c4eva Spoke! (2011-03-05 #fw)
[2011-03-05 08:28AM UTC] #fw <Makere> sure it would be fun to play games with her, but then again you can get friends to do that
[2011-03-05 08:28AM UTC] #fw <Jimballjo> sorry for this sexistic comment but I guess
[2011-03-05 08:28AM UTC] #fw <Jimballjo> everyone is hoping for this
[2011-03-05 08:29AM UTC] #fw <Soprono> yes just opened my 360
[2011-03-05 08:29AM UTC] #fw <Soprono> have a 0225 driv
[2011-03-05 08:29AM UTC] #fw <Jimballjo> BB lads, I’m going to get a haircut
[2011-03-05 08:29AM UTC] #fw <Jimballjo> my hair sucks right now
[2011-03-05 08:29AM UTC] #fw <Soprono> mfr was 2010-09-03
[2011-03-05 08:30AM UTC] #fw <Ham-> bye mate
[2011-03-05 08:30AM UTC] #fw <Ham-> I’m going too
[2011-03-05 08:30AM UTC] #fw <Jimballjo> mine is 1/10/2010
[2011-03-05 08:30AM UTC] #fw <DeathWish> you’re gonna have to wait a bit, Soporono
[2011-03-05 08:30AM UTC] #fw <Jimballjo> then it is 100% 0225
[2011-03-05 08:30AM UTC] #fw <Jimballjo> bb
[2011-03-05 08:30AM UTC] #fw <Soprono> yeah
[2011-03-05 08:30AM UTC] #fw <GodAnubis> mine is july
[2011-03-05 08:30AM UTC] #fw <GodAnubis> i think its 0094
[2011-03-05 08:30AM UTC] #fw <Soprono> DeathWish just did it to make sure
[2011-03-05 08:31AM UTC] #fw <DeathWish> ok
[2011-03-05 08:31AM UTC] #fw <GodAnubis> er 9504
[2011-03-05 08:31AM UTC] #fw <DeathWish> all slims are still waiting.. it won’t be too much longer.. you’ll live to see it
[2011-03-05 08:32AM UTC] #fw <DeathWish> anyway, it’s way bedtime… take it easy, chaps
[2011-03-05 08:49AM UTC] #fw <Nicolas>
http://extracash-foryou.webs.com/[2011-03-05 09:00AM UTC] #fw <Nicolaevi> If you want to see something beautiful and special just click here
http://**SPAM**.com/_2ba3a196.htm[2011-03-05 09:33AM UTC] #fw <veiko_22_> there is news
[2011-03-05 09:38AM UTC] #fw <Pette> Hehe yeah but can someone explain what it actually means?:)
[2011-03-05 09:39AM UTC] #fw <veiko_22_> that fw will be fixed, tested again and then hopefully released
[2011-03-05 09:44AM UTC] #fw <Pette> Well i have read the statements a few times, can’t say i’m sure what he means:)
[2011-03-05 09:45AM UTC] #fw <SiX> I would gladly pay 60$ for a x360USB PRO if needed, not sure why people are moaning
[2011-03-05 09:45AM UTC] #fw <SiX> that’s the cost of 1 game
[2011-03-05 09:51AM UTC] #fw <Proppo> or a couple of people pay 50% each, thats half a game etc ;P
[2011-03-05 10:14AM UTC] #fw <rashid360> wot happens to the 0225 fw? it changed to in progress on c4evaspeaks, did something goes wrong in testing?
[2011-03-05 10:14AM UTC] #fw <JeeBoy> 0225 backdran from test, was it a big issue or just a small fix to soon get back to test?
[2011-03-05 10:14AM UTC] #fw <LANG> its on the same page
[2011-03-05 10:15AM UTC] #fw <rashid360> lemme see
[2011-03-05 10:16AM UTC] #fw <rashid360> ‘ minor change to do 0225 ‘ hmmmm
[2011-03-05 10:25AM UTC] #fw <JeeBoy> its sad to read all the stupid comments on c4evaspeaks, if everyone just buy a X360usb that would be great or donate or something instead of crying and be pissed of that theres no fw for slim.
[2011-03-05 10:27AM UTC] #fw <pudgetta> so when will be flash to 225
[2011-03-05 10:30AM UTC] #fw <Proppo> never ?

[2011-03-05 10:32AM UTC] #fw <dottoress> !list
[2011-03-05 10:32AM UTC] #fw <replique> makin $ with warez = suckz
[2011-03-05 10:32AM UTC] #fw <Tecra>
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vdrh816EooA[2011-03-05 10:32AM UTC] #fw <Tecra> whadda ya mean
[2011-03-05 10:33AM UTC] #fw <Tecra> i sell all kinds of wares from usenet xD
[2011-03-05 10:33AM UTC] #fw <Tecra> lulz
[2011-03-05 10:33AM UTC] #fw <replique>

[2011-03-05 10:41AM UTC] #fw <pudgetta> so when will be flash to 225
[2011-03-05 10:41AM UTC] #fw <rino2> hi
[2011-03-05 10:41AM UTC] #fw <pudgetta> so when will be flash to 225
[2011-03-05 10:44AM UTC] #fw <c4eva_> when its ready!
[2011-03-05 10:45AM UTC] #fw <pudgetta> yhanks
[2011-03-05 10:45AM UTC] #fw <pudgetta> so when it will be
[2011-03-05 10:45AM UTC] #fw <pudgetta> 1 or 2 months
[2011-03-05 10:45AM UTC] #fw <pudgetta> what about writing the 225
[2011-03-05 10:46AM UTC] #fw <Tecra> <OS> Windows 6.1 (Build #7600) <CPU> Intel Core i7 CPU X 990 @, 3.47 GHz <VIDEO> nVidia GeForce GTX 460M on Generic PnP Monitor @ 1920x1080x32bpp 60Hz <SOUND> Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio) <MEMLOAD> 2997/12280 MB <HD> [C:OS] 58.15/111.69 GB [D:Storage 1] 689.42/698.51 GB [E:Storage 2] 698.40/698.51 GB <NET> @ 0 bps (Rec: 0.00MB Sent: 0.00MB)
[2011-03-05 10:46AM UTC] #fw <c4eva> when its ready!
[2011-03-05 10:51AM UTC] #fw <dlukz> sn00ps, santa rosa?
[2011-03-05 10:51AM UTC] #fw <ningbo182> model number are same: 16d4s, does it mean they are using the same hardware?
[2011-03-05 10:51AM UTC] #fw <dlukz> lol
[2011-03-05 10:51AM UTC] #fw <sn00ps> haha its the stalker
[2011-03-05 10:52AM UTC] #fw <dlukz> i’m surprised you’re back
[2011-03-05 10:52AM UTC] #fw <Pette> c4eva: Is it correct that 0225 never was in testing? or has it just been drawn back for bugfixing at the moment?
[2011-03-05 10:52AM UTC] #fw <Simonmir> will be 9504 released together with 0225 or will 9504 released first ?
[2011-03-05 10:52AM UTC] #fw <dlukz> kindle
[2011-03-05 10:53AM UTC] #fw <dlukz> who has one
[2011-03-05 10:53AM UTC] #fw <Simonmir> who has what ?
[2011-03-05 10:53AM UTC] #fw <dlukz> kindle
[2011-03-05 10:53AM UTC] #fw <chrisjuli> c4eva; how long about does it take to test the 9504
[2011-03-05 10:53AM UTC] #fw <sn00ps> try #kindle
[2011-03-05 10:53AM UTC] #fw <Proppo> jesus, stop bloody asking about slim fw ><
[2011-03-05 10:53AM UTC] #fw <DirtyDan> The Emperor has made a critical error and the time for our attack has come!

backups booting fine on 9504!

….. i like this bit
[2011-03-05 10:53AM UTC] #fw <Fallchild> it takes as long as it takes
[2011-03-05 10:53AM UTC] #fw <Fallchild> stop asking stupid shit
[2011-03-05 10:54AM UTC] #fw <wwJFnet40> c4eva: fw for 9504 works fine!? will it be released next days
[2011-03-05 10:54AM UTC] #fw <c4eva> 9504 first, 0225 later with write solution!
[2011-03-05 10:54AM UTC] #fw <ningbo182> Simonmir: 9504 first
[2011-03-05 10:54AM UTC] #fw <pudgetta> do we need somthing to write
[2011-03-05 10:54AM UTC] #fw <pudgetta> probe3
[2011-03-05 10:54AM UTC] #fw <dobbs> a pen
[2011-03-05 10:55AM UTC] #fw <Simonmir> ok nice news

[2011-03-05 10:55AM UTC] #fw <Simonmir> thx
[2011-03-05 10:56AM UTC] #fw <pudgetta> greetings from poland
[2011-03-05 10:56AM UTC] #fw <pudgetta> c4eva
[2011-03-05 10:56AM UTC] #fw <dialtone> how long of a period is testing to release approx
[2011-03-05 10:56AM UTC] #fw <dialtone> sweet that 9504 is nearing release, so excited
[2011-03-05 10:56AM UTC] #fw <Proppo> 5 years
[2011-03-05 10:57AM UTC] #fw <dlukz> probably 2 weeks to 2 months
[2011-03-05 10:57AM UTC] #fw <rashid360> c4eva: how long does the 9504 testing takes? a week? or more?
[2011-03-05 10:57AM UTC] #fw <dlukz> it really depends
[2011-03-05 10:57AM UTC] #fw <dialtone> i havent even plugged my slim in yet, so cant wait to get to use the thing
[2011-03-05 10:57AM UTC] #fw <Proppo> stupid people jesus
[2011-03-05 10:57AM UTC] #fw <dlukz> look at the historical announcements and releases
[2011-03-05 10:57AM UTC] #fw <ningbo182> hi c4eva, thx for all u doing now ,one question:16d4s, does it mean they are using the same hardware?
[2011-03-05 10:57AM UTC] #fw <DirtyDan> hint testing will be done when its done… do you realy want to re open the slim case more than you have too?
[2011-03-05 10:58AM UTC] #fw <c4eva> testing will take longer due to the serveral realtime check routines to overcome.need to ensure realtime stealth is covering our tracks!

[2011-03-05 10:58AM UTC] #fw <rashid360> THX c4eva
[2011-03-05 10:58AM UTC] #fw <wwJFnet40> thx c4eva
[2011-03-05 10:59AM UTC] #fw <pudgetta> ms could do more check’s in new dash?
[2011-03-05 10:59AM UTC] #fw <rashid360> c4eva: one more question, i have ordered x360usb, would it be enough for a 0225 fw writing solution?
[2011-03-05 10:59AM UTC] #fw <dialtone> sweet, cant rush perfection, and when it comes to banning accept nothing less hehe
[2011-03-05 10:59AM UTC] #fw <wwJFnet40> please tell us if fw for 9504 is coming soon
[2011-03-05 10:59AM UTC] #fw <pudgetta> some like ap2.5
[2011-03-05 11:00AM UTC] #fw <Snowcat4> yeah, better wait and then play on live than rush and get banned

[2011-03-05 11:00AM UTC] #fw <DirtyDan> is the fw of the 9504 similar to the 0225? or did you need to start from scratch on the 0225?
[2011-03-05 11:00AM UTC] #fw <c4eva> only a slight change from 9504 to 0225!
[2011-03-05 11:01AM UTC] #fw <pudgetta> so the problem is writing
[2011-03-05 11:01AM UTC] #fw <rashid360> i have ordered x360usb, would it be enough for a 0225 fw writing solution? or would i need something more?
[2011-03-05 11:01AM UTC] #fw <Sliking> C4eva do you read c4evaspeaks.com? There are some total wankers out there!
[2011-03-05 11:02AM UTC] #fw <M007P> c4eva 0225 writing soon ? thanks
[2011-03-05 11:02AM UTC] #fw <c4eva> more on 0225 writing solution will come later!
[2011-03-05 11:02AM UTC] #fw <pudgetta> greetings from poland c4eva
[2011-03-05 11:02AM UTC] #fw <rashid360> k thx
[2011-03-05 11:02AM UTC] #fw <DirtyDan> lol i learned how to soilder using the mra hack… now there is pmt… i wonder what i will need to learn to do a 0225

[2011-03-05 11:03AM UTC] #fw <bmw_nor> thanx c4eva on behalf of the abgx360 uploader team

[2011-03-05 11:03AM UTC] #fw <LANG> did u rent a soilder?
[2011-03-05 11:03AM UTC] #fw <c4eva> for now lt slim needs thorough testing!