› Foros › PlayStation 4 › Juegos
chascoby escribió:Yo iba a esperar al parche 3 pero mis ganas han podido y ayer empece a saco. De momento qie decir, el juego es una maravilla, desde la primera vez que lo probé no he vuelto a tener popping excesivo ni cambio de vestimenta en los npcs.. ni una caida grave (salvo en la Saint chapelle) y solo un npc flotando..el juego a nivel gráfico es una maravilla, que podria haber dado mas, pues seguro, pero para ser el primer AC de esta gen me parece abrumador...nivel de detalle enfermizo, recreacion perfecta, movimientos renovados e impresionantes, iluminación sublime.. y el combate es una mejora importante..la historia de momento muy muy buena...me esta pareciendo junto al 2 y la hermandad el mejor assassins, a ver como termina...
Y veamos, fallos tiene, en mi caso particular no empañan para nada la experiencia, y se nota la falta fe tiempo que han tenido, porque mimo tiene el juego un rato..
Que quereis que os diga, no me gusta que salgan juegos con estos fallos y tal, pero espero que Unity venda muy muy bien...la saga por quemada que les parezca a muchos, tiene tramas y epocas para saciar, es históricamente inmejorable y lo único que debemos hacer es darles caña...las malas ventas del juego solo repercutiran en la saga y los curritos, los empresarios seguirán con su fortuna...
Para mi unity de momento bestial
hyperion81 escribió:Por lo que llevo jugado, hasta la secuencia 6 mas o menos la cosa no va del todo mal en cuanto bugs. Donde si he tenido algun fallo ha sido en el cooperativo ya que en una mision mi personaje decidio sacar la espada pero no poder atacar a nadie![]()
Y lanzo una pregunta para ver si alguien me puede ayudar, una vez que sincronizas un barrio o distrito: aparecen todas las misiones disponibles o algunas salen conforme vas progresando en el juego?
labor escribió:pùes yo si he vuelto a tener popping excesivo!! cuando instalaste el parche 2, empezaste la partida?? borraste la caché??
labor escribió:chascoby escribió:Yo iba a esperar al parche 3 pero mis ganas han podido y ayer empece a saco. De momento qie decir, el juego es una maravilla, desde la primera vez que lo probé no he vuelto a tener popping excesivo ni cambio de vestimenta en los npcs.. ni una caida grave (salvo en la Saint chapelle) y solo un npc flotando..el juego a nivel gráfico es una maravilla, que podria haber dado mas, pues seguro, pero para ser el primer AC de esta gen me parece abrumador...nivel de detalle enfermizo, recreacion perfecta, movimientos renovados e impresionantes, iluminación sublime.. y el combate es una mejora importante..la historia de momento muy muy buena...me esta pareciendo junto al 2 y la hermandad el mejor assassins, a ver como termina...
Y veamos, fallos tiene, en mi caso particular no empañan para nada la experiencia, y se nota la falta fe tiempo que han tenido, porque mimo tiene el juego un rato..
Que quereis que os diga, no me gusta que salgan juegos con estos fallos y tal, pero espero que Unity venda muy muy bien...la saga por quemada que les parezca a muchos, tiene tramas y epocas para saciar, es históricamente inmejorable y lo único que debemos hacer es darles caña...las malas ventas del juego solo repercutiran en la saga y los curritos, los empresarios seguirán con su fortuna...
Para mi unity de momento bestial
pùes yo si he vuelto a tener popping excesivo!! cuando instalaste el parche 2, empezaste la partida?? borraste la caché??
cercata escribió:labor escribió:pùes yo si he vuelto a tener popping excesivo!! cuando instalaste el parche 2, empezaste la partida?? borraste la caché??
Has instalado DLCs ?
chascoby escribió:Ubi acaba de publicar en twitter que a partir de mañana saldra el tercer parche!no puedo poner el link que es un lio desde el movil pero acaba de publicarlo
el_rizos escribió:Podemos saber qué arreglará????
Sartor escribió:el_rizos escribió:Podemos saber qué arreglará????
Stability and Performance
Fixed numerous random crashes in Campaign and Co-op modes
Fixed specific framerate drops
Improved task scheduling
Tweaked performance for Reach High Points (Synchronization)
Gameplay (Navigation, Fight and Stealth)
Fixed various navigation issues where players could get stuck
Fixed various haystack issues
Fixed various cover issues
Fixed various camera issues
Fixed various animation issues
Fixed various Booster issues
AI & Crowd
Fixed various animation issues
Fixed various detection issues
Fixed various crowd station issues (bonfires)
Matchmaking, Connectivity and Replication
Fixed various matchmaking issues
Fixed various host migration issues (hand-off occurs more smoothly)
Fixed join-in-progress issues
Fixed various replication issues between host and clients
Fixed various issues in the My Club menu
Menus and HUD
Fixed various menu issues and pop-up overlap issues
Fixed Mission objective & updating issues
Fixed issues in customization menu
Fixed some localization inconsistencies in menus
Fixed some issues in the credits
Mission Tweaks (Campaign, Co-op and Side Content)
Fixed various low-repro walkthrough breaks
Fixed various NPC navigation issues
Fixed inconsistencies in some missions
World and 3D
Adjusted various collisions and navigation mesh issues
Progression and Difficulty
Adjusted various Community Event rewards
Fixed save game corruption in some cases
Fixed temporal blur from SLI
Fixed graphical corruptions in Character Customization menu
Fixed crash in Character Customization menu on controller auto-switch
Alt+Enter switches windows correctly
NPC on side monitors show correctly
Minor UI improvements
el_rizos escribió:Alguie que doble al castellano al menos lo mas importante,????
Arreglan el framerate?? Popping??
Sulei escribió:Bueno, entonces se espera para mañana el parche o es una suposición?
The rollout itself will begin tomorrow (Wednesday November 26) on PS4 and Xbox One and later this week on PC.
xufeitor escribió:Sobre el framerate solo dicen esto "Fixed specific framerate drops"
Arreglan caidas de framerate concretas, supongo que como lo de la capilla y algunas otras zonas donde el framerate cae descaradamente, pero yo no esperaría que mejoren el framerate general del juego.
Stability & Performance
Fixed numerous random crashes for both on Campaign and Co-op
(90+ various low reproduced crashes)
Fixed specific framerate drops
Improved general Framerate on PS4 by lowering the priority of the online services thread
Fixed FPS drops while Arno climbs on the RHP building of Palais de Justice
Fixed FPS drops when in climbing and pressing the Left Stick towards somewhere that is not climbable in certain areas
Fixed FPS drops in Sainte Chapelle
Gameplay (navigation, fight, stealth)
Fixed navigation issues where the player gets stuck. Specific fixed instances of this are listed below:
[Invalides] Arno will get stuck and fall under the map when he uses free run down button on the stone handrail type
[Mission: Occupied Paris] Arno can fall through a certain zeppelin and remain stuck after performing a jumping action from the top of the zeppelin.
[Palais De Justice] Arno can remain stuck when climbing part of the roof on Palais De Justice during free roam
[Saint-Louis] Arno remains stuck while trying to pass over a table
[Cité]Arno can remain stuck while trying to collect nomad point from Notre-Dame
[Porte-Saint-Denis]Arno remains stuck after falling between 2 props
[Temple] Arno can remain stuck inside a building corner at the Temple by using controlled descent
[Mission: POLITICAL PERSECUTION] Arno remains stuck near a wall located on the rooftop
[Mission: OCCUPIED PARIS] Arno remains stuck in a certain pile of wooden crates after performing a climbing action
[Cité] Arno can remain stuck after performing a slide on a building near Notre Dame
[Cité]Arno gets stuck on the chair while trying to climb the building
[Les Invalides] Arno remains stuck in the wall while using controlled descend after performing the Invalides RHP
Fixed haystack issues where the player can stay stuck in it. Specific fixed instances of this are listed below:
[Saint-Louis] Arno is stuck in the haystack near the bridge near the Assassin HQ.
