rivales sin dificultad alguna, pero sin embargo ahora para regatearles deberás medir bien lo que haces y el "tempo" que uses. La IA ha estado muy mejorada tanto en aspectos atacantes como defensivos.
El arbitraje era terrible. ¿Se ha mejorado?
El arbitraje es más o menos el mismo, sólo que como ahora el motor de colisiones de jugadores está mejorado, las decisiones arbitrales serán más acertadas. También ha mejorado el piscinazo. Ahora quizás puedas ganar un penalty si te tiras en el momento correcto cuando el defensa deje un poco el brazo o la pierna.
En PES 2008 se facilitó mucho el ataque, haciendo que marcar fuera algo my fácil. ¿Será igual en PES 2009?
Los chutes ya no parecen tan sencillos como en PES 2008 y los porteros cubren mejor su área. Obviamente si te acercas m,ucho a él, te será más fácil marcar, pero eso es igual que en el fútbol real. También la defensa ha mejorado, y les gusta bastante intentar hacerte caer en la trampa del fuera de juego.
TitoT escribió:Segun dice el de la entrevista, a los arbitros no los han tocao, lo que han hecho es mejorar el sistema de colisión de los jugadores por lo que según el las decisiones del arbitros seran mas correctas...
Lo que para mi se traduce en: mierda...(perdon jeje), porque en el 2008 no era una cuestión de que la colision entre los jugadores fuera dudosa o extraña, es que pa sacarle una targeta a la IA, hacia falta que el contrario te disparara con un fusquete...y de la que tu te ibas al suelo a por uno, amarilla garantizada(y eso que no he probao el online)...
En fín, que conservan las ligas que tenian, y nace el nuevo modo "Se una legenda" que viene a ser una copia del "be a pro" del FIFA...(grande konami, sorprendiendo con su originalidad...no me quejo eh, que es un añadido...y siempre viene bien, pero la pregunta es: ¿Tan mal estan en Konami que el PRO tiene que copiar cosas del FIFA?...ahi queda eso..)
TitoT escribió:Segun dice el de la entrevista, a los arbitros no los han tocao, lo que han hecho es mejorar el sistema de colisión de los jugadores por lo que según el las decisiones del arbitros seran mas correctas...
Lo que para mi se traduce en: mierda...(perdon jeje), porque en el 2008 no era una cuestión de que la colision entre los jugadores fuera dudosa o extraña, es que pa sacarle una targeta a la IA, hacia falta que el contrario te disparara con un fusquete...y de la que tu te ibas al suelo a por uno, amarilla garantizada(y eso que no he probao el online)...
En fín, que conservan las ligas que tenian, y nace el nuevo modo "Se una legenda" que viene a ser una copia del "be a pro" del FIFA...(grande konami, sorprendiendo con su originalidad...no me quejo eh, que es un añadido...y siempre viene bien, pero la pregunta es: ¿Tan mal estan en Konami que el PRO tiene que copiar cosas del FIFA?...ahi queda eso..)
forildo escribió:EL VIDEO ES PENOSO![]()