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franaloper escribió:Pues vais listos si creeis que van a soltar una descarga de mas de 1GB...
Dear Bungie and Microsoft,
First of all I'd like to express my dearest appreciation towards Halo "1" for Xbox clearly. It is probably the game I have replayed most, and it has been an exciting experience each and every time. But one of the things I always appreciate most is the whole atmosphere thrown into it, through the use of a complex story-line, superb music and, overall, supreme Spanish dialogs with excellent actors.
It is with the utmost disappointment that I find out, not only that Bungie has decided not to hire the same great actors that gave a natural context for Spanish (or Spaniard, if you wish) users, but that, for whatever other reasons that, I do not doubt, might have seem plausible to you, has decided to give American Spanish voices to our old friends Master Chief, Cortana and the rest of the crew.
I am very sorry but, to put it straight and simple, that is cheesy.
Not only does it ruin the continuity of the two games by wasting some talents that had already been proved more than satisfactory. In order to know that, I do not have to wait until I can play the game. Still, if it was only matter of "continuity" it could be bearable.
But besides that, it is extremely cheesy, unfortunate and of little attention to your base of loyal Spanish users, from Spain that is!, (or, less emotionally, to how your decisions fit the market you are addressing your products to) because it reflects how little you have evaluated how American Spanish would "sound" to a Spaniard audience.
First of all, it simply is not what we speak. Surely we appreciate the fact of sharing a language spoken by more than 300 million people. We can understand each other and communicate without barriers. But it simply is not the same. It feels foreign and strange to us. Would you have considered it OK for the whole English audience to use actors with a distinctive and closed accent from some lost small village in Scotland, reading dialogs full of slangy expressions with opaque meanings? Well, for a start it is a similar thing to us: it feels too peculiar of a particular place and only makes sense when the character portrayed is supposed to explicitly show that s/he is from that place (and last time I heard them, nothing in the story of Halo 1 made me guess MC is from Peru, Chile or somewhere nearby), while it is Spaniard Spanish that feels neutral to us and that draws away the attention of why the place of birth might be important to the plot. That's what makes it unfortunate. Next is what makes it cheesy.
Spanish videogame players will be tying Halo 2 voice talents, wether they are good or not, to cheesy American Spanish TV serials starred by mediocre actors playing overacted mediocre stories aimed to an audience of, mostly, bored housewives. That is the American Spanish we have been exposed to most, what American Spanish is usually joked about, and what most people will think about when they find out that Halo 2 uses the same accent that we are most used to place in the former context. This is not intended to be some sort of xenophobic attack to the American Spanish community. It is just a reflection of what happens here, and what is already being commented in lots of community forums in Spain. It is the easy joke and hence the joke that Halo 2 will be the target of. A joke, that is, for those that do not care about the game. A lack of respect and a ruined experience to those who would want to love it, but who will be reminded of MC's weird origins and Cortana's peculiar speech synthesising engine each time any of them open their mouth.
And what I do not get is, considering all the care and professionalism that was put, taking into consideration Spaniard users, in the making of Halo 1, a game with a budget, I pressume, quite lower than Halo 2, why Bungie and/or Microsoft have decided to spoil the Halo 2 experience for that same audience.
Still, those of us of the minority that can understand English might always decide to buy an imported version with original English voices (which is, whether you can understand it or not, quite preferable to American Spanish to lots of us). But it simply is not the same.
A sincerely disappointed fan
PS: The only way I can imagine we could have a satisfactory solution is to have Bungie and Microsoft issue, in a nearby future, some sort of patch with Spaniard voices, preferably the ones that, after Halo 1, have become the "original" ones to us, through XBox Live, if its size makes it possible, or through the DVD of the Official XBox Magazine for those that do not play online. The harm has already been done. Please, evaluate this option as a way to repair it.
Shamino escribió:Como he dicho en otro hilo, si los ingleses soportan el americano, pero a diferencia del doblaje mexicano, ese si es un BUEN doblaje.
