Viewtiful M escribió:Vaya, parece que el nuevo firmware ya está listo

Como seguramente "pete" la página de descarga cuando lo cuelguen en la red, sería interesante que alguno de los primeros buscaran la forma de subirlo a otras páginas, para ayudar a los que lleguemos tarde y evitar miles de posts pidiendo un link para el nuevo firmware
Un saludo
Me sumo a tu idea!
y añado esto , Extraido de
1.53 essences 2.43 transformations software characteristic
- Transforms software to have the distinct enhancement to the game compatibility
- DS played the on-line wrong revision at present to be normal (has just measured Mary 64 on-line ok)
- Makes the optimization in view of FLASHME now to be allowed to support does not want the legal copy card belt guidance (the note: The individual game must want the legal copy)
- The revision lives 2 for you to select the card and to put on file as well as the picture vibration
- 0,101 lost deep blue superpass to be normal does not select the card I to use the devil city guidance before looked like is not good? (FLASHME does not need legal copy card boot record to be normal)
- Revises certain games to have to put on file must have in the legal copy
Just attained in transformation software measured the version, but also had some revisions
Do not ask when emits, my test work first completes at least only then good.. Casually first will illuminate under only violently began to shake has traded the clear spotaccording to the empty next time
Parece que el tema Wifi de Mario DS 64 lo han areglado.. espero que tambien el de makio kard y otros tantos (tengo un ezflashII y el wifi compartido no rula , se queda la pantalla en blanco)
si alguien se atreve que lo traduzca! ;D