TrueBlue pwned

1, 2, 3, 4
Por cierto Dean explica como funciona no dice nada de que el lo vaya ha hacer solo da una explicacion de como se hace.

Originally Posted by deank View Post

Actually that's not entirely true. Anyone who knows anything about programming (pc/mac *nix ps2/ps3) would spot discrepancies. I'll try to put a very noob-friendly explanation below.

We can drop the big-ass words like SPRX/SELF/EBOOT.BIN and just use "executables" (selfs/elfs/eboot.bins) and "libraries/modules" (sprx/prx). To make it even easier to understand one can think of the executables as "EXE" and the libraries/modules as "DLL" in the windows environment.

Anyway, when talking about the SPRX you may have to differentiate GAME sprx files and FIRMWARE sprx files, because they are a bit different, because of the way they're used.

Yes, we did - even the ebootFIX / ebootMOD applications process all game sprx+self+eboot.bin files - otherwise nothing would work. Since you can think of a game sprx file as a DLL, it is just a number of functions exported in a separate file, so you don't have to load all of them along with your executable (EBOOT.BIN or blabla.exe). Whenever you need a function from the (sprx/dll) library - you load the library, call the function and unload the library. That's all about the game sprx files.

The firmware sprx files... The explanation above can be used for these too, but the main difference is that all applications use these system-wide libraries. It could be games, the video player, the PS Store application or the photo-album slideshow. So each of these applications would at one point load a firmware sprx/library because it needs its functions (to access files and folders, to access the network, to process jpg/png images, to read/mount/use psarc archives).

Let's for a moment forget about keys and encryption, and focus on firmwares and the differences between the libraries/sprx.

We have a console (we name it THE_BOX), running firmware version 3 and we create an application for it, which prints a fancy text on screen. Such imaginary application will look like this:

Load system module: lib_screen.sprx (so we can use its functions)
Load system module: lib_text.sprx
Initialize screen: using init_screen(1920, 1080, 3D) function from system library lib_screen.sprx)
Draw fancy text: using draw_text(x, y, "Hello World", red_color, vertically, with_water_effect) from system library lib_text.sprx
Wait for 30 seconds and exit

So we test our cool app on firmware version 3 and everything works as expected: a nice text is drawn in fullHD in 3D mode and has a nice water shader applied to it, so it really looks like made of water.

By accident we have a second console (THE_BOX_2), running firmware version 1 (rather old, but we need to test nonetheless). We load our cool app and launch it then we get:

* Black screen or
* Not so cool looking "Hello World" text in 2D, horizontally and not vertically, with the dull gray color and no effects applied).

What happened?!

We know that THE_BOX_2 is running an older version of the firmware and PROBABLY (most definitely) some internal/system modules are quite different. After a later investigation we find that the firmware version 1 has these two sprx libraries, but they provide much limited functionality:

* init_screen(1920, 1080) (it is missing the 2d/3d parameter)
* draw_text(x, y, "Hello World") (no extended parameters)

It is pure miracle that our sample app even started on that OLD firmware version 1 and produced any results at all.

That should explain why FIRMWARE LIBRARIES (SPRX in the PS3) may affect games, performance and compatibility.

Now back to the reality. Back in the day (and even at the moment) there are games released for firmwares beyond 3.55, but we were still able to play them on 3.55. In most of these cases the games didn't require nor used any special functions presented in the system libraries/modules of the newer firmware. Luckily even now with the PS3 firmware 4.00 there are games, which use the same functions that are available in the modules/sprx of FW 3.41-3.55.

So let's say we have the keys and the game in question doesn't use any of the firmware 4.0 functions - we process our 4.0 game with some tools and we get decrypted (from 4.0) + changed + encrypted/signed (for 3.55) all the eboot.bin/self/sprx fiels. Profit. Game works on 3.55.

Now we find another game and apply the same steps as above. But it happens that that particular game (like most that will follow) actually uses the NEW functions provided by the NEW modules/sprx files in the new firmware 4.0. We test that game and we find that it either doesn't start at all (black screen) or starts with major glitches, locks after 2mins, etc. etc.

So we decide to make everything right. Since we're really experienced, we're going to find what SYSTEM modules from fw 4.0 that particular game requires. It is obvious that our 'stock' sprx files miss some functions and we have to find a way to add them or just use the newer module (hoping it won't brake any other app installed on your loved ps3). We start looking at the game executables (eboot.bin/self) and game libraries (sprx) to find what modules are used. Of course these are not listed in plain text and most of the time you may not even see anything readable, but you'll have to find the actual assembler functions which call for loading system modules with specific IDs. After couple of days/weeks we find all of the module IDs, so now we know which modules need to be replaced or further edited (because the usually call/use functions from OTHER system modules).

