› Foros › PlayStation 3 › Modchips y Softmods
Executor escribió:
Quien cojones se cree que es el tio este para venir a decirnos que los españoles somos unos nacionalistas y que protegemos a los nuestros. Es la mayor idiotez que he leido en este foro en los mas de 6 años que llevo registrado. Si no hay nada como escribir en ingles aqui para que los 4 pelamanillas de turno se deshagan rapidamente a contestar (tambien en un perfecto ingles) para que los de fuera vean lo "cool" que somos. Eso sí, si uno hace la misma pregunta en español ni dios le contesta ¿Eso es nacionalismo?
La verdad es que no quería intervenir en este tema, suelo ser mas de ver, oir y callar pero esto ya clama al cielo.
Esto no es 1492 y tu no eres Cristobla Colón para venir a enseñarnos tu "cristianismo" y darnos de palos para que quememos nuestros dioses paganos. La cosa es mucho mas sencilla que todo eso, la gente apoya lo que funciona. Ni mas ni menos. Si el payload de Hermes no funcionase la gente pasaria de bajarlo y de seguir sus avances. Pero como funciona y el tuyo no (por lo menos no tan estable como el de Hermes) a los demas nos la trae floja si tu codigo es mas depurado, si se sube github o si previene del cancer de colon.
La verdad es que con cosas asi no me extraña nada que Hermes se plantee mas de una vez dejar todo esto que, comienza como un pasatiempo, y termina siendo motivo de malestar.
kakarotoks escribió:I see I caused tensions, and I think that my mistake was to post here in this forum. I never should have done it in the first place.. I should have known from the start that Hermes is egocentric and one who doesn't care or want to share anything with anyone.
I feel like I'm the stranger here in this spanish forum, and I know that the spanish people are a proud and very nationalist people, and it's just a shame to see so many people bash and insult me for no reason at all, simply because I disagree with their "hero", their "savior", their "new God", and most probably simply because he's spanish, noone has a right to criticize him.
I have no right to tell you how to work, but you have an obligation to work with a project.. what you are doing is NOT open source development, you are not a team player, you may publish your source code, but it's purely political, it serves nothing, and most of the people who work on payloads never even looked at your code simply because it's useless the way you 'work'.
I'm not saying you have to use git because it's my way and it's better. I'm saying you have to use git because that's what the original project uses and you have to follow their rules.
Can anyone here imagine if every developer decides to just fork any open source project and release their "<nickname> <project>" in rar? Do you think you would have something like firefox if every single developer (hundreds) decided to release his "<nickname> firefox" version? or even linux ? No.. if you want to fix or improve firefox or the linux kernel or ANY open source project, you MUST use their revision control system, you must send the patches and have them integrated upstream. That's how it works. If you're not doing this, then you cannot say that you are doing open source development, and releasing source code in a .rar file is completely pointless, you might as well not release them, there would be absolutely no difference.
PSGroove was released on github since day one, if you wanted to modify it, you'd have to use git as well, that's just how it works. Look at psgroove, psfreedom and PL3, all these projects are on git, and EVERYONE who changes something or contributed somehow did it on git and sent a pull request (I had over 30 different pull requests on PSFreedom and PL3), and I haven't seen a single person other than Hermes decide to fork the project, rename it to his own name, and release things outside of git.
The fact that you say it's not your problem is the real problem here.. you don't care about anyone but yourself and your own fame. I can't force you to do anything the right way, but I have every right in the world to be pissed at you for taking over a project, rename it to your name, and REFUSE any kind of collaboration. This isn't a "scene", this isn't "open source", this isn't "collaboration", this isn't a "community".. it's one guy who wants to say 'fuck you' to the community. And that's what pisses me off, and I have a right to say it out loud. You are not a team player, you are an egoist who prefers to fork projects rather than contribute.
And yes, when your "hermes project" includes code contributions from a dozen other developers, you are violating their authorship by releasing your code under the "hermes" name and you are violating their authorship by not providing a way to see who wrote what. You included my own changes, you included waninkoko's changes, as well as many other people's changes in your payload, you even probably read and used the code in PL3 to do what you did, and I didn't see any mention of that, anywhere.
Compare that to PL3.. It's PL3, it's the name of the project, I never released "kakaroto payload" (and I even stated many times that I do not want it to be called "kakaroto payload" or "kakaroto PL3" because it's a collaborative work, and not mine alone), and I think that's the difference between a neutrally named project and a 'my work' project. It shows who respects other people's work. By making it "my payload", you are basically saying you did everything, which is not true.
If you want to continue this, then go ahead, have fun, but i'm sure it won't work for you in the long run. You can stop releasing the source code because it's useless the way you do it.
Oh and to those who say "learn to code if you want can't understand hermes code".. I can only say : shut the fuck up.. go read it yourself and if you can understand it, then congrats, your brain is wired the wrong way, just like Hermes.. if you can't do that, then shut up, don't talk when you don't know wtf you're talking about.
Humm... I just saw Hermes's answer... first: a PM is a PM, you're not supposed to make it public. I sent it privately for a reason... and you're not supposed to make it public without my prior approbation. You removed one email from it, but you left another one. Please remove it.
Also, I just saw all your answers about git, etc.. and I think it can only be summarized to this : You don't understand anything about git and how it works, I think you're a lost cause, and it's not even worth the time trying to make you understand how to use a tool.
I think your problem is when you think that using a .rar delivery method is "just as good as" using a revision control system..
And by the way, your github you created last night, it's a nice gesture, good, but you don't know how to use it.. you don't put all the code in there in one shot with 'initial commit'.. you forked from psgroove, and with what you did, all their changes has been lost. again.. you fail.
And again, I tell you, I'm not 'imposing' something on you, I'm telling you how to work, by refusing it, you are basically saying that you want to make a fork and work alone.
And git isn't just about "showing a diff", it does document the code.. when all your commits are small and only do one thing, then you can clearly understand what the change is when reading the commit log. If you don't know how to use the tool, then you'd better not use it.
Have fun with your little fame.
p.s: __Willow__, thanks, it seems you understood things, you used your brain, and I appreciate you making a non-political/non-emotional post.
trasguurriellu escribió:Del twitter de Kakaroto:
KaKaRoToKS Youness Alaoui
I'm done fighting with hermes, he's just too stubborn and doesn't want to help the community. What can you do when people are stupid? sigh..
Hace falta que lo traduzca?
trasguurriellu escribió:Del twitter de Kakaroto:
KaKaRoToKS Youness Alaoui
I'm done fighting with hermes, he's just too stubborn and doesn't want to help the community. What can you do when people are stupid? sigh..
Hace falta que lo traduzca?
Executor escribió:Lo mejor de todo esta en el final:
p.s: __Willow__, thanks, it seems you understood things, you used your brain, and I appreciate you making a non-political/non-emotional post.
Osea si tu apoyas lo que yo digo eres un tio inteligente y si no es que eres un indigena nacionalista. Macho, este tio tiene el mayor ego que he visto en mi vida y todavia se atreve a decirle a Hermes que es un egocentrico...
kakarotoks escribió:I should have known from the start that Hermes is egocentric and one who doesn't care or want to share anything with anyone.
I feel like I'm the stranger here in this spanish forum, and I know that the spanish people are a proud and very nationalist people, and it's just a shame to see so many people bash and insult me for no reason at all, simply because I disagree with their "hero", their "savior", their "new God", and most probably simply because he's spanish
trasguurriellu escribió:Executor escribió:Lo mejor de todo esta en el final:
p.s: __Willow__, thanks, it seems you understood things, you used your brain, and I appreciate you making a non-political/non-emotional post.
Osea si tu apoyas lo que yo digo eres un tio inteligente y si no es que eres un indigena nacionalista. Macho, este tio tiene el mayor ego que he visto en mi vida y todavia se atreve a decirle a Hermes que es un egocentrico...
Pues yo estoy de acuerdo con lo que dijo _WilloW_, y no es porque tambien sea asturiano.
yeyoX escribió:Alguien me puede responder?
Que diferencia hay entre el V4B de Hermes con el Payload nuevo de Kakaroto?
Un saludo, porque esque no se que diferrencia hay y que no hace uno y que hace el otro
yeyoX escribió:yeyoX escribió:Alguien me puede responder?
Que diferencia hay entre el V4B de Hermes con el Payload nuevo de Kakaroto?
Un saludo, porque esque no se que diferrencia hay y que no hace uno y que hace el otro
Me cito de nuevo antes de que volvais al tema de la semana
Hermes escribió:Me parece que el que no se entera de la película, eres tu: ¿tu sabes lo que significa open source?. Open source significa que está abierto a los demás, lo cual yo no impido, pero eso no implica que YO tenga que hacer un control de versiones mediante svn, o git. En este caso, estoy utilizando un servidor ftp, como muchos otros proyectos y estoy en mi derecho.
¿sabes que significa código libre?. Significa que soy libre para trabajar como me parezca y publicar los fuentes como me parezca. A ver si ahora para ser open source hay que usar el puñetero git de los cojones y yo no me enterado.
¿Que hay alguien que no le gusta?. Pues me parece muy bien, pero NO ES MI PROBLEMA y lo que no puede venir es un señor a criticarme moralmente e incluso decir a las claras, que estoy robando los créditos y las licencias de otros, cuando NO ES VERDAD .
Perdona, pero aquí lo que pasa es que éste señor quiere ser el dueño del gallinero y que su PL3 sea el método de trabajo y que yo adopte su forma de trabajar. Y si no lo hago, entonces soy mala persona, no "open source friendly", por que no puede venir fácilmente a decirme en su versión "oficial" (eso es otra: yo no tomo NADA de su trabajo ¿por que tengo yo que seguirle el juego?) que el "código mal identado".
Bájate el código fuente y busca la palabra "hermes", a ver si me está dando crédito en sus fuentes, anda
yo no se que habrá metido del mío, ni me interesa, pero te aseguro que no me menciona por ningún lado (coño ¿no me acusa a mi de apropiarme del crédito de los demás?)
Por otro lado, mi proyecto y el suyo, se parecen como un huevo y una castaña, y está diciendo a las claras que mis cambios NO LE INTERESAN. Es que no le gusta nada: repasa los mensajes y verás como critica todo, la forma de cargar el payload, dice a las claras que no le interesa la syscall 8, ni le gusta que una "apps_home" para lanzar los juegos, etc
Entonces ¿que es lo que está pretendiendo? ¿entender mi código?. Te aseguro que lo entiende de sobra, luego te dejo a tu interpretación de que va la cosa.
He eliminado el correo por razones obvias, pero que irónico suena esto: sin presión, cuando luego viene aquí y me monta el pollo![]()
Primero, yo no he pedido formar parte de la "comunidad open source". Segundo, desde el mismo momento que publico mis fuentes (y mas en un sitio de sobra conocido), formo parte de la "comunidad open source".
¿Sabes cuanta gente me pide que colabore en su página, o con sus "grupos"?. Por que según tú debería colaborar con todos los proyectos para ser "respetado". ¿Te has planteado que yo puedo ser una persona que quiere trabajar por libre, y que no solo estoy en mi derecho, si no que considero estos grupos como un obstáculo?. Solo hay que ver el comportamiento de kakaroto haica mi trabajo para entender que estoy mejor solo que mal acompañado.
Y si quieres colaboración, añade tus cambios y me los pasas.
Estáis logrando justo lo contrario de lo que pretendéis: tengo un git en github que cree ayer casi rozando la medianoche y me parece que lo voy a borrar
Conmigo eso no funciona, si veo intransigencia en alguien que pide algo, consigue justo lo contrario: yo si pido algo, me adapto a lo que me piden y si me dicen no, es un no y lo acepto. De igual forma, si alguien me pide algo y digo no, no es la mejor forma de hacerme cambiar de parecer que alguien se rebote conmigo, si no la mejor forma de hacer que pase de colaborar de cualquier forma
trasguurriellu escribió:Del twitter de Kakaroto:
KaKaRoToKS Youness Alaoui
I'm done fighting with hermes, he's just too stubborn and doesn't want to help the community. What can you do when people are stupid? sigh..
Hace falta que lo traduzca?
_WiLloW_ escribió:En este mundo todas las personas son necesarias, pero nadie es imprescindible.
slok escribió:De la misma forma que agradezco a Hermes su trabajo, tambien agradezco el de Kakaroto, tanto por sus contribuciones en la Scene de PS3 como por los proyectos fuera de ella (p.e Amsn)
kakarotoks escribió:Just to make three things clear :
1 - the whole thing about spanish people being nationalists and defending their own. I know a lot of spanish friends and they're the ones saying it, not me. And I don't see why you take it the wrong wrong, I said "proud and nationalists" and I don't understand why you are offended by it. Is it not a quality in its own ?
2 - I have been very respectful of Hermes until he kicked me in the face, I have wasted all my time trying to help, and in the end for nothing. I'm mad and pissed not because he's not doing it "my way", I'm mad because he disrespected me by not telling me "no, I don't want to do it", he says "yes, let's collaborate", he lets me talk and talk and talk, but never took the time to respect me by telling me "no, I disagree". That's what pissed me off. He can do whatever he wants, it's too bad for the community, but that's his problem, he's free to do it, but don't insult me, don't disrespect me, and don't play a game with me. I'm an honest person, and I speak my mind, and I expect the same from others, and I don't like political crap or hidden agendas. If you didn't want to be part of the community, just tell me, don't let me talk to a wall, ignore me like I'm nothing, then just do what you want disregarding me completely. That was your mistake.
3 - I came here because Hermes doesn't seem to want to be available anywhere else, the whole community is on IRC, but he doesn't want to share with anyone, so I came here reaching out to him, out of respect for his work and for him. My first post started with "I'm sorry for polluting this forum with my english post", everyone was happy about me trying to get hermes to collaborate and unite both our efforts (instead of wasting them), everyone was translating back and forth from/to english<->spanish. And now because I disagree, everyone tells me to fuck off? that I'm a jerk? an asshole? That I should get out of this forum, that I'm not allowed to speak english here? It shows your maturity (those who said such things), I'm welcome here, as long as I don't say anything against what you think? What kind of free world is this? I have the right to speak my mind, and I will say what I think, and noone can silence me, and it's certainly not the people saying I'm a 'jerk/asshole' that are going to scare me.
I can however understand that this forum might have a 'spanish-only' rules, and I will respect that, if I'm not welcome here, don't worry, I'm not going to stay long. I only came here because I wanted to see Hermes work with the community and see some collaboration and real, useful work, but he obviously does not want that (and I say you're stupid and egoist, not because you don't follow 'my rules', I say it because you accept taking code from others and enjoying what others did, but you refuse to help the community in return). Since Hermes is a lost cause, I have nothing more to do in this forum. Have fun everyone, you can lynch me all you want, insult me all you want, I just hope you don't loose your dignity in the process... if you had any.
I'm not coming back here. I've waste enough time with you, and unfortunately it wasn't worth it.
Adios forever.
super tek escribió:Yo creo que ni uno ni otro tienen razón, o por otro lado los dos la tienen.
Kakaroto tiene razón al pedir que se continúe el proyecto de la manera que se empezó, porque así es mucho más fácil compartir cambios y mejorarlo entre todos. En eso consiste el software libre y es como debería hacerse para que el esfuerzo de todos contase y se avanzara, como bien dice él al igual que linux o firefox u otros muchos proyectos libres.
Por otro lado Hermes es libre de continuar su versión y su soporte, siempre ha liberado el código y ha compartido su trabajo con los demás.
Quizás no lo haya hecho de la manera más correcta o eficiente y es verdad que basándose en el trabajo de otros lo suyo es hacerlo todo de manera abierta. Pero tampoco se merece que le ataquen de esta forma porque haciendo este trabajo de una manera más o menos libre, siempre ha reconocido el trabajo de los demás y ha aportado su conocimiento.
Vale que por cabezonería o por no querer complicarse o cambiar su método de trabajo Hermes ha desarrollado su payload un poco al margen del proyecto original. Pero lo que no se puede negar es que ha aportado mucho.
Si lo hubiera hecho mediante git podría haberse integrado mejor en el proyecto pero le habría supuesto un cambio que no le merece la pena ya que no es programador profesional.
Es muy bueno en lo que hace pero al fin y al cabo no es un profesional, es un aficionado (que nadie se mosquee, no tiene por qué ser malo) con un nivel muy alto y un gran talento, pero que no tiene la metodología de un profesional.
Pero precisamente por eso, porque no es un profesional, también es libre de publicar su trabajo a su manera y que cada cual lo valore como prefiera.
Chicos, no seamos tan cerrados, metiédonos a saco con cualquiera de ellos sólo estamos perjudicando el desarrollo de la scene de ps3 al afectar la motivación que puedan tener los desarrolladores y el buen ambiente de trabajo y colaboración que se necesita en cualquier poryecto del tipo que sea.
No hace daño a nadie que haya un proyecto oficial y otro un poco al margen, mientras no sean demasiados. Además ambos están haciendo avances y hay algo de "competencia" por llamarlo de alguna manera que ayuda a mejorar los dos payloads.
Given this thread has gone international, here you have a translation if someone needs it.
In my opinion neither one, neither the other are rigth, or in the the other hand both are.
Kakaroto is rigth when he asks to continue the project the same way it was started, that way it is much easier to share changes and make it better all together. That's how open source works and how should it be done so everyone's effort counts and the project goes on, like he sais, the same way as linux, firefox, or any other open source project.
In the other hand, Hermes is free to continue his version and his support, he has aways released the code and has shared his work with others.
Perhaps he didn't do it in the most correct of efficient way, and it is true that when you are basing on others work the correct way is to do it like open source. But he doesn't deserve to be attacked in this way because, when doing this work in a more or less open source way, he has always recognized other people's work and has contributed with his knowledge.
It is true that because of being stubborn or for not wanting to change his working method, Hermes has developed his payload marginally from the original proyect. But what you can't deny is that he has contributed a lot.
If he did do it by Git, it could have integrated in the project better but it would have made a change that doesn't worth it for him because he is not a professional programmer.
He is really good in what he does but, in the end he is not a professional, he is a hobbyist (please nobody get angry, it hasn't to be bad) with a very high level and a great talent, but he doesn't have the method of a professional.
But, just for that, because he is not a professional, he is free to publish his work the way he likes and let the people rate it the way they want.
Guys, don't be close minded, by criticizing savagely any of them we are only harming the ps3 scene development by affecting the developers motivation and the good working and collaborating ambient needed for any kind of project.
It doesn't harm anybody to have an official project and other one a little apart from the other, while there aren't too many of them. Both of them are making progress and there is some "competence" for naming it anyway, that helps to make both payloads better.
Gengoroh escribió:kakarotoks escribió:Just to make three things clear :
1 - the whole thing about spanish people being nationalists and defending their own. I know a lot of spanish friends and they're the ones saying it, not me. And I don't see why you take it the wrong wrong, I said "proud and nationalists" and I don't understand why you are offended by it. Is it not a quality in its own ?
2 - I have been very respectful of Hermes until he kicked me in the face, I have wasted all my time trying to help, and in the end for nothing. I'm mad and pissed not because he's not doing it "my way", I'm mad because he disrespected me by not telling me "no, I don't want to do it", he says "yes, let's collaborate", he lets me talk and talk and talk, but never took the time to respect me by telling me "no, I disagree". That's what pissed me off. He can do whatever he wants, it's too bad for the community, but that's his problem, he's free to do it, but don't insult me, don't disrespect me, and don't play a game with me. I'm an honest person, and I speak my mind, and I expect the same from others, and I don't like political crap or hidden agendas. If you didn't want to be part of the community, just tell me, don't let me talk to a wall, ignore me like I'm nothing, then just do what you want disregarding me completely. That was your mistake.
3 - I came here because Hermes doesn't seem to want to be available anywhere else, the whole community is on IRC, but he doesn't want to share with anyone, so I came here reaching out to him, out of respect for his work and for him. My first post started with "I'm sorry for polluting this forum with my english post", everyone was happy about me trying to get hermes to collaborate and unite both our efforts (instead of wasting them), everyone was translating back and forth from/to english<->spanish. And now because I disagree, everyone tells me to fuck off? that I'm a jerk? an asshole? That I should get out of this forum, that I'm not allowed to speak english here? It shows your maturity (those who said such things), I'm welcome here, as long as I don't say anything against what you think? What kind of free world is this? I have the right to speak my mind, and I will say what I think, and noone can silence me, and it's certainly not the people saying I'm a 'jerk/asshole' that are going to scare me.
I can however understand that this forum might have a 'spanish-only' rules, and I will respect that, if I'm not welcome here, don't worry, I'm not going to stay long. I only came here because I wanted to see Hermes work with the community and see some collaboration and real, useful work, but he obviously does not want that (and I say you're stupid and egoist, not because you don't follow 'my rules', I say it because you accept taking code from others and enjoying what others did, but you refuse to help the community in return). Since Hermes is a lost cause, I have nothing more to do in this forum. Have fun everyone, you can lynch me all you want, insult me all you want, I just hope you don't loose your dignity in the process... if you had any.
I'm not coming back here. I've waste enough time with you, and unfortunately it wasn't worth it.
Adios forever.
Esto es ya pura rabia contenida... penoso...
Since Hermes is a lost cause, I have nothing more to do in this forum. Have fun everyone, you can lynch me all you want, insult me all you want, I just hope you don't loose your dignity in the process... if you had any.
Por otro lado Hermes es libre de continuar su versión y su soporte, siempre ha liberado el código y ha compartido su trabajo con los demás.
Quizás no lo haya hecho de la manera más correcta o eficiente y es verdad que basándose en el trabajo de otros lo suyo es hacerlo todo de manera abierta. Pero tampoco se merece que le ataquen de esta forma porque haciendo este trabajo de una manera más o menos libre, siempre ha reconocido el trabajo de los demás y ha aportado su conocimiento.
kakarotoks escribió:Just making things clear: that dignity thing was not about Hermes, it was about those who insulted me and sent me private messages to insult me and tell me to get out of this forum.
Another thing. As I just discussed over Twitter with @nokai, he explained to me that nationalism is not the same thing as patriotism. So I want to fix this misunderstanding. I didn't mean "nationalism" as it is understood in spain. The only thing I meant by it, is that spanish people are proud and they are proud of the work of spanish developers. I should have said patriotic and not nationalism. I never knew there was a difference. So I'm sorry if I offended someone with that misunderstanding.
Lord_Rafa escribió:Hola, me gustaria saber que diferencia hay entre los payloads de Hermes, Waninkoko y KaKaRoTo en el estado en el que se encuentra actualmente.
Lord_Rafa escribió:Lord_Rafa escribió:Hola, me gustaria saber que diferencia hay entre los payloads de Hermes, Waninkoko y KaKaRoTo en el estado en el que se encuentra actualmente.
vuelvo a citarme a mi mismo porque llevo un monton de paginas leidas llenas de piques/agradecimientos y no acabo de ver que hace esto del payload. Por lo que he visto existen tres personas que estan haciendo payloads Hermes, Waninkoko y KaKaRoTo pero no se que hacen exactamete y que diferencias tienen entre ellos.
Tambien me gustaria si fuera posible que Hermes me diera una descripcion tecnica de que hace esto para ver si me entero de como tira el payload. He leido algo de syscall 8 pero no se que hace esta llamada al sistema, el payload añade llamadas al sistema? las libera? permite que los juegos o el homebrew las invoquen?
PD: Aunque casi se me olvida gracias a todos los que haceis posible la scene de ps3.
that if you install a game with hermes payload, then it will only work with his payload. Seems the payload locks it.
Uninstall games, then reinstall them when using PL3 then they will work with any payload. Don’t know what’s different though with hermes pay
.abc. escribió:miradlo que estan diciendo HOY por los sitios de kakarotothat if you install a game with hermes payload, then it will only work with his payload. Seems the payload locks it.
Uninstall games, then reinstall them when using PL3 then they will work with any payload. Don’t know what’s different though with hermes pay
se sabe que eso es mentira, que si tu instalas un juego con payload de hermes, funciona tb si lo utilizas con otro payload
pero la gente que NO sabe se lo creera y quitara el de hermes por el miedo
hasta este punto los compis de kaka de IMPONER su payload
1 - insultos
2 - desprestigiar su trabajo diciendo que brikeaba ps3
3 - ahora asustan que si instalas con hermes payload no te funcionara con otros
en fin...
pd:sobre payload, basicamente, son =
DZeros escribió:Psmaniaco escribió:Muchas gracias por responder Hermes lo que me refiero es mas o menos eso, lo que si se es que cuando el circuito del Groove simula la conexion y desconexion de varios USB a la vez lo que he entendido es que manda fragmentos del codigo a la RAM que se inicia nada mas arrancar la PS3 y esos fragmentos se unen para parchear la RAM; en ese codigo tienes metido el payload¿no?
Un saludo.
El psgroove, y todas sus implementaciones que hay, se encargan de ralizar un secuencia de conexiones y descriptores, que acaban permitiendo la ejecución de código en la PS3.
El "payload", el código del dispositivo 1. Es el código que la PS3 ejecuta una vez el exploit se ha completado.
Por esta razón. El Psgroove no necesita cambiarse al completo, simplemente se le pone un archivo .s (que contiene el payload en un cierto formato compilable) y se compila el .hex para el dispositivo con ese payload.
El resto del código no se cambia.
El desarrollo de hermes es en ese sentido. Compilar el código que se ejecuta en la PS3. Añadirle parcheos de memoria, saltos, etc. Para conseguir modificar el kernel, y adaptarlo a lo que queramos.
SI la lias en el payload, simplemente la PS3 no arrancará. Porque al ejecutar el código, dará error. Por eso lo de prueba y error, es la forma mejor de hacer funciona y documentar como funciona la PS3.
kike80 escribió:Lo cojonudo es que al final Hermes es el que está teniendo que justificar su manera de trabajar y sus contestaciones a Kakaroto, cuando ha sido éste el que le ha faltado al respeto.