Bluebleeder7 escribió:As of the first minute of release I was pretty much a noob at this. I was helped by the great people that created this software. So I will try and help get everyone started that has NO idea where to start.
First steps:
Download the reggiedumper.dol - Found Here: the Reggie Software - Found Here: Levels extracted are only 8.3 mgb
1. Unrar the Reggie Software Download.
2. Rename the Reggiedumper.dol to Boot.dol
3. Create a Folder in the apps folder of your sdcard and put the Boot.dol in it.
4. Make sure original Game Disc is in the drive.
5. Put sd card back into wii load homebrew channel
6. Load the new folder with the boot.dol in it.
7. The dumper program should extract the levels. (use the download Minimum Option)
8. The dumped game levels will go into a new folder on your sdcard called Reggie.
9. Save the Reggie folder on your Sd card to your CPU.
10. Open Reggie on your CPU and click on the folder containing the dumped files.
11. Enjoy...Now you have Reggie running with the game levels from the disc.
While in Reggie click on File, Load Level, and find the folder where your dumped levels are.
Hope this helps get people started That cant figure the first part out.