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This tool will allow you to use HDD's that are not 'certified' by Microsoft.
This specific tool is written for use with some Western Digital HDDs series only !
Version History
* Added support for the Western Digital Scorpio Series manufactured 2009
* Fixed issue with Intel ICH9, ICH10 and VIA chipsets
* Implemented progress bar
* Added support for 80GB and 250GB HDDs (HDDSS.BIN required)
* Fixed issue, that sometimes caused flashing of Model Name to incorrect offset.
* Added option to create Partitions 0/2/3 (no more manual hex editing)
* Bug fixed, that caused errors like "LBA size does not match"
* Improved compatibility
* Minor changes
* Completely new version core
* Two flashing modes, Auto and Manual
* Western Digital Vendor Intro Power Brute for misflashed drives
* Minimized incompatibility problems
* Improved exception handling
* Confirmed HddHacker supports
- WD Scorpio Series BEVS/BEAS
- WD Scorpio Blue Series BEVS/BEVT
- WD Scorpio Black Series BEKT/BJKT
- WD VelociRaptor Series
* Changed restore command to -r "HddHacker -r"
* Changed appearance for more read comfort.
* Changed from .COM to .EXE
* Added support for the WD BEVS "RST" HDD series and maybe some others.
* Support for WD 120GB Hard Drives
* Supports ONLY the WD BEVS 'LAT' version!
* Added option to flash the Western Digital back to its original state
* Improved no more manual copying of sectors
* Improved compatibility, should now really work with all BEVS models
* Bug fixed, that caused flashing of incorrect serial number in some rare cases.
* Initial Version
How to use
HddHacker supports two flashing modes, Auto and Manual. Typing HddHackr at a DOS prompt
will start auto mode. In auto mode all hard drives will be detected automatically.
In manual mode you can enter all the parameters used for flashing by hand.
The following help screen is displayed if you start HddHacker with a wrong number of
C: Create Partitions 0/2/3
D: Dump sector 16-22 from XBOX360 HDD to file
F: Flash Western Digital firmware
R: Restore Western Digital firmware
PORT: Port to send command to e.g. 09F0
DRIVE POS: A0 for Master, B0 for Slave
SECTOR FILE: Sector dump file e.g. HDDSS.BIN
RESTORE FILE: Firmware restore file e.g. UNDO.BIN
Example for create, dump, flash and restore:
Explanation of the Parameters
- this will set the mode of operation, it is recommended to first try to dump the XBOX360
hard drive data, if the dump will fail, it is highly unlikely that a flash or restore
will succeed on the Western Digital drive
- the port to which the Hard Drive is connected, a port number should always be entered
in hexadecimal and have 4 hex digits, valid ports are: 01F0, 09F0, .....
- this option can be used if your PCI adapter card or on board SATA ports are
not identified by the auto mode
- on SATA ports this value is always A0, cause you can only connect a master drive to
a SATA port, so for SATA you will always type A0 here
- name of the sector 16-22 dump file better known as HDDSS.BIN
- name of the firmware restore file e.g. UNDO.BIN
Using HddHacker in manual mode
* Dumping the HDDSS.BIN file *
Boot to MS-DOS from a writeable medium (like a floppy or UBS Stick).
Connect an *original* Xbox360 HDD to your SATA controller. Make sure it is the only
SATA device that is connected. Now run 'HDDHACKR D [PORT] A0 HDDSS.BIN' and it will create
the file 'HDDSS.BIN' and save it to the path you've started HddHacker from.
* Creating Partitions 0/2/3 *
In auto-mode the Partition 0/2/3 will be created automaticly to make the drive compatible
with "Xplorer360" and XBOX360 Console. In manual-mode you have to type 'HDDHACKR C [PORT] A0'.
* Flashing your Western Digital *
Turn off your PC and connect the Western Digital hard drive. Boot to MS-DOS again.
Type 'HDDHACKR F [PORT] A0 HDDSS.BIN UNDO.BIN' from the same path you have saved the HDDSS.BIN
file to. This will create an 'UNDO.BIN' file that you need if you want to undo the hack
and flash your firmware back to the original state.
* Restoring your WD to original state *
If you don't want to use your modded WD HDD in your XBOX360 anymore and you want to
flash it back to its original size/state, then you can now do so. Boot to MS-DOS and
run 'HDDHACKR R [PORT] A0 UNDO.BIN'. This will use the UNDO.BIN file you created before to
restore the drive to its original state.
* Vendor Intro Power Brute for misflashed drives *
To enter the recovery mode you should boot to MS-DOS, connect your hard drive to PC and type
'HDDHACKR R [PORT] A0 UNDO.BIN'. If the hard drive is misflashed you will be prompted with:
"Western Digital Vendor Intro failed on port [PORT]"
"Do you want to resend the command until the drive responds (Y/N)?"