Once we're absolutely sure we've got all that right, we sign (and encrypt if desired) the files for our THE_BOX_2 console (running the older firmware) and we enjoy the result.

Now back to the keys. Since the "S" in SPRX and SELF means "Signed" one must find a way to remove the protection of these system sprx files, of the game sprx/self/eboot.bin files and then work with their contents. Once you finish, you sign them again for your desired firmware with the desired keys (be it for 3.41, 3.55 or 4.0).

That's about it.

I don't own a TB dongle and the reason I posted this wall of text is to present a REALLY SIMPLIFIED explanation of what one may have to do EVEN if he has the keys for 4.0 firmware.

Not to dare or challenge anyone, but all of you have the opportunity to prove yourself by installing firmware 3.15 to your PS3 and then try to process UNCHARTED 3 to work on it. Basically everything is the same. If you can make UC3 to work on FW 3.15 - you're a hero and the scene will love you.

I hope it wasn't boring for you to read all that, but as a programmer and as someone who watched and learned I decided to clarify something that "anyone" should now.


Read more: ... z1jvBEVrWm

No traduzco porque no tengo tiempo pero basicamente habla del funcionamiento de los juegos 3.6+
Y lo compara los ebots con los archivos exe de windows y los sprx con las librerias y los self con los dll de windows.
Firmando todo con las keys publicas para 3.55 el juego funcionara en 3.55 recalca que no es cuestion de solo el eboot son mas archivos si uno no esta modificado BLACKSCREEN

Asique lo dicho lo que podria ser que algun desarrollador tipo duplex etc empieze ha aplicar fix.

Por otra parte ahi avances el trabajo de kakarotos esta proximo a publicar un hen (tipo psp) en el que se puede cargar hombrew, puede ser un gran avance...
No posteo la noticia para no hacer un post enorme pero os dejo la fuente ... roto-1853/

Un saludo a todos
Mi inglés es bastante malo, pero se diria que esto ya esta practicamente listo.
NANOspeedYAMAHA está baneado por "Utilizar clon para saltarse baneo temporal"
y daleeeeee...

que siiiiiii cansinoooooooooo que siiiiiiiiii...
que yo se tambien como funciona un coche pero no se hacerlo...
que le echas gasolina y va por un tubito hasta el injector que crea una camara de compresion y tal,.... pero que no se crear un coche
NANOspeedYAMAHA escribió:y daleeeeee...

que siiiiiii cansinoooooooooo que siiiiiiiiii...
que yo se tambien como funciona un coche pero no se hacerlo...
que le echas gasolina y va por un tubito hasta el injector que crea una camara de compresion y tal,.... pero que no se crear un coche

Tu no podrás hacerlo, pero si el metodo es cierto, y lo aplica un scener/team, ellos si sabrán. [bye]
¿Por qué este hilo, aunque escriba alguien, está tan abajo en el índice del foro de "Scene"?

Vale, que lo han cambiado a "Modchips y Softmods"... jajaja sorry!!!
solera48 escribió:
NANOspeedYAMAHA escribió:y daleeeeee...

que siiiiiii cansinoooooooooo que siiiiiiiiii...
que yo se tambien como funciona un coche pero no se hacerlo...
que le echas gasolina y va por un tubito hasta el injector que crea una camara de compresion y tal,.... pero que no se crear un coche

Tu no podrás hacerlo, pero si el metodo es cierto, y lo aplica un scener/team, ellos si sabrán. [bye]

a mi,si me lo traduces y me dices como hacerlo, lo hago, es lo ke mejor se hacer.... xDD

edito:D segun esto-So let's say we have the keys and the game in question doesn't use any of the firmware 4.0 functions - we process our 4.0 game with some tools and we get decrypted (from 4.0) + changed + encrypted/signed (for 3.55) all the eboot.bin/self/sprx fiels. Profit. Game works on 3.55..

ai ke desenpaketar un ofw4.0, desenkriptar y volver a encriptar con las claves d 3.55 los archivos ke dice n?
solera48 escribió:
NANOspeedYAMAHA escribió:y daleeeeee...

que siiiiiii cansinoooooooooo que siiiiiiiiii...
que yo se tambien como funciona un coche pero no se hacerlo...
que le echas gasolina y va por un tubito hasta el injector que crea una camara de compresion y tal,.... pero que no se crear un coche

Tu no podrás hacerlo, pero si el metodo es cierto, y lo aplica un scener/team, ellos si sabrán. [bye]


Al parecer, entiendes que es un coche, como funciona, que necesita, etc...
Pero no fabricarlo.