[Mission: HEADS WILL ROLL] Arno remains stuck if they hide in the haystack that is located in the area with "Kill the Templars 0/3" objective.
[Les Invalides] Arno gets stuck and is unable to exit the indicated haystack cart
[Cité] Arno remains stuck in a haystack near the Notre Dame
Fixed Cover issues
Fixed an issue where Arno could not peek while in cover and standing.
Fixed an issue where the incorrect Cover Assassination animation is played when pressing RT+X (Or Square) when an NPC is close enough to perform a Low Profile Assassination.
Fixed an issue with right facing cover quick drop animation.
Fixed various camera issues
Camera will occasionally focus on nothing when performing a High Profile Cover Assassination.
Fixed animation issues
High Profile stop animation plays when walking then stopping in an indoor area.
High Profile start animation repeats when starting to move while in Stealth Navigation in a specific type of building.
Arno will not enter incapacitated stance if dying while in customization menu
Arno performs a Wall Eject in the wrong direction at the bottom of ladders.
Arno doesn't enter V-Shape properly from Defenestrate onto the V-Shape's side.
Arno will remain in a running animation for several second after jumping from a collision to another
Climbing up angled edges is very slow.
Arno performs CornerTurns instead of climbing regularly when going to the left on rounded structures.
Beam Low Profile Step is too fast over greater distances in between beams.
Arno goes past the edge of cover when Peeking up then moving backwards at a certain distance away from the edge of the cover.
Arno can play the upper body animation of not having any grenades while climbing up
Fixed some Booster issues
Activating a booster during a mission and restarting the memory will stop the booster and give it back to the player
Inconsistency between the number of boosts selected and the number displayed in the buy widget after redeeming a boost uplay reward.
Arno will teleport when descending from Fences and Walls
The Stealth Boost counter does not work properly.
Climb to Hang corner transition isn't always smooth.
AI & Crowd
Fixed various animation issues
[Café theatre] Intendant slides quickly from between two stations
NPC was observed walking in the air and, at another point, running in place
Fixed various detection issues
NPCs can remain stuck in their bomb attack aim behavior which causes all other NPCs to stop attacking
If the LOS is lost during a major scold with guard post NPC they will go to the LKP instead of staying in position.
[Mission: The Chemical Revolution] Two aggressors inside the house are invulnerable on any of Arno's actions
Guards can be stuck in a detection loop and never attack the player
Fixed various crowd stations issues
[Ventre de Paris][Hotel de Ville] Crowd NPC can be found spawning inside a prop.
[Quartier Latin][Luxembourg] After the user shoots towards some NPC that are sitting on some boxes, one of them can get into the wall
[Louvres][Tuileries] Some NPCs on the bridge between Tuilreies and Saint-Thomas-d'Aquin are not scared if Arno draws his sword
[Louvre][Feydeau] Missing chair from the NPC Station near a building
[Ventre de Paris][Porte-Saint-Denis] The npc's standing on chairs at the indicated house interior are fleeing into the props when Arno scares them
Character model issue in a crowdlife station.
When remaining idle in the game for multiple hours, player will see crowd floating in the Air.
Horse carts fall through world when moving 115m+ away from them
[Louvre - Tuileries][Crowdlife] Some people from the crowd are spawned in the ground
Low Rez crowd can be seen when walking in the Street
Matchmaking, Connectivity & Replication
Fixed various matchmaking issues
The title enters an unresponsive state for both client and host if the client fast travels far away while the coop mission is being
Client remains stuck on loading screen if the Host Signs Out from PSN as soon as the client is on the loading screen towards the session
Wrong session attached to game party after having received a ghost
[Mission: LES ENRAGÉS] The map does not start when a 4P group starts the mission a second time
The user is unable to access the COOP or Heist missions from Progress Tracker while in Versailles
[Mission: DANTON'S SACRIFICE] After a toy of 4 players, using progress tracker to launch mission leaves all players with Waiting For.
Storm failure error 0xB9145EA0 received after accepting invite to a coop mission
[Voice Chat] A member of a toy party that is muted by a player can still be heard by that player if a coop mission is started afterwards
Client can be not pulled into host's world after accepting party and game invite
Players can be stuck on "waiting for the other players" message after starting a heist following certain steps
The user will be unable to start the first toy session if he remains in Progress Tracker until the other players joins his world
One of the clients can receive Server error message on the search screen for LB050
Sometimes, other friends gamertags appear for the ones invited in toy sessions
The client of a TOY session can remain stuck after entering the mission if he Fast Travels while the host starts any mission
[Mission : POLITICAL PERSECUTION] After the Host interacted with the last sewer gate, the objective didn't update until the Host exited the session
Clients of a TOY party have the option to Restart Memory right before a private session starts, creating stuck situations
The user will remain stuck on loading screen after accepting an invite just before the RIFT tutorial is completed.
All 4 players can remain on an infinite "Waiting for other players.." loading screen after the host started THE FOOD CHAIN mission through the Play Co-op Now search
User cannot start another rift mission if he accepts a coop invite during a rift transition out cinematic without pressing any button on the AMD.
Title crashes when the Client accepts an invite and the Host Fast Travels to Versailles while the client is on the loading screen
Clients of a TOY party can remain stuck on loading screen when trying to start a private mission of 2 Players after previously completing a 4 Players mission with a full TOY party.
All players can get stuck on a black screen after starting the transition from freeroam to a mission.
Accepting an invite towards an empty session can leave the user without in-game sound.
[Mission: SMUGGLER'S PARADISE] When starting the Heist in Solo Private from the mission giver, the screen can remain black
Toy members can remain on "Waiting for players" after 2 players quit the group and the remaining toy started another mission
Accepting an invite to join or rejoin a player in a session can send the user in another session with other players
Support ability to start a COOP or Heist mission with the progress tracker if that Mission's World is not the Player's current world
Fixed various host migration issues
Performing a Host Migration while the users are on the AMD screen will split up the TOY
The former host of a session receives the "Connection failed" error after being invited back into the mission by the new host
Quit group option is not available after a TOY party leader starts a private session while the rest of the party is still on AMD screen
Fixed join-in-progress issues
When joining a coop from an existing group, the client of that group being from [Le roi est mort] mission, and then leaving the mission, he can no longer move the camera when going back in his single player mission
[Mission: LES ENRAGÉS] Impossible to interact with Quest NPC once a Join n progress is done at the start of ACT2
A client that joins a private session while in another private session has three loading screens
Join in progress Ghost does not spawn while the user is in Versailles
The gear rewards from a full completed mission will disappear after the user JIP and returns to free roam
One of the clients remains on loading screen and the other remaining players do not have an objective , after joining a toy session and starting mission ANCIENT HISTORY from progress tracker.
[Mission: POLITICAL PERSECUTION][Act 1] The objective remained stuck after a JIP occurred during act 1
[Mission: WOMEN'S MARCH][Act3] - The last objective will not update if a join in progress is performed as the users interact with the cannons
Fixed various replication issues between host and clients
[Mission: THE TOURNAMENT][Act 2]The arena reinforcements are not replicated for the clients
[Crowd] Sometime the Dead Replica Body will remain in a Stand up position
[Mission: WOMEN'S MARCH][Replication]After failing the mission some clients may see Theroigne and her ally walking backwards
[Mission: THE FOOD CHAIN] Theroigne is seen moving backwards as the host
[Mission: ANCIENT HISTORY ] One of the clients was replicated as far away until they moved when first spawning in the mission
[Mission: ROYALS, GUNS AND MONEY] After interacting with a door, the client lost his eagle vision and the door replicated as closed for him and opened for everyone else
Player sees his teammate get up before unspawning
Simultaneously interacting with locked doors/chests lit by Eagle Vision causes the object to become unresponsive and Eagle Vision to lose its functionality
If multiple players revive someone at the same time, he will either stay dead, or be displayed as dead on every screen but his own, or he will not be able to be revived and will be stuck dead.