Press YES, disconnect the hard drive from power and connect it again.
You should get Status 0x50 and the drive will be reflashed.
Q. Will this tool allow me to connect a 500GB drive to my x360 ?
A. No. The information on sector 16 is signed and can't be changed. You can
only use the size where you have a valid signature for. In otherwords, if a
bigger HDD comes out, then you can use that signature.
Q. With which HDD's does this work ?
A. As of version 1.22, it now works with all sizes and versions of the
WesternDigital Scorpio Series.
Q. Do I need the same size WD HDD as the size on sector 16 states ?
A. No. You can use bigger HDD's, but you can't use more than the size stated
in sector 16. You can NOT use smaller HDD's than the size on sector 16 states.
For example, you can use a 40GB HDD with a sector 16 from a 20GB HDD, but
not the other way around of course.
Q. Can I use the HDD in my PC again ?
A. Of course. The tool comes with an 'restore' option, that will restore the
original size. For example, you use a 40GB WD HDD, you used HDDSS.BIN from
a valid xbox360 20GB HDD, so the tool will transform your 40GB HDD into a 20GB HDD.
However, you can restore it to 40GB anytime you want with the restore option.
Q. I lost my UNDO.BIN file, can I use it from another drive ?
A. There's no guarantee this will work. It might kill your drive.
Using a UNDO.BIN from a different model (e.g. LAT/RST) will kill your drive for sure.
Q. I have a XBOX360 Core/Arcade version and want to use this hack to buy a cheap HDD.
But how do i connect it ?
A. If you don't have a Premium/Elite, you can make the HDD internal. One great tutorial
that will show you how to do this: http://www.xboxhacker.net/index.php?topic=9542.0
Q. The tool doesn't detect my HDD !
A. First, make sure you are running it from real MS-DOS, not from a DOS box under windows.
If the HddHacker does not autodetect your SATA controller then let us know about it.
Q. The HddHacker says the UNDO.BIN file already exists.
A. If you previously made an UNDO.BIN file, then you should keep that one. There's no
need to create another one. Keep in mind that the UNDO.BIN represents the current state
of the drive.
Q. Could you do this for my Seagate, Maxtor, Samsung or whatever drive too ?
A. Yes, but I don't have plans to do so. It is a lot of work to convert this tool
for usage with other brands and don't think it is worth the trouble.
Q. Where can I donate ?
A. Nowhere. Just enjoy!
Thanks to: Team MODFREAKz for his initial logic board experiments, Loser for his
findings on the sector 16, Antman1 and Rutger1413 for supplying info about the
new 120 gb signature, thethinker_uk for supplying an RST drive, Homer2102 for
supplying a x360 with vulnerable kernel and everybody else at XS/XBH.
Special thanks to The Specialist for his excellent assembler app!
Modfreakz and Schtrom in October 2009
Mensaje por loganhetfield Hoy 14:12
Buenas, estoy jodidisimo porque me he comprado un disco duro de 2'5 samsung de 320gb ya que mi disco duro oficial era samsung 2'5 de 20 gb. he intentado usar el hxd y crear las particiones (siguiendo un tutorial) y me las reconoce el xplorer360, pero no la consola. Puede ser por que no tengo dashboard? que es eso del dashboard? lo puedo poner yo?. Otra cosa es que he guardado el archivo hddss.bin del disco duro oficial, pero a la hora de usar el hddhackr me dice que no hay nada basicamente. Alguien me puede ayudar??? no se ya donde mirar... y la informacion es muy dispersa....Gracias.
loganhetfield escribió:lo intentare, muchas gracias !!!!
Pues no ha funcionado me dice que no es un digital escorpio :S que puedo hacer? solo funcionan los digital escorpio si no tengo jasper o algo asi? (es lo que he leido por ahi)
This tool will allow you to use HDD's that are not 'certified' by Microsoft.
This specific tool is written for use with some Western Digital HDDs series only !
Elnef escribió:Bueno pues me he animado a hacerlo.
He pedido este disco duro de 320 GB en APP po 46,80 €:
http://www.appinformatica.com/portatil- ... 400rpm.php
No especifica que sea el WD3200BEVT pero viendo sus características y comparándolas con las de la web oficial de Western Digital, tiene que ser ese modelo por cojones. Y también he pillado la carcasa de Dealextreme. A ver si hay suerte y no me surge ninguna historia rara durante el proceso.
Noymn escribió:Hay algun tutorial para el tema del backup?
He conectado el de 20 GB con el Xplorer360 0.9 beta6 y he hecho un dump de todas las unidades a mi PC (lo que veía por el X360 ha sido copiado).
