Aun no me he puesto la anterior, y.... Xbox Media Center 2004-09-03!!!
Estas son las novedades de este mes:
- 03-09-2004 fixed: SMB did not handle files with non ASCII names properly (got NT_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND)
- 03-09-2004 fixed: eliminate crash that occurs when loading wma files which have non ASCII characters in its tags
- 02-09-2004 fixed: eliminate crash that occurs when loading m3u which have weird characters
- 02-09-2004 added: grouping of controls
- 02-09-2004 added: virtual keyboard now supports data entry with the numbers just like a cell phone. Also pressing "back" is same as backspace.
- 02-09-2004 added: network settings in the GUI and remove them from XBoxMediaCenter.xml
A disfrutarla!!!