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Supongo que sera una coincidencia pero algunos post mas atras comento que lo mejor seria combinar esos dos fix y esa tienda ahora lo calcula en un 94% de seguridad. Creo que algun encargado de estas tiendas se suele pasar por aqui para pillar ideas sensacionalistas.¿Creeis eso del 94%? protegen focus y tracking con los origa y con el pic evitan cuelgues no?
kinkon escribió:por no volver, a mi tampoco me ha vuelto ninguna y mira que he hecho combinaciones:
7806 con diodos
7806 con origa
7806 con summone2
origa solo
summone2 solo
desde diciembre y sin bajas... yo ya no se que pensar...
ultimamente a todas le pongo 7806 con summone2 facil y barato y van todas bien. No se por que decis que el 7806 no funciona....... hay mucha gente que sabe que si funciona.
davzapa escribió:Hola.
Para no repetir el post y que luego seymurx me eche la movida....![]()
So for the last day ive been killing my mind how to combine the comsoft pic fix and mine on pcb and still make it fast + cheap enough for people to buy...
Then when i saw that you can mute the RS2004FS driver without using a PIC!!!
At first i thought to just drive the MUTE directly with the INT line of the mechacon - a 1 wire fix! CDs worked fine, but DVD media for some reason has such long interrupts that it mutes the RS so much, when there is not a mecha crash, the laser head starts oscillating...
So i somehow had to introduce the 50ms delay that the comsoft pic has to make DVD media read well:D
I used:
-1nF cap
-33k resistor
-1n4148 diode...
how does that work:
The cap is between any DC signal or GND and the INT line over a 1N4148 diode that can raise the voltage on the junction by charging/discharging the cap when the /INT is HIGH.
The voltage on the cap drves the /MUTE pin thru the 33k resistor.
When the /INT has a low pulse, the cap is not charged anymore, but discharges slowly thru the 33k resistor still not muting the RS, because the pulse is too short to let the cap discharge. And all media have the RS working well.
When there is a MECHACON CRASH, the cap discharges and mutes the RS within 50ms and leaves it mute.
You can test the mute function by disconnecting the /INT line from the circuit!
I WILL MAKE A QUICKSOLDER PCB soon and sell it on [url]http://subzero-chip.com[/url] at a low price. It will have 4 solder points + 1 wire and require cutting 1 track. It will feature the fix just described + a +/-0.6V tracking limiter that will be auto-compatible with both the v12.1 and v12.2. It will NOT have a FOCUS limiter as the 4.7k resistor in my fix causes too many read problems + as the focus coil dies only in mecha crashes, the mute circuit will save it
what do you guys think?
tests and comments are welcome within the next week, then i start PCB production:D
i just found out the diodes do not make it autodetect any more then a 2k resistor does. but with the mute function 2k is safe even on a v12.1
so i will most likely add a 560 and a 1k5 resistor in series with a jumper that shorts the 1k5. So for those that do not notice the jumper it will be autodetect, and the extra cautious will be able to close that jumper making it bulletproof
fowell escribió:necesito saber si poniendo el chip DMS4 Lite V1-V12 en una pstwo hay que ponerle algun FIX??si es así CUAL?? y si es asi ponedme por favor donde estan los esquemas
pd: no me he leido el post completo, demasiadas respuestas