Ahora me toca flashear mi WD Scorpio Blue 320 GB a un HDD de 250GB. Luego que es lo que debo copiar? Únicamente el apartado Content? Algo más? Una copia completa de la Particion 3?
Noymn escribió:No consigo que el hddhackr me detecte la controladora. Sólo me sale el menú de ayuda sobre como debería ejecutar el comando (HDDHACKR -F Supongo que no es case sensitive).
Lo ejecuto sobre un usb bootable con MSDOS de Windows 98 y una placa base Asus P5KC (ICH9)
El WD es un Scorpio Blue WD3200BEVT :S
Edit: Ya lo he logrado. El problema estaba en usar el -F. Con el HDDHACKR directamente se ha lanzado el wizard.
El problema es que me ha dado error al intentar escribir el fichero UNDO.BIN y lo he perdido... alguien tiene un UNDO.BIN del WD3200BEVT? Privado por favor
Quagmirekoa escribió:Buenas tardes.
Estoy interesado en comprarme una 360 y como quería gastarme no demasiado dinero tenía pensado en comprarme una arcade y he visto este hilo para el disco duro. He estado leyendo algunas páginas pero no he encontrado respuesta a mi duda. Se trata de si meto un disco duro que no sea el oficial de la xbox360 me pueden banear jugando on-line o si solamente existe ese riesgo si la videoconsola está flasheada, cosa que no quiero hacer.
Gracias de antemano.
ZeuS_26 escribió:Hola a todos, alguien que haya actualizado al update 9011 "el del 6 de abril" oficial, le ha jodido el disco duro no oficial de 100gb o 250gb????
Gracias y un saludo
ZeuS_26 escribió:Yo lo hice asi, antes que nada nombraremos uno como original y otro como clonado, solo para la explicacion ok.
Haz un backup con el xport360 de disco original y lo guardas en el ordena, pero no borres nada de este disco.
Una vez echa la imagen del disco vete a la xbox y pon el disco duro original, compruebas que tengas tu perfil, tus partidas,etc...
Coloca el cable de transferencia en el usb posterior de la consola, mete el dvd de transfer kit, cuando te lo diga el dvd conecta el otro disco duro al cable de datos y te pasara todos los datos, el original te lo dejara vacio, y el que esta con el cable ya tendra todos los datos del otro.
Ahora el que tenias conectado al cable conectalo directamente a la consola.
Ahora vete al pc, abres el xport360, y restauras con la imagen que hemos realizado previamente el disco duro original.
Yo lo hice asi y ahora tengo mi original de 20gb con mi perfil y mis descargas y mi disco duro de 250gb con mi perfil y mis descargas.
Espero haberte ayudado....
imperioAkira escribió:Buenas, el tuto k teneis al principio del post vale tambien para Discos duros de 250 GB tambien?(salvando la version del programa...) ¿no hay un enlace con los Doscos duros compatibles? el caso esk tengo uno de Deal Extreme de los k petan al llegar a los 120 GB Ligre y queria probar haber si volviendolo a formato PC y luego otravez a 360 mediante el tuto lo arreglaba...
mariobena escribió:Buenas, me he fijado al principio del tutorial, que los HDD para hacer el hack, tiene que poner LAT en la etiqueta del HDD. Acabo de mirar HDD y he visto uno, el WD Scorpio Blue WD2500BEVT de 250 GB, e intentado mirar la pegatina del HDD no he podido encontrar eso de LAT, por lo que no se si ese HDD es compatible para el hack, aguien sabe si se puede utilizar ese dico duro?
Gracias de antemano!
haomaru escribió:Una pregunta que quizás esté respondida:
¿Puedo instalar juegos originales en mi consola arcade con disco de 250GB?
Sr_Hyde escribió:¿hay alguna lista de discos duros compatibles? porque yo tengo uno de 500gb y otro de 320gb que no uso... y me interesaría sacer el de 20gb.
http://digiex.net escribió:Hddhackr works with the following Western Digital Drives:
- WD Scorpio Series BEVS/BEAS
- WD Scorpio Blue Series BEVS/BEVT
- WD Scorpio Black Series BEKT/BJKT
- WD VelociRaptor Series
mik0 escribió:Sr_Hyde escribió:¿hay alguna lista de discos duros compatibles? porque yo tengo uno de 500gb y otro de 320gb que no uso... y me interesaría sacer el de 20gb.http://digiex.net escribió:Hddhackr works with the following Western Digital Drives:
- WD Scorpio Series BEVS/BEAS
- WD Scorpio Blue Series BEVS/BEVT
- WD Scorpio Black Series BEKT/BJKT
- WD VelociRaptor Series
Yo me pillare un WD Scorpio Black Series, por el tema de que por 5 leuros mas tengo un HD a 7200rpm