Pero, si los que si fabrican coches, sacan un modelo nuevo y muy chulo.

Lo unico que realmente necesitas, es el permiso de conducir y un minimo de conocimientos.
Esta lucecita es que esta en reserva, esta es de la temperatura y luego, esto es para los limpias, esto para las largas, etc...

Supongo que tendras la PS3 con algun Manager, Homebrew y algun Backup.

¿Todo eso lo fabricastes tu?

¿Me preparas uno y paso el Lunes por el?

al-elnavajas escribió: ai ke desenpaketar un ofw4.0, desenkriptar y volver a encriptar con las claves d 3.55 los archivos ke dice n?

Segun he entendido si. Cojes el juego desempaquetas, desencriptas los ficheros y firmas con las claves del 3.55 y a tirar millas... si el juego usa alguna funcion que tenga el 4.xx y no el 3.55 la cosa se pondria un poco mas fea... pero solo un poco
burnit0 escribió:
al-elnavajas escribió: ai ke desenpaketar un ofw4.0, desenkriptar y volver a encriptar con las claves d 3.55 los archivos ke dice n?

Segun he entendido si. Cojes el juego desempaquetas, desencriptas los ficheros y firmas con las claves del 3.55 y a tirar millas... si el juego usa alguna funcion que tenga el 4.xx y no el 3.55 la cosa se pondria un poco mas fea... pero solo un poco

yo no entiendo y no hablo mucho pero lo que opino que sony no seran tan to.n..tos..,al tener las keys de 3.55,pero no la 3.56+,aunque descoptes los pub o como sean dichon juegos te pediran tener dicha version superior 3.55,y aunque firmes con las keys 3.55 no deberan funcionar,si fuera tan facil ya se habria echo para muchos juegos,no es lo mismo que un fix.
vamos a mi entender que tampoco tengo ni idea :) .
pero espero que todos podamos disfrtutar de la ps3 en todo su potencial de scene y homebrew que ya va siendo hora no :)
tenebras_lucem2 está baneado por "Utilizar clon para saltarse baneo temporal"
Y yo ke aun estoy pasandome los juegos de 3.55 jaja que me kedan unos cuantos, para los juegos nuevos ya tengo el rgh en xbox, xk los exclusivos solo me intereso hasta ahora el uncharted 3 y ya lo pase en 3.55, se puede decir que estoy muy satisfecho con lo que tengo.

Eso si si sale un cfw nuevo ke permita jugar... Consigo todos los juegos nuevos ke haya x muy mierdacas ke sean muajajajajajajajajaja

Saludos :)
De pwned NADA, como dije en otra web, hace mas de una semana que lo han dicho y no ha salido absolutamente nada, que no era tan fácil como cambiar unos archivos? si, que fácil era jajaja, en fin LO DE SIEMPRE... [buaaj]
(mensaje borrado)
+1 a Noriko,pero todavia tengo esperanza,al fin y al cabo,es lo ultimo que se pierde
hOOk3r escribió:+1 a Noriko,pero todavia tengo esperanza,al fin y al cabo,es lo ultimo que se pierde

Como bien dices es lo ultimo que se pierde, pero eso hace no ver la realidad
Yo estoy pensando en si comprarme o no el TB, porque ya llevamos muchos meses que no ha salido nada nuevo... pero ahora con esta noticia no se que hacer. Pero 50€.... son 50€.... que duelen xD
Os lo digo enserio puestos a gastarse 50 euros por 150 euros tienes la 560 gtx ti para pc, y di adios a la consola hola al mundo que conozco pruebo juego que es bueno lo compro ;) tengo la ps3 tambien con 3.55
Acarmar escribió:Yo estoy pensando en si comprarme o no el TB, porque ya llevamos muchos meses que no ha salido nada nuevo... pero ahora con esta noticia no se que hacer. Pero 50€.... son 50€.... que duelen xD

Lo que duele no son los 50€, es pagar 50€ por una cosa cuyo coste de producción por unidad dudo mucho sea superior a 1€.
Otro dia mas y otro dia sin noticias relevantes.

