From Ubisoft HQ. Now, before you become all excited, sadly I can not say much on what I heard and saw . Now on the recent news that was revealed During my visit I was actually present at a meeting held between IAS and Ubisoft execs, and lead designers, so I can confirm that it will come to the Revolution and use the controller's unique features. From early talk there will finally be a good TMNT game, the recent games have all sucked big time.
Titles in development for Revolution:
Splinter Cell 4
Killing Day
Free Radical Project
Brothers in Arms
Exclusive FPS This will be huge.
Exclusive title unknown genre I was told but they wouldn't reveal to me what genre it will be.
Some other info I found out on my visit that I can confirm: Reggie is to deliver some exciting news at D.I.C.E speech – While specs can’t compete, graphics can compare to 360 on regular TV – The Revolution does indeed use new methods for creating amazing looking graphics that can make you feel the specs are higher – The classic shell controller is final – Nintendo still undecided on what will be included with the system - As Merrick touch up on before other than downloading pass games, you will be able to download game demos, trailers, maybe some other things -
Ubisoft are aiming to have 2-3 launch titles.
I started my job shortly after E3 04 freelancing as a video game industry insider/journalist through some contacts at NoA. Since then I have done work for several big game magazines along with several sites. Over the past 6 months I have recieced several offers from companies to work exclusivly for them. But I haven't accepted yet.
On the topic of launch titles right now I would say: 12-20 at launch date.
Ubisoft are planning 2-3 launch date, Nintendo will have 3-5 launch date.
My next trip will come in February to visit EA HQ then I have a visit in March with Activision.
Now I can't tell what the controller looks like exactly, even thought I did see it without the freehand controller though. It is what you expect for a classic controller. Also just to refresh some people who seem to have forgotten, when using the classic shell the freehand remote sensor movements are still possible. When Nintendo first showed developers the freehand remote then along with the nunchuc joystick attchments they was excited. But some told Nintendo that they must have some sort of traditional controller. So using what developers watned Nintendo went along and built a classic shell.
Also while I don't know what exactly Reggie will say at D.I.C.E speech here are some possiblities/hints that I have got from developers and NoA contacts.
Classic Shell
Final Name
Maybe narrow the release date down
Maybe some new info on games from Nintendo and other developers
And of course some more coded talk
Talking with members of Ubisoft and most think that the Revolution final name will be announced before E3. But some of these announcements will depend on whether NIntendo have any plans for GDC in March like last years.
I made a very small update to my first post.
Demuwan asked:
Thanks for all the Info and welcome back Big Tac. The news has been so ultra-dry without you.
1 Do you know what the Free radical project will be like
2 Do you think(own opinion) the revo's graphics are comparable to the competition
3 What games should we anticipate for launch
4 Does the shell look even more comfy than the cube controller
5 Can you if u know give us clues about the 3rd revolutionary feature
1) Yes, but I can't go into details. But the action and gameplay is insane. I think it will be best on Revolution.
2) Yes. From what I saw Ubi's titles look better then all of the games out now for the 360. I think it will compete but maybe for the short run.
3) What games are you referring to? Are you talking about Ubi's titles or titles from everyone.
4) I held the classic shell in my hand and it's more comfortable then the cube's controller. But remember when I held it the classic shell didn't have the freehand control in it.
5) I don't know what the next Revolutionary feature is.
Solo decir que a estas horas se podrian decir ciertas cosas si todo esto que dice es cierto:
- Ubi apoyara y mucho a rev.
- Splinter Cell 4, Killing Day, Proyecto de Free Radical, Tortugas Ninja, Brothers in Arms y un Exclusive FPS. Muchos para el lanzamiento.
- En el DICE habrá muchas wenas nuevas, como suponemos desde hace tiempo...
- Dice que las specs no pueden competir, pero que los graficos estaran a la altura en tv normales...
- Dice que la carcasa para juegos clasicos está completa y no saben aun si incluirla.
- Confirmado lo de las demos y tal.
- Que las cosas que dirá reggie podrian ser: nombre final, mostrar la carcasa, aproximarse a la fecha de lanzamiento, hablar de juegos de nintendo y otras y aglo mas de dialogo cifrado...
- Que el nombre se dirá antes del E3, pero que dependen otros anuncios de q nintendo tenga planes de soltar algo en la GDC en marzo.
- Que el juego de Free Radical es una locura. De lo mejor de rev.
- Que los graficos que ha visto de rev son mejores que lo visto hasta ahora en TV normales de 360. Que competiran pero por poco tiempo.
- Que el mando de rev clasico es mas comodo que el de GC, pero q no lo probó con el Freehand dentro.
- Que no sabe el ultimo secreto de rev.
esto está (copy/paste) sacado de los foros de meri.
a ver que pasa en el D.I.C.E., que no queda nada