Xecuter3 a punto

Segun leemos en xbox-scene.com el esperado Xecuter3 está a punto de salir al mercado. Esperemos que sea tan bueno como esperamos.

Saludos [bye]

New Xecuter3 release info *updated*
>> From Team Xecuter (on forums):
* When will X3 be released?
Our original planned date was August 23rd however we came across a hardware bug when porting our cpld code to a more secure device.
Everything is now complete and finished. Production has started and we hope to have X3 on the shelves before the end of September.
We apologise for any delays but there is no point in releasing the mod half assed after all the effort / testing / development time that has been put into this.
Thank you for your patience.

* What is supplied with X3? (RRP price of around $59 USD)
- X3 Modchip
- External Switch (Facia Change Design)
- Solderless adapter for reset / eject and future IR addon
- New wires to pin header adapter (EVERYONE will now have a pin header even if they solder with wires) :-)
- Pin Header (With pin 4 and pin 16 removed - you must manually remove 5v (pin 6) if installing to a v1.6) - Now impossible to plug mod onto pin header the wrong way around due to the header Block on the X3 having one of the pins blocked)
- Sticky pad to fix to the side of the Xbox case if using wires to pin header adapter

* X3 Optional Extras?
- XLCD Screen (Solderless)
- X3 Switch Pro
- Switch Facias (Different colors / logos)
- X3 Xapter (Solderless Adapter for v1.0 - v1.5)
- Other projects not yet announced ;)
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