[Mission: MOVING MIRABEAU] The Client and his actions are invisible to the Host after the Client performs a JIP when the Host opens the Crypt Gate.
[Mission: THE FOOD CHAIN] One of the NPCs spawns only for one of the Clients causing Theroigne to remain stuck
[Mission: HEADS WILL ROLL][ACT 1] The mission objective will disappear for the Host if he interacts with the chest objective in Act 1
Enemy AI do not attack after starting [Mission: WOMEN'S MARCH] in 4 player toy session for a second time after completing the mission the first time
[Mission: THE TOURNAMENT] Replication and lag issues can be observed between players during combat
Replica sees the master in an intermittent animation while the master is aiming the gun and looking around
Friend widget displays wrong user after starting a second COOP session
Fixed various issues in the My Club menu
All members except the user will appear unavailable, even though they are online, as long as there are only 4 members in the club (creator included).
Same club objective will appear for all the club challenges when a save is performed
Menus and HUD
Fixed various menu issues and pop-up overlap issues
"Extra Rewards" does not fit the safe area of the TV on Helix Credits screen.
Helix Packs are displayed off screen when viewing the Helix Credits menu in several languages
The Uplay window will appear for a very short time if the user beats a ghost's score in a rift
It is possible to access the Gear Loadout while being in combat
A Cockade from Tuileries district is marked collected in Vendôme district.
Game crashes in the character customization menu after performing certain steps
Long weapon "Golden Bec de Corbin" does not become available after redeeming it via uplay points
User can access the Character Customization menu if booting the game while offline and selecting to connect from the newsfeed message
The background on the progress tracker is missing when the player is in resurrection animation
The AMB COOP menu overlaps the Customization menu if the host changes gear near the COOP mission givers
[Friend Widget] Waiting for is not correctly place under the health bar.
The progression bars on the Assassin Rank widget/helix do not register the progress
The price bar for renovating a Social club is not complete
Fixed Mission objectives & updates issues
The Average Mission/Member count doesn't display the correct numbers
[Mission: THE ESTATES GENERAL] Permanent hint will be displayed above Arno (until reaching the next objective) if the user will descend from the top of the RHP instead of leaping in the hay stack.
After completing the game, the Francois-Thomas Germain AFS will pop up after every desync
Unspent Sync Points notification pops up too often
Fixed issues in customization menu
After buying the "Master Sans-Culottes Belt" the user will notice that upgrading costs 31250 creed points instead of 5000
Arno's Original pieces of gear can no longer be equiped if the user equips other gear during SQ03M05
A specific weapon reward cannot be equipped and it doesn't have any image or animation
There needs to be a flag to illustrate what is new when you receive a gear or weapon in the menu
Fixed some localization inconsistencies in the menus
Inconsistencies can be noticed on several languages, regarding the trophy description for "Hydrogen Bonded" and "Fraternité!"
Placeholder text is displayed on the map when the user is not signed in with any SEN account.
[Boot up sequence] Message is displayed in the wrong language when booting the game in Spanish.
[Villa-Arno's Room] Button incompletely displayed to access the Progress Tracker in certain languages
Typo in Wall Eject causes mistranslation
Fixed some Credits issues
Missing dates of first publication in the LIBTESS section of the credits
Several spacing errors are present in the credits
Mission tweaks (campaign, coop & side content)
Fixed various low repro walkthrough breaks
[Mission: THE BODY IN THE BROTHEL] The 6th Clue location is not displayed
[Mission: The Great escapist] Mission will fail if Arno kills the Quartermaster before his specific orange icon appears on minimap
[Mission: Let them eat hay] The mission breaks when the user kills some of the targets before the objective updates.
[Mission: IMPRISONED] Bellec and his target can remain stuck if the player kills the guard too fast after entering the cell
[Mission: Confession] Arno gets stuck when interacting with the priest atop the church
[Mission: Training] Roll recovery training can be very hard to complete.
[Mission: Extortion contortion] The mission will fail if the user runs away from the area after finding the Extortionist, while the woman's Follow marker is still present on the map
[Mission: The Temple] Arno remains stuck in the walls of the Temple after hitting Germain and trying to climb down to find him in the catacombs
[Mission: Les Enragés] Arno remains stuck making a few steps from the spawn point
[Mission: STOP THE PRESSES!] Climbing the wall just after interacting with the poster will render Arno stuck
[Mission: IMPRISONED] User cannot jump off the prison's tower and remains stuck on its ledge
The main mission progress is lost if the user accepts an invite at the end of a RIFT mission and then selects to Play Next Rift on AMD.
[Mission: Ancestral Vengeance] If the player opens the door of the last location while on the nearby barrel, he will get stuck
[Mission: DANTON'S SACRIFICE ] Objective does not update in ACT 2 after replaying the mission
[Mission: TALL, DARK STRANGERS] Mission doesn't update with "Kill the Soldier" objective
[Mission: WOMEN'S MARCH] The objective "SABOTAGE the cannons" did not update after all the remaining players interacted at the same time with the cannons
[Mission: IMPRISONED] User can fall through the textures during "Escape the Bastille" objective when jumping out the first window.
[Mission: LES ENRAGÉS] When two assassins interact with a locked door at the same time and both exit the lockpicking interface, one of them will get stuck
Fixed various NPC navigation issues
[Mission: IMPRISONED] Bellec can remain stuck if the user stays in front and on the same path
[Mission: A FISTFUL OF DUELERS] After killing the 4th duelist, the second enemy from that location remains stuck - does not attack.
Fixed inconsistencies in some missions
[Mission: TALL, DARK STRANGERS] Lenormand's Clone present on the location where the mission was previously failed
[Mission: HIGH SOCIETY] NPCs can be seen before the cinematic, in the courtyard where De La Serre is assassinated
[Mission: HEADS WILL ROLL ] Missing shopkeeper NPC from the area where templars targets are spawned
[Mission: CONFRONTATION] The cinematic doesn't trigger if the user does not activate "Eagle Pulse" when reaches Saint Chapelle
[Mission: À LA LANTERNE!] The third wave of aggressors does not attack the duchess
[Companion] An Ambush mission will randomly finish when reaching the target defend area without having done anything
[Mission: WOMEN'S MARCH] After using the Progress Tracker to start LB020 for the second time in a 2 player toy session, the mission starts directly in ACT 3
Arno can get an indefinite amount of Creed Points if he headshots incapacitated targets
[Mission: THE ASSASSINATION OF JEAN-PAUL MARAT] The player cannot interact with the letter in the Hotel for a few minutes
[Mission: MOVING MIRABEAU][Act 2] The assassins have no collision with the hidden door in the catacombs when replaying the mission a second time
[Mission: DANTON'S SACRIFICE ]The extremists will not prioritize Dalton's ally that spawns near the coaches and will behave inappropriate when players are around him
[Mission: HEADS WILL ROLL ] Arno lost two assassin ranks after replaying RB030 and quitting the mission
[Mission: CATACOMB RAIDER] Mission started with very low light level for the client
[Mission: MARIANNE RETURNS HOME] After completing the practice objective, if the user runs (~20m) the NPC is despawned
[Mission: The Estates General] After failing to get in the Hotel des Menus Plaisirs, after you are respawned - the crowd life near the carriage is missing - thus the mission cannot be completed on the normal path.
The SQ03 /SQ04 trophy is unlocked completing the first mode mission of SQ03M020 / SQ04M020
[Mission: THE INFERNAL MACHINE] The objective "Kill the Royalist Leader" is not checked (completed) after the users kill the Royalist Leader.
[Mission: IT BELONGS IN A MUSEUM] Player cannot use HP potion inside the Luxembourg Museum.
World & 3D
Fixed various collisions and navigation mesh issues
Progression & Difficulty
Adjusted various community events rewards
Fixed saves corruptions in some cases
Fixed temporal blur for SLI
Fixed graphical corruptions in Character Customization menu
Fixed crash in Character Customization menu on controller autoswitch
Alt+Enter switch window modes correctly
NPC on side monitors shows correctly
Minor UI improvements
axelgs escribió:Detailed Release Notes for Patch 3 (all platforms)
Patch 3 includes over three hundred fixes designed to improve your Assassin’s Creed Unity experience. While you might notice some improvements to framerate as a result of Patch 3, we still have a future patch planned to further address framerate concerns.
The rollout itself will be staggered across platforms and will come to PlayStation 4 tomorrow (Wednesday November 26th) and continue on to PC and Xbox One later in the week (though not necessarily releasing on a daily basis).Stability & Performance
Fixed numerous random crashes for both on Campaign and Co-op
(90+ various low reproduced crashes)
Fixed specific framerate drops
Improved general Framerate on PS4 by lowering the priority of the online services thread
Fixed FPS drops while Arno climbs on the RHP building of Palais de Justice
Fixed FPS drops when in climbing and pressing the Left Stick towards somewhere that is not climbable in certain areas
Fixed FPS drops in Sainte Chapelle
Gameplay (navigation, fight, stealth)
Fixed navigation issues where the player gets stuck. Specific fixed instances of this are listed below:
[Invalides] Arno will get stuck and fall under the map when he uses free run down button on the stone handrail type
[Mission: Occupied Paris] Arno can fall through a certain zeppelin and remain stuck after performing a jumping action from the top of the zeppelin.
[Palais De Justice] Arno can remain stuck when climbing part of the roof on Palais De Justice during free roam
[Saint-Louis] Arno remains stuck while trying to pass over a table
[Cité]Arno can remain stuck while trying to collect nomad point from Notre-Dame
[Porte-Saint-Denis]Arno remains stuck after falling between 2 props
[Temple] Arno can remain stuck inside a building corner at the Temple by using controlled descent
[Mission: POLITICAL PERSECUTION] Arno remains stuck near a wall located on the rooftop
[Mission: OCCUPIED PARIS] Arno remains stuck in a certain pile of wooden crates after performing a climbing action
[Cité] Arno can remain stuck after performing a slide on a building near Notre Dame
[Cité]Arno gets stuck on the chair while trying to climb the building
[Les Invalides] Arno remains stuck in the wall while using controlled descend after performing the Invalides RHP
Fixed haystack issues where the player can stay stuck in it. Specific fixed instances of this are listed below:
[Saint-Louis] Arno is stuck in the haystack near the bridge near the Assassin HQ.
[Mission: HEADS WILL ROLL] Arno remains stuck if they hide in the haystack that is located in the area with "Kill the Templars 0/3" objective.
[Les Invalides] Arno gets stuck and is unable to exit the indicated haystack cart
[Cité] Arno remains stuck in a haystack near the Notre Dame
Fixed Cover issues
Fixed an issue where Arno could not peek while in cover and standing.
Fixed an issue where the incorrect Cover Assassination animation is played when pressing RT+X (Or Square) when an NPC is close enough to perform a Low Profile Assassination.
Fixed an issue with right facing cover quick drop animation.
Fixed various camera issues
Camera will occasionally focus on nothing when performing a High Profile Cover Assassination.
Fixed animation issues
High Profile stop animation plays when walking then stopping in an indoor area.
High Profile start animation repeats when starting to move while in Stealth Navigation in a specific type of building.
Arno will not enter incapacitated stance if dying while in customization menu
Arno performs a Wall Eject in the wrong direction at the bottom of ladders.
Arno doesn't enter V-Shape properly from Defenestrate onto the V-Shape's side.
Arno will remain in a running animation for several second after jumping from a collision to another
Climbing up angled edges is very slow.
Arno performs CornerTurns instead of climbing regularly when going to the left on rounded structures.
Beam Low Profile Step is too fast over greater distances in between beams.
Arno goes past the edge of cover when Peeking up then moving backwards at a certain distance away from the edge of the cover.
Arno can play the upper body animation of not having any grenades while climbing up
Fixed some Booster issues
Activating a booster during a mission and restarting the memory will stop the booster and give it back to the player
Inconsistency between the number of boosts selected and the number displayed in the buy widget after redeeming a boost uplay reward.
Arno will teleport when descending from Fences and Walls
The Stealth Boost counter does not work properly.
Climb to Hang corner transition isn't always smooth.
AI & Crowd
Fixed various animation issues
[Café theatre] Intendant slides quickly from between two stations
NPC was observed walking in the air and, at another point, running in place
Fixed various detection issues
NPCs can remain stuck in their bomb attack aim behavior which causes all other NPCs to stop attacking
If the LOS is lost during a major scold with guard post NPC they will go to the LKP instead of staying in position.
[Mission: The Chemical Revolution] Two aggressors inside the house are invulnerable on any of Arno's actions
Guards can be stuck in a detection loop and never attack the player
Fixed various crowd stations issues
[Ventre de Paris][Hotel de Ville] Crowd NPC can be found spawning inside a prop.
[Quartier Latin][Luxembourg] After the user shoots towards some NPC that are sitting on some boxes, one of them can get into the wall
[Louvres][Tuileries] Some NPCs on the bridge between Tuilreies and Saint-Thomas-d'Aquin are not scared if Arno draws his sword
[Louvre][Feydeau] Missing chair from the NPC Station near a building
[Ventre de Paris][Porte-Saint-Denis] The npc's standing on chairs at the indicated house interior are fleeing into the props when Arno scares them
Character model issue in a crowdlife station.
When remaining idle in the game for multiple hours, player will see crowd floating in the Air.
Horse carts fall through world when moving 115m+ away from them
[Louvre - Tuileries][Crowdlife] Some people from the crowd are spawned in the ground
Low Rez crowd can be seen when walking in the Street
Matchmaking, Connectivity & Replication
Fixed various matchmaking issues
The title enters an unresponsive state for both client and host if the client fast travels far away while the coop mission is being
Client remains stuck on loading screen if the Host Signs Out from PSN as soon as the client is on the loading screen towards the session
Wrong session attached to game party after having received a ghost
[Mission: LES ENRAGÉS] The map does not start when a 4P group starts the mission a second time
The user is unable to access the COOP or Heist missions from Progress Tracker while in Versailles
[Mission: DANTON'S SACRIFICE] After a toy of 4 players, using progress tracker to launch mission leaves all players with Waiting For.
Storm failure error 0xB9145EA0 received after accepting invite to a coop mission
[Voice Chat] A member of a toy party that is muted by a player can still be heard by that player if a coop mission is started afterwards
Client can be not pulled into host's world after accepting party and game invite
Players can be stuck on "waiting for the other players" message after starting a heist following certain steps
The user will be unable to start the first toy session if he remains in Progress Tracker until the other players joins his world
One of the clients can receive Server error message on the search screen for LB050
Sometimes, other friends gamertags appear for the ones invited in toy sessions
The client of a TOY session can remain stuck after entering the mission if he Fast Travels while the host starts any mission
[Mission : POLITICAL PERSECUTION] After the Host interacted with the last sewer gate, the objective didn't update until the Host exited the session
Clients of a TOY party have the option to Restart Memory right before a private session starts, creating stuck situations
The user will remain stuck on loading screen after accepting an invite just before the RIFT tutorial is completed.
All 4 players can remain on an infinite "Waiting for other players.." loading screen after the host started THE FOOD CHAIN mission through the Play Co-op Now search
User cannot start another rift mission if he accepts a coop invite during a rift transition out cinematic without pressing any button on the AMD.
Title crashes when the Client accepts an invite and the Host Fast Travels to Versailles while the client is on the loading screen
Clients of a TOY party can remain stuck on loading screen when trying to start a private mission of 2 Players after previously completing a 4 Players mission with a full TOY party.
All players can get stuck on a black screen after starting the transition from freeroam to a mission.
Accepting an invite towards an empty session can leave the user without in-game sound.
[Mission: SMUGGLER'S PARADISE] When starting the Heist in Solo Private from the mission giver, the screen can remain black
Toy members can remain on "Waiting for players" after 2 players quit the group and the remaining toy started another mission
Accepting an invite to join or rejoin a player in a session can send the user in another session with other players
Support ability to start a COOP or Heist mission with the progress tracker if that Mission's World is not the Player's current world
Fixed various host migration issues
Performing a Host Migration while the users are on the AMD screen will split up the TOY
The former host of a session receives the "Connection failed" error after being invited back into the mission by the new host
Quit group option is not available after a TOY party leader starts a private session while the rest of the party is still on AMD screen
Fixed join-in-progress issues
When joining a coop from an existing group, the client of that group being from [Le roi est mort] mission, and then leaving the mission, he can no longer move the camera when going back in his single player mission
[Mission: LES ENRAGÉS] Impossible to interact with Quest NPC once a Join n progress is done at the start of ACT2
A client that joins a private session while in another private session has three loading screens
Join in progress Ghost does not spawn while the user is in Versailles
The gear rewards from a full completed mission will disappear after the user JIP and returns to free roam
One of the clients remains on loading screen and the other remaining players do not have an objective , after joining a toy session and starting mission ANCIENT HISTORY from progress tracker.
[Mission: POLITICAL PERSECUTION][Act 1] The objective remained stuck after a JIP occurred during act 1
[Mission: WOMEN'S MARCH][Act3] - The last objective will not update if a join in progress is performed as the users interact with the cannons
Fixed various replication issues between host and clients
[Mission: THE TOURNAMENT][Act 2]The arena reinforcements are not replicated for the clients
[Crowd] Sometime the Dead Replica Body will remain in a Stand up position
[Mission: WOMEN'S MARCH][Replication]After failing the mission some clients may see Theroigne and her ally walking backwards
[Mission: THE FOOD CHAIN] Theroigne is seen moving backwards as the host
[Mission: ANCIENT HISTORY ] One of the clients was replicated as far away until they moved when first spawning in the mission
[Mission: ROYALS, GUNS AND MONEY] After interacting with a door, the client lost his eagle vision and the door replicated as closed for him and opened for everyone else
Player sees his teammate get up before unspawning
Simultaneously interacting with locked doors/chests lit by Eagle Vision causes the object to become unresponsive and Eagle Vision to lose its functionality
If multiple players revive someone at the same time, he will either stay dead, or be displayed as dead on every screen but his own, or he will not be able to be revived and will be stuck dead.
[Mission: MOVING MIRABEAU] The Client and his actions are invisible to the Host after the Client performs a JIP when the Host opens the Crypt Gate.
[Mission: THE FOOD CHAIN] One of the NPCs spawns only for one of the Clients causing Theroigne to remain stuck
[Mission: HEADS WILL ROLL][ACT 1] The mission objective will disappear for the Host if he interacts with the chest objective in Act 1
Enemy AI do not attack after starting [Mission: WOMEN'S MARCH] in 4 player toy session for a second time after completing the mission the first time
[Mission: THE TOURNAMENT] Replication and lag issues can be observed between players during combat
Replica sees the master in an intermittent animation while the master is aiming the gun and looking around
Friend widget displays wrong user after starting a second COOP session
Fixed various issues in the My Club menu
All members except the user will appear unavailable, even though they are online, as long as there are only 4 members in the club (creator included).
Same club objective will appear for all the club challenges when a save is performed
Menus and HUD
Fixed various menu issues and pop-up overlap issues
"Extra Rewards" does not fit the safe area of the TV on Helix Credits screen.
Helix Packs are displayed off screen when viewing the Helix Credits menu in several languages
The Uplay window will appear for a very short time if the user beats a ghost's score in a rift
It is possible to access the Gear Loadout while being in combat
A Cockade from Tuileries district is marked collected in Vendôme district.
Game crashes in the character customization menu after performing certain steps
Long weapon "Golden Bec de Corbin" does not become available after redeeming it via uplay points
User can access the Character Customization menu if booting the game while offline and selecting to connect from the newsfeed message
The background on the progress tracker is missing when the player is in resurrection animation
The AMB COOP menu overlaps the Customization menu if the host changes gear near the COOP mission givers
[Friend Widget] Waiting for is not correctly place under the health bar.
The progression bars on the Assassin Rank widget/helix do not register the progress
The price bar for renovating a Social club is not complete
Fixed Mission objectives & updates issues
The Average Mission/Member count doesn't display the correct numbers
[Mission: THE ESTATES GENERAL] Permanent hint will be displayed above Arno (until reaching the next objective) if the user will descend from the top of the RHP instead of leaping in the hay stack.
After completing the game, the Francois-Thomas Germain AFS will pop up after every desync
Unspent Sync Points notification pops up too often
Fixed issues in customization menu
After buying the "Master Sans-Culottes Belt" the user will notice that upgrading costs 31250 creed points instead of 5000
Arno's Original pieces of gear can no longer be equiped if the user equips other gear during SQ03M05
A specific weapon reward cannot be equipped and it doesn't have any image or animation
There needs to be a flag to illustrate what is new when you receive a gear or weapon in the menu
Fixed some localization inconsistencies in the menus
Inconsistencies can be noticed on several languages, regarding the trophy description for "Hydrogen Bonded" and "Fraternité!"
Placeholder text is displayed on the map when the user is not signed in with any SEN account.
[Boot up sequence] Message is displayed in the wrong language when booting the game in Spanish.
[Villa-Arno's Room] Button incompletely displayed to access the Progress Tracker in certain languages
Typo in Wall Eject causes mistranslation
Fixed some Credits issues
Missing dates of first publication in the LIBTESS section of the credits
Several spacing errors are present in the credits
Mission tweaks (campaign, coop & side content)
Fixed various low repro walkthrough breaks
[Mission: THE BODY IN THE BROTHEL] The 6th Clue location is not displayed
[Mission: The Great escapist] Mission will fail if Arno kills the Quartermaster before his specific orange icon appears on minimap
[Mission: Let them eat hay] The mission breaks when the user kills some of the targets before the objective updates.
[Mission: IMPRISONED] Bellec and his target can remain stuck if the player kills the guard too fast after entering the cell
[Mission: Confession] Arno gets stuck when interacting with the priest atop the church
[Mission: Training] Roll recovery training can be very hard to complete.
[Mission: Extortion contortion] The mission will fail if the user runs away from the area after finding the Extortionist, while the woman's Follow marker is still present on the map
[Mission: The Temple] Arno remains stuck in the walls of the Temple after hitting Germain and trying to climb down to find him in the catacombs
[Mission: Les Enragés] Arno remains stuck making a few steps from the spawn point
[Mission: STOP THE PRESSES!] Climbing the wall just after interacting with the poster will render Arno stuck
[Mission: IMPRISONED] User cannot jump off the prison's tower and remains stuck on its ledge
The main mission progress is lost if the user accepts an invite at the end of a RIFT mission and then selects to Play Next Rift on AMD.
[Mission: Ancestral Vengeance] If the player opens the door of the last location while on the nearby barrel, he will get stuck
[Mission: DANTON'S SACRIFICE ] Objective does not update in ACT 2 after replaying the mission
[Mission: TALL, DARK STRANGERS] Mission doesn't update with "Kill the Soldier" objective
[Mission: WOMEN'S MARCH] The objective "SABOTAGE the cannons" did not update after all the remaining players interacted at the same time with the cannons
[Mission: IMPRISONED] User can fall through the textures during "Escape the Bastille" objective when jumping out the first window.
[Mission: LES ENRAGÉS] When two assassins interact with a locked door at the same time and both exit the lockpicking interface, one of them will get stuck
Fixed various NPC navigation issues
[Mission: IMPRISONED] Bellec can remain stuck if the user stays in front and on the same path
[Mission: A FISTFUL OF DUELERS] After killing the 4th duelist, the second enemy from that location remains stuck - does not attack.
Fixed inconsistencies in some missions
[Mission: TALL, DARK STRANGERS] Lenormand's Clone present on the location where the mission was previously failed
[Mission: HIGH SOCIETY] NPCs can be seen before the cinematic, in the courtyard where De La Serre is assassinated
[Mission: HEADS WILL ROLL ] Missing shopkeeper NPC from the area where templars targets are spawned
[Mission: CONFRONTATION] The cinematic doesn't trigger if the user does not activate "Eagle Pulse" when reaches Saint Chapelle
[Mission: À LA LANTERNE!] The third wave of aggressors does not attack the duchess
[Companion] An Ambush mission will randomly finish when reaching the target defend area without having done anything
[Mission: WOMEN'S MARCH] After using the Progress Tracker to start LB020 for the second time in a 2 player toy session, the mission starts directly in ACT 3
Arno can get an indefinite amount of Creed Points if he headshots incapacitated targets
[Mission: THE ASSASSINATION OF JEAN-PAUL MARAT] The player cannot interact with the letter in the Hotel for a few minutes
[Mission: MOVING MIRABEAU][Act 2] The assassins have no collision with the hidden door in the catacombs when replaying the mission a second time
[Mission: DANTON'S SACRIFICE ]The extremists will not prioritize Dalton's ally that spawns near the coaches and will behave inappropriate when players are around him
[Mission: HEADS WILL ROLL ] Arno lost two assassin ranks after replaying RB030 and quitting the mission
[Mission: CATACOMB RAIDER] Mission started with very low light level for the client
[Mission: MARIANNE RETURNS HOME] After completing the practice objective, if the user runs (~20m) the NPC is despawned
[Mission: The Estates General] After failing to get in the Hotel des Menus Plaisirs, after you are respawned - the crowd life near the carriage is missing - thus the mission cannot be completed on the normal path.
The SQ03 /SQ04 trophy is unlocked completing the first mode mission of SQ03M020 / SQ04M020
[Mission: THE INFERNAL MACHINE] The objective "Kill the Royalist Leader" is not checked (completed) after the users kill the Royalist Leader.
[Mission: IT BELONGS IN A MUSEUM] Player cannot use HP potion inside the Luxembourg Museum.
World & 3D
Fixed various collisions and navigation mesh issues
Progression & Difficulty
Adjusted various community events rewards
Fixed saves corruptions in some cases
Fixed temporal blur for SLI
Fixed graphical corruptions in Character Customization menu
Fixed crash in Character Customization menu on controller autoswitch
Alt+Enter switch window modes correctly
NPC on side monitors shows correctly
Minor UI improvements
labor escribió:y la mierda de glitches y los movimientos falsos como de teletransporte en el parkout o cuando el protagonista se traba, tambien lo arreglan en este parche???
porque no puedo con esto desde el AC 3, es superior a mi!!!
manucabal escribió:Pues como quieran solucionarlo todo, van a necesitar un parche de 40Gb jajajaj
Sulei escribió:axelgs escribió:Detailed Release Notes for Patch 3 (all platforms)
Patch 3 includes over three hundred fixes designed to improve your Assassin’s Creed Unity experience. While you might notice some improvements to framerate as a result of Patch 3, we still have a future patch planned to further address framerate concerns.
The rollout itself will be staggered across platforms and will come to PlayStation 4 tomorrow (Wednesday November 26th) and continue on to PC and Xbox One later in the week (though not necessarily releasing on a daily basis).Stability & Performance
Fixed numerous random crashes for both on Campaign and Co-op
(90+ various low reproduced crashes)
Fixed specific framerate drops
Improved general Framerate on PS4 by lowering the priority of the online services thread
Fixed FPS drops while Arno climbs on the RHP building of Palais de Justice
Fixed FPS drops when in climbing and pressing the Left Stick towards somewhere that is not climbable in certain areas
Fixed FPS drops in Sainte Chapelle
Gameplay (navigation, fight, stealth)
Fixed navigation issues where the player gets stuck. Specific fixed instances of this are listed below:
[Invalides] Arno will get stuck and fall under the map when he uses free run down button on the stone handrail type
[Mission: Occupied Paris] Arno can fall through a certain zeppelin and remain stuck after performing a jumping action from the top of the zeppelin.
[Palais De Justice] Arno can remain stuck when climbing part of the roof on Palais De Justice during free roam
[Saint-Louis] Arno remains stuck while trying to pass over a table
[Cité]Arno can remain stuck while trying to collect nomad point from Notre-Dame
[Porte-Saint-Denis]Arno remains stuck after falling between 2 props
[Temple] Arno can remain stuck inside a building corner at the Temple by using controlled descent
[Mission: POLITICAL PERSECUTION] Arno remains stuck near a wall located on the rooftop
[Mission: OCCUPIED PARIS] Arno remains stuck in a certain pile of wooden crates after performing a climbing action
[Cité] Arno can remain stuck after performing a slide on a building near Notre Dame
[Cité]Arno gets stuck on the chair while trying to climb the building
[Les Invalides] Arno remains stuck in the wall while using controlled descend after performing the Invalides RHP
Fixed haystack issues where the player can stay stuck in it. Specific fixed instances of this are listed below:
[Saint-Louis] Arno is stuck in the haystack near the bridge near the Assassin HQ.
[Mission: HEADS WILL ROLL] Arno remains stuck if they hide in the haystack that is located in the area with "Kill the Templars 0/3" objective.
[Les Invalides] Arno gets stuck and is unable to exit the indicated haystack cart
[Cité] Arno remains stuck in a haystack near the Notre Dame
Fixed Cover issues
Fixed an issue where Arno could not peek while in cover and standing.
Fixed an issue where the incorrect Cover Assassination animation is played when pressing RT+X (Or Square) when an NPC is close enough to perform a Low Profile Assassination.
Fixed an issue with right facing cover quick drop animation.
Fixed various camera issues
Camera will occasionally focus on nothing when performing a High Profile Cover Assassination.
Fixed animation issues
High Profile stop animation plays when walking then stopping in an indoor area.
High Profile start animation repeats when starting to move while in Stealth Navigation in a specific type of building.
Arno will not enter incapacitated stance if dying while in customization menu
Arno performs a Wall Eject in the wrong direction at the bottom of ladders.
Arno doesn't enter V-Shape properly from Defenestrate onto the V-Shape's side.
Arno will remain in a running animation for several second after jumping from a collision to another
Climbing up angled edges is very slow.
Arno performs CornerTurns instead of climbing regularly when going to the left on rounded structures.
Beam Low Profile Step is too fast over greater distances in between beams.
Arno goes past the edge of cover when Peeking up then moving backwards at a certain distance away from the edge of the cover.
Arno can play the upper body animation of not having any grenades while climbing up
Fixed some Booster issues
Activating a booster during a mission and restarting the memory will stop the booster and give it back to the player
Inconsistency between the number of boosts selected and the number displayed in the buy widget after redeeming a boost uplay reward.
Arno will teleport when descending from Fences and Walls
The Stealth Boost counter does not work properly.
Climb to Hang corner transition isn't always smooth.
AI & Crowd
Fixed various animation issues
[Café theatre] Intendant slides quickly from between two stations
NPC was observed walking in the air and, at another point, running in place
Fixed various detection issues
NPCs can remain stuck in their bomb attack aim behavior which causes all other NPCs to stop attacking
If the LOS is lost during a major scold with guard post NPC they will go to the LKP instead of staying in position.
[Mission: The Chemical Revolution] Two aggressors inside the house are invulnerable on any of Arno's actions
Guards can be stuck in a detection loop and never attack the player
Fixed various crowd stations issues
[Ventre de Paris][Hotel de Ville] Crowd NPC can be found spawning inside a prop.
[Quartier Latin][Luxembourg] After the user shoots towards some NPC that are sitting on some boxes, one of them can get into the wall
[Louvres][Tuileries] Some NPCs on the bridge between Tuilreies and Saint-Thomas-d'Aquin are not scared if Arno draws his sword
[Louvre][Feydeau] Missing chair from the NPC Station near a building
[Ventre de Paris][Porte-Saint-Denis] The npc's standing on chairs at the indicated house interior are fleeing into the props when Arno scares them
Character model issue in a crowdlife station.
When remaining idle in the game for multiple hours, player will see crowd floating in the Air.
Horse carts fall through world when moving 115m+ away from them
[Louvre - Tuileries][Crowdlife] Some people from the crowd are spawned in the ground
Low Rez crowd can be seen when walking in the Street
Matchmaking, Connectivity & Replication
Fixed various matchmaking issues
The title enters an unresponsive state for both client and host if the client fast travels far away while the coop mission is being
Client remains stuck on loading screen if the Host Signs Out from PSN as soon as the client is on the loading screen towards the session
Wrong session attached to game party after having received a ghost
[Mission: LES ENRAGÉS] The map does not start when a 4P group starts the mission a second time
The user is unable to access the COOP or Heist missions from Progress Tracker while in Versailles
[Mission: DANTON'S SACRIFICE] After a toy of 4 players, using progress tracker to launch mission leaves all players with Waiting For.
Storm failure error 0xB9145EA0 received after accepting invite to a coop mission
[Voice Chat] A member of a toy party that is muted by a player can still be heard by that player if a coop mission is started afterwards
Client can be not pulled into host's world after accepting party and game invite
Players can be stuck on "waiting for the other players" message after starting a heist following certain steps
The user will be unable to start the first toy session if he remains in Progress Tracker until the other players joins his world
One of the clients can receive Server error message on the search screen for LB050
Sometimes, other friends gamertags appear for the ones invited in toy sessions
The client of a TOY session can remain stuck after entering the mission if he Fast Travels while the host starts any mission
[Mission : POLITICAL PERSECUTION] After the Host interacted with the last sewer gate, the objective didn't update until the Host exited the session
Clients of a TOY party have the option to Restart Memory right before a private session starts, creating stuck situations
The user will remain stuck on loading screen after accepting an invite just before the RIFT tutorial is completed.
All 4 players can remain on an infinite "Waiting for other players.." loading screen after the host started THE FOOD CHAIN mission through the Play Co-op Now search
User cannot start another rift mission if he accepts a coop invite during a rift transition out cinematic without pressing any button on the AMD.
Title crashes when the Client accepts an invite and the Host Fast Travels to Versailles while the client is on the loading screen
Clients of a TOY party can remain stuck on loading screen when trying to start a private mission of 2 Players after previously completing a 4 Players mission with a full TOY party.
All players can get stuck on a black screen after starting the transition from freeroam to a mission.
Accepting an invite towards an empty session can leave the user without in-game sound.
[Mission: SMUGGLER'S PARADISE] When starting the Heist in Solo Private from the mission giver, the screen can remain black
Toy members can remain on "Waiting for players" after 2 players quit the group and the remaining toy started another mission
Accepting an invite to join or rejoin a player in a session can send the user in another session with other players
Support ability to start a COOP or Heist mission with the progress tracker if that Mission's World is not the Player's current world
Fixed various host migration issues
Performing a Host Migration while the users are on the AMD screen will split up the TOY
The former host of a session receives the "Connection failed" error after being invited back into the mission by the new host
Quit group option is not available after a TOY party leader starts a private session while the rest of the party is still on AMD screen
Fixed join-in-progress issues
When joining a coop from an existing group, the client of that group being from [Le roi est mort] mission, and then leaving the mission, he can no longer move the camera when going back in his single player mission
[Mission: LES ENRAGÉS] Impossible to interact with Quest NPC once a Join n progress is done at the start of ACT2
A client that joins a private session while in another private session has three loading screens
Join in progress Ghost does not spawn while the user is in Versailles
The gear rewards from a full completed mission will disappear after the user JIP and returns to free roam
One of the clients remains on loading screen and the other remaining players do not have an objective , after joining a toy session and starting mission ANCIENT HISTORY from progress tracker.
[Mission: POLITICAL PERSECUTION][Act 1] The objective remained stuck after a JIP occurred during act 1
[Mission: WOMEN'S MARCH][Act3] - The last objective will not update if a join in progress is performed as the users interact with the cannons
Fixed various replication issues between host and clients
[Mission: THE TOURNAMENT][Act 2]The arena reinforcements are not replicated for the clients
[Crowd] Sometime the Dead Replica Body will remain in a Stand up position
[Mission: WOMEN'S MARCH][Replication]After failing the mission some clients may see Theroigne and her ally walking backwards
[Mission: THE FOOD CHAIN] Theroigne is seen moving backwards as the host
[Mission: ANCIENT HISTORY ] One of the clients was replicated as far away until they moved when first spawning in the mission
[Mission: ROYALS, GUNS AND MONEY] After interacting with a door, the client lost his eagle vision and the door replicated as closed for him and opened for everyone else
Player sees his teammate get up before unspawning
Simultaneously interacting with locked doors/chests lit by Eagle Vision causes the object to become unresponsive and Eagle Vision to lose its functionality
If multiple players revive someone at the same time, he will either stay dead, or be displayed as dead on every screen but his own, or he will not be able to be revived and will be stuck dead.
[Mission: MOVING MIRABEAU] The Client and his actions are invisible to the Host after the Client performs a JIP when the Host opens the Crypt Gate.
[Mission: THE FOOD CHAIN] One of the NPCs spawns only for one of the Clients causing Theroigne to remain stuck
[Mission: HEADS WILL ROLL][ACT 1] The mission objective will disappear for the Host if he interacts with the chest objective in Act 1
Enemy AI do not attack after starting [Mission: WOMEN'S MARCH] in 4 player toy session for a second time after completing the mission the first time
[Mission: THE TOURNAMENT] Replication and lag issues can be observed between players during combat
Replica sees the master in an intermittent animation while the master is aiming the gun and looking around
Friend widget displays wrong user after starting a second COOP session
Fixed various issues in the My Club menu
All members except the user will appear unavailable, even though they are online, as long as there are only 4 members in the club (creator included).
Same club objective will appear for all the club challenges when a save is performed
Menus and HUD
Fixed various menu issues and pop-up overlap issues
"Extra Rewards" does not fit the safe area of the TV on Helix Credits screen.
Helix Packs are displayed off screen when viewing the Helix Credits menu in several languages
The Uplay window will appear for a very short time if the user beats a ghost's score in a rift
It is possible to access the Gear Loadout while being in combat
A Cockade from Tuileries district is marked collected in Vendôme district.
Game crashes in the character customization menu after performing certain steps
Long weapon "Golden Bec de Corbin" does not become available after redeeming it via uplay points
User can access the Character Customization menu if booting the game while offline and selecting to connect from the newsfeed message
The background on the progress tracker is missing when the player is in resurrection animation
The AMB COOP menu overlaps the Customization menu if the host changes gear near the COOP mission givers
[Friend Widget] Waiting for is not correctly place under the health bar.
The progression bars on the Assassin Rank widget/helix do not register the progress
The price bar for renovating a Social club is not complete
Fixed Mission objectives & updates issues
The Average Mission/Member count doesn't display the correct numbers
[Mission: THE ESTATES GENERAL] Permanent hint will be displayed above Arno (until reaching the next objective) if the user will descend from the top of the RHP instead of leaping in the hay stack.
After completing the game, the Francois-Thomas Germain AFS will pop up after every desync
Unspent Sync Points notification pops up too often
Fixed issues in customization menu
After buying the "Master Sans-Culottes Belt" the user will notice that upgrading costs 31250 creed points instead of 5000
Arno's Original pieces of gear can no longer be equiped if the user equips other gear during SQ03M05
A specific weapon reward cannot be equipped and it doesn't have any image or animation
There needs to be a flag to illustrate what is new when you receive a gear or weapon in the menu
Fixed some localization inconsistencies in the menus
Inconsistencies can be noticed on several languages, regarding the trophy description for "Hydrogen Bonded" and "Fraternité!"
Placeholder text is displayed on the map when the user is not signed in with any SEN account.
[Boot up sequence] Message is displayed in the wrong language when booting the game in Spanish.
[Villa-Arno's Room] Button incompletely displayed to access the Progress Tracker in certain languages
Typo in Wall Eject causes mistranslation
Fixed some Credits issues
Missing dates of first publication in the LIBTESS section of the credits
Several spacing errors are present in the credits
Mission tweaks (campaign, coop & side content)
Fixed various low repro walkthrough breaks
[Mission: THE BODY IN THE BROTHEL] The 6th Clue location is not displayed
[Mission: The Great escapist] Mission will fail if Arno kills the Quartermaster before his specific orange icon appears on minimap
[Mission: Let them eat hay] The mission breaks when the user kills some of the targets before the objective updates.
[Mission: IMPRISONED] Bellec and his target can remain stuck if the player kills the guard too fast after entering the cell
[Mission: Confession] Arno gets stuck when interacting with the priest atop the church
[Mission: Training] Roll recovery training can be very hard to complete.
[Mission: Extortion contortion] The mission will fail if the user runs away from the area after finding the Extortionist, while the woman's Follow marker is still present on the map
[Mission: The Temple] Arno remains stuck in the walls of the Temple after hitting Germain and trying to climb down to find him in the catacombs
[Mission: Les Enragés] Arno remains stuck making a few steps from the spawn point
[Mission: STOP THE PRESSES!] Climbing the wall just after interacting with the poster will render Arno stuck
[Mission: IMPRISONED] User cannot jump off the prison's tower and remains stuck on its ledge
The main mission progress is lost if the user accepts an invite at the end of a RIFT mission and then selects to Play Next Rift on AMD.
[Mission: Ancestral Vengeance] If the player opens the door of the last location while on the nearby barrel, he will get stuck
[Mission: DANTON'S SACRIFICE ] Objective does not update in ACT 2 after replaying the mission
[Mission: TALL, DARK STRANGERS] Mission doesn't update with "Kill the Soldier" objective
[Mission: WOMEN'S MARCH] The objective "SABOTAGE the cannons" did not update after all the remaining players interacted at the same time with the cannons
[Mission: IMPRISONED] User can fall through the textures during "Escape the Bastille" objective when jumping out the first window.
[Mission: LES ENRAGÉS] When two assassins interact with a locked door at the same time and both exit the lockpicking interface, one of them will get stuck
Fixed various NPC navigation issues
[Mission: IMPRISONED] Bellec can remain stuck if the user stays in front and on the same path
[Mission: A FISTFUL OF DUELERS] After killing the 4th duelist, the second enemy from that location remains stuck - does not attack.
Fixed inconsistencies in some missions
[Mission: TALL, DARK STRANGERS] Lenormand's Clone present on the location where the mission was previously failed
[Mission: HIGH SOCIETY] NPCs can be seen before the cinematic, in the courtyard where De La Serre is assassinated
[Mission: HEADS WILL ROLL ] Missing shopkeeper NPC from the area where templars targets are spawned
[Mission: CONFRONTATION] The cinematic doesn't trigger if the user does not activate "Eagle Pulse" when reaches Saint Chapelle
[Mission: À LA LANTERNE!] The third wave of aggressors does not attack the duchess
[Companion] An Ambush mission will randomly finish when reaching the target defend area without having done anything
[Mission: WOMEN'S MARCH] After using the Progress Tracker to start LB020 for the second time in a 2 player toy session, the mission starts directly in ACT 3
Arno can get an indefinite amount of Creed Points if he headshots incapacitated targets
[Mission: THE ASSASSINATION OF JEAN-PAUL MARAT] The player cannot interact with the letter in the Hotel for a few minutes
[Mission: MOVING MIRABEAU][Act 2] The assassins have no collision with the hidden door in the catacombs when replaying the mission a second time
[Mission: DANTON'S SACRIFICE ]The extremists will not prioritize Dalton's ally that spawns near the coaches and will behave inappropriate when players are around him
[Mission: HEADS WILL ROLL ] Arno lost two assassin ranks after replaying RB030 and quitting the mission
[Mission: CATACOMB RAIDER] Mission started with very low light level for the client
[Mission: MARIANNE RETURNS HOME] After completing the practice objective, if the user runs (~20m) the NPC is despawned
[Mission: The Estates General] After failing to get in the Hotel des Menus Plaisirs, after you are respawned - the crowd life near the carriage is missing - thus the mission cannot be completed on the normal path.
The SQ03 /SQ04 trophy is unlocked completing the first mode mission of SQ03M020 / SQ04M020
[Mission: THE INFERNAL MACHINE] The objective "Kill the Royalist Leader" is not checked (completed) after the users kill the Royalist Leader.
[Mission: IT BELONGS IN A MUSEUM] Player cannot use HP potion inside the Luxembourg Museum.
World & 3D
Fixed various collisions and navigation mesh issues
Progression & Difficulty
Adjusted various community events rewards
Fixed saves corruptions in some cases
Fixed temporal blur for SLI
Fixed graphical corruptions in Character Customization menu
Fixed crash in Character Customization menu on controller autoswitch
Alt+Enter switch window modes correctly
NPC on side monitors shows correctly
Minor UI improvements
Pues parece que el framerate lo seguirán mejorando en posteriores parches, pero este parece arreglar bastantes cosas, al menos las caídas mas gordas.
Es increíble, pero espera uno con ansias el parche como el propio lanzamiento del juego, manda wevos...
labor escribió:no entiendo esto: http://www.3djuegos.com/foros/tema/34157597/3/el-proximo-parche-de-assassins-creed-unity-corregira-mas-de-300-errores/
cuando sale entonces para la ONE?? la semana que viene?? para mañana solo la de ps4??
cercata escribió:Sulei escribió:Bueno, entonces se espera para mañana el parche o es una suposición?
Eso ha dicho Ubi, que mañana empieza el despliegue del parche 3 en PS4 y ONE.
http://assassinscreed.ubi.com/en-US/community/liveupdates/live_updates_details.aspx?c=tcm:152-186297-16&ct=tcm:148-76770-32The rollout itself will begin tomorrow (Wednesday November 26) on PS4 and Xbox One and later this week on PC.
Thanatorz escribió:Creo que es la primera vez que espero más un update que el propio juego, jejejeje!
Yo con que me solucionen lo del error CE-34878-0 y me deje por lo menos jugar 10 horas sin que me salte ya me doy por más que satisfecho.
javiercr92 escribió:Ustedes seguir esperando parches milagrosos que yo voy a seguir exprimiendo este juegazo.
Una vez pasada la historia, voy por los coleccionables y secundarias lo que me va a dar otras tantas muchas horas de juego.
superwario escribió:javiercr92 escribió:Ustedes seguir esperando parches milagrosos que yo voy a seguir exprimiendo este juegazo.
Una vez pasada la historia, voy por los coleccionables y secundarias lo que me va a dar otras tantas muchas horas de juego.
Yo igual, ya tengo el platino y sigo jugando. He tenido cero problemas con el juego y lo he disfrutado, en lugar de amargarme como veo por aquí.
Galon_2000 escribió:superwario escribió:javiercr92 escribió:Ustedes seguir esperando parches milagrosos que yo voy a seguir exprimiendo este juegazo.
Una vez pasada la historia, voy por los coleccionables y secundarias lo que me va a dar otras tantas muchas horas de juego.
Yo igual, ya tengo el platino y sigo jugando. He tenido cero problemas con el juego y lo he disfrutado, en lugar de amargarme como veo por aquí.
Enhorabuena, tienes la PS4 de la nasa.
senabre escribió:Bueno, yo mañana lo estreno por fin, espero no tirarme mucho tiempo descargando parches y que la espera haya merecido la pena, que 2 semanas en la tienda y un dia en mis manos ya me quemaA disfrutarlo!