Coñe, mcklain, que la idea es que les quede claro el contraste con el primer Halo. Hy que poner algunas florecillas ^_-mcklain escribió:Yo cambiara lo de "excellent actors" por "good actors", que el doblaje estaba bien pero tampoco era para tirar cohetes
¿En la edad media como abrían la puerta de un castillo? Con decenas de puños golpeándola o decenas de manos agarrando un ariete que golpeaba en un unico lugar?franaloper escribió:Sigo diciendo lo mismo ¿Porque ponerlo solo en un sitio?
Science escribió:Mandando correos o llorando en los foros... ellos se lo pasan por el "forro", pero si acumulan varias denuncias y juegos devueltos en los almacenes tener por seguro que lo enfocaran de otra forma. Porque no nos engañemos, comprando el juego fuera,el dinero va al mismo saco.
Y esto ya es una opinión personalísima: el que piratee Halo 2 sin comprarselo luego, no tiene perdón de Dios.Yo solo lo quiero para jugar al Live, asi que me da igual la version, pero por lo menos me hago oir y quiza si que cambie algo para furutos juegos.
elmimmo escribió:Y esto ya es una opinión personalísima: el que piratee Halo 2 sin comprarselo luego, no tiene perdón de Dios.
Tenebros escribió: no consigo crear la cuenta en play.com, me pide que les mande un fax con "noseque"![]()
elmimmo escribió:¿En la edad media como abrían la puerta de un castillo? Con decenas de puños golpeándola o decenas de manos agarrando un ariete que golpeaba en un unico lugar?
Vale: yo lo pongo en tres sitios, tú tambien dejas tu apoyo en los tres sitios, alguno de aquí igual. ¿Pero me cuántos más? Hay que poner las cosas fáciles, leche. Si le pides a la gente que tenga que ir dejando la miguita de pan en muchos sitios, al final lo que consigues es la gente se canse y no lo ponga en los tres, cinco o diez sitios (con lo que dispersas la fuerza de la protesta) o que le de pereza y no lo ponga en ninguno. Elotrolado, vandal y algún otro foro perdido NO representa al jugón medio. Somos los ultras, los activistas, y si queremos que hasta el menos friqui se suba al carro hay que darle las cosas mascadas.Gelid_Elf escribió:Creo que el petition online es una buena opcion que si la añadimos a los foros de bungie y de M$ hara que nos oigan.
aiss… ahí mi objeción no es tan rotunda, pero mantengo mis reservas:payomalo escribió:Aquel que compre el juego, que llame al sat de Xbox o de Ms y le diga que su juego no esta en castellano, y que quiere poner una reclamacion por publicidad engañosa
franaloper escribió:Lo mas facil una mega petition online que hasta el mas inutil (informaticamente hablando) puede firmar y luego postear un enlace en los demas foros.
Yo conozco mucha gente que firmaria ahi sin problemas pero que no o haria en un foro porque tendria que registrarse.
Creo que para la peticion online deberia de ponerse una cabecera con el texto primero en castellano y luego el mismo texto en ingles para que asi hasta pueda firmar gente extranjera si le viene en gana.
elmimmo escribió:Editado:
Tras sufrir la furia de enrgúmeno de Mr Hyde, alias elmimmo, Paul_Gilbert ha corregido su "actitud abanderada" y eliminado el mensaje.
Por favor, no os precipitéis. Hay cientos de foros con protestas, y soys libres de aportar nuevas a título individual, pero NO cojáis mi carta para llevarla a otro sitio sin consultar antes con la comunidad (y ya de paso conmigo, ¿no?)
castrefe escribió:Lo unico que necesito en donde y como se debe efectuar la reclamacion por escrito a microsoft.
Ya te digo…franaloper escribió:elmimmo la carta muy bien al igual que la iniciativa pero esta reaccion desproporcionada me parece completamente de un niño de patio de colegio.![]()