Algun dia nos levantaremos y tendremos la sorpresa que todos esperamos? ya sean las keys, CFW, xploit final de karakoto, etc .... ????? :-?
drake19 está baneado por "clon de usuario baneado"
SECHI escribió:Otro dia mas y otro dia sin noticias relevantes.

Algun dia nos levantaremos y tendremos la sorpresa que todos esperamos? ya sean las keys, CFW, xploit final de karakoto, etc .... ????? :-?

algun dia llegara algo...... de momento a esperar
drake19 escribió:
SECHI escribió:Otro dia mas y otro dia sin noticias relevantes.

Algun dia nos levantaremos y tendremos la sorpresa que todos esperamos? ya sean las keys, CFW, xploit final de karakoto, etc .... ????? :-?

algun dia llegara algo...... de momento a esperar

A este paso... T_T'
Raines escribió:
drake19 escribió:
SECHI escribió:Otro dia mas y otro dia sin noticias relevantes.

Algun dia nos levantaremos y tendremos la sorpresa que todos esperamos? ya sean las keys, CFW, xploit final de karakoto, etc .... ????? :-?

algun dia llegara algo...... de momento a esperar

A este paso... T_T'

A este paso... la Play 4 [sonrisa]
Aunque parece que Sony tiene aprendida la leccion para proteger su producto...
adrilopez escribió:
A este paso... la Play 4 [sonrisa]
Aunque parece que Sony tiene aprendida la leccion para proteger su producto...

Para actualizar ahora la PS4 tendrás que poner tu huella dactilar y un scaner de retinas, y si es un CFW la PS4 estallará o se convertirá en un tostador (a gusto de consumidor...) XD XD XD
No existe ningún sistema seguro 100%

El único sistema verdaderamente seguro es aquél que está apagado, encerrado en un bloque de hormigón, y sellado en una habitación con guardias armados. E incluso así, tengo mis dudas.

~ Gene Spafford
Acermax escribió:No existe ningún sistema seguro 100%

Efectivamente, por eso he gastado la broma en el anterior comment, no se puede crear una máquina perfecta, precisamente por que está creada por humanos, y todos tenemos fallitos, ya sea una vulnerabilidad u otra, al final todas caen...
la ps3 salío en 2006, ¿cuando fué hackeada?

olvidaros de ps4 jajajajaja es muy pronto para hablar de scene y más aun en ps4 jajajaja madre mia...
yo_mich escribió:la ps3 salío en 2006, ¿cuando fué hackeada?

olvidaros de ps4 jajajajaja es muy pronto para hablar de scene y más aun en ps4 jajajaja madre mia...

Jaja, si es q como no hay novedades importantes que escudriñar con algo hay q enredar!
yo_mich escribió:la ps3 salío en 2006, ¿cuando fué hackeada?

olvidaros de ps4 jajajajaja es muy pronto para hablar de scene y más aun en ps4 jajajaja madre mia...

porque hay que olvidarse de ps4?? te crees que la ps4 va a ser imposible de hackear? se tardará, pero se hará igual que se ha hecho con esta [666]
primero pensar en la 3 y dejar la 4 pa cuando salga ajajaj
babu_season escribió:primero pensar en la 3 y dejar la 4 pa cuando salga ajajaj

Yo iría cerrando este hilo, por que el team Ac1d ha vendido mucho mucho humito... en fin, ójala me tenga que tragar este comentario y el team Ac1d saque algo, pero visto lo visto...
Bueno, el team Acid pondra a nuestra disposicion todas las herramientas (con las cuales a descubierto el funcionamiento del TB y la carga de juegos 3.60+ etc...) esta semana:
OK some nice news related to my works but not the PSP for now.
Another experiment ->
We can launch the game 3.60+ on 3.55 but the method it's a little bit annoying
Forget about dongle Cobra/TB2
We can play PSP/PS1/PS2 games, etc..
and have many possibilities
I will explain all that and how to do that but i need to focus to put that on a stable way ! and also annoying when you need somebody and it's not here lol...
I was battle with the PS3 system and actually every firmware can support all that... that's why i also make something i can't tell now on the PSP but it would be free and have a software way possibility, don't worry.
I still need to check something but yeah we are soon gonna be free on the PS3 (just small problem i was talking with some friends and cfwprophet about the next update of the PS3 this year that Sony prepar to reduce the kernel, not anymore xmb,
etc... that it's annoying because the PS3 will completely different all the stuff)
And please !!!!!!!!!!!!!! everybody need to boycott the next SSX and Kingdom of Amalur from EA that kill completely the video game !!!! please don't accept this.

I will reveal all my works this week and i will leave the PS3 scene, i lost too much time and PS3 on that, i try to fix some stuff
and i will reveal all, the method, etc...
You can say thanks to a certain team, a certain guy from Cobra, etc... that they don't have any respect for other and want to be so famous and think with di... than mind, also don't trust anybody that sell the dongle like Cobra/TB2 (please)
make business with free work, free stuff.
I was talking about something last weeks, they completely follow what i said and i receive some free insult from them and others
About the PSP, it was a test to help anyone that have a PS3 up than 3.60+ and want to install a debug firmware (for the people who have a PS3 that come with a firmware up 3.60) and a possibility of free downgrade
for the people that have a PS3 come down 3.60+ and want do downgrade
They don't want to reveal anything because that will kill the business they made
Not CFW 4.0 it's a lie
Not possibility to launch PS3 3.60+ it's a lie
Not possibility to have cobra functionnality it's a lie
All is a lie from this dev that don't want to help you, that want to keep stuff for them, they use Sony SDK to make stuff, they use the SDK to boot and check everythings they want.
they scared because actually if you put your PS3 into a debug, you would have a strong access to the system that allow you to launch everythings you want
Cobra/TB2 use a syscall/payload that allow to execute self into kernel mode and with special attribute debugging
the self you saw on the PS3 -> PSP/PS1/PS2 can be executed under debug, you can even make a pkg debug app of that...
You want to extract elf from a self, simple you take elf_builder and you make your own self with your own signature... don't need npdrm that can be boot under debugger mode
you want to launch game up 3.60+ -> debugger mode that allow everythings to be executed if you have a simple self (you don't need multiman, just a file manager)
You want to disassemble a self -> use ppu-lv2-objdump
This is just the small part, everythings will be here this week.
After all that, i want to thanks everyone that supported me and my works, also thanks for your help guys to test and check everythings
I will reveal also what i did that the PS3 4.0 can detect the jig as a know device (it's simply, stupid and a fail of Sony)
Please don't trust some dev that lie to you... why some dev said that they leave the scene, stop that etc... it's just because they have enough stuff that they need it... they don't care to help
Like a certain team don't do anything for few month, like this guy that many people respect and he said so much BS about some secret they want to keep... that make me piss off
First they don't thanks anyone, i post a big info and how to make something, they release and thanks to GRAF finally, they need to wait until now to say some stuff like that
TB2 will die, cobra will die... forget about this dongle you waste your time because anyway they make this with stuff from other and it's the same people that is behind some cfw, some free stuff...
like to lie to you and laugh behind you, they are so dumb, they buy the stuff we sell that we make with free and crappy small code

Basicamente se dice que cuando lo suelten todo dejaran la scene y que no compreis ningun Dongle y tal...dicen muchas mas cosas, pero unas de las mas importantes son las ya mencionadas


No se si la fuente aqui va en contra de las normas o no, de ser asi que algun mod edite mi post o me informe para editarlo yo mismo.
Un Saludo!
P.D.:Aunque hay que recordar que el Team Acid fue uno de los pioneros en sacar un CFW en 3.40 (corregidme si me equivoco) no estoy confirmando nada, tan solo actuo como informador, no se si sacaran algo o no, dicho esto solo queda esperar y ver que pasa.

Lo que he puesto no tiene que ver con Team Acid es de Nabnab y como ha informado el user BassLover ya se esta comentando aqui:
drake19 está baneado por "clon de usuario baneado"
Xais escribió:Bueno, el team Acid pondra a nuestra disposicion todas las herramientas (con las cuales a descubierto el funcionamiento del TB y la carga de juegos 3.60+ etc...) esta semana:
OK some nice news related to my works but not the PSP for now.
Another experiment ->
We can launch the game 3.60+ on 3.55 but the method it's a little bit annoying
Forget about dongle Cobra/TB2
We can play PSP/PS1/PS2 games, etc..
and have many possibilities
I will explain all that and how to do that but i need to focus to put that on a stable way ! and also annoying when you need somebody and it's not here lol...
I was battle with the PS3 system and actually every firmware can support all that... that's why i also make something i can't tell now on the PSP but it would be free and have a software way possibility, don't worry.
I still need to check something but yeah we are soon gonna be free on the PS3 (just small problem i was talking with some friends and cfwprophet about the next update of the PS3 this year that Sony prepar to reduce the kernel, not anymore xmb,
etc... that it's annoying because the PS3 will completely different all the stuff)
And please !!!!!!!!!!!!!! everybody need to boycott the next SSX and Kingdom of Amalur from EA that kill completely the video game !!!! please don't accept this.

I will reveal all my works this week and i will leave the PS3 scene, i lost too much time and PS3 on that, i try to fix some stuff
and i will reveal all, the method, etc...
You can say thanks to a certain team, a certain guy from Cobra, etc... that they don't have any respect for other and want to be so famous and think with di... than mind, also don't trust anybody that sell the dongle like Cobra/TB2 (please)
make business with free work, free stuff.
I was talking about something last weeks, they completely follow what i said and i receive some free insult from them and others
About the PSP, it was a test to help anyone that have a PS3 up than 3.60+ and want to install a debug firmware (for the people who have a PS3 that come with a firmware up 3.60) and a possibility of free downgrade
for the people that have a PS3 come down 3.60+ and want do downgrade
They don't want to reveal anything because that will kill the business they made
Not CFW 4.0 it's a lie
Not possibility to launch PS3 3.60+ it's a lie
Not possibility to have cobra functionnality it's a lie
All is a lie from this dev that don't want to help you, that want to keep stuff for them, they use Sony SDK to make stuff, they use the SDK to boot and check everythings they want.
they scared because actually if you put your PS3 into a debug, you would have a strong access to the system that allow you to launch everythings you want
Cobra/TB2 use a syscall/payload that allow to execute self into kernel mode and with special attribute debugging
the self you saw on the PS3 -> PSP/PS1/PS2 can be executed under debug, you can even make a pkg debug app of that...
You want to extract elf from a self, simple you take elf_builder and you make your own self with your own signature... don't need npdrm that can be boot under debugger mode
you want to launch game up 3.60+ -> debugger mode that allow everythings to be executed if you have a simple self (you don't need multiman, just a file manager)
You want to disassemble a self -> use ppu-lv2-objdump
This is just the small part, everythings will be here this week.
After all that, i want to thanks everyone that supported me and my works, also thanks for your help guys to test and check everythings
I will reveal also what i did that the PS3 4.0 can detect the jig as a know device (it's simply, stupid and a fail of Sony)
Please don't trust some dev that lie to you... why some dev said that they leave the scene, stop that etc... it's just because they have enough stuff that they need it... they don't care to help
Like a certain team don't do anything for few month, like this guy that many people respect and he said so much BS about some secret they want to keep... that make me piss off
First they don't thanks anyone, i post a big info and how to make something, they release and thanks to GRAF finally, they need to wait until now to say some stuff like that
TB2 will die, cobra will die... forget about this dongle you waste your time because anyway they make this with stuff from other and it's the same people that is behind some cfw, some free stuff...
like to lie to you and laugh behind you, they are so dumb, they buy the stuff we sell that we make with free and crappy small code

Basicamente se dice que cuando lo suelten todo dejaran la scene y que no compreis ningun Dongle y tal...dicen muchas mas cosas, pero unas de las mas importantes son las ya mencionadas


No se si la fuente aqui va en contra de las normas o no, de ser asi que algun mod edite mi post o me informe para editarlo yo mismo.
Un Saludo!
P.D.: Yo no estoy confirmando nada, tan solo actuo como informador, no se si sacaran algo o no, dicho esto solo queda esperar y ver que pasa.

ya solo nos quedara mañana jueves y luego viernes.
En realidad este tipo de terminios a nosotros nos van de puta madre para descartar sceners de patanes.
drake19 escribió:
Xais escribió:Bueno, el team Acid pondra a nuestra disposicion todas las herramientas (con las cuales a descubierto el funcionamiento del TB y la carga de juegos 3.60+ etc...) esta semana:
OK some nice news related to my works but not the PSP for now.
Another experiment ->
We can launch the game 3.60+ on 3.55 but the method it's a little bit annoying
Forget about dongle Cobra/TB2
We can play PSP/PS1/PS2 games, etc..
and have many possibilities
I will explain all that and how to do that but i need to focus to put that on a stable way ! and also annoying when you need somebody and it's not here lol...
I was battle with the PS3 system and actually every firmware can support all that... that's why i also make something i can't tell now on the PSP but it would be free and have a software way possibility, don't worry.
I still need to check something but yeah we are soon gonna be free on the PS3 (just small problem i was talking with some friends and cfwprophet about the next update of the PS3 this year that Sony prepar to reduce the kernel, not anymore xmb,
etc... that it's annoying because the PS3 will completely different all the stuff)
And please !!!!!!!!!!!!!! everybody need to boycott the next SSX and Kingdom of Amalur from EA that kill completely the video game !!!! please don't accept this.

I will reveal all my works this week and i will leave the PS3 scene, i lost too much time and PS3 on that, i try to fix some stuff
and i will reveal all, the method, etc...
You can say thanks to a certain team, a certain guy from Cobra, etc... that they don't have any respect for other and want to be so famous and think with di... than mind, also don't trust anybody that sell the dongle like Cobra/TB2 (please)
make business with free work, free stuff.
I was talking about something last weeks, they completely follow what i said and i receive some free insult from them and others
About the PSP, it was a test to help anyone that have a PS3 up than 3.60+ and want to install a debug firmware (for the people who have a PS3 that come with a firmware up 3.60) and a possibility of free downgrade
for the people that have a PS3 come down 3.60+ and want do downgrade
They don't want to reveal anything because that will kill the business they made
Not CFW 4.0 it's a lie
Not possibility to launch PS3 3.60+ it's a lie
Not possibility to have cobra functionnality it's a lie
All is a lie from this dev that don't want to help you, that want to keep stuff for them, they use Sony SDK to make stuff, they use the SDK to boot and check everythings they want.
they scared because actually if you put your PS3 into a debug, you would have a strong access to the system that allow you to launch everythings you want
Cobra/TB2 use a syscall/payload that allow to execute self into kernel mode and with special attribute debugging
the self you saw on the PS3 -> PSP/PS1/PS2 can be executed under debug, you can even make a pkg debug app of that...
You want to extract elf from a self, simple you take elf_builder and you make your own self with your own signature... don't need npdrm that can be boot under debugger mode
you want to launch game up 3.60+ -> debugger mode that allow everythings to be executed if you have a simple self (you don't need multiman, just a file manager)
You want to disassemble a self -> use ppu-lv2-objdump
This is just the small part, everythings will be here this week.
After all that, i want to thanks everyone that supported me and my works, also thanks for your help guys to test and check everythings
I will reveal also what i did that the PS3 4.0 can detect the jig as a know device (it's simply, stupid and a fail of Sony)
Please don't trust some dev that lie to you... why some dev said that they leave the scene, stop that etc... it's just because they have enough stuff that they need it... they don't care to help
Like a certain team don't do anything for few month, like this guy that many people respect and he said so much BS about some secret they want to keep... that make me piss off
First they don't thanks anyone, i post a big info and how to make something, they release and thanks to GRAF finally, they need to wait until now to say some stuff like that
TB2 will die, cobra will die... forget about this dongle you waste your time because anyway they make this with stuff from other and it's the same people that is behind some cfw, some free stuff...
like to lie to you and laugh behind you, they are so dumb, they buy the stuff we sell that we make with free and crappy small code

Basicamente se dice que cuando lo suelten todo dejaran la scene y que no compreis ningun Dongle y tal...dicen muchas mas cosas, pero unas de las mas importantes son las ya mencionadas


No se si la fuente aqui va en contra de las normas o no, de ser asi que algun mod edite mi post o me informe para editarlo yo mismo.
Un Saludo!
P.D.: Yo no estoy confirmando nada, tan solo actuo como informador, no se si sacaran algo o no, dicho esto solo queda esperar y ver que pasa.

ya solo nos quedara mañana jueves y luego viernes.

Y el fin de semana, tambien cuenta xD, esto se anuncio el dia 6 (lunes) pero me he dado cuenta hoy xD
drake19 está baneado por "clon de usuario baneado"
Xais escribió:
drake19 escribió:
Xais escribió:Bueno, el team Acid pondra a nuestra disposicion todas las herramientas (con las cuales a descubierto el funcionamiento del TB y la carga de juegos 3.60+ etc...) esta semana:
OK some nice news related to my works but not the PSP for now.
Another experiment ->
We can launch the game 3.60+ on 3.55 but the method it's a little bit annoying
Forget about dongle Cobra/TB2
We can play PSP/PS1/PS2 games, etc..
and have many possibilities
I will explain all that and how to do that but i need to focus to put that on a stable way ! and also annoying when you need somebody and it's not here lol...
I was battle with the PS3 system and actually every firmware can support all that... that's why i also make something i can't tell now on the PSP but it would be free and have a software way possibility, don't worry.
I still need to check something but yeah we are soon gonna be free on the PS3 (just small problem i was talking with some friends and cfwprophet about the next update of the PS3 this year that Sony prepar to reduce the kernel, not anymore xmb,
etc... that it's annoying because the PS3 will completely different all the stuff)
And please !!!!!!!!!!!!!! everybody need to boycott the next SSX and Kingdom of Amalur from EA that kill completely the video game !!!! please don't accept this.

I will reveal all my works this week and i will leave the PS3 scene, i lost too much time and PS3 on that, i try to fix some stuff
and i will reveal all, the method, etc...
You can say thanks to a certain team, a certain guy from Cobra, etc... that they don't have any respect for other and want to be so famous and think with di... than mind, also don't trust anybody that sell the dongle like Cobra/TB2 (please)
make business with free work, free stuff.
I was talking about something last weeks, they completely follow what i said and i receive some free insult from them and others
About the PSP, it was a test to help anyone that have a PS3 up than 3.60+ and want to install a debug firmware (for the people who have a PS3 that come with a firmware up 3.60) and a possibility of free downgrade
for the people that have a PS3 come down 3.60+ and want do downgrade
They don't want to reveal anything because that will kill the business they made
Not CFW 4.0 it's a lie
Not possibility to launch PS3 3.60+ it's a lie
Not possibility to have cobra functionnality it's a lie
All is a lie from this dev that don't want to help you, that want to keep stuff for them, they use Sony SDK to make stuff, they use the SDK to boot and check everythings they want.
they scared because actually if you put your PS3 into a debug, you would have a strong access to the system that allow you to launch everythings you want
Cobra/TB2 use a syscall/payload that allow to execute self into kernel mode and with special attribute debugging
the self you saw on the PS3 -> PSP/PS1/PS2 can be executed under debug, you can even make a pkg debug app of that...
You want to extract elf from a self, simple you take elf_builder and you make your own self with your own signature... don't need npdrm that can be boot under debugger mode
you want to launch game up 3.60+ -> debugger mode that allow everythings to be executed if you have a simple self (you don't need multiman, just a file manager)
You want to disassemble a self -> use ppu-lv2-objdump
This is just the small part, everythings will be here this week.
After all that, i want to thanks everyone that supported me and my works, also thanks for your help guys to test and check everythings
I will reveal also what i did that the PS3 4.0 can detect the jig as a know device (it's simply, stupid and a fail of Sony)
Please don't trust some dev that lie to you... why some dev said that they leave the scene, stop that etc... it's just because they have enough stuff that they need it... they don't care to help
Like a certain team don't do anything for few month, like this guy that many people respect and he said so much BS about some secret they want to keep... that make me piss off
First they don't thanks anyone, i post a big info and how to make something, they release and thanks to GRAF finally, they need to wait until now to say some stuff like that
TB2 will die, cobra will die... forget about this dongle you waste your time because anyway they make this with stuff from other and it's the same people that is behind some cfw, some free stuff...
like to lie to you and laugh behind you, they are so dumb, they buy the stuff we sell that we make with free and crappy small code

Basicamente se dice que cuando lo suelten todo dejaran la scene y que no compreis ningun Dongle y tal...dicen muchas mas cosas, pero unas de las mas importantes son las ya mencionadas


No se si la fuente aqui va en contra de las normas o no, de ser asi que algun mod edite mi post o me informe para editarlo yo mismo.
Un Saludo!
P.D.: Yo no estoy confirmando nada, tan solo actuo como informador, no se si sacaran algo o no, dicho esto solo queda esperar y ver que pasa.

ya solo nos quedara mañana jueves y luego viernes.

Y el fin de semana, tambien cuenta xD, esto se anuncio el dia 6 (lunes) pero me he dado cuenta hoy xD

vale tambien cuenta el finde tienes razon xD.
Estais equivocados, eso que comentais no es del Team AC1D es de Nabnab y ya se comentó en su dia aqui:
basslover escribió:Estais equivocados, eso que comentais no es del Team AC1D es de Nabnab y ya se comentó en su dia aqui:

Perdon! Tienes toda la razon, gran fallo mio! ahora edito

Cierro el hilo (por lo menos temporalmente).

Las razones son:

- Desde mediados de enero no ha aparecido nada real (y es casi un mes)

- Hay un grupo que dice que este fin de semana sacará lo que tiene. En ese caso, reabriremos el hilo cuando publiquen la información (ellos u otro grupo).

No tiene sentido reflotar/mantener vivo un hilo en el que a día de hoy no hay contenido para que esté abierto tras el tiempo que ha pasado.

Un saludo.
188 respuestas
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