Al principio tenia dudas peor lo he probado y funciona, la info original esta en logic-sunrise las instrucciones del readme y coloca cada carpeta y archivo en las locaciones predeterminadas para poder conectarte a xbox live con tu consola rgh
*Tu consola debe tener el ultimo dashboard+fsd+ plugins actualizados (o solo pega el .ini incuido en la descarga)
*No uses tu perfil principal para hacer log in
*No ejecutes ningun homebrew mientras estas en live
*Obvio no usar tu cuenta legítima con gold pagado para hacer log-in
Diviertete haciendo algunos lobbyes(jejejejejej), yo estoy haciendo algunos divertidos de mw3
Aqui más info:
1. Place the folder at the root of your hard drive.
2. Use my launch.ini and xbdm.xex and put on root of hard drive, not in the XeLive folder.
The launch.ini has all features that need to be enabled/disabled as well as all plugins, and an xbdm.xex that allows memory edit, connected to xbox neighborhood, and will also help with connection.
This will allow connection to live, thus removing DNS errors.
Common Questions
1) Can't connect, DNS errors?
Use the files I have provided, it will remove liveblock, and has all plugins needed to run the files.
2) Asking to update?
You may be on 15574, but you may not have the recent updates. If that is the case, you are good to update your console. If you do not have 15574, use Swizzy's Tool to apply dashlaunch, and update to 15574. This is the safe way of doing it. This should fix that error.
WARNING: Unplug your external hard drive or usb when you update dash. When you update your dash it unformats your enternal HDD. If you do not, you will lose all files on it!!
Swizzy's Tool Download: