› Foros › PlayStation 3 › Modchips y Softmods
Santofimia escribió:pues como dice el asunto, cada vez que quiero cargar un juego con cualquier manager me aparece este error, solo cuando utilizo la version v4b de hermes. ¿alguna solucion?? decir que utilizo un eclips3 con esta version. He probado con la v3hermes+wanin+karakoto pero no podia iniciar a traves del disco.
Muchas Gracias
Hermes escribió:paxama escribió:se podria dumpear la bios?esto seria un gran avance no?en ke posicion esta la bios?lv0,lv1,lv2?
Quise decir kernel
playstation_9999 escribió:Hola a todos me pueden decir cual es el mejor open manager para el PSGROOVE Payload Custom (V4B)
rubencube escribió:hola hermes ante todo te agradesco por todo el aporte mundial que haces a la scene de ps3 y todo lo referido a consolas.sos un genio!!!te queria preguntar si existe la posibilidad de modificar el payload para poder ejecutar los juegos por stream desde el pc,en la epoca del gc con el exploit del pahntasy online y con un loader atravez de linux se podia tambien lei por ahi que la ps2 tambien usaba algo similar,la pregunta seria esa si es posible en el open modificarlo para tener esa opcion o si es muy dificil portarlo las otrs versiones?o sino usar el mismo linux que estan experimentando ahora para poder usar nuestros bakups por stream.muchas gracias nuevamente por todo hermes.saludos
atlantis escribió:Modern Warfare 2, que se cuelga cuando se intenta cargar. Usando un update debug del juego, al intentar iniciarlo me daba error 80010009, que según he estado buscando tiene algo que ver con los headset bluetooth.
khaosjimena escribió:atlantis escribió:Modern Warfare 2, que se cuelga cuando se intenta cargar. Usando un update debug del juego, al intentar iniciarlo me daba error 80010009, que según he estado buscando tiene algo que ver con los headset bluetooth.
Esto es similar al problema con los mandos de F1 y SSF IV, o la cámara en Eye Pet, todos los problemas refieren a los accesorios.
Psmaniaco escribió:Muchas gracias por responder Hermes lo que me refiero es mas o menos eso, lo que si se es que cuando el circuito del Groove simula la conexion y desconexion de varios USB a la vez lo que he entendido es que manda fragmentos del codigo a la RAM que se inicia nada mas arrancar la PS3 y esos fragmentos se unen para parchear la RAM; en ese codigo tienes metido el payload¿no?
Un saludo.
Hermes escribió:paxama escribió:se podria dumpear la bios?esto seria un gran avance no?en ke posicion esta la bios?lv0,lv1,lv2?
Quise decir kernel o LV2alienmind escribió:Como lea esto kakarotoks te COME con el git
Pues ya puede ir empezando
Como dijo kakaroto, el trabaja para desarrolladores, pero yo trabajo para acercar las cosas a la peña normal y doy el trabajo ya hecho.
git puede estar divino para llevar control de versiones, etc, pero que tenga una serie de ventajas, no significa que esa deba ser mi forma de trabajar, ni que me preocupe los problemas que tiene otra gente que para empezar, me está diciendo que no van a utilizar mi trabajo
En este caso, prefiero tener el fuente en un rar en éste hilo, sobre todo por que el trabajo está orientado hacia mi payload, con la syscall 8 de por medio: si otros no la van a usar, o quienes la van a usar son usuarios y no desarrolladores, principalmente, comprenderás que no me corra ninguna prisa en publicar la versión en git.
Menos cuando el tiempo lo gasto en desarrollar cosas, no en ordenarlas y como comprenderás, si se trata de ordenar las cosas al gusto de los demás, no tengo por que tener prisa: entiendo el punto de vista, pero no es mi prioridad.
kakarotoks escribió:Hermes escribió:paxama escribió:se podria dumpear la bios?esto seria un gran avance no?en ke posicion esta la bios?lv0,lv1,lv2?
Quise decir kernel o LV2alienmind escribió:Como lea esto kakarotoks te COME con el git
Pues ya puede ir empezando
Como dijo kakaroto, el trabaja para desarrolladores, pero yo trabajo para acercar las cosas a la peña normal y doy el trabajo ya hecho.
git puede estar divino para llevar control de versiones, etc, pero que tenga una serie de ventajas, no significa que esa deba ser mi forma de trabajar, ni que me preocupe los problemas que tiene otra gente que para empezar, me está diciendo que no van a utilizar mi trabajo
En este caso, prefiero tener el fuente en un rar en éste hilo, sobre todo por que el trabajo está orientado hacia mi payload, con la syscall 8 de por medio: si otros no la van a usar, o quienes la van a usar son usuarios y no desarrolladores, principalmente, comprenderás que no me corra ninguna prisa en publicar la versión en git.
Menos cuando el tiempo lo gasto en desarrollar cosas, no en ordenarlas y como comprenderás, si se trata de ordenar las cosas al gusto de los demás, no tengo por que tener prisa: entiendo el punto de vista, pero no es mi prioridad.
wow.. ok, so basically, I wasted all my time trying to help you and make you understand how to work better. I thought you only lacked experience and I thought I could provide that, but actually, you just don't care, you don't care about the community, you don't care about working with others, you only want to do your things for you and have your "hermes something" everywhere...
first you said "oh, but i didn't know where psgroove code came from, that's why I didn't use git" or whatever.. but psl1ght was clearly released on github and that's the project's homepage, so you knew exactly where it was, how to get it, and I wasted all my time explaining to you how it works and why you should use it, but in the end, you just want to continue with your "hermes released another .rar file". You have no problem in downloading something from github, but you just have a problem in uploading something to it.
your versoin of psl1ght is probably already outdated anyways, so whatever changes you make, it will just be some useless changes on an old version that will never get integrated.. bravo, way to help the community.
I came to you with open hands, trying to help you and get help form you, in an effort to open communication and collaboration between the real open source community and the lone developer who wants to isolate himself from the world.. and I thought you were good enough to understand what you need to do, and I thought you were reasonable enough to join efforts with the rest of us.. but you didn't really help me in any way, you barely responded to me, ignored my PMs, and just didn't seem to care.. I didn't mind and I let it go since I thought you left the scene, so you really didn't care, at all.. but I think you just proved to me that you won't quit, you do care, but only about yourself, your code changes, what you do, and whatever you release with that 'hermes' tag on it.
All you seem to care about is to release your own stuff, as if you did everything, you never even seem to give credit to those who do the real work behind the scenes, you never could have done what you did with your own payload without the work of every other person who contributed to the open source projects, you take their ideas, their code, and release it all without any credits, and that's a shame.
Anyways, I might be wrong with some of the stuff i just said, but for you to completely ignore me and just want to release your stuff in .rar is a kick in the face for me, it is just proof to my eyes of everything I just said.
I think I've wasted enough time with you now, you can go back to having fun with your code and be happy about yourself for all the fangirls you're getting.
Have a nice life.
Adios chico.
kakarotoks escribió:wow.. ok, so basically, I wasted all my time trying to help you and make you understand how to work better. I thought you only lacked experience and I thought I could provide that, but actually, you just don't care, you don't care about the community, you don't care about working with others, you only want to do your things for you and have your "hermes something" everywhere...
first you said "oh, but i didn't know where psgroove code came from, that's why I didn't use git" or whatever.. but psl1ght was clearly released on github and that's the project's homepage, so you knew exactly where it was, how to get it, and I wasted all my time explaining to you how it works and why you should use it, but in the end, you just want to continue with your "hermes released another .rar file". You have no problem in downloading something from github, but you just have a problem in uploading something to it.
your versoin of psl1ght is probably already outdated anyways, so whatever changes you make, it will just be some useless changes on an old version that will never get integrated.. bravo, way to help the community.
I came to you with open hands, trying to help you and get help form you, in an effort to open communication and collaboration between the real open source community and the lone developer who wants to isolate himself from the world.. and I thought you were good enough to understand what you need to do, and I thought you were reasonable enough to join efforts with the rest of us.. but you didn't really help me in any way, you barely responded to me, ignored my PMs, and just didn't seem to care.. I didn't mind and I let it go since I thought you left the scene, so you really didn't care, at all.. but I think you just proved to me that you won't quit, you do care, but only about yourself, your code changes, what you do, and whatever you release with that 'hermes' tag on it.
All you seem to care about is to release your own stuff, as if you did everything, you never even seem to give credit to those who do the real work behind the scenes, you never could have done what you did with your own payload without the work of every other person who contributed to the open source projects, you take their ideas, their code, and release it all without any credits, and that's a shame.
Anyways, I might be wrong with some of the stuff i just said, but for you to completely ignore me and just want to release your stuff in .rar is a kick in the face for me, it is just proof to my eyes of everything I just said.
I think I've wasted enough time with you now, you can go back to having fun with your code and be happy about yourself for all the fangirls you're getting.
Have a nice life.
Adios chico.
danipl escribió:De todas formas este chaval primero insulta y luego viene aqui pidiendo respeto. Que mas da usar winrar o github que ganas de discutir por una tonteria.
Hermes escribió:kakarotoks escribió:wow.. ok, so basically, I wasted all my time trying to help you and make you understand how to work better.
¿para mi o para ti?. Yo tengo una forma de trabajar distinta a la tuya y eso quizá no lo quieres entender.kakarotoks escribió: I thought you only lacked experience and I thought I could provide that, but actually, you just don't care, you don't care about the community, you don't care about working with others, you only want to do your things for you and have your "hermes something" everywhere...
first you said "oh, but i didn't know where psgroove code came from, that's why I didn't use git" or whatever.. but psl1ght was clearly released on github and that's the project's homepage, so you knew exactly where it was, how to get it, and I wasted all my time explaining to you how it works and why you should use it, but in the end, you just want to continue with your "hermes released another .rar file"
¿pero que me estás diciendo?. De veras que no te entiendo: yo publico mis códigos fuentes y no es mi problema si a ti te viene mejor o peor la forma en que lo hago. Hay gente que publica las cosas en rar, otros en cvs, otros en svn y muchos que ni siquiera publican el código fuente Mi forma de publicar es tan lícita como cualquier otra. Perdona, pero no eres tú quien tiene que venir a poner orden en mi casa, al igual que yo no voy a la tuya a poner orden. Ahí, has cruzado el límite
(me parece bien que me des consejos, o me prestes ayuda si te la pido, pero imposiciones, no gracias)
kakarotoks escribió: You have no problem in downloading something from github, but you just have a problem in uploading something to it.
No. No tengo ningún problema en descargar de github por que existe un bonito botón de descarga que genera un bonito .zip que es lo que uso, sin ningún problema.kakarotoks escribió:your versoin of psl1ght is probably already outdated anyways, so whatever changes you make, it will just be some useless changes on an old version that will never get integrated.. bravo, way to help the community.
Mi versión tiene cosas que no existen en la versión original de psl1ght, como un linker.x que funciona, como el uso de la syscall 8 que tu no consideras importante, para lanzar el kernel Linux de asbestOS mediante un programa que incluyo, como una utilidad que crea el .self sin utilizar la de SONY, como la inclusión de las syscalls de sleep() y usleep(), como un arreglo de la función open.
Pero el objetivo es dar, aparte de los fuentes, librerías compiladas para que otros puedan trabajar con el entorno de compilación de ifcaro y de ahí que considere mas conveniente subir un .rar, que unos fuentes que no van a mantener la estructura original, para empezar.
Eso no quita que cuando tenga tiempo y ganas, pueda ordenar mi github, que he creado hoy. Pero no me vengas con imposiciones y mas cuando tu me estás diciendo claramente, que las cosas que yo considero importantes, tu no las vas a utilizar o te parecen mal (aparte de que yo no tengo por que hacer las cosas como a ti te guste, faltaría mas)
Con respecto a que sea una versión "desactualizada", lo importante es que las cosas funcionen bien y simplemente, doy opción a que otras personas puedan compilar a su gusto los programas que proporciono.kakarotoks escribió:I came to you with open hands, trying to help you and get help form you, in an effort to open communication and collaboration between the real open source community and the lone developer who wants to isolate himself from the world.. and I thought you were good enough to understand what you need to do, and I thought you were reasonable enough to join efforts with the rest of us.. but you didn't really help me in any way, you barely responded to me, ignored my PMs, and just didn't seem to care.. I didn't mind and I let it go since I thought you left the scene, so you really didn't care, at all.. but I think you just proved to me that you won't quit, you do care, but only about yourself, your code changes, what you do, and whatever you release with that 'hermes' tag on it.
Que yo sepa, yo no he pedido tu ayuda y me estás dejando entrever que lo que buscas no es ayudar, si no imponer tu criterio, con el que yo no tengo por qué estar de acuerdo. Y suena muy presuntuoso eso de "real open source community", Ridículo diría yo. Mis códigos fuentes están disponibles por cualquiera y no están ocultos, precisamente. Tan malo es mi sistema que hasta tú te has enterado donde publico mis cambios, vaya. Y por supuesto, respeto las licencias de otros. Que no te guste mi sistema, es tu problema, no el mío.
kakarotoks escribió:All you seem to care about is to release your own stuff, as if you did everything, you never even seem to give credit to those who do the real work behind the scenes, you never could have done what you did with your own payload without the work of every other person who contributed to the open source projects, you take their ideas, their code, and release it all without any credits, and that's a shame.
Aquí me acabas de tocar los cojones: ¿estás diciendo que yo me aprovecho del trabajo de otros, eliminando sus licencias?¿pero que tontería me estás diciendo, hombre?.
Aquí cualquiera puede comprobar que eso que dices, es mentira. Lo que es una vergüenza es lo que acabas de decir y lo que estás intentando hacer, desprestigiandome ¿he eliminado yo los créditos de psgroove?. Anda, no digas tonterías, hombre!
kakarotoks escribió:Anyways, I might be wrong with some of the stuff i just said, but for you to completely ignore me and just want to release your stuff in .rar is a kick in the face for me, it is just proof to my eyes of everything I just said.
I think I've wasted enough time with you now, you can go back to having fun with your code and be happy about yourself for all the fangirls you're getting.
Have a nice life.
Adios chico.
Macho, creo que tienes un ego que te lo pisas. Es que sinceramente, no te entiendo: no solo por la barrera del idioma, si no que seas incapaz de comprender que la gente no tiene por qué pensar como tu y eso hay que respetarlo, aunque no lo compartas.
Si a mi me apetece publicar algo en rar, tu no eres nadie para decir lo contrario. Y si me apetece subirlo a github (como el payload que ya está), es asunto mío. Tu vienes imponiendo, haciendo juicios de valor, incluso te has atrevido a decir que estoy incumpliendo licencias y quitando crédito a otros, cuando YO NO TOCO ni un solo copyright y publico las cosas con sus licencias originales, salvo despiste raro. Te das por ofendido y a mi me parece una simple pataleta sin sentido.
Por mi parte, no tengo mas de que hablar: ya me has calentado bastante
Hermes escribió:¿pero que me estás diciendo?. De veras que no te entiendo: yo publico mis códigos fuentes y no es mi problema si a ti te viene mejor o peor la forma en que lo hago.
Y suena muy presuntuoso eso de "real open source community", Ridículo diría yo. Mis códigos fuentes están disponibles por cualquiera y no están ocultos, precisamente. Tan malo es mi sistema que hasta tú te has enterado donde publico mis cambios, vaya.
kakarotoks escribió:Aquí me acabas de tocar los cojones: ¿estás diciendo que yo me aprovecho del trabajo de otros, eliminando sus licencias?¿pero que tontería me estás diciendo, hombre?.
Aquí cualquiera puede comprobar que eso que dices, es mentira. Lo que es una vergüenza es lo que acabas de decir y lo que estás intentando hacer, desprestigiandome ¿he eliminado yo los créditos de psgroove?. Anda, no digas tonterías, hombre!
Macho, creo que tienes un ego que te lo pisas
Tu vienes imponiendo, haciendo juicios de valor, incluso te has atrevido a decir que estoy incumpliendo licencias y quitando crédito a otros, cuando YO NO TOCO ni un solo copyright y publico las cosas con sus licencias originales, salvo despiste raro. Te das por ofendido y a mi me parece una simple pataleta sin sentido.
Por mi parte, no tengo mas de que hablar: ya me has calentado bastante
pom escribió:Deberías ser más respetuoso especialmente si no has entendido nada. Lo que kakarotoks pretende poner de manifiesto es que en su opinión Hermes nunca ha pretendido colaborar en equipo. Sea cierto o no, puedo asegurarte que trabajar en equipo sin un cvs/subversion/git sería un auténtico infierno.
Sin defender ni a uno ni a otro, sólo puedo decir que el tema del servidor git es sólo una de las múltiples discrepancias.
ditifet escribió:Personalmente Willow NO TIENES razon, Hermes puede publicar sus fuentes como le de la gana, no tiene ninguna obligacion en hacerlo para que kakaroto lo entienda.
Si no quiere trabajar con GitHub no tiene porque venir kakaroto a sugerirle nada.
Me pierdo en la frase "que mierda de scene es esto?" ...que tiene que ver el termino scene en que no quieras hacerlo como te dicen otros, que Hermes lo haga como le salga de las pelot***, mientras él este comodo haciendolo y despues sea funcional
Que Hermes no quiere trabajar en equipo, perfecto, es su trabajo y su decision, que se la respeten coño
ditifet escribió:Personalmente Willow NO TIENES razon, Hermes puede publicar sus fuentes como le de la gana, no tiene ninguna obligacion en hacerlo para que kakaroto lo entienda.
_WiLloW_ escribió:ditifet escribió:Personalmente Willow NO TIENES razon, Hermes puede publicar sus fuentes como le de la gana, no tiene ninguna obligacion en hacerlo para que kakaroto lo entienda.
Hermes puede publicar lo que le de la gana, cuando le de la gana y de la forma que crea conveniente. O no hacerlo, eso depende de él.
Pero yo también puedo hacer una crítica cuando quiera, que estamos en un foro público y tengo opinión propia. Al igual que tú puedes responder que no estás de acuerdo conmigo, como has hecho. Y no pasa nada.
Lo que quería decir, ya lo he dicho.
c0d3m4st4 escribió:Toalmente de acuerdo con .abc.
Si yo hago algo por amor al arte, lo publicaré si quiero, cuando quiera y como quiera. Aceptaré críticas y consejos, pero no toleraré que un niñato engredido me diga como tengo que hacer las cosas. Porque aquí el amigo kakaroto, se cree en posesión de la verdad suprema, vamos que se cree un iluminado, y será todo lo listo que quiera, y programará como los ángeles, pero esa actitud de o lo haces como yo digo que es la única forma correcta, o te pongo a caldo, me enfado y dejo de respirar, deja bastante que desear.
dreamer escribió:c0d3m4st4 escribió:Toalmente de acuerdo con .abc.
Si yo hago algo por amor al arte, lo publicaré si quiero, cuando quiera y como quiera. Aceptaré críticas y consejos, pero no toleraré que un niñato engredido me diga como tengo que hacer las cosas. Porque aquí el amigo kakaroto, se cree en posesión de la verdad suprema, vamos que se cree un iluminado, y será todo lo listo que quiera, y programará como los ángeles, pero esa actitud de o lo haces como yo digo que es la única forma correcta, o te pongo a caldo, me enfado y dejo de respirar, deja bastante que desear.
Creo que la traducción del inglés os está jugando una mala pasada a todos. Hermes ESTÁ en su perfecto derecho de trabajar como quiere, y nadie a estas alturas cuestiona nada a una persona a la que estamos todos eternamente agradecidos, haciendo que gracias a él, la ps3 podría encaminar el verdarero camino de la scene. No se trata de criticar nada, si no de construir.
_WiLloW_ está explicando con buen criterio cómo funciona una comunidad open source y los beneficios de la misma; y trabajar con GitHub es simplemente una manera de contribuir entre todos, en acelerar las cosas y en ayudarse unos a otros.
kakarotoks escribió:I see I caused tensions, and I think that my mistake was to post here in this forum. I never should have done it in the first place.. I should have known from the start that Hermes is egocentric and one who doesn't care or want to share anything with anyone.
I feel like I'm the stranger here in this spanish forum, and I know that the spanish people are a proud and very nationalist people, and it's just a shame to see so many people bash and insult me for no reason at all, simply because I disagree with their "hero", their "savior", their "new God", and most probably simply because he's spanish, noone has a right to criticize him.
I have no right to tell you how to work, but you have an obligation to work with a project.. what you are doing is NOT open source development, you are not a team player, you may publish your source code, but it's purely political, it serves nothing, and most of the people who work on payloads never even looked at your code simply because it's useless the way you 'work'.
I'm not saying you have to use git because it's my way and it's better. I'm saying you have to use git because that's what the original project uses and you have to follow their rules.
Can anyone here imagine if every developer decides to just fork any open source project and release their "<nickname> <project>" in rar? Do you think you would have something like firefox if every single developer (hundreds) decided to release his "<nickname> firefox" version? or even linux ? No.. if you want to fix or improve firefox or the linux kernel or ANY open source project, you MUST use their revision control system, you must send the patches and have them integrated upstream. That's how it works. If you're not doing this, then you cannot say that you are doing open source development, and releasing source code in a .rar file is completely pointless, you might as well not release them, there would be absolutely no difference.
PSGroove was released on github since day one, if you wanted to modify it, you'd have to use git as well, that's just how it works. Look at psgroove, psfreedom and PL3, all these projects are on git, and EVERYONE who changes something or contributed somehow did it on git and sent a pull request (I had over 30 different pull requests on PSFreedom and PL3), and I haven't seen a single person other than Hermes decide to fork the project, rename it to his own name, and release things outside of git.
The fact that you say it's not your problem is the real problem here.. you don't care about anyone but yourself and your own fame. I can't force you to do anything the right way, but I have every right in the world to be pissed at you for taking over a project, rename it to your name, and REFUSE any kind of collaboration. This isn't a "scene", this isn't "open source", this isn't "collaboration", this isn't a "community".. it's one guy who wants to say 'fuck you' to the community. And that's what pisses me off, and I have a right to say it out loud. You are not a team player, you are an egoist who prefers to fork projects rather than contribute.
And yes, when your "hermes project" includes code contributions from a dozen other developers, you are violating their authorship by releasing your code under the "hermes" name and you are violating their authorship by not providing a way to see who wrote what. You included my own changes, you included waninkoko's changes, as well as many other people's changes in your payload, you even probably read and used the code in PL3 to do what you did, and I didn't see any mention of that, anywhere.
Compare that to PL3.. It's PL3, it's the name of the project, I never released "kakaroto payload" (and I even stated many times that I do not want it to be called "kakaroto payload" or "kakaroto PL3" because it's a collaborative work, and not mine alone), and I think that's the difference between a neutrally named project and a 'my work' project. It shows who respects other people's work. By making it "my payload", you are basically saying you did everything, which is not true.
If you want to continue this, then go ahead, have fun, but i'm sure it won't work for you in the long run. You can stop releasing the source code because it's useless the way you do it.
Oh and to those who say "learn to code if you want can't understand hermes code".. I can only say : shut the fuck up.. go read it yourself and if you can understand it, then congrats, your brain is wired the wrong way, just like Hermes.. if you can't do that, then shut up, don't talk when you don't know wtf you're talking about.
Humm... I just saw Hermes's answer... first: a PM is a PM, you're not supposed to make it public. I sent it privately for a reason... and you're not supposed to make it public without my prior approbation. You removed one email from it, but you left another one. Please remove it.
Also, I just saw all your answers about git, etc.. and I think it can only be summarized to this : You don't understand anything about git and how it works, I think you're a lost cause, and it's not even worth the time trying to make you understand how to use a tool.
I think your problem is when you think that using a .rar delivery method is "just as good as" using a revision control system..
And by the way, your github you created last night, it's a nice gesture, good, but you don't know how to use it.. you don't put all the code in there in one shot with 'initial commit'.. you forked from psgroove, and with what you did, all their changes has been lost. again.. you fail.
And again, I tell you, I'm not 'imposing' something on you, I'm telling you how to work, by refusing it, you are basically saying that you want to make a fork and work alone.
And git isn't just about "showing a diff", it does document the code.. when all your commits are small and only do one thing, then you can clearly understand what the change is when reading the commit log. If you don't know how to use the tool, then you'd better not use it.
Have fun with your little fame.
p.s: __Willow__, thanks, it seems you understood things, you used your brain, and I appreciate you making a non-political/non-emotional post.
Hermes escribió:Que alguien le diga a kakaroto dos cosas:
1) Que se equivoca y la está cagando mucho.
2) Que no tengo nada que hablar con el : ha perdido mi respeto para siempre
3) Que el payload está en github como una hora antes de que él metiera la pata aquí.
http://github.com/hermesEOLRepositorios públicos (1)
o 1
o 1
my work in ps3 scene
Last updated about 9 hours ago
Actividad pública feed
hermesEOL hizo push a master en hermesEOL/ps3 about 9 hours ago
initial commit
hermesEOL creado branch master at hermesEOL/ps3 about 10 hours ago
New branch is at hermesEOL/ps3/tree/master
hermesEOL creado repository ps3 about 10 hours ago
my work in ps3 scene
hermesEOL creado branch master at hermesEOL/ps3 about 10 hours ago
New branch is at hermesEOL/ps3/tree/master
hermesEOL creado repository ps3 about 11 hours ago
Se creó poco antes de media noche, fue subir los últimos cambios, entrar al poco en éste hilo y ver su metedura de pata (me llevó tiempo entender el funcionamiento de git y de hecho, para lograr commit que enviara el payload
me costó lo suyo de ahí la diferencia de tiempo. Tambien adapté algunas cosillas)
Ahora que disfrute diciendo tonterías, pero yo no tengo nada mas que hablar con el (y menos con mis dificultades en Ingles)
kakarotoks escribió:I see I caused tensions, and I think that my mistake was to post here in this forum. I never should have done it in the first place.. I should have known from the start that Hermes is egocentric and one who doesn't care or want to share anything with anyone.
I feel like I'm the stranger here in this spanish forum, and I know that the spanish people are a proud and very nationalist people, and it's just a shame to see so many people bash and insult me for no reason at all, simply because I disagree with their "hero", their "savior", their "new God", and most probably simply because he's spanish, noone has a right to criticize him.
I have no right to tell you how to work, but you have an obligation to work with a project.. what you are doing is NOT open source development, you are not a team player, you may publish your source code, but it's purely political, it serves nothing, and most of the people who work on payloads never even looked at your code simply because it's useless the way you 'work'.
I'm not saying you have to use git because it's my way and it's better. I'm saying you have to use git because that's what the original project uses and you have to follow their rules.
Can anyone here imagine if every developer decides to just fork any open source project and release their "<nickname> <project>" in rar? Do you think you would have something like firefox if every single developer (hundreds) decided to release his "<nickname> firefox" version? or even linux ? No.. if you want to fix or improve firefox or the linux kernel or ANY open source project, you MUST use their revision control system, you must send the patches and have them integrated upstream. That's how it works. If you're not doing this, then you cannot say that you are doing open source development, and releasing source code in a .rar file is completely pointless, you might as well not release them, there would be absolutely no difference.
PSGroove was released on github since day one, if you wanted to modify it, you'd have to use git as well, that's just how it works. Look at psgroove, psfreedom and PL3, all these projects are on git, and EVERYONE who changes something or contributed somehow did it on git and sent a pull request (I had over 30 different pull requests on PSFreedom and PL3), and I haven't seen a single person other than Hermes decide to fork the project, rename it to his own name, and release things outside of git.
The fact that you say it's not your problem is the real problem here.. you don't care about anyone but yourself and your own fame. I can't force you to do anything the right way, but I have every right in the world to be pissed at you for taking over a project, rename it to your name, and REFUSE any kind of collaboration. This isn't a "scene", this isn't "open source", this isn't "collaboration", this isn't a "community".. it's one guy who wants to say 'fuck you' to the community. And that's what pisses me off, and I have a right to say it out loud. You are not a team player, you are an egoist who prefers to fork projects rather than contribute.
And yes, when your "hermes project" includes code contributions from a dozen other developers, you are violating their authorship by releasing your code under the "hermes" name and you are violating their authorship by not providing a way to see who wrote what. You included my own changes, you included waninkoko's changes, as well as many other people's changes in your payload, you even probably read and used the code in PL3 to do what you did, and I didn't see any mention of that, anywhere.
Compare that to PL3.. It's PL3, it's the name of the project, I never released "kakaroto payload" (and I even stated many times that I do not want it to be called "kakaroto payload" or "kakaroto PL3" because it's a collaborative work, and not mine alone), and I think that's the difference between a neutrally named project and a 'my work' project. It shows who respects other people's work. By making it "my payload", you are basically saying you did everything, which is not true.
If you want to continue this, then go ahead, have fun, but i'm sure it won't work for you in the long run. You can stop releasing the source code because it's useless the way you do it.
Oh and to those who say "learn to code if you want can't understand hermes code".. I can only say : shut the fuck up.. go read it yourself and if you can understand it, then congrats, your brain is wired the wrong way, just like Hermes.. if you can't do that, then shut up, don't talk when you don't know wtf you're talking about.
Humm... I just saw Hermes's answer... first: a PM is a PM, you're not supposed to make it public. I sent it privately for a reason... and you're not supposed to make it public without my prior approbation. You removed one email from it, but you left another one. Please remove it.
Also, I just saw all your answers about git, etc.. and I think it can only be summarized to this : You don't understand anything about git and how it works, I think you're a lost cause, and it's not even worth the time trying to make you understand how to use a tool.
I think your problem is when you think that using a .rar delivery method is "just as good as" using a revision control system..
And by the way, your github you created last night, it's a nice gesture, good, but you don't know how to use it.. you don't put all the code in there in one shot with 'initial commit'.. you forked from psgroove, and with what you did, all their changes has been lost. again.. you fail.
And again, I tell you, I'm not 'imposing' something on you, I'm telling you how to work, by refusing it, you are basically saying that you want to make a fork and work alone.
And git isn't just about "showing a diff", it does document the code.. when all your commits are small and only do one thing, then you can clearly understand what the change is when reading the commit log. If you don't know how to use the tool, then you'd better not use it.
Have fun with your little fame.
p.s: __Willow__, thanks, it seems you understood things, you used your brain, and I appreciate you making a non-political/non-emotional post.
smithandwesson escribió:
Pues si tan nacionalistas somos y tanto defendemos lo nuestro no se que coño haces aquí...