Yo no he entendido eso ni de lejos....
Lo que yo entiendo es que se necesita un BD Video que contenga BD LIVE como por ejemplo los de Universal Pictures.
Hay que conectar la Ps4 por medio del charles y ejecutar la película, cuando lleve un minuto aproximadamente cambiar una linea por otra que contiene la direccion de la distro de linux y empezara la descarga de la distro.
Esto es lo que pone en concreto....
What do you need:
1. Windows or Linux system
2. Charles web debugging proxy or burpsuite
3. A film with BDLive (in my test it was by Universal Pictures) others will surely go well. Can you really test yourself.
4. Connect to best PS4 with Lan.
It is described for Charles... Insert and start now to film, short wait at Charles appears Universal Pictures after about 1 minute a bootloader file.
Looks like this:
XML source
<? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
<Update version = "3" target title = "89">
<Status code>
<Status code id = "100" type = "information"> Successful </ status code>
</ Status codes>
< resourceFile uri= "http://cdn.www.universalhidefclub.com/u/ContentServer/Universal/xxxxxxx/Package/xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx/boot.bin" fileSizeInBytes= "1234" localStorage= "common/boot.bin" >
</ Resource file>
< resourceFile uri= "http://cdn.www.universalhidefclub.com/u/ContentServer/Universal/xxxxxxx/Package/xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx/boot.xml" fileSizeInBytes= "1234" localStorage= "common/boot.xml" >
</ Resource file>
< resourceFile uri= "http://cdn.www.universalhidefclub.com/u/ContentServer/Universal/xxxxxxx/Package/xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx/v3.zip" fileSizeInBytes= "1234" localStorage= "v3.zip" >
</ Resource file>
</ Resources>
< bumfFile uri= "http://cdn.www.universalhidefclub.com/u/ContentServer/Universal/xxxxxxx/Package/xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx/bumf.BMF" fileSizeInBytes= "1234" localStorage= "bumf.BMF" >
</ BumfFile>
</ Bumf>
< busfFile uri= "http://cdn.www.universalhidefclub.com/u/ContentServer/Universal/xxxxxxx/Package/xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx/bumf.bsf" fileSizeInBytes= "1234" localStorage= "bumf.bsf" >
</ BusfFile>
</ BUSF>
</ Update>
This copy or save as txt (very important as txt save on the PC)
Change the first line
<resourcefile uri="http://cdn.www.universalhidefclub.com/u/ContentServer/Universal/xxxxxxx/Package/xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx/boot.bin" fileSizeInBytes = "1234" localStorage = "common / boot.bin">
eg change in
<resourcefile uri = " releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ubuntu-14.04.4-desktop-amd64.iso " fileSizeInBytes = "1234" localStorage = "common / boot.bin">
with map local ... Change the txt file.
Now wait are the download is completed. You have to add a little code in the next line so that the boots or executes before that. Thus, almost all run on the PS4, because it is indeed stored internally. One has the storage path.
In the next emergency update when PlayStation it will probably initially be no BDLive
needs indeed no man
Wishes to test you much fun in :tup:
Who finds spelling mistakes